Научная статья на тему 'Socio-cultural study of leisure needs and preferences of people with disabilities living in the city of Krasnoyarsk'

Socio-cultural study of leisure needs and preferences of people with disabilities living in the city of Krasnoyarsk Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Koptseva Natalia P., Bakhova Natalia A., Zamaraeva Julia S.

This article focuses on monitoring and analysis of contemporary cultural needs of people with disabilities living in the city of Krasnoyarsk with the purpose to identify the system of cultural values and to form current cultural policy on its basis. In accordance with the analog projects of Russian and foreign socio-cultural studies dated by the XX beginning of the XXI centuries, In the first section of the article the grounds are expanded for drawing up the questionnaire «Cultural and leisure needs of residents of the Krasnoyarsk Krai.» Further, the interpretation of results of the socio-cultural study of leisure activities of people with disabilities living in urban areas, of Krasnoyarsk Krai are given, and acute problems, from the point of view of the respondents, in the existing organization of cultural and leisure activities are revealed. In the third part, the recommendations for development of adequate organization of cultural and leisure activities of people with disabilities in accordance with revealed needs were given, the project, «My city, my home, my family,» aimed at integrating people with disabilities into society was suggested. The authors believe that the recommended package of measures within initiated project contributes to enhancing the vital activity of disabled people, as well as actualizes the inherency of the given social group, demonstrating the basic foundations of modern society, in the cultural community of the city of Krasnoyarsk.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Socio-cultural study of leisure needs and preferences of people with disabilities living in the city of Krasnoyarsk»

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 3 (2012 5 ) 307-323

УДК 316.7

Socio-Cultural Study of Leisure Needs and Preferences of People with Disabilities Living in the City of Krasnoyarsk

Natalia P. Koptseva, Natalia A. Bakhova and Julia S. Zamaraeva*

Siberian Federal University 82 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russia 1

Received 12.05.2011, received in revised form 14.11.2011, accepted 16.01.2012

This article focuses on monitoring and analysis of contemporary cultural needs of people with disabilities living in the city of Krasnoyarsk with the purpose to identify the system of cultural values and to form current cultural policy on its basis. In accordance with the analog projects of Russian and foreign socio-cultural studies dated by the XX - beginning of the XXI centuries, In the first section of the article the grounds are expanded for drawing up the questionnaire «Cultural and leisure needs of residents of the Krasnoyarsk Krai.» Further, the interpretation of results of the socio-cultural study of leisure activities of people with disabilities living in urban areas, of Krasnoyarsk Krai are given, and acute problems, from the point of view of the respondents, in the existing organization of cultural and leisure activities are revealed. In the third part, the recommendations for development of adequate organization of cultural and leisure activities ofpeople with disabilities in accordance with revealed needs were given, the project, «My city, my home, my family,» aimed at integrating people with disabilities into society was suggested. The authors believe that the recommended package of measures within initiated project contributes to enhancing the vital activity of disabled people, as well as actualizes the inherency of the given social group, demonstrating the basic foundations of modern society, in the cultural community of the city of Krasnoyarsk.

Keywords: socio-cultural research, leasure needs and preferences of people with disabilities, people with disabilities, cultural, leisure, cultural policy, cultural value, cultural institutions, applied cultural research.

1 Analogues of the socio-cultural research, including leisure activities of disabled people

Scientific research in the field of the cultural needs has been carried out since the 1970ies, when the vector of socio-cultural relations had changed, and there appeared an urgent need for

* Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected]

1 © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved

understanding the processes of culture. In the context of contemporary globalization processes study of the cultural needs has got a priority for researchers, namely in the field of modeling cultural policies and rethinking of cultural institutions. Russian scientists see the need to study the cultural needs due to the fact that over

the past decade in the country there are socioeconomic changes, significantly affecting the socio-cultural situation in Russia.

Research of the cultural needs is carried out in two directions: a conceptual definition the concept of «consumer society»and the «cultural value» are being developed, and the concept which is devoted to the analysis of consumers' behavior, etc.) are being created as well as practice of research projects (sociological, socio-cultural, economic) focused on the analysis of the actual processes of formation of cultural and leasure needs of people (on the global and regional scale). Both directions are synthesized on the basis of the need for the development of specific technologies, reconstructing the cultural policy of the state and activities of cultural institutions, as well as in building long-term scenarios of development of socio-cultural environment of the society. At the current stage, scientists (sociologists, political scientists, democrats, culturologists) study specific socio-cultural preferences using theoretical and applied methods. The main issues for this research are cultural needs affecting transformation of the political, economical and social life, technologies allowing creation of a basis for values and needs of society, developmental prospects for the basic cultural facilities. (Koptzeva, Reznikova, 2009)

The main issues and trends that emerged in the field of cultural needs can be illustrated on the material of scientific analysis of dissertation focused on the analysis of the cultural needs and area of cultural policy (for the period 2000-2010). The main problems in the formation of cultural needs are:

- Uniformity of the cultural needs of the population, focus on popular culture, rejection of the "high culture"; increasing differentiation of services providing

cultural products, crisis of cultural institutions, created due to unwillingness to adapt activities of traditional cultural institutions to contemporary cultural needs of the people (Ziyatdinova, 2010; p.7);

- Disorientation of the social functions of culture, a shift in priorities and system of values. (Balakshin, 2005; p.7-10);

- missing concept of cultural policy as a factor in structuring social and cultural space for sustainable development of society (Volk, 2005; р.7);

- missing national-state ideology as the core of spiritual and social development of a particular society (Ponomarenko, 2006; ^6-7).

