Научная статья на тему 'Socio-economic differentiation of the population: the content and evaluation criteria'

Socio-economic differentiation of the population: the content and evaluation criteria Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Musayeva Aynulhayat Zapirovna

TThe article deals with the problems and the possible consequences of further growth of the socio-economic stratification of the modern Russian society. High socio economic differentiation of the population impedes the solution of the key social problems, leads to the formation of the oligarchy and the domination of the clans in the administration of the economy, breaks regions in terms of development, inefficient use of human potential, attenuation of formation of civil society and democratic institutions. In addition, various approaches to the concept of 'social class' and the criteria for socio economic differentiation of the population are distinguished (in relation to ownership of the means of production, power, income, prestige, education). Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of economic stratification should serve as a starting point for the formation of a new model of national social policy, as the current policy is based on the financing of the social sphere as a residual. It is proposed to increase the regulating influence of the state on the processes of socio economic stratification of society.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Socio-economic differentiation of the population: the content and evaluation criteria»

Экономика труда



Аннотация. В статье рассмотрены проблемы и возможные последствия дальнейшего роста социально-экономического расслоения современного российского общества. Высокая социально — экономическая дифференциация населения препятствует решению узловых социальных проблем, приводит к формированию олигархии и засилью кланов в управлении экономикой, разрыву регионов по уровню развития, неэффективному использования человеческого потенциала, затуханию формирования гражданского общества и демократических институтов. Кроме того, рассмотрены различные подходы к содержанию понятия «социальный класс» и критерии социально — экономической дифференциации населения (отношение к собственности на средства производства, власть, доходы, престиж, образование). Количественные и качественные параметры экономической стратификации должны послужить отправной точкой для формирования новой модели национальной социальной политики государства, поскольку нынешняя политика базируется на финансировании социальной сферы по остаточному принципу. Предлагается повысить регулирующее воздействие государства на процессы социально — экономического расслоения общества.

Ключевые слова: страта, класс, социально — экономическое расслоение, критерии стратификации, дифференциация доходов, неравенство, коэффициенты дифференциации, социальная политика, трансформация.



Abstract. The article deals with the problems and the possible consequences of further growth of the socio-economic stratification of the modern Russian society. High socio - economic differentiation of the population impedes the solution of the key social problems, leads to the formation of the oligarchy and the domination of the clans in the administration of the economy, breaks regions in terms of development, inefficient use of human potential, attenuation of formation of civil society and democratic institutions. In addition, various approaches to the concept of "social class" and the criteria for socio - economic differentiation of the population are distinguished (in relation to ownership of the means of production, power, income, prestige, education). Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of economic stratification should serve as a starting point for the formation of a new model of national social policy, as the current policy is based on the financing of the social sphere as a residual. It is proposed to increase the regulating influence of the state on the processes of socio - economic stratification of society.

Keywords: stratum, class, socio - economic stratification, stratification criteria, income differentiation, inequality, differentiation factors, social policy transformation.

During the years of the post-Soviet transformation of the economy the socio-economic stratification of the population by income level is systematically growing, which prevents from decision of the key social problems of contemporary Russian society and leads to the formation of the oligarchy and the domination of the clans in the administration of the economy, breaks regions in terms of socioeconomic development, inefficient use of human potential , attenuation of formation of civil society and democratic institutions, lack of demand for human capital because of the absence of social elevator, the destruction of the family institution. The study of the problems of socio-economic differentiation of the population in modern Russia is, therefore, one of the reasons for their effective resolution through measures of economic and social policy of the state, because only an adequate idea of the emerging society stratification allows to select the most important among them.

