Также организуются специальные сервисы, созданные для жертв кибер-буллинга. Например, «Дети онлайн», где психологи консультируют родителей и подростков в рабочее время. «Дети онлайн» — проект компании «Фонд Развития Интернет» при поддержке Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации.
1. Ефимова Е. С. Кибербуллинг как проблема психопедагогики виртуальных сред // Успехи в химии и химической технологии. 2014. Т. XXVII. № 7. С. 65-66.
2. Еремина Е. А., Калинина Ю. В., заплатина Е. А., лопатин Д. В. Информационные угрозы коммуникативного характера // Гаудеамус. 2012. Т. 2. № 20. С. 124-125.
3. Щипанова Д. Е. Кибербуллинг как фактор риска в образовательной среде // Новые информационные технологии в образовании: матер. VIII Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. (Екатеринбург, 10-13 марта 2015 г.). Екатеринбург: Изд-во РГППУ, 2015. С. 619-623.
4. Бочавер А. А., Хломов К. Д. Кибербуллинг: травля в пространстве современных технологий // Психология. Журнал Высшей школы экономики. 2014. № 3. С. 177-191.
5. зинцова А. С. Социальная профилактика кибербуллинга // Вестник Нижегородского университета. Сер.: Социальные науки. 2014. № 3. С. 122-128.
6. Баранов А. А., Рожина С. В. Психологический анализ причин кибербуллинга // Вестник Удмуртского университета. 2015. Т. 25. Вып. 1. С. 37-41.
7. Махиянова А. В. Жизненные ценности современной личности: состояние и роль агентов социализации в их формировании // Вестник Вятского государственного гуманитарного университета. Сер.: Философия и социология; культурология. 2011. № 1. С. 99-102.
8. Шакирова Д. М. Социальный конфликт и стратегии конфликтного поведения в современных школах: автореф. дис. ... канд. социол. наук. Саранск, 2018. 30 с.
9. тищенко М. Кибербуллинг вне закона: в России предлагают ввести ответственность за травлю в соцсетях // RT. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://russian.rt.com/russia/ article/489396-shtraf-rossiya-kiberbulling (дата обращения: 13.10.2018).
УДК 005.336.4
С. У. Абдулхакимов
Социальные основы развития системы управления и повышения профессионального интеллектуального потенциала молодежи
S. U. Abdulkhakimov. Social foundations of the development of the system of management and enhancement of the professional intellectual potential
of the youth
Данная статья посвящена рассмотрению социальных основ развития системы управления и повышения профессионального интеллектуального потенциала молодежи.
This article is devoted to the consideration of the social foundations of the development of the system of management and enhancement of the professional intellectual potential
Салим Уралович Абдулхакимов — старший преподаватель кафедры социологии Ташкентского государственного аграрного университета. © Абдулхакимов С. У., 2018
Сегодня образование является одним из важнейших факторов в процессе формирования интеллектуального потенциала субъектов управленческой деятельности. Реализация интеллектуального потенциала личности является механизмом формирования и развития интеллектуального потенциала общества. Система знаний, навыков и управленческих навыков закладывается в процессе социальной и профессиональной социализации личности. Интеллектуальное управление основано на взаимосвязи и интеграции интеллектуального потенциала не только субъектов управления, но и всего общества, использования знаний, талантов, творчества объектов управления и их участия в управленческом процессе.
Ключевые слова: профессиональный потенциал; молодежь; непрерывное образование; управленческая деятельность.
Контактные данные: 100140, Республика Узбекистан, Ташкентская область, пгт Ки-брай, ул. Университетская, д. 2; (998-71) 260-48-00; [email protected].
of the youth. Today the education is one of the most important factors in the process of formation of the intellectual potential of subjects of managerial activity. The realization of the intellectual potential of the individual is a mechanism for the formation and development of the intellectual potential of society. The system of knowledge, skills, and managerial skills are laid in the process of social and professional socialization of the individual. Intellectual management is based on the interconnection and integration of the intellectual potential of not only the subjects of management, but of the whole society, the use of knowledge, talents, the creativity of management objects and their involvement in the managerial process.
Keywords: professional potential; the youth; continuing education; management activities.
Contact details: Universitetskay Str. 2, Ki-bray, Tashkent region, Republic of Uzbekistan; (998-71) 260-48-00; nigoradjurayeva@ mail.ru.
