Модульность представляет собой целостный и логически завершённый проект, обеспечивающий самостоятельность действий обучающихся. Вариативность предполагает комплекс модулей, которые может выбрать студент по своей образовательной направленности.
Важно понимать, что вариативная часть индивидуального образовательного маршрута направлена на определение качественного содержания изучаемого материала, а также предусматривает оказание поддержки студентов в выборе модулей с учетом индивидуально-личностных особенностей.
Система высшего образования обуславливает более современные системы обучения, управления и организации, позволяющие выявить интеллектуальный потенциал обучающихся.
Выводы. Профессиональное сопровождение индивидуальных образовательных траекторий студентов в вузе осуществляется на основе реализации принципа индивидуализации обучения. Эффективность этого принципа предполагает выделение основных этапов: прогнозирование, проектирование, планирование, конструирование и оценка результатов.
Реализация индивидуальных образовательных траекторий студентов в системе высшего образования осуществляется в следующих условиях:
- создание современного интеллектуального образовательного пространства с учетом потребностей и возможностей обучающихся;
- активность и мотивация к индивидуальной познавательной деятельности студентов с учетом требований социокультурного пространства;
- психолого-педагогическая диагностика индивидуальных особенностей, способностей, склонностей обучающихся;
- разработка и составление индивидуального образовательного маршрута студента с учетом индивидуального психологического развития;
- контрольно-оценочная деятельность, определяющая степень индивидуально-личностных свойств и определяющая успешность профессионального самоопределения.
1. Зеер Э.Ф., Симанюк Э.Э. Индивидуальные образовательные траектории в системе непрерывного образования // Педагогическое образование в России. - 2014. - № 3. - С. 74-82.
2. Игнатович С.С. Формирование готовности учащихся к проектированию индивидуального образовательного маршрута в основной общеобразовательной школе: автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук. Краснодар, 2014. - 26 с.
3. Козырева О.А. Теоретизация и моделирование педагогических условий в профессиональной деятельности научно-педагогического работника // Вестник Мининского университета. - 2021. - Том 9, № 1. https://doi.org/10.26795/2307-1281-2021-9-1-3.
4. Медведева Т.Ю., Кривоногова А.С. Требования к оцениванию результатов подготовки, обучающихся вуза в условиях компетентностного подхода в практико-ориентированной реализации образовательных программ // Вестник Мининского университета. - 2016. - №4. - С. 4.
5. Самерханова Э.К. Тьюторское сопровождение студентов первого курса в процессе проектирования индивидуальных образовательных траекторий // Вестник Мининского университета. - 2017. - № 2.
UDC 37.012
candidate of pedagogical Sciences, assistant Professor Liashenko Maria Sergeyevna
Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University (Nizhny Novgorod),
Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod);
candidate of philological Sciences, assistant Professor Tarasova Olga Mikhailovna
Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod)
Annotation. Social media have become an integral part of the educational environment. The research has been conducted to explore teachers' attitudes towards using social networking sites (SNSs) for multicultural education at university. The research design combined two clusters within Bennett's conceptual framework: multicultural competence and popular culture. It was focused on teachers' attitudes as the basis for deploying SNS as a tool for enhancing multicultural education in teaching [practices at university. The teachers' attitudes were analysed using interpretative phenomenological approach which was applied to teachers' reflective journals. The results suggest that the teachers showed positive attitudes towards the deployment of SNS as an educational tool, although there are limitations to the usage of this technology. Additionally, the research points to theoretical and pedagogical implications for using SNSs as an educational technology in multicultural education.
Keywords: multicultural education, social media, social networking sites, teachers' attitudes, interpretative phenomenological approach
Аннотация. Социальные сети стали неотъемлемой частью образовательной среды. Данное исследование посвящено изучению отношения учителей к использованию сайтов социальных сетей для развития среды мультикультурного образования в университете в контексте формирования мультикультурной компетенции и влияния популярной культуры на обучение. Авторами были разработаны задания и темы для ведения рефлексивных журналов с целью выяснения образовательного потенциала социальных медиа в контексте мультикультурного образования. Данные были проанализированы с использованием интерпретативного феноменологического подхода Результаты анализа продемонстрировали положительное отношение к использованию социальных сетей в качестве образовательного инструмента, хотя существуют ограничения применения этой технологии. Кроме того, исследование описывает теоретические и педагогические аспекты использования социальных сетей в качестве образовательной технологии в мультикультурном образовании.
Ключевые слова: мультикультурное образование, социальные медиа, сайты социальных сетей, мнение учителей, интерпретативный феноменологический подход.
