Садыкова Р.,
Магистрант 2 г.об. направления «социология» БашГУ.
Шаяхметова Р.Р.
Научный руководитель к.социол.н., доцент кафедры социологии и работы с молодежью БашГУ «SOCIAL NETWORKS» - THE OBJECT OF STUDY OF SOCIOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Sadykova R.,
Master's degree 2 vol. direction "sociology" of the Bashkir state University.
Shayakhmetova R.
Scientific supervisor: candidate of sociology.PhD, associate Professor in the Department of sociology and
work with youth of the Bashkir state University
В статье анализируется социальная сеть как социологическое понятие и основой современный фактор коммуникации. В статье показаны подходы к пониманию социальных сетей как виртуальные модели средств массовой коммуникации, система мгновенного обмена сообщениями, площадку для формирования общественного мнения, социальную структуру. Описан механизм самоидентификации через социальные сети.
The article analyzes the social network as a sociological concept and the main modern factor of communication. The article shows approaches to the understanding of social networks as virtual models of mass communication, instant messaging system, platform for the formation of public opinion, social structure. The mechanism of self-identification through social networks is described.
Ключевые слова: Социальные сети, Интернет, средства массовой коммуникации, Интернет-коммуникации, виртуальные модели средств массовой коммуникации, самоидентификация личности, подходы к социальным сетям
Keywords: Social networks, Internet, mass communication media, Internet communications, virtual models of mass communication media, self-identification of personality, approaches to social networks
The emergence of the first social network is noted in 1971 as a tool of professional communication. The social network became popular among the population only in 1995 with the advent of the American portal Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte became the most popular In Russia.
Most often, we perceive the social network as a means of communication. Social networks as «interactive multi-user websites that serve to build and organize social connections and relationships in the virtual space, they provide ample opportunities for a variety of socio-cultural practices, the basis of which is communication» [6].
L. A. Bitkov considers social networks as «virtual models of mass communication ...» [3; 36-38].
Features of social networks are: instant messaging system, user profile. Social network replaces real communication, it is interactive electronic communication between users.
A number of scholars define a social network as a social structure that is incorporated into Internet communication. This is how A. B. Baranov defines a social network «... a structure consisting of users (individuals and groups of individuals) who function on the Internet within the cyberspace created by computers and software» [1; 108-111].
Dokuka S. V. defines «social networks as a platform for the formation of public opinion and protest through social networks» [7; 137-138].
T. Postmes considers the social network as «an online platform that unites participants» [9; 290]. He also notes that people in social networks commit such actions, for the consequences of which they do not take responsibility or partially accept it.
The reasons for the spread and popularization of social networks in modern society were studied by V.L. Volokhonsky. He analyzed blogs, where he identified «a number of functions characteristic of social networks: the function of self-presentation, the function of entertainment, the function of cohesion and retention of social ties, the function of memoirs, the function of self-development or reflection, psychotherapeutic function» [4; 117]. These features demonstrate the power of social media and blogs to allow the user to Express themselves.
E.P. Belinskaya, O.A. Grimov, I. Kosterina, M.M. Sokolov, I. S. Shevchenko were engaged in the mechanism of self-presentation of personality in social networks [5; 2; 8; 10].
Textual, multimedia, visual forms of information placement are used for self-presentation through social networks. Self-presentation of oneself in social networks helps to create an alternative, desired image that differs from the real one - «this game of identities,
which according to the postmodern theory is the essence of the process of identification of personality in modern conditions, actualizes the opposition of the real «I» characterizing the user in real life, and the virtual «I», that is, the representation - image embodied in the virtual space of Internet communication, regardless of the reality of the characteristics conferring it " [5; 21].
In the sociology of communications, there are two approaches to determining the identity of an Internet user. Representatives of the first approach-E. p. Belin-skaya, I. S. Shevchenko-rely on the postmodern interpretation of virtual reality.