Major trends in the formation of cultural needs that have arisen in the context of global transformations, according to the scientists, can be divided into positive and negative ones. Positive trends are as follows:

- introducing a system of social and cultural institutions to form cultural needs, organizing high-quality informative basis for the development of social and cultural environment of society and an individual, arising of cultural pluralism based on the activities of different sectors of culture, taking into consideration cultural needs of various social and demographic groups (Ziyatdinova, 2010);

- overcoming unconditional state patronage, orienting culture to the real needs of the people, which are determined not only by the state (Kuznetsova, 1999; р.38-40);

- obviating socio-cultural and national disintegration by forming a new set of values appropriate to the nature and depth of the taking place changes to ensure " smoothing social tension as well as integration of different social and

regional groups, as citizens of a single state" (Natochiy, 2001; p.77-78);

- developing long-term strategies of public policy, focused on improving effectiveness of the social infrastructure of the cultural sector and its real impact on public life (Kamenetz, 2006; p.6-7);

- consecutive modernization of both direct and indirect instruments based on the principles of complementarity, subsidiarity and diversity, whilst taking into account specific features of the functioning of cultural institutions and the existence of culture in general (Krivosheev, 2005; p.34-35);

- developing mechanisms for conflict-free interaction of all types of cultures in a particular region, purposeful control of cultural life in accordance with the system of universal values, when preservation and development of its cultural diversity and system of cultural communications as infrastructure of interregional, intersubject and other links becomes an index of its sustainable development (Skulmovskaya, 2005; p.17-25).

Negative trends are as follows:

- A huge surge of low-grade culture «for the needs of the public» (Skakalin, 2003; p.3-22);

- reduction of cultural activity, preservation of traditions in the new living conditions and introduction of new non-traditional forms of culture provoke a dangerous conflict of values between the culture and social relations (Mikheyevа, 2005);

- drastic restriction, standardization of cultural consumption and leisure behavior of the majority of the population, adoption of passive consumer-based attitude towards culture (Natochiy, 2001; p. 35-45];

- simultaneous coexistence of emerging and outgoing values, loss of a single national idea and traditional values due to the growing trend of internationalization of cultures (Kurnaya, 2003; p.114-127);

- missing concept of social and cultural policies, lack of transparency, no new approaches to financing and social-cultural sphere during the economic crisis and transition period to the market economy, lack of coordination among various government agencies, local government bodies carrying out socio-cultural policy (Muzychuk, 2002; p.50-62);

- existence of two opposing opinions towards cultural policy: the first one being the state and its agencies non-interfering with cultural life and cultural activities of artists whose work is motivated by their own internal laws, the second being inablity of art and culture to survive on their own and inevitability of reducing their scale and functions without support and control exercised by the state (Vostryakov, 2007; p.55-57);

- missing innovative cultural policy based on equal cooperation between state institutions and businesses to address social and cultural objectives in order to improve life standards and all-round development of personality (Belozor, 2008; p.3-16);

- complexity of the regional cultural policy affecting the development of the region (Smirnov, 1998; p.3-16).

Thus, to date, some serious problems in the field of cultural needs analysis and real formation of the current cultural policy have been found. Scientists strongly recommend to pay attention to the growing trend opposite in content, covering the entire spectrum of cultural needs, forming

both negative and positive experience of social and cultural processes in the consciousness of society. The only possible solution, according to the scientists, is to conduct socio-cultural monitoring of cultural needs of society to build, most correctly and according to possibilities of state cultural policy, a unified basis of socio-cultural values of modern society. In this regard, it is necessary to define problems, revealed by scientific research projects in the field of analysis of cultural needs,which should clarify the peculiarities of cultural values and cultural needs and leisure formed by the beginning of the XXI century.

The first major study was the scientific project «The World Values Survey,» the results of which showed a shift from materialistic to postmaterialistic values, and gave rise to heated debates among scholars in all areas of social scientific knowledge. The survey of values determined integral cultural patterns that are closely linked with economic development, and recorded specificity of development of industrial society, if in the second half of the XXth century the dominant was focused on economic development and individual «achieving» motivation (economic saving), then after an era of modernization, there has been shift from the traditional (usually religious) values to the «rational-legal values in economic, political and social life »Ronald Inglehart (American sociologist and author of the concept of «postmaterializm»), on the basis of the results of WVS («World Values Survey») at the international conference «Challenges of Theory» (Moscow, 1996.) submitted his report «Postmodernism: Changing Values and Changing Society «in which he summarized the results of a 25-year-old empirical comparative-cultural study of changes in values and needs in 43 societies (70 % of population) in the period from 1970 to 19951. The main hypothesis of this study was the idea of a strong interdependence