Introduction. Social media penetrate all spheres of social life including education. Considering the high percentage of students who spend time on social networking sites (SNSs), teachers may benefit from integrating the technology into class curriculum to enhance student learning (Abe & Jordan, 2013). Here arises the necessity to analyse how SNSs as a social media tool can be used, not only as a form of "personal entertainment technology "which shapes popular culture" (Evans 1995, p 267), but also as a teaching means in a globalised context, where multicultural education (ME) plays a prominent role (Bennett 2001; Ess 2002). ME is included
in national curricula as one of the pillars of effective communication and professional competence (Alexander 2015). It must be based on the principles of cultural pluralism, social equity, and the importance of culture in teaching and learning (Bennett 2001). The concept of developing multicultural education in Russia is closely connected with acquiring foreign language skills to get an access to the world culture and the information resources mostly presented in English as a "global literacy skill and a form of intercultural communication" (Spring 2008, p 351). Teachers, as "multicultural educators" and change agents (Bennett 2001), are required to become conscious of the necessity to find new forms of combining formal and informal teaching practices within a multicultural component. Teachers' attitudes turn out to be paramount when cultural, technological, and educational dimensions merge. (Liashenko 2020). This research is located at the intersections of the constructs such as a multicultural component in teaching English as a foreign language (EFL), SNS as an educational solution and teachers' attitudes towards this technology. The overarching research question that was addressed by the study was about teachers' attitudes towards using SNSs as an educational technology for ME. In this regards, two sub-questions were under analysis: i). how teachers' attitudes to using SNSs as an educational tool can be perceived within the affective domain; ii). what are teachers' attitudes to the ways how SNSs can be deployed to enhance ME as a part of EFL teaching?
Literature review. According to Bennett's (2001) conceptual framework of research genres, ME includes four core values: acceptance and appreciation of cultural diversity; respect for human dignity and universal human rights; responsibility to the world community; respect for the earth. The role of media in multicultural education has long been discussed by researchers (Sleeter 2001). Social media as a kind of mass media are considered nowadays to be an integral part of educational environment (Lui, 2010). It is defined as "the online and mobile technologies people use to interact and share content" (Chandler &Munday 2016). Social networking sites (SNSs) known as social media tools have been successfully implemented in different course curricula (Abe & Jordan 2013; Lyashenko & Mineeva 2020). The preliminary search in Google Scholar using the keywords "social networking sites", "multiculturalism" revealed more than 45 000 papers on the topic. As for the Russian research domain, the search of Google Scholar and Russian e-libraries Cyberleninka (https://cyberleninka.ru ) and E-library (https://elibrary.ru ) showed some research interest for this topic. For example, only 227 papers devoted to multicultural education have been found in e-library. A more advanced search resulted in only 154 papers devoted to the deployment of social media at the national or institutional levels with an emphasis on teaching a foreign language, project activity, motivational aspects, and professional development. The searching attempts point to the fact that the topic of SNSs has been well researched by foreign and Russian researchers, however there is an evident gap at the intersection of two research dimensions: using social media for multicultural education at university.
Theoretical framework. The aim of this research is to address teachers' attitudes which can be defined as "manners of acting, feeling and thinking to show one's disposition or opinion" (Lester 2007). Being in the affective domain of learning, the attitudes are investigated at five levels depicting the hierarchical nature of Krathwohl's taxonomy: receiving, responding, valuing, organization, internalization (Krathwohl 1964). The theoretical framework for the analysis is Bennett's conceptual framework of research genres in ME, which consists of four clusters: the first cluster is devoted to curriculum reform; the second covers the issues of equity pedagogy, the third cluster is about multicultural competence, and the fourth cluster focuses on social equity. Each cluster includes different genres of research in ME that cover and illustrate diverse nature of ME. The analysis described in this paper explores the connection between clusters 3 and 4 that deal with the assumptions of the reduction of racial and cultural prejudice and societal change for equity and educational access. Multicultural competence is viewed as a lens for teachers to perceive social media as a part of popular culture that can be used as an educational tool from multicultural perspective.
Methodology. Phenomenology is proposed as a research method because it explains how participants are making sense of their personal experiences of using SNSs in everyday situations with the aim of deploying the technology for teaching a foreign language from a multicultural perspective. In this research an interpretative phenomenological approach (IPA) is chosen because this method is especially useful when one is concerned with complexity, process, or novelty (Smith 1997). The research was designed in two phases to answer two research questions RQ (Table1). The first phase of the research was aimed at collecting data on teachers' attitudes within 4 categories of affective domain. The questions sets were framed around five major categories of the affective domain, considered Bennett's conceptualization of ME and used the recommended list of verbs to explore each level. (Krathwohl 1964; Bennett, 2001). To clarify the data gathering procedure, one out of 4 sets of questions is presented below. This first set was devoted to the level of receiving through awareness. The participants were sent these questions to write reflectively in their jornals.