The state youth policy, being a system of forming priorities and measures aimed at creating conditions and opportunities for successful socialization and effective self-realization of youth, tries to ensure the stable development of its potential in the interests of the state and, consequently, socio-economic and cultural development, in order to ensure its competitiveness in the world and strengthening national security of the state. Today, in our society, crisis situations are increasingly emerging and are largely explained by the subjective and institutional contradictions between the intellectual potential of society and the management system. In particular, they testify to an increase in the gap between the needs and interests of social communities, groups and strata, and the needs and objectives of the subjects of management, which leads to alienation of people from innovative forms of activity, undermining the basis for timely modernization processes. It should also be noted that the factors of this gap are the low professionalism of managers, the weakness of management mechanisms. This fact is a result of the fact that management in fact ceased to be an intellectual force based on modern knowledge and does not fulfill its social mission to ensure the harmonious development of social relations.
According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mir-ziyoyev No. 4947 dated February 7, 2017 "On the strategy for further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" number UP-4947 on February 7, 2017, qualitative profound changes in the socio-political, economic, spiritual spheres of life of people. In the current year 2018, 60 percent of funds are allocated from the state budget to implement harmonious activities and development of the above areas.One of the most important components of the social sphere of strategy is the sphere of education, which directly affects the socio-political and spiritual spheres. The Head of State presented the Parliament of the country to the Oliy Majlis for the first time an appeal on the improvement and reform of the system of upbringing and education. In particular, noting in his statement the importance of continuing education
and starting it with pre-school education, the Head of State speaks about the need to strengthen the material and technical base of 2,200 kindergartens, moreover, the opening of new modern kindergartens in rural areas, and the provision of them with methodical and educational aids, new inventory, multimedia. After all, for many families in rural areas, kindergartens have become a vital necessity. at the same time, according to the Strategy of 2017-2021, the payment for children's homes is to be reduced by 30 percent, which creates great convenience and benefits for low-income and large families.
according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Preschool Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established in the country [1; 2].
It is important to note the fact that today's youth is the main labor resource not only in Uzbekistan, but also in other countries (due to the rapid aging of the population in these countries). Youth employment is the main source of funds for the social security of children, disabled people and the elder generation. In our country, the pace of the state's progress along the path of democracy and the related transformations will depend on the position of young people in social and political life, its confidence in the future and professional and social activity. young people should be ready to resist political manipulation and extremist appeals, sometimes sounding in the country.
at the same time, the realization of the intellectual potential of the individual is a mechanism for the formation and development of the intellectual potential of society.
Structural dynamics of managerial activity is manifested in a combination of management functions, in specific interrelated actions, including analysis, goalsetting, organization, regulation, control, incentives, design, planning, forecasting. and the implementation of the main content of management activities is carried out through the development of the most optimal methods. In these conditions, the entire management process is the manifestation of various levels and forms of organization of intellectual activity of the subjects of management. its actualization is possible due to the presence of a certain level of intellectual potential of the subjects of management [3, p. 131].
To improve the professional intellectual potential of young people, it is necessary to take into account the interests and needs of various youth groups, the interaction of the state, civil society institutions and business representatives, information openness, improving the system of training and selection of management personnel [4, p. 27]. It is necessary to develop a concept of intellectual management based on the presumption of a new type of management culture, which makes it possible to effectively use the resource of the management system on innovative principles. So, before society there is a large-scale social problem, connected: first, with the formation and development of a new socio-cultural quality of the intellect of individuals engaged in managerial work, its depth, universality; secondly, with the creation of conditions and methods for combining individual intellects in order to harmonize the multidirectional interests of the subjects and their consolidation; thirdly, optimal, reasonable use of the intellectual potential of the management system; fourth, the creation of mechanisms for social regulation of the process of reproduction, distribution and consumption of the intellectual potential of society.
Education is another important factor in the formation of the intellectual potential of subjects of managerial activity. The system of knowledge, skills, and managerial skills is laid in the process of social and professional socialization of the individual. in the process of preparation at the university, students receive a sufficiently
deep and broad knowledge of the principles and laws of governance. They are taught the techniques of management work, that is, they know how to manage and manage. Undoubtedly, a huge number of specialists in the labor market create healthy competition, the ability to select competent, the most prepared, which could lead to quality management. But the determining criterion by which workers are selected is work experience, and the knowledge obtained at the university does not represent value without the ability to apply them in practice. Thereby, there are more chances to get a position for a person with work experience who does not have a special education, but who knows his work, than a graduate who has no idea about the practical side of the profession received, about the specifics of managerial activity.