between the variables at marco-and micro-level :»system of belief at grassroots level are changed so that the nature of these changes have significant economic, political and social consequences2. «In this regard, the only true way to determine the nature of these relationships (between social values, economics and politics), is an empirical study of data, alternative to all the a priori biased opinions (eg, cultural or economic determinism). The scientist concluded that during the study period there occured changes in basic values of the population in developed and developing countries, which, on the one hand, is explained by the change of generations, and, on the other hand, leads to a new relatively long-term formation of a new system of values.The scientist said that the change of eras has led to a number of syndromes of cultural change. At the present stage of development of industrial societies, social and political trajectories are arranged in two fundamental ways: value system and institutional structure. That is, the system of values is based on economic achievements, which give you the freedom of individual choice «of lifestyles and individual self-expression» and is responsible for the quality of life. The institutional structure drifts away from bureaucratic set up and is based on advanced technologies with highly specialized work force, specified by society of people with their changed values in the era of postmodern. Considering the changes in the hierarchy of needs, according to the theory of Abraham Maslow3, a scientist sees the reason for the change in the industrial and postindustrial societies, due to the fact that there has occured «unprecedentedly high levels of existential security, best achieved in a modern industrial society that emanates from the effects of the economic miracle (both Western and Asian) of the last few decades; and the ascent of the welfare state. «The hierarchy of the former is based on achieving economic and physical security in the post-industrial, while

in postindustrial society a new generation of people fall into socialization lag (the time when new values and needs arise leading to economic and political changes.) In this connection, the values of the new generation undergo generic changes, and those of the previous generation become less important. That is, the difference in the experience of older and younger generations reveals significant differences between value priorities. In postmodern era the older generation changes their priorities in life much slower and with difficulty while the younger generation, due to economic and physical security, is more highly developed, politically active and financially secured. That does not mean, says the scientist, that postmodernism denies the past achievements,, it rather maintains, and uses them for the benefit of the new priorities: quality of life and individual self-expression, giving the well-being. Full confidence in the future,built-in in the system of values, has a significant impact on the tolerance to other ethnic groups, and favorable development of changes in culture (and vice versa). As to person's attitude to power, economy and scientific authority, it will change towards their own values: «an important component of the postmodern shift is a shift away from religious and bureaucratic power and leading to a decrease in significance of any kind of power and authority. For obedience to authority entails high costs: the individual's personal goals have to be subject to the goals of broader subject iveness... conditions of prosperity and security contribute to pluralism in general and democracy - in particular. « With regard to religion, gender roles and sexual norms traditional for industrial societies, values have also undergone changes. Rigid absolute rules which people follow in a situation of survival guarantee their security. But postmaterializm generation that grew up in relative safety, is more ready for cultural change (novelty and exoticism), more able to tolerate greater uncertainty to change needs

and to be less dependent on absolute rigid rules, power (change from dependence to participation) and authority. The following priorities of values lie at the basis of value system that changes the basic social processes.They are as follows:

- In politics: smaller significance ofpolitical prestige, priority of self-expression and political participation; exoticism / novelty as a stimulating factor;

- In economy: the highest priority is given to the quality of life, subjective well-being while significance of both private and public property went down.

- In the sexual-family normativity: sexual satisfaction, in accordance with individual choice, individual self-expression;

- In religion: smaller significance of religious authority, flexible rules, situational ethics, emphasis on meaning and purpose of life.

Cultural changes first will occur in economically developed countries (from a survival strategy to the strategy of well-being) and highly educated communities which experienced the largest rise of welfare a little bit earlier than the developing countries,

According to the forecast of socio-economic development of the World (up to 2015.)the study of cultural needs plays a very important role «at the beginning of the XXI century structure of the renewed social and humanitarian needs comes to the fore.»The first decade of this century will complete a fundamental shift towards new, more differentiated and individualized services (in the sphere of education, culture, health, recreation, leisure). In the second decade large-scale satisfying of actual humanitarian needs, ensuring development and self-actualization ofa personality will take place. These needs are those for a creative work, effective human communication, self-activity - social, intellectual, spiritual - of functions necessary for full disclosure of a human

personality «(Мир на рубеже тысячелетий, 2001; p. 224-332). This forecast points to a need to explore the cultural needs in modern culture: high degree of maturity of private consumption in Japan will provide opportunities to accelerate the process of its individualisation. As this process spreads far and wide, it will give new target meaning to the personal consumption, which implies faster growth of attractiveness of spiritual wealth in comparison with material one. Such, of course, gradual change of a guiding line for consumers will be stimulated by their desire for maximum freedom of choice, self-knowledge, creative principles, desire to «invest» in themselves new observations, impressions, taste exquisites, ie experience which is collected and stored in the mind as a specific form of property. This, undoubtedly, will determine the future growth in multiplicity of lifestyles and rapid erosion of a large middle consumer layer, with its single, collective, socially imposed values. «Thus, the problem of formation of cultural needs is an acute necessity in modern Russian society. Under the process of globalisation new cultural needs are being formed, new trends changing consumer behavior and becoming the cause of social transformation turn up..