1. What is multicultural education? Is it necessary? Why/why not?
2. How do you prepare yourself to be a culturally sensitive individual?
3. What media help you in this process?
4. What do you think of social networking sites such as Facebook/VK/Instagram can have from a multicultural perspective?
One more questionnaire was designed to answer the second sub-question about the attitude to the ways how to deploy social
media in teaching a foreign language and enhancing ME. The authors worked out ten tasks that were based on the teaching materials used by the teachers- participants. The teaching material was taken from English file (pre-intermediate level) (Oxenden , Koenig & Seligson 2012). The example of such exercises is given below:
1. The teacher asks students to find and examine the information in social media about cultural differences in different countries: how can election campaigns be conducted? (Cultural differences). The teacher can divide the students into groups and give several countries for analysis (the USA, Russia, Germany, France etc.) (Unit 2B the story behind the photo pp 14-15);
2. The teacher uploads links to pictures showing different multicultural values. The images relate to the topic health and healthy eating. The students are asked to study the images and reflect on the cultural values or differences that are shown by the pictures. (5 B Health and body pp 40-41).
3. The teacher asks the students to find in the SNSs the information about celebrity role models or athlete role models from different countries (For example, American or British role models for Russian students, or Russian celebrity models abroad etc.). The students think of the way these role models are used by the social media to influence the young and promote cultural values. The task can be related to Ex 5 p 73 (Unit 9C Born to sing).
The teachers were sent a questionnaire to identify their attitudes towards the effectiveness of such tasks and their willingness to deploy SNS into teaching in future.
The rationale behind this stage of research was to analyse teachers' attitude to the ways that multicultural values can be embedded via SNSs into pedagogical and teaching strategies to meet the criteria of the traditional curriculum. For this stage of the research, two teachers working with the same course book were asked to assess the effectiveness of the SNS- based exercises and express their attitudes. The study was conducted on a small, homogeneous sample it was drawn from a group of teachers with similar demographic, academic and social status profiles. The sampling for this research was purposeful, non-random: teachers were specifically selected and, after their consent, invited to take part in the research. The criteria for sampling were the following: female teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL), middle-aged professionals with more than 10 years' teaching experience in higher education, who have accounts in social media and who gave a consent to take part in the research. The most important selection criterion was teachers' engagement with social media in the professional context: the invited teachers have accounts in social media
which they use for teaching (Instagram, Russian social network VK, FB). It means that the participants are "always-already immersed" into the context of using SNS for EFL (Larkin & Thompson 2011). In addition, pragmatic factors were considered: the colleagues were invited for the ease of contact because an environment of trust and openness is critical for this type of research (Sloan 2014).
Data analysis and the results. To analyse the data, a step-by step approach in the IPA method was used to interpret the complexity of meaning in the participants' journals (Smith 1997). The analysis started with the diary of the first participant, moved to another, case by case in an idiographic mode of inquiry, beginning with the individual cases before moving to generalized claims (Smith 1997). The other 3 journals were analysed using the same approach, considering convergence and divergence in the data. The research was characterized by dynamic interpretative analysis, involving double hermeneutic in a two-stage interpretation. The meaning was produced through a series of cycles of readings and constructing the interpretations (Laverty 2003). The use of the reflective journal enabled the hermeneutic circle to occur as the result of multiple stages of interpretations: moving back and forth between the parts of the same and other journals in search for convergences and divergencies (Koch 1995 cited in Laverty 2003). Once all the journals had been analysed in this interpretative process, a final table of convergent/divergent themes was constructed (Table 1).
Table 1
The Convergent/divergent themes
phase Domain Category Themes
RQ1 1. Receiving Convergence: necessity of multicultural education (ME); cultural identity; implicit nature of ME; popular media; importance of self-education for teachers; lack of time to use; variety of communities in SNSs. Divergence: teachers' motivation; the extent of SNS in education.
2. Responding Convergence: difficulty in responding; comparison of Russian SNSs vs FB; reliance on other sources; separation personal/academic spaces on SNS; priority to face-to face communication. Divergence: Actuality; Discussion of stereotypes; teaching potential of SNSs.
3. Valuing Convergence: the most challenging topic; tool for information and communication; the role of the teacher to control; reliability of information. Divergence: different attitudes towards value of SNSs.
4. Organisation Convergence: connectivity and connectedness; increase critical thinking; social division; collaboration. Divergence: informal learning.
RQ2 5. Internalization Convergence: readiness to use; up to date data; supplementary tool; impact on affective domain (interest, motivation). Divergence: limitations to use.