The problem of socio-economic inequality in modern Russia is exacerbated by the fiscal crisis caused by the unfavorable situation on the world energy market, which may result in sequestration of social articles in the budget expenditures and impoverishment of a large part of the "public sector"

Региональные проблемы преобразования экономики, №12, 2015

families in the coming years. Increased polarization, taking place against the background of key mac-roeconomic indicators reduction, which argues about the contradiction in the existing economic mechanism to the imperatives of the state and imperfections of public policies of income. Therefore, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of economic stratification should serve as a starting point for the formation of a new model of national social policy, because the current policy is based on the residual financing of the social sphere. The dynamics of economic stratification allows to estimate the class content of socio-economic policy of the state, the social orientation of the processes of transformation of the socio - economic structure of society, if the scale and the intensity of the impact of these processes on the economy will prevent the declared strategic objectives of the state.

The complexity of the modern stage of the Russian society transformation is largely caused by the fact that is necessary to transform the socio-economic system which is based on fundamentally different from the formulated bases of the theory. In the last decade, almost all developing countries have intensified the process of redistribution of incomes. However, only in Russia the budget growth has been ensured by the supply of oil revenues and the economic inequality has increased mainly at the expense of the state budget charges for public procurement and for the abolition of the single tariff system of payment of civil servants and state employees, and now these phenomena are occurring against the background of decrease in production and income.

Considering the problems of socio-economic differentiation of the population in the long term, it is necessary to consider that further growth of differentiation and the share of the poor will inevitably lead to the development of the social tensions in the society. The decline in living standards of individual groups of the population leads to culturalist destructions, such as general drunkenness and dying of the Russian countryside, or the imposition of Salafism that is historically alien to the Caucasian peoples. Increasing inequality in the distribution of income, against the general decline background in living standards in the past two years and in the short term, requires a study of the causes of this phenomenon. It is necessary to increase the regulatory state influence on the processes of socio-economic stratification of society, so that the impoverishment of a large part of it will not reach the critical parameters of nineties, when over 80% of the population lived below the poverty line (i.e. money income per family member was below the physiological minimum).

In political and economic history many theories have been created, justifying the mechanisms of social stratification. Only in the past two decades after the social reformation of the nineties this important social problem was reviewed on pseudo-scientific basis for the benefit of the ruling class in Russia. Thus, equating the processes taking place in our society to the processes taking place in the developed democratic countries, where social state, controlled by the voter, distances from the interests of the oligarchs, when they are contrary to the interests of the majority of the population. Without understanding that the Russian state, independent of the voters, serves the interests of the financial oligarchy, it is impossible to explain either terrifying property stratification of the population, or the "telephone law", defying all the laws, moreover, it is difficult to imagine the future of this country in the context of growing international competition if the situation does not change.

The economists of the Soviet school escapes the problem of socio-economic stratification in class theory. Although the new generation of scientists does not still have a single point of view on the content of the concept of the social class. Karl Marx in his work, for the first time, gave a detailed picture of the reasons for the formation of a class society, as the opportunity of the appropriation of the owner of the means of production of the surplus product, created by an employee. According to Marx, classes - are large groups of people separated economically and in terms of opposing interests. The reason for separation into groups is related to the ownership of the means of production (its presence or absence, fortified by state laws, which are formed together with the formation of classes). Slaveholder and slave in the slave society, the owners and hired workers in the capitalist society are antagonistic classes according to Marx, that inevitably arise in any state that has a complex social hierarchy based on the inequality in the distribution of the results of labor. The presence of small social groups in the relationships of the main classes is also likely to affect the class conflicts that Marx described as a layer, which could grow into independent classes under certain conditions of the society development. While studying the nature of social classes Marx was guided by the following arguments, which can be interpreted by us to present conditions:

1. At a certain stage of the civilizational development of production and exchange, any society is



capable of producing a surplus of resources and goods (food, clothing, etc.). As it is becoming the norm, that any of the groups appropriates production resources, in the creation of which involved a different group, then there are class differences in society. Such resources are not immediately consumed and are not life-supporting at the time, they can be regarded as private property.