Research projects aimed at studying the cultural needs of the people living in the XXI century, record that under the new cultural and socio-political conditions, cultural needs change their content.The main problems in the formation of cultural needs of modern society in most cases arise along with a powerful process of reappraisal of values and lack of social and cultural patterns that form in the immediate mlieu cultural needs of an individual. In case when a society does not provide a definite system of moral principles, it only contributes to the development of cultural needs of low level, and vice versa. Ziyatdinova Y.E. writes: «people's satisfaction with their leisure is one of the most important indicators

of their status and social well-being, seriously influencing their outlook.»

The research conducted on the territory of the Russian Federation by independent research centers should be given special attention. In 1999,.independent center ROMIR4 monitored leasure activities of Russian society.Results of the study revealed dominant areas of cultural and leisure activities:watching television (74 %) was in the first place (the most common way of having leasure), in second place - working in the garden and outdoor activities (56 % and 54 %), listening to the radio (49 %), child care (42 %), meeting friends (35 %), reading fiction (28 %).

In 2002, VTslOM5 monitored leisure preferences of the population and new forms of cultural and leisure facilities. The survey was intended to show «How Russians spend their leisure time and how they spend their free time». The main criterion for the analysis were various options of leasure (informational, intellectual, sports, entertainment and family-oriented leisure).The main objective of the project was to optimize management and effective development of the network of mass cultural institutions. Sample comprised 1,800 people. The results of processing of empirical data in comparison with a similar study in 1900 showed that in general, there was a noticeable decline in interest in leisure activities: a marked decline in informational leisure (newspapers, magazines, radio), but interest in watching television still remains high (84 % compared to 87 % in 1990.). Intellectual leisure was found In a critically low position. (77 % do not go to the cinemas, 24 % - theaters). Athletic and sport leisure - 70 % do not do any sports, entertainment (clubs, bars, discos) - 13 %; family leisure - 28 % of family members hold joint pastime.

Long-term research projects of the Institute of Complex Social Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICSI RAN) continuously record the

extent of demand and satisfaction of cultural needs of the Russians. The analytical reports for the past decade say that Russians are divided according to the way they spend their leasure time into two types: the first is characterized by active leisure activities, the second one- by home pastime. It should be noticed that the second type is much more numerous than the first one. According to reports made by RAN, the main causes of imbalance in the needs of the population are: lack of quality recreation organizations, insufficient number of modern entertainment centers, high cost of such centers, lack of «family-oriented» leasure activities (a single entertainment center), lack of public confidence in leisure facilities (as the main reason the respondents indicate quality of such dubious clubs), no complete guarantee of security in places of entertainment and leasure activities.

In 2004. a survey was conducted by the Center of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Public Administration (RAPA).The main subjects were: Republic of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan, Sakha (Yakutia), Krasnoyarsk, Stavropol and Khabarovsk Krai, Astrakhan, Bryansk, Vologda, Voronezh, Kostroma, Leningrad, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Rostov, Saratov, Samara, Sverdlovsk, Tula, Chelyabinsk, Chita, Yaroslavl region, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg (2407 respondents, aged 18 years). The results revealed that most people spend their leisure time at home (83 %), other types of leasure activities were: «visiting friends» (38.6), «spending leisure time in the country at dachas» (28.3 %) «doing leasure activities in cultural institutions» (17.3 %). The most common type of leisure was watching TV and video (61.1 %), reading (49.6 %), spending time with friends (31.6 %) and at the computer (13 %), visiting the cinema (13 %). Such cultural institutions as cinemas (53.6 %), theaters (52.4 %), concerts (63.3 %), museums (62 %), exhibitions (69.8 %) are.almost never visited The objectives

of the study also focused on revealing the reasons for lack of satisfying cultural needs, the impact of education on the choice of the type of spending leasure time, the role of cultural policies in the organization of cultural activities, the level of spiritual development of Russian society (through expert opinion) (Mitroshenko, 2005).

The most full-scale among them was the study and subsequent monograph entitled "Culture as a factor of social progress" (authors: N. Lebedeva,A. Tatarko, E. Yasin), which resulted in the simulation of the map of cultural and economic vectors (relations of cultural dimensions and socio-economic parameters) according to cultural areas (taking into consideration the geography of the countries), and corresponding values.The main areas of distribution are: Western European cultural area, English-speaking cultural area, South and Central European cultural area, Latin American cultural area, the Far East-Asian cultural area, Eastern European cultural area, African cultural area. Through this map, scientists have identified two possible ways of epy development of Russia, "Eastern" and "Western." In the book this idea is understood as follows: "On the one hand, Russia is more attracted to the" Eastern "way, emphasizing the values of cultural closeness and rejection of migrants (according to the ESS, benefits from migrants for economic and cultural development are rejected by respondents in Russia and Estonia while respondents from Northern and Western Europe share this opinion). However, multiculturalism in Russia (more than 100 ethnic groups) and rich heritage in the form of ex-post-Soviet countries give it huge potential for economic development due to large influx of Russian-speaking migrants with similar cultural background able to equalize its potential of cheap and mass labour force with the same potential in China. But this is a serious challenge to the cultural closeness and inertia which are characteristic features of modern Russia.Another advantage of

following this path is positive attitudes towards innovation. In this respect Russian students are not inferior to Western students and surpass their peers from the East. Thus, the countries of "catching up" development, including Russia, have to overcome "cultural barrier" to develop an innovative economy. To implement innovative development in Russia it is necessary to develop values of equality, autonomy and self-expression and build institutions promoting the support of these values in society.

