Научная статья на тему 'Social media-marketing - a forceful tool for tourism industry'

Social media-marketing - a forceful tool for tourism industry Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Khurramov Ortikjon Kayumovich, Saidova Firuza Kamalovna

This article discusses the Social Media Marketing a forceful tool for modern tourism. Social networking is a web-site with interactive multitasking, which is supplemented by network participants themselves. At the moment of globalization and ongoing global changes, we can’t avoid social media, which is just one of the most striking discoveries of information technology, which is affecting the lives of a particular person, and of society as a whole. At the moment, social media covers almost the whole world. The content is understood as a social network that is created exclusively by participants and is based on the multi-user interactive web site hosting service.

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Вданной статье рассматривается маркетинг в социальных сетях мощный инструмент для современного туризма. Социальная сеть это веб-сайт с интерактивной многозадачностью, который дополняют сами участники сети. В момент глобализации и продолжающихся глобальных изменений мы не можем избежать социальных сетей, которые являются лишь одним из самых ярких открытий в области информационных технологий, которые влияют на жизнь конкретного человека и общества в целом. На данный момент социальные сети охватывают практически весь мир. Под контентом понимается социальная сеть, которая создается исключительно участниками и основана на многопользовательском интерактивном веб-хостинге.

Текст научной работы на тему «Social media-marketing - a forceful tool for tourism industry»


FOR TOURISM INDUSTRY Khurramov O.K.1, Saidova F.K.2 (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: [email protected]

1Khurramov Ortikjon Kayumovich - Senior Lecturer; 2Saidova Firuza Kamalovna - Lecturer, DEPARTMENT OF SER VICE SPHERE ECONOMICS, BUKHARA STATE UNIVERSITY, BUKHARA, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN

Abstract: this article discusses the Social Media Marketing - a forceful tool for modern tourism. Social networking - is a web-site with interactive multitasking, which is supplemented by network participants themselves. At the moment of globalization and ongoing global changes, we can't avoid social media, which is just one of the most striking discoveries of information technology, which is affecting the lives of a particular person, and of society as a whole. At the moment, social media covers almost the whole world. The content is understood as a social network that is created exclusively by participants and is based on the multi-user interactive web site hosting service.

Keywords: internet marketing, social media marketing, social networking, tourism, digital tourism.


ИНСТРУМЕНТ ТУРИЗМА 12 Хуррамов О.К. , Саидова Ф.К. (Республика Узбекистан)

1Хуррамов Ортикжон Каюмович - старший преподаватель;

2Саидова Фируза Камаловна - преподаватель, кафедра экономики сферы услуг, Бухарский государственный университет, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в данной статье рассматривается маркетинг в социальных сетях -мощный инструмент для современного туризма. Социальная сеть - это веб-сайт с интерактивной многозадачностью, который дополняют сами участники сети. В момент глобализации и продолжающихся глобальных изменений мы не можем избежать социальных сетей, которые являются лишь одним из самых ярких открытий в области информационных технологий, которые влияют на жизнь конкретного человека и общества в целом. На данный момент социальные сети охватывают практически весь мир. Под контентом понимается социальная сеть, которая создается исключительно участниками и основана на многопользовательском интерактивном веб-хостинге.

Ключевые слова: интернет-маркетинг, маркетинг в социальных сетях, социальные сети, туризм, цифровой туризм.

UDC 338.48

The development of the Internet and its role in the life of society have created a great variety of virtual resources. At the same time, it has also contributed to the emergence of social networks that have become popular today. The introduction of the Internet has created different terms and virtual discoveries. At the beginning of the forum, chat communication with the chat names began to render social networking services in the XXI century.

The World Tourist Organization recognizes the important role of social networking in tourism. Tourists and businesspeople use smartphones and tablets to provide feedback on

places to go or wherever they are. World Travel Monitor reveals that 40% of international tourists travel with smartphones. They have access to the Internet from smartphones: 40% for information on the direction of travel, about 26% of tourists, 34% use hotel reservations and other travel services. Three-thirds of international travelers enter social networks with smartphones, travel, ideas and reviews on Facebook, photos, Twitter or Flicr.

Companies in various sectors of the economy operate through their social networking sites. Social networks allow companies to connect with users, manage long-term relationships with their customers, manage reputations, increase sales, and develop business relationships.

In Uzbekistan, national networks, such as odnoklassniki, facebook, moy mir, vkontakte, twitter, and other national social networks such as: muloqot.uz, sinfdosh.uz are widely used in Uzbekistan.

Social networking - is a web-site with interactive multitasking, which is supplemented by network participants themselves. Such sites are in the form of an automated social environment. They allow the group of users to interact commonly with each other. The themes are particularly relevant for industry-specific forums, and they are actively developing in recent times.

The advantages and disadvantages of the above-mentioned websites: First of all, every user registered on these sites has the opportunity to find friends, peers, colleagues, and so on. Sometimes it finds a user, but in the end it finds a user. It is important to maintain and maintain relationships in life. The world is moving, people are in motion, searching. Under such circumstances, contact with loved ones and acquaintances can be avoided. But social networks allow people to find and remember them.

Second (it is also very important), each user can find friends who are interested in new acquaintances and interests. There is no need to make a query as to why you are interested. Access to the group you are interested in, and the rest of the Web site itself. Virtual acquaintance can also become a reality. Thus, social networking is one of the new ways of acquiring new acquaintances (there is no need to tell the number of girls using this method).

Third, it's also possible to post photos and videos on social media, as well as posting videos, viewing and commenting on other users' photos.

Fourthly, you can share your thoughts on any social networking activity, read news about your life, read others' comments, and comment on them. This is a unique look of virtual communication.

Social networking is an exciting marketing platform for the whole world trend -companies, event organizers, and congress travelers often use hotels to develop their social networking services and services. The social networking site publishes a variety of commentaries, photos, videos, presentations, and regular contacts with customers.

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