2. In contrast to the currently accepted point of view that the classes are defined on the basis of the participation arrangements (sequence, size exceeding the desired product, method) in a systematic assignment of the produced surplus product of the society, for Marx classes are defined in relation to the property, bringing the surplus revenue (product). Different socio-economic formations have different types of private property (slaves, water, technology, land, capital and virtual communication), which have a central role in the industrial relations, but all social formations have several (usually two), confronting in the interests, social classes. In the era of Marx there were two pairs of basic antagonistic classes - the nobility (landowners) and peasants, bourgeoisie and the proletariat. In modern Russia, taking into consideration, high share of government in the redistribution of the surplus product, in our opinion, there are three classes: the owners (and its managers), state employees and the proletariat.

3. According to Marx, class relations presuppose an inevitable exploitation of one class by another, i.e., the ruling class appropriates the surplus labor of the other classes, that is exploits them and using the state machine prevents the possibilities of the exploited classes to change the existing political and economic laws. This permanent class conflict, turning into an acute form during crisis, is the basis of social and economic reformations and social revolutions.

4. Every citizen, in addition to the objective signs of belonging to the class (for example, the size of resource consumption), has subjective ones, which are economic and legal facts of belonging to a class that are not always accompanied by the corresponding consumption of resources and, therefore, a sense of belonging to the policy of this class. However, when a group of members of the public are beginning to work together in the interests of his class, then we are talking about a full-fledged social class.

In the developed countries and in Russia there is not so much class supporters of the theory of Marx as its vitality is veiled by high standards of life in it, created at the expense of the surplus product produced in developing countries. Therefore, in the countries of the "golden billion", the work of Max Weber represents an alternative to the Marxist theory of social classes (with respect to the property) the theory of the leading value of distributive relations in society in the formation of the inequality. For example, the prestige is considered as an important feature of social class. Scrutinizing the communication career opportunities and social class, he concludes that the class is a group of people with similar features of "promotion." This attitude to the property, as Marx, Weber considers to be the basis of the status of the base distribution and formation of social classes in society. But Weber places a greater importance on the presence of the intermediate classes in core classes, than Marx. According to M. Weber the propertied class does not include "trade" class and the working class is divided into several classes (by the type of ownership enterprises in which they not only work, but can be co-owners), taking into account the status prospects of improvement. Weber (unlike Marx) considers an inevitable in modern society the state bureaucracy as a class, as a necessary element of power. In the basis of the proposed class division, for the first time, Weber laid the stratification system prevailing in a given society.

Therefore, the theories of stratification are the basis of modern theories of social classes. Although the relation to the property remains the basic feature of the establishment of the classes for the majority of sociologists, they take into account factors such as the power, income, prestige, status, etc. In terms of prevailing in the modern foreign and domestic sociology, class - is a large social stratum of modern society, which differs from others by income, education, culture, behavior, access to power and prestige. Based on these criteria different sociologists distinguishes from five to ten classes in modern society.

Although there are many options of stratification, whatever they are formed, a sign of the formation of the main classes is ultimately a monetary income of the population. On this basis, there are three main classes: the rich, the wealthy and the poor. In developed countries, between the wealthy and the poor is the middle class - this is the part of the population, which is usually called so, because of its majority (60 - 80%) in the population of post-industrial countries. The middle class is a unique

Региональные проблемы преобразования экономики, №12, 2015

phenomenon in the history of the world, as over the entire previous history of mankind it took place only in the Imperial Ancient Rome, as an institution of "clients".

The modern middle class emerged in the twentieth century against the background of globalization of the world's elite and advanced technological inequality of some countries. In developed, postindustrial countries, it serves as a stabilizer of the society in the states that provides the preservation of the world economic order of pumping the surplus product from the developing countries for the benefit of the world's elite. The larger the middle class is in proportion to the population of the country of the "golden billion", the less likely that the foundations of the world order may undermine social cataclysms, the higher the probability of neocolonialism system stability.