Regional research projects mainly focus on the analysis of changes in contemporary cultural needs to understand the specificity of socio-cultural situation and development of special technologies for its formation by the subjects of cultural policy. (Koptzeva, 2010). In particular, over the last decade there were conducted local (regional) studies, "Leasure interests and needs of the population" (Belgorod, 2004) (Kurgansky, 2004), "Development of rural culture in Belgorod region in 2003 - 2005." "Human. Culture. City "(Toliatti, 2002)," Monitoring to determine the needs of various categories of people with disabilities "(Samara Region, 2001 to 2002.)" Marketing research of cultural and leisure activities "(Krasnoyarsk, 2000), etc. These studies revealed a certain crisis of contemporary cultural politics, forming cultural needs. The scientists think that this type of a crisis is connected with contradictions of the transition period, when Russia is in the process of global transformation.

2. Interpretation of the results of socio-cultural study of leisure activities of people with disabilities living in urban areas of Krasnoyarsk Krai conducted on the base of the Department of Culturology in 2010

This socio-cultural research was focused on the consideration of cultural and leisure needs of people with disabilities in the city of Krasnoyarsk.

On the total a sociological survey involved 173 representatives of various disability groups, which makes it fairly accurate representative sample. In the range of age groups (from 13 to 85 years), most respondents were between the ages of 19 and 25 (18.2 %) and from 26 to 39 (15 %), there were 51 male respondents and 122 female respondents. As well as other citizens of Krasnoyarsk, people belonging to this age group manifest themselves more actively by participating in various activities. Thus,it is the period, when people with disabilities are active and especially need communication and a good leisure.

33 % of those surveyed, didn't give any information about their occupation, 32 % can't work, however, 17 % worked in an office. In general, according to the respondents, it is very difficult to find a job for people with disabilities although many have vocational(32 %) and higher (20 %) education. Among people with disabilities there are also people with academic degree (1 %).

In terms of material security a surveyed group of people can be attributed to groups with different income: 27 % of respondents are completely secure, but do not have an opportunity to buy movable and immovable property, 37 % said the money earned is only enough for food and clothing they can't afford consumer durables, and 21 % reported that they barely make both ends meet.

In addition to the formal details, some questions concerned respondents' ethnicity identification, their religious beliefs and political preferences. As a result of the data processing, it should be noted that almost all people with disabilities living in Krasnoyarsk are Russian (84 %). Representatives of other ethnic groups are: Tatars, Ukrainians, Armenians and Kyrgyz -as a rule, are not registered in the fund of social security. 53 % of respondents consider themselves

to be Christians belonging to the Russian Orthodox Church, 13 % identified themselves as atheists. The rest participants identified themselves with Islam, Catholicism, and just believers without church.

Summing up one can say that people with disabilities in Krasnoyarsk are represented by a group of people of different age with varying degrees of disability connected with physical, mental, sensory or mental disabilities.Some of them have education, employment and good income, but many of them (especially the visually handicapped and people who have problems in musculoskeletal system) are virtually never out of the house, leading a secluded life, do not participate in the political,social and cultural life of the city. A lot of time recipients spend on activities related to their health. Their leisure is far from being diverse.

Next, we will consider cultural needs, met by people with disabilities in the city of Krasnoyarsk :how the spend their spare time and what they expect from such leasure.

The results of the survey are presented in overall summary.

1. Most of all people with disabilities in their spare time value communication with family and friends, meetings with friends or acquaintances (61 %), reading books and magazines (31 %) and watching television programs and broadcasts (30 %). As noted by the respondents themselves,it is often important for them to safely spend time alone, away from the hustle and prying eyes.

2. In modeling the situation of an early morning of the day off when no further action is defined and plans are not made, the majority of respondents prefer to do household chores (cleaning, cooking - 58 %) or watching TV (43 %). It follows from the answers that in the morning some additional hours of sleep or telephone conversations with family and friends are appreciated by the respondents.

3. People with disabilities in Krasnoyarsk get information on possible options of pastime, through print media dedicated to leisure activities (35 %), or through friends and relatives (31 %). Very often advertising of such events is broadcast on TV and radio.

4. In their spare time, respondents prefer to read books or listen to audio books (23.5 %), watch television (21 %), be engaged in creative activities (writing poetry, draw, do macrame, sewing, etc.)

5. Most often, the participants of the study spend leisure time with their family members (51 %) or with school or work friends (33 %), 13 % of respondents are alonein at their free time.

