UDK: 338.478. 33:5 1
Ergashev R.Khdoctor of economics
Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute
Republic of Uzbekistan
Annotation. This article reveals the essence of the concept of development and cooperation based on the organization of a cluster-cooperative system offruit and vegetable products, taking into account their wide use in the activities of fruit and vegetable cooperatives agroclusters, farmers and farms, as well as integration systems. Proposals and recommendations have been developed in order to improve the organizational and economic foundations of the cooperation of vegetable products and to satisfy the population's demand for fruits and vegetables.
Key words: fruit and vegetables, product, cooperation, efficiency, socioeconomic environment, agrocluster, agriculture, food, processing, integration, perspective, population provision.
Introduction. In the world economy, agriculture, including the fruit and vegetable sector, occupies a special place in providing the population with food products and raw materials for the processing industry. According to official statistics, the world population's demand for fruit and vegetable products has been growing by an average of 5-7% per year in the last 20 years[1].
In recent years, in our country, issues such as the organizational and economic basis of fruit and vegetable cooperation in expanding the export volume and geography by increasing the competitiveness of agricultural products, including fruit and vegetable products and their storage, have been given urgent importance in our country. "Deepening of structural changes and continuous development of agricultural production, further strengthening of the country's food security, expanding the production of environmentally friendly products, significantly increasing the export potential of the agricultural sector" [2]. important tasks have been defined. Effective implementation of these tasks requires the development of scientific proposals and practical recommendations on fruit and vegetable cooperatives and agroclusters in the conditions of strong competition.
A regulatory legal framework has been formed in the field of agricultural cooperation and agroclusters. These are, in particular, Laws "On Cooperation", "On Agricultural Cooperative (Company Farm)" and other regulatory legal documents.
However, the fact that the norms regulating cooperation issues of fruit and vegetable products are defined in various legal documents, their implementation in practice creates certain difficulties. There is a need to combine all norms in this field into a single regulatory legal document. For this reason, we should consider the development of fruit and vegetable cooperation and its most important principled new aspects.
Review of literature on the subject. Many foreign scientists, in particular, A.V.Chayanov [3], I.N. Buzdalov [4], T. Buzina [5], N. Kuznetsova [6], I. Minakov [7], V. Volodin [8], L. Antonenko [9] and other agrarian economists studied in their scientific works.
Cooperation of fruit and vegetable products in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States Allakhverdiev A.I. [10], N.V. Ermalinskaya [11], E.A. Kozhevnikov [12], I.I. Chaika [13], Yu.M. Sapego [14], I.M. Lifits [15] were studied in the researches.
R.M. Khusanov[16], Q.A. Choriev[17], O'.P. Umurzakov[18], S. Eshmatov[19], T.H. among our local scientists studying the common problems of cooperation of fruit and vegetable products in Uzbekistan. Farmonov[20], N.S. Khushmatov[22], O. Jumaev[23], Kh.S. Khushvaktova[24], R.Kh. Ergashev[25], Sh.M. Murodov[26] and other scientists who conducted scientific research.
In the above studies, the issues of economic efficiency of fruit and vegetable products were considered in detail, the methods of evaluating the level of efficiency, directions and ways of increasing it were studied. However, despite the fact that many problems have been discussed, scientists of fruit-vegetable products cooperation they cannot come to an opinion on the issue of organizational and economic foundations. A more in-depth study of the problem of cooperation of fruit and vegetable products requires a comprehensive economic evaluation of the development reserves of fruit and vegetable processing and storage enterprises and the development of cooperation of fruit and vegetable products. requires reasonable scientific and innovative approaches to organizational and economic foundations.
At the same time, the issues of organizational and economic foundations of fruit and vegetable cooperation are not sufficiently covered. This situation requires the need to conduct scientific research in these directions, and determines the relevance of the research topic.
Research methodology. Specific to fruit and vegetable cooperatives In order to justify its main features, to form development strategies in the environment of cooperation of fruit and vegetable products in the organization of the chain from the field to the table, the methods of induction and deduction, systematic analysis, comparative analysis, tables and graphs were used in the analysis of increasing its economic efficiency, and the development of suggestions and recommendations is considered one of the current issues of today.