Intellectual potential of a person has at least three properties: on the one hand, it is able to be actualized, to be realized in activity, on the other, it is able to accumulate the activity of many people into the whole as a condition for the successive existence of any society, that is, new generations inherit knowledge, values, the norms created as a result of the activities of past generations, in the third, it unites all activities. For, as a spiritual education, it permeates production, scientific, educational, educational, managerial, etc. activity, and the direct mechanism of their functioning is intellectual activity. Our state has created its own model of education that takes into account the needs related to globalization and is a tool for ensuring the positive and productive role of Uzbekistan in Asia and beyond. Today the uniqueness of this model of personnel training is recognized by the entire world community. The main distinguishing feature was its integrity, a systematic approach, where the components of a single process are the individual, the state and society, continuing education, science and production.
The head of our state paid special attention to the education system and adopted a number of resolutions related to the reform of all spheres of education. For example, the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in August 9, 2017 No. PP-3183 "On the organization of special correspondence departments for pedagogical directions in higher educational institutions" [5, p. 7-9].
It should be noted that among the variety of factors influencing the choice of the manager's profession, determining is the achievement of high status in the social structure and high wages in managerial positions.
Thus, intellectual management is based on the interconnection and integration of the intellectual potential of not only the subjects of management, but of the whole society, the use of knowledge, talents, the creativity of management objects and their involvement in the managerial process. The implementation of intellectual management is conditioned by the change in the principles and technologies of communicative interaction and the transformation of knowledge into managerial innovations. It is necessary to create optimal conditions and an effective environment for the realization of intellectual abilities of the individual, satisfaction of the need for self-development, motivation for creative expression, spiritual and cultural growth and professionalism.
1. Крамаренко В. Ю., Никитин В. Е., Андреев Г. Г. Интеллект человека. Воронеж: Изд-во Воронеж. ун-та, 1990. 184 c.
2. Официальный веб-сайт Президента Республики Узбекистан. URL: http://prezident.uz (дата обращения: 08.08.2018).
3. Социологический энциклопедический словарь на рус., англ., нем., фр. и чеш. языках / ред.-коор. Г. В. Осипов. М.: НОРМА, 2000. 488 c.
4. Холодная М. А. Психология интеллекта: парадоксы исследования. 2-е изд. перераб. и доп. СПб.: Питер, 2002. 272 с.
5. Узбекистон Республикаси Президенти Шавкат Мирзиеевнинг Олий Мажлисга Муро-жаатномаси // Хал; сузи. 2017. № 258.
УДК 316.444.5
М. Г. Цыпкина
Управление профессиональной мобильностью молодежи на рынке труда: системный подход
M. G. Tsypkina. Management of professional mobility of youth in the labor market through systems approach
В статье проанализировано управление профессиональной мобильностью молодежи на рынке труда с позиции системного подхода. Выделены основные элементы системы управления профессиональной мобильностью молодежи на рынке труда. В конце статьи приведено авторское определение понятия «управление профессиональной мобильностью молодежи на рынке труда».
Ключевые слова: системный подход; социальное управление; профессиональная мобильность молодежи; рынок труда; элементы системы управления.
Контактные данные: 191023, Санкт-Петербург, Садовая ул., д. 21; (812) 602-23-22; [email protected].
The article analyzes the management of professional mobility of youth in the labor market from the position of a systems approach. The basic elements of management system of professional mobility of youth in the labor market are highlighted. At the end of the article the author's definition to the concept of "management of professional mobility of youth in the labor market" is given.
Keywords: systems approach; social management; professional mobility of youth; labor market; elements of management system.
Contact details: Sadovaya Str., 21, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 191023; (812) 602-23-22; [email protected].
В условиях дефицита квалифицированных молодых специалистов, способных в короткие сроки приспосабливаться к меняющимся условиям рынка труда, наибольшую актуальность приобретает исследование процесса управления профессиональной мобильностью молодежи. Сегодня этот процесс становится одним из ключевых направлений молодежной политики, поскольку он связан со становлением конкурентоспособных молодых специалистов, так необходимых рынку труда современного российского общества.
Вначале определим, что представляет собой процесс управления. Управление, согласно распространенному определению, представляет собой «процесс целенаправленного прямого воздействия одного индивида на другого» [1, с. 170]. Однако когда мы рассматриваем различные социальные процессы, в том числе профессиональную мобильность молодежи, то сталкиваемся с понятием социаль-
Мария Геннадьевна Цыпкина — аспирант кафедры управления персоналом Санкт-Петербургского государственного экономического университета. © Цыпкина М. Г., 2018