Based on the responses received to the first question, it is evident that leisure of people with disabilities is almost always determined by household chores, family relationships have a priority value. Domesticity and seclusion, to some extent is a characteristic way of life for most of them.

6. Meeting friends and acquaintances, people with disabilities prefer to talk: to discuss their problems (46 %), talk about leisure (23.5 %), attend cultural events (35 %) or watch TV (7 %).

7. In most cases people with disabilities find it difficult to answer the question how people around them spend their leasure time (42 %), 27 % believe that they spend their leisure time in the same way. It can be concluded that a community of people with disabilities is not formed in the city. Leisure of people falling into this category is not coordinated by any center or Social Fund, so that is why so popular the answer is about spending free time alone, or not knowing how other people spend their leisure time. Therefore, people with disabilities have a very narrow circle of close friends. For the most part it consists of relatives of the respondent, who love and accept them for what they are. People with disabilities do not have enough contact with other people,

they are not active to expand the circle of friends, apparently due to a fear to seem inferior when compared to them.

8. The respondents take it either positively(18 % and 42 %) or stay indifferent (25 %).to the presence in the company of people of the opposite sex For many, sharing leisure activities with the opposite sex is a real and unique opportunity not only to make new friends, but also possibly find a life partner.

9. 87 % of the respondents disagreed with the statement «In order to have a good time, be sure to spend lots of money», 29 % were categorically against it. Perhaps this opinion is due to the low income of the representatives of this group as well as the fact that they prefer secluded, requiring no special expenses leisure. However,the most frequently occuring answer to the question «What, do you think, keeps you from spending your leasure time to your liking?» is «Shortage of money» (90 %). Thus, contradiction is clearly revealed, which can be interpreted as a real need for financial support of disabled people and diversity of their leisure activities. At the same time, this group of respondents does not not insist on any serious expences.

10. Many respondents deny drinking alcohol at a cultural event (45 %), one fifth of all respondents prefer to have a drink with friends (23 %), 13 % - definitely oppose it.

11. In previous month disabled people living in Krasnoyarsk attended and participated :

34 % of respondents took part in the concerts, contests - 44 %, cultural and entertainment parties - 45 %, attended drama school - 9 %, 62 % met friends in leisure activities, visited a museum, art galleries, exhibitions - 31 % dance -31 %, picnics in the countryside - 58 %, 70 % read for pleasure, 22 % visited the library, 39 % drove a car for fun, grew plants and flowers - 38 %, participated in civic activities - 29 %, religious activities - 20 %, went for walks and hikes -

61 %, went to the gym - 25 %, visited clubs -30 %, participated in sports - 30 %, participated in city holidays - 37 % played computer games -43 %, solved puzzles / scanwords - 52 %, bought new video and audio discs - 42 %, 39 % - visited web sites for entertainment, bought equipment for entertainment - 37 %, played cards - 28 %, chess, backgammon - 37 %, professionally engaged in artistic activities - 15 %.

It is clear that a third ofdisabled people living in Krasnoyarsk still lead an active lifestyle that meets their cultural needs. However, traditional forms of spending leasure time such as theaters, museums, libraries, etc. are not that popular as compared to the competitions, visits to shopping malls, meetings, walks and hikes with friends, etc.

12.Leisure of people with disabilities is usually associated with special sports, physical therapy. 36 % of respondents regularly do exercises at home, 23 % visit sports and fitness clubs - 23 %, walk for health - 46 %, 11 % - are professionally engaged in sports, 17 % do none of the above.

58 % of respondents find special sports, exercise therapy and other physical activities good for their health,23 % consider all kinds of physical activities as a break from routine and switch to other emotions, 9 %.of respondents are not attracted by such activities It can be concluded that for people with disabilities health is a second key value (the first is the family, relationship with relatives).

13. Vocational or any other training courses (Distance Learning) are attended only by 15 % of the respondents. However, in private conversation, it was found that this form of activity is very popular among this group of citizens. People with disabilities are active in improving their skills and qualifications, realizing the need to be useful to society and independent (self-valuable) at the same time.

14. People with disabilities are actively engaged in hobbies (44, 5 %), giving it moderately time, effort and money. Hobby is an integral part of their lives, and with it urban people with disabilities can actually realise themselves and assert themselves.

15. Most respondents agree with the statement that leisure should be as relaxing and comfortable as possible (48 %) and (23 %) strongly agree. Leasure should give new sensations and emotions, to fill life with events (35 and 32 %). At the same time 28 % of disabled people noted that leisure is perfect time to settlte up all affairs. 35 % of the respondents agree that this is the time free from any obligations, regulations and restrictions, while (37 and 22 %) think it's the time for self-develovepment, realisation of creativity. It is better to share leasure time with friends (27 %), although it's all the same for some (20 %), as leisure time helps to escape, first of all, personal problems (30 %).