Analysis and results. In our country, farmers and peasant households in the field of fruit and vegetable production should spend more material resources
and working hours in cooperation with cooperatives, especially farmers with small-scale production and product volume, in order to import their products for independent sale in the market. will be
As a result of the sale of their products in the competitive market, enterprises producing fruit and vegetable products in the Q economy must cover the expenses related to the production and processing of fruit and vegetable products and have a certain amount of profit. This amount of profit is the factor that decides whether the future development or crisis of fruit and vegetable production will occur. is considered
Cooperation is a special form of work in which many people participate in the same or different, interdependent, work processes together.
Cooperation is a production relationship formed on the basis of the principles of joint production of finished goods or services to meet needs. These can be any type of enterprises and other economic structures.
of agricultural enterprises in terms of cultivation, processing and storage of fruit and vegetable products in general with enterprises of the service branch of the agricultural production sector (services related to product preparation, storage and delivery to the consumer) or with a large number of fruit and vegetable growers view as a process of mutually beneficial and free association in the direction of a single goal possible
According to our opinion, agricultural cooperative is a system of agricultural cooperatives and their partners established by producers of agricultural goods for the purpose of meeting their economic and other requirements.
"Agricultural cooperative is one of the organizational and legal forms of economic management. It refers to organizations of cooperative production and other economic activities based on pooling of contributions by producers of agricultural goods in order to meet the material and other requirements of cooperative members 10" illuminates more fully.
Agricultural cooperatives differ from other cooperatives in that they are formed by producers of agricultural goods.
The concept of "agricultural commodity producer" is the foundational leader of the cooperative regarding the status of agriculture. It should make up more than 50% of its production volume from agricultural products.
As a result of the conducted research, the theoretical- scientific foundations of the cooperation process are based on different views during the period of formation and development and the tasks it performs today in the direction of the development of the country's economy. - picture).
10Ergashev R.Kh. Agricultural economics, Darslik, T.: "Finance-Economy", 2018, p. 45-47
Performing several tasks in enterprises at the same time
That profit is not a priority
Meeting the needs of member entities
Based on community property
¡"Equivalency of community property to member entities and their responsibility
Equal participation of members in independent management
Implementation of the principle of "one shareholder - one
Figure 1. Specific features of fruit and vegetable cooperativell
Cooperation of fruit and vegetable products is an economic phenomenon that manifests itself in the sense of cooperation in economic relations between partners to achieve a common goal with less consumption of resources on the basis of mutual benefit for all participants and satisfaction of everyone's interests. The main goal of the fruit and vegetable cooperative is to help agricultural producers develop their economy and increase efficiency.
cooperation of fruit and vegetable products is the legal basis for the development of cooperation. should be understood as a set of laws, regulations, and legal documents defining the strengthening of legal guarantees against alienation of property.
That is, from the set of economic relations of a large number and small in size of independent fruit and vegetable production agricultural enterprises, which envisages to operate in order to earn more income based on the voluntary cooperation of a certain field of their activities in order to supply their products to consumers at relatively low costs and expenses. consists of
independent producer of fruit and vegetable products has the following advantages:
-organizational, economic resources and other limits in order to increase the scope of a certain industry will open the way for the full development of concentration and specialization processes in them;
- as a result of combining their efforts in the form of mutually beneficial cooperation, it creates opportunities for the development of the processes of
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11Author development
concentration and specialization of the economy in the production of a certain type of product;
fruit and vegetable products will have their optimal modes and dimensions;
the fruit and vegetable production enterprise should not correspond to the optimal size of the agricultural raw material processing enterprise, its optimum depends on various factors, including the level of transportation of various raw materials.
It is known that economic categories are used in the production of agricultural products, including the cultivation, processing and storage of fruit and vegetable products. These economic categories differ from each other (Table 1).