After the "Yeltsin era" the choice between authoritarian "statism", imposed by the ruling bureaucracy, and a democratic way of development of Russia became an acute problem of political life. The American researcher is right, believing that, given the characteristics of the synthesis of power and property existing in Russia, the alignment of the political forces, the choice of an authoritarian scenario excludes the liberalization of the economy and means the final triumph of bureaucratic quasimarket, reproducing the economic stagnation and crisis. He is right that the prevention of such a scenario depends on the activity of social forces which are identified with the middle class. But this means that the analysis of opportunities and trends in this activity is one of the central problems in the study of the middle class.

It is important to note that in the works of T.I. Zaslauskaya one of the most significant features, in the first place, the practice of the behavior of the middle layer of the Russian society, is revealed in general form,. "This loose, unformed quasi-layer has a very valuable quality - high innovatively active potential. It takes a part in the reforms and successfully adapts to their results." According Zaslauskaya, middle layer has the cultural and activity potential, allowing it to develop in the middle class (in the Western sense of the word). These conclusions are of a great importance.

Theoretically generalize the criteria for population stratification, proposed by the Russian economic thought, one can mention the most important of them are: the level of income per family member in a multiple to the subsistence minimum; attitude to private property; access to power (close to the "clans" ruling); entrepreneurship and competence, emigration activity (the level of cosmopolitanism).

One of such outcomes seems to be an assumption of absolute material boundaries of inclusion to the category of middle class in the conditions of globalization. The middle class includes people whose stable income for five years allows to provide for the minimum standard of life adopted in developed countries: the rate of housing provision, healthy nutrition, good education, recreation, private car, no antagonistic contradictions of interests with those of the other classes. For different periods of Russia development cycles, as a country being economically behind, the price of admission and the proportion of the middle class is changing. In 2012, in Dagestan taking into account the specification referring to the middle class - one million rubles per annum of the total income for a family of four people, the middle class comprises more than a half of the population, confirming that Dagestan, being economically behind, had a "shadow" advantage over the other regions of Russia at the time of the post-industrial (demand) model of development.

Specific economic self-isolation of Russia, as a consequence of new economic policy of "neoindustrialization and import substitution", along with stagflation will lead to a significant reduction in turnover of the shadow market in regions such as Dagestan, and much of the middle class, composed of state employees, officials and small entrepreneurs will go into the category of low-income. Along with this the proportion of poor (living below subsistence level) population will increase. The issues of the dynamics of social structures are important for both tracking the political preferences of the population, and for understanding of the trends in purchasing power and consumer market prospects in some regions. We should note only that the growing level of socio-economic stratification leads not only to polarization of the Russian society in the territorial aspect and activities, but also affects the aggravation of social relations, the formation of factors of social conflicts.

The essence of the socio-economic stratification is in various degrees, the public and state-legal protection of the participation of certain groups of the population (strata and classes) in obtaining of the reproducible by the society material, social, government benefits and prestige that is periodically subject to revision due to the influence of market forces and social conflicts.



According to the modern concepts, the measure of socio-economic differentiation of the population is the degree of participation in obtaining by the society of the reproducible material, social, government benefits and prestige, and the criterion for valuation in market conditions can be consistently secured expenses of family members, aimed at consumption and accumulation, correlated with the established subsistence minimum wage (SM): the ruling class (over 1000 SM per family member per year), the rich class (from 100 to 1000 SM), the wealthy class (from 10 to 100 SM), the middle class (from 3 to 10 SM) the proletariat (from 1 to 3 SM), the poor class (less than 1 SM on a family member).

The differentiation (stratification, polarization) of the population by income level characterizes the degree of income inequality, obtained by different groups of population depending on the type of employment, demographic, professional, territorial factors and other reasons. There is a number of indicators to measure income differentiation, which allow to see how intensively this process proceeds. The main among them are decile, quartile, quantile coefficients of income inequality; R/P 10% ratio and income concentration index.


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