16. Among people with poor health there are a lot of people (46.2 %) who are fond of reading, 16.8 % of disabled people read with gusto. The respondents point out that reading books makes them think and influences their mood and inspiration positively. But because of the frequent problems with vision, some respondents are deprived of pleasure to read books. So audio books and internet resources are very popular. Libraries are not mentioned as facilities in demand. Home library, Internet resources almost completely satisfy the needs in reading.

17. According to the time that this stratum of the citizens of Krasnoyarsk spend on one or another form of leisure activity the respondents can be subdevided into those who:

a) spend at the computer 1 to 3 hours per day - 25.4 % of respondents, from 3 to 5 hours -6.2 %. The same number of people do not use a computer at all.

b) 41 % of respondents watch TV up to 3 hours a day, 5 hours - 12.7 %, 9.8 % do not watch TV. The most popular among people with problematic health are serials (33 %), daily television programs devoted to health (26 %), family and family relationships (20 %).

a) 32.9 % of people with disabilities read books less than an hour a day, 24.3 % of respondents devote themselves to reading literature for 3 hours.

d) music is not very important in the lives of people with disabilities. 26 % of respondents listen to the music less than an hour, up to 3 hours - 19.1 % and 17.9 % do not listen to music at all.

Thus, the most popular are audiovisual forms of entertainment. The respondents of this group use the computer mainly to look for information - 38 %, 34 % communicate with friends via the Internet, 27 % watch movies, 51 % of respondents get video production to see it using the computer.. Thus, it is the main source of information and a unique «window to the world» for people with disabilities.

18. Personal libraries having from 10 to 100 books are possessed by 41 % of disabled people, 29 % were undecided. There are no special preferences in literature. The most popular are: contemporary fiction (23.6 %) and historical literature (23.3 %). Publications on health (38 %), family (23 %), literature, theater and music (17 %) are of interest in newspapers and magazines.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

19. Frequency of visiting venues : Theater -less than once a year - 34 %, up to 3 times -30 %, music concerts almost are not attended -30 %, 26 % up to 3 times per year, 55 % and 80 % visit library, Internet cafes, large commercial entertainment centers (35), cafes, bars and restaurants (27 %), gyms, sporting events, discos and nightclubs, leisure entertainment centers are not attended by almost 50 % of respondents.

Situation with going to church is somewhat different: 38 % do not attend religious services, while 25 % do it several times a year. Also, people with disabilities are not active in politics: 59 % of citizens said that they have no political preferences, 32 abstained. Others attributed themselves to specific parties, such as «United Russia», «Communist Party», «Liberal Democratic Party,» «Fair Russia», etc.

20. In general, the overall situation concerning providing disabled people with various forms of entertainment can be assessed as satisfactory. According to the analysis of the survey everything is enough. However, if respondents had the opportunity to change their habitual leisure time, they would do it willingly and gladly (40 %). In their spare time, they would like to go to the countryside more often (36 %), to visit various events (33 %), to make their leisure pastimes more active (27 %). Lack of material resources (52 %) and time (36 % prevent disabled people from improving their leasure activities.. Some of them have no idea how one can change their own leisure without help (13 %).

21. Public guardianship for people with disabilities is considered normal (54 %). Although it is noted that private businesses may be able to more successfully meet their demands for recreation, would be money.

22. The vast majority of respondents (85 %) categorically reject the possibility of moving to live to another city. Their lives are linked to Krasnoyarsk, Russia. They wouldn't like to move to any other state.. Only 12 % of all respondents would make such a move. Russia, according to people with limited health, though finds itself in a state of chronic crisis, and is far from perfect, but still is the best and the most beloved, the dearest. In contrast to other social strata of citizens, people with disabilities are uniquely express their patriotism in spite of everything. Love for the city, which many of them can not physically see

or who can not go for a walk about the city freely because of the circumstances is striking.

The key values for disabled people living in Krasnoyarsk are love for their family (49 %), the unique nature of Siberia (35 %), tender feelings for the city and the area (31 %), attachment to friends (30 %).

3. Recommendations for development of an adequate organization of cultural and leisure activities of people with disabilities in the city of Krasnoyarsk according to the revealed needs:

Based on the data gained, we can conclude that people with disabilities in Krasnoyarsk, as well as most of other social groups have strong cultural and entertainment needs. But at the same time the possibility of their implementation is accompanied by discomfort. Disabled people often turn in on themselves and start to lead solitary lives, spending time at home watching TV or reading a book due to their being treated as a socially vulnerable people and being neglected by other citizens.

Understanding of disability issues in Krasnoyarsk is still considered at medical level. Many believe that people with disabilities can not do what an average person can so they shoud be treated differently, special establishments should be set up for them where they could work, communicate and be provided with various services. Such an approach leads to social isolation of disabled people. Such outlook has long been overcome in Europe, it's clear that the society which ignores such a category of people creates difficulties for themselved.. It is necessary, however, to integrate disabled people into surrounding society, adapting them to conditions of life in the city, organizing good leisure.

There is no proactive urban community of people with disabilities, which would actively

speak of the need for diversity, social and cultural sphere for disabled people.