Table 1
Comparative classification of concepts of cluster, cooperation and _integration in fruit and vegetable industry12_
Comparison Economic categories
criteria cluster Cooperation integration
1 Role in society Forms of organization of social work and production
2 Concepts Cluster - a combination of several elements Cooperation - cooperation Integration - recovery
3 Defining the essence Unification in the production process of the same type of products Voluntary pooling of labor and resources Alignment in association and mutual cooperation
4 Purpose Integration into the chain of production, processing and sales Meeting the socio-economic needs of the population Economic integration for the purpose of profit
5 Main signs Consolidation of the production chain around one entity Organization of work in one field of activity Interconnection of economic activity
Land and labor
6 Mechanism of formation resources are contracted, all other resources are financed by a single entity (cluster). Combining labor resources and solving their tasks together Organization of trade- based production financial management and other relations
7 Subjects Consolidation on one type of product Specializes in the subjects of activity Various activities
8 Organizational issues Cultivation, storage, processing and Adaptation to the consumer system Integrated associations
12Author development
export of fruit and vegetable products is carried out on the basis of contracts of associations and societies
9 The result A continuous chain of production is the union of producers of one type of product around a single entity Integration of regional level cooperation system based on goals and tasks Merger of financial, infrastructural and management bodies
10 Efficiency benefits of joint ventures
It is known from the data of the given table that the subjects joining the cooperative, united in a certain activity (production, processing and delivery of the product to the consumer), retain their economic independent legal status and join the cooperative based on the economic interests of the voluntary participants (to bring their products to the market at lower costs). benefits through effective presentation) - form the basis of cooperation does.
Based on the above tariffs, the cooperation of fruit and vegetable products is organized and formed on the basis of the following principles (Fig. 2).
of fruit and vegetable cooperatives are divided into main and association forms. The main member of the fruit-vegetable cooperative is the individual and legal entities who contributed to the cooperative in the amount specified in the charter and with the right to vote.
A cooperative of fruit and vegetable products is a commercial organization formed by farmers, peasants and landowners for cooperative activities in the production, processing and delivery of agricultural products to consumers. It is also cooperative
Ensuring mutual support and economic benefits
Limitation of additional membership dues and dividends of association members
Distribution of profits and losses among members
Principles of organization and formation of fruit and vegetable cooperatives
On a democratic basis, one member is one vote
Restriction of participation of non-members in economic activities
Access to information for members
Picture 2. Principles of organization and formation of fruit and vegetable
based on the personal labor participation of its members, it is also established to perform activities not prohibited by law.
Researches show that based on the definition given to the economic essence of cooperation, cooperatives operating in the field of cooperation of fruit and vegetable products can be classified as follows (Fig. 1. 3).
13Author development
T3 T3 « (U — on production relations
-M • i-H
ö t« .a m 00 Ö - on organizational and legal relations
g (U fc a ÇP ° ° s — the financial and economic side
« °
(U (U >2 C5 h according to the form of ownership
& s?
s > 8 -g — in terms of market penetration
O 10
-M 0 '3 ° £ . -H C4-H tö — according to the main purpose of the activity
î+H 'S3 M o3 Ö - by the amount of annual turnover (product sales).
Figure 1.3 Classification of cooperatives operating in the field of fruit and
vegetable cooperatives14
The joining of fruit and vegetable producers into cooperatives is economically attractive due to absolute and relative reduction of transport costs related to the delivery of products to consumers, as well as reduction of gross costs at the macro level. is considered
Taking into account the above, farms should have a storage system for fruit and vegetable products, and this task can be effectively carried out to deliver products to consumers. Operation of a specially equipped modern storage system for fruit and vegetable products is economically less efficient within small farms.
Concludion. From the above, it can be concluded that the role of cooperation of fruit and vegetable products in agriculture is incomparable.
1. Cooperation of fruit and vegetable products -is a system of fruit and vegetable product cooperatives and their partners established by producers of agricultural goods to meet their economic and other requirements.
2. Fruit and vegetable production cooperation - the legal basis of the development of cooperation, the procedure for creating cooperatives, their legal and organizational forms, the procedure for the production of resources, the procedure for organizing relations, product marketing, tax systems, relations between the state and cooperatives, mutual relations of cooperatives, property should be understood as a set of laws, regulatory documents, which determine the strengthening of legal guarantees against alienation.
14Author development
3. The theoretical aspects of this issue are researched and "cluster", "cooperative", "cooperative" An improved author's definition of concepts was developed. In particular, a perfect set of services aimed at fully meeting the needs of fruit and vegetable cooperatives at a high level and bringing them material and moral benefits at low costs was developed.
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