E.P. Belinskaya in her work "On the problem of group dynamics of network society" reveals the features of ethnos as a group community [2; 249]. «The anonymity of communication in virtuality, virtual space built on the principle of hypertext, the possibility of «playing» with roles and building a multiple «I» on the Internet, the only reality of personality in virtuality is the reality of self-presentation, virtual space offers a person maximum opportunities for any kind of construction» [2; 251].
The same point of view is held by I. S. Shevchenko, highlighting the characteristics of communication on the Internet: «anonymity, voluntariness and desirability of contacts, the absence of paralinguis-tic, nonverbal components of communication, the difficulty of transmission and perception of the affective component of communication, the originality of the processes of interpersonal perception in the absence of nonverbal information, the removal of rigid social conventions, cultural boundaries» [11].
A distinctive feature of the scientists of this approach is the discrepancy between the real «I» and the virtual. E. p. Belinskaya notes in social networks people are outside their bodies (description of appearance, gender, age, socio-economic status, ethnicity, etc.) [2; 250].
The second approach, which is represented by M. M. Sokolov and I. Kosterina, to the definition of the presentation of personality in social networks and in the Internet space is based on the desire to assert their true and authentic personality.
Thus, M. M. Sokolov proves the importance of authentic personality in communication in the Internet space [10; 21]. I. Kosterina believes that «it is inexpedient and irrelevant to create an alternative identity in your blog. Since myths about designing and inventing not real personalities in blogs seem to be debunked completely: people do not want to take advantage of the advantage that the inhabitants of the Network used to sing - anonymity and the opportunity to try on another social mask... Playing with identity on blogs often leads to disclosure and public censure of the deceiver» [8].
Thus, social networks are interactive websites in which users can communicate, create social connections and relationships with other people, where everyone has the opportunity to carry out certain socio-cultural practices.
There are two approaches to determining the identity of the Internet user and social networks. Representatives of the first approach - E.P. Belinskaya, I.S. Shevchenko, representatives of the second - M.M. Sokolov and I. Kosterina. The specificity of the first approach is that there are no similarities between real and network identity. M.M. Sokolova and I. Kosterina note that the presentation of personality in social networks is based on the desire to assert their "real" personality, which does not correspond to the real one.
So, social networks are interactive websites where users can communicate, create social connections and relationships with other people.
1. Baranov A.B. Virtual communication in the Social Network: basic concepts and model of interaction / / all-Russian journal of scientific publications. -2011.- No. 1; Pp. 108-111.
2. Belinskaya E.P. On the problem of group dynamics of network society / / 2nd Russian conference on environmental psychology. Theses. - Moscow: Ecopsicenter ROSS, 2000. - Pp. 450.
3. Bitkov L.A. Social networks: between mass communication and interpersonal communication / / Bulletin of Chelyabinsk state University. Philology. Art criticism. - 2012. - No. 28. Pp. 36-38.
4. Volokhonsky V.L. Psychological mechanisms and bases of classification of blogs. Personality and interpersonal interaction on the Internet. - SPb.: SPBU, 2006. Pp. 117-131.
5. Grimov O.A. self-Presentation and self-identification of personality in social networks. - 2013. -No. 2. Pp. 21-22.
6. Theatre O.A. socio-cultural practices of identity in social networks // Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo uni-versiteta im. N.I. Lobachevsky. - 2014. - No. 2. URL:
7. Dokuka S.V. the Practice of using online social networks. Sociological research. - 2014. - No. 1. Pp. 137-145.
8. Kosterina I. Publicity of private diaries: about identity in Runet blogs. - 2008. - No. 3. URL: http://magazines.russ.rU/nz/2008/3/ko17.html.
9. Postmes T. Collective action in the Internet age // SocialScienceComputerReview. - 2002. - No. 3. Pp. 290-301.
10. Sokolov M.M. Online diary, theories of virtual identity and modes of disclosure of personal information. Personality and interpersonal interaction in the netinternet. - SPb.: SPBU, 2006. - Pp. 9-39.
11. Shevchenko I.S. Factors of dynamism of self-presentations in Internet communication.URL: http://samagistro.blogspotru/2012/11/blog-post 974.html.