In the framework of socio-cultural research a project "My City, my home, my family," has been suggested aimed at integrating people with disabilities into society. It should be a set of activities where the main role should be given to the social and cultural rehabilitation. To do this:

First,one should systematically hold actions (for example, on the Day of Disabled People, 3 December) aimed at socializing of disabled people in the city of Krasnoyarsk and simultaneously actualizing the idea that integration of people with disabilities into life indicate a new phase of urban development.

Second, active involvement of people with disabilities in education and employment is advised. Encourage them to visit various workshops, educational programs and projects. This will not only allow to make new friends, to become part of a team, but it's also very productive for further life. For example, in Omsk, due to amendments to the Law "On the employment quotas for disabled people in Omsk region" the mechanism for employing people with disabilities is being improved. The changes concern, first of all, companies with harmful or dangerous conditions, where it is impossible to employ disabled people and therefore meet a quota. The mechanism to solve the problem has been suggested - the organisation unable to employ people with disabilities makes an agreement with another organisation, where jobs are created. These changes will ensure social adaptation and integration of disabled people into society, as well as protection of the rights of disabled people in the sphere of employment.

Third, to plan and implementjoint rides, tours and excursions on the territory of Krasnoyarsk Krai. This is something that is determined by the disabled person as valuable in their lives. Travel

and walks in the open air are the main leasure needs of this category of citizens.

Fourth, to involve people with disabilities and other categories of citizens to joint activities -creation, organization of exhibitions, festivals etc. Here, the exhibition of aincient russian art"It is allowed to be touched" held in November in Omsk can be given as an example. The exhibition was organized for the blind, but all the citizens are invited to participate in it. They are blindfolded, and thus they find themselves in a situation where you can see the world only through hearing and tactile senses.

Fifth, to raise awareness of disabled people of various processes occurring in the community and directly affecting the lives of people with disabilities. This can be done through systematic development of computer technologies. Interactive features of the Internet allow to minimise physical limitations of a given category of citizens. For example, a news agency INVAK.INFO collects relevant information, processing and its transmission to those who have the necessary need for it. The portal posted the latest news on events, actions and events in the disability movement, information about organizations dealing with disabled people, the latest contests, grants, various methods of rehabilitation, a database of normative documents. It is nessessary that people with disabilities in the city of Krasnoyarsk should have access to it and use the other features of the virtual world.

Sixth, joint communication activities of disabled people with other citizens. Today, the main obstacle to adaptation of the disabled is to a large extent of socio-psychological nature. Lack of special communications does not allow disabled people to participate fully in society. Through interaction with peers (within the university) and surrounding people, people with disabilities receive a good portion of optimism, so essential for recovery. For example, in 2008 in

Voronezh region the project "Integration of the relaxing and socializing and creating conditions

disabled into society." was developed.As part of for creative self-realization, etc. it there was a competition for the best volunteer Seventh, it is necessary to initiate the vital

group among groups of young people under the activity of people with disabilities, to establish

age of 30, who always provided free assistance to the idea that everyone is entitled to define a range

people with disabilities through the provision of of cultural and leisure needs and be able to satisfy

public services, arranging leasure activities and them. {A series of values of the social strata

creation of an affordable living environment for including concepts "family", "health", "beloved

persons with disabilities. Under the organization city" should determine the status of a disabled

of leisure activities of disabled persons in this case person as a personality who is an integral part

refers to the possibility of providing individuals of the cultural community of Krasnoyarsk,

with disabilities to participate in concerts and demonstrating basic foundation of modern

entertainment events, organizing evenings society.



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Социокультурное исследование досуговых потребностей и предпочтений людей с ограниченными возможностями, проживающими в городе Красноярске

Н.П. Копцева, Н.А. Бахова, Ю.С. Замараева

Сибирский федеральный университет, Россия 660041, Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 82

Данная статья посвящена мониторингу и анализу современных культурных потребностей людей с ограниченными возможностями города Красноярска с целью выявления системы культурных ценностей и на ее основании формирования действующей культурной политики. В соответствии с аналоговыми проектами российских и зарубежных социокультурных исследований XX- нач. XXI вв., в первой части статьи развернуты основания для составления анкеты «Культурные потребности и досуг жителей Красноярского края». Далее, приведена интерпретация результатов социокультурного исследования досуга людей с ограниченными возможностями, проживающими в городской местности Красноярского края, и выявлены, с точки зрения респондентов, актуальные проблемы в существующей организации культурного досуга. В третьей части даны рекомендации по развитию адекватной организации культурного досугалюдейсограниченнымивозможностямисогласновыявленнымпотребностямипредложен проект «Мой город, мой дом, моя семья», направленный на интеграцию людей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья в общество. Авторы полагают, что рекомендованный комплекс мероприятий инициированного проекта, способствует повышению жизненной активности людей с ограниченными возможностями, а также актуализирует неотьемлемость данной социальной группы, демонстрирующей базовые основы современного общества, в культурном сообществе города Красноярска.

Ключевые слова: социокультурное исследование, досуговые потребности и предпочтения, люди с ограниченными возможностями, инвалиды, культурный досуг, культурная политика, культурная ценность, культурные учреждения, прикладные культурные исследования.

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