The analysis showed how the individual attempts to find meaning for personal experiences within SNS context are difficult. At the Receiving level, the teachers are conscious of the necessity of ME and the importance of the cultural and individual identity of the teacher in the process. The respondents underline the implicit nature of the multicultural competence (T2: "We don't notice it") and the necessity of ongoing self-education for teachers (T4: "The teacher should increase one's professional level and SNSs can provide such a chance"). SNSs are perceived as the most popular medium of sharing knowledge with a variety of communities for education and entertainment. However, the lack of time is one of the reasons for exclusion of this technology from the educational process (T1: "The topic is interesting, but it is catastrophic lack of time... to know more"). At the level of Responding, there was a difficulty in accepting SNSs as a tool for ME because teachers are used to relying on other sources of information (books, movies). The level of Valuing posed the most difficulty for the respondents because the actual acceptance of the technology or method does not occur until it is integrated into the preparation programme or class practices (Strokov 2020). The respondents agreed on a teacher's significance in controlling the process of using SNSs for ME. (T1: "I can't imagine how FB or VK can solve the problems of multiculturalism ... They don't teach themselves. The teacher must explain, choose, teach"). The question of reliability and the quality of information in SNSs was raised by all the respondents. Despite some criticism, the teachers see many advantages of using SNSs for multicultural education (T2: "I think it is the aim of SNSs to teach multiculturalism: they connect people ... we can read, communicate, and get a general perception of cultures). The highest level of attitudes, Organization, required the respondents to synthesize their values and organize them in priorities. The teachers agreed on the idea of connectedness and connectivity promoted by SNSs. The value of collaborative potential was underlined by the respondents. (T4: "SNSs create platforms for discussion and further joint projects"). On the other hand, most (three out of 4) were worried about the high level of tension and aggression that can be observed in social media.
The second phase of the analysis showed that the proposed tasks were perceived as effective and worth combining with traditional forms of teaching. The respondents reflected on the positive effect of such exercises on the affective domain of students (T1: "encouraging task", "arouse interest"; T2: "informative", "involve students". "Improve understanding", etc.). Despite obvious positive attitudes, certain limitations to deployment were identified (For example, T1: "lack of systematic and organized information", language difficulty, biased information in some SNSs etc). Overall, the teachers showed readiness to use SNs as a supplementary tool because it has a favourable impact on students' motivation and engagement.
Implications for theory and practice. The research presents an attempt to provide a new inquiry into Bennett's conceptual framework of research genres by thinking about ME. Teachers' multicultural competence (cluster 3) is used as the basis for reflective teachers' feedback on the educational potential of media-based teaching practices (cluster 4). This can be viewed as a "new connection for theory and practice" (Bennett 2001 p 207). SNS being a popular social media tool among students can be deployed by teachers to enhance multicultural component of foreign language education. The research presents the rubrics for reflective journals and the model SNS-based tasks that can be embedded onto the class curriculum. The presented materials and the findings can be used by teachers and multicultural educators as a means towards rethinking class curriculum at the multicultural level. This assumption points to the possibility of broadening the conceptions of formal" fixed" curricula and drawing on more "fluid" interactive educational solutions like SNSs (Zhao 2006). The findings can pave the way to further theoretical and empirical research within cluster 1 curriculum reform. The research proves the agreement among teachers that SNS has the potential to be influential in
shaping students' expectations and behaviour patterns (Abe& Jordan 2013). The qualitative 2-stage research design has helped to collect and analyse data on the main constructs within the affective domain among teachers. The effectiveness of using SNSs as an educational tool for ME in language learning was explored through interpretative phenomenological analysis of teachers' reflections. The possible limitations are centred on the number of the participants, time, and number of genres in ME research Another challenging issue is the nature of the affective domain, representing the personal views of individuals which are often firmly held, experientially based. Despite the limitations of the small-scale research, it has resulted in some insights into theoretical and professional aspects of multicultural education via social media. It is an attempt to fill in the gaps in the literature review concerning the usage of SNS as an educational tool for ME. It has provided the detailed description of the findings that can be considered by teachers wishing to deploy this type of technology. The research represents one of the ways to combine genres in Bennett's classification of research in multicultural education. The research describes teachers' perceptions on the way how SNSs can be used as a component of hybrid teaching practices in ME. The aim of further research can be directed to analysing all aspects within teachers' affective domain and class curriculum reforms at the institutional level.
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УДК 371
кандидат педагогических наук Макаренко Юлия Владимировна
Гуманитарно-педагогическая академия (филиал) Федерального государственного автономного образовательного учреждения высшего образования
«Крымский федеральный университет имени В.И. Вернадского» (г. Ялта); заведующий Сыроедова Татьяна Ивановна
Муниципальное бюджетное дошкольное образовательное учреждение «Детский сад №67 «Солнечный дом» (г. Ялта)
Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются возможности и проблемные аспекты организации системы «университет -детский сад», оказывается помощь и поддержка студентам с детьми, создаются комфортные условия обучения для них. Факты доказали, что для успешного взаимодействия на разных уровнях этой системы необходимо обучать всех объектов представленного взаимодействия.
Ключевые слова: дошкольная образовательная организация, ВУЗ, педагогическое взаимодействие, федеральные государственные образовательные стандарты дошкольного образования, профессиональная поддержка.