G.A. Irenchieva, Lecturer S.K. Kaldybaev, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Ala-Too International University (Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek)
Abstract. This article explores the role of social-emotional learning in the development of the skills that are necessary for a successful life in the modern world. The author examines key aspects of SEL, including developing emotional intelligence, improving interpersonal relationships, and impacting on learning and mental health. The paper emphasises the importance of SEL as an investment in the future and in developing individuals who can cope effectively with the challenges of living. Also, the article emphasizes the importance in creating a harmonious and successful society.
Keywords: emotional intelligence, emotional-intellectual educational environment, pedagogical education, upbringing.
The topics of social-emotional learning, the relationship between emotional, social, and ethical issues in education have been the subject of discussion abroad for the last 20 years or so, starting in the mid-1990s, when D. Goleman's popular book "Emotional Intelligence" was published. As Goleman himself admitted, he was encouraged by his discovery of an alternative to the dominant understanding of human intelligence in IQ measurements [1].
Emotional intelligence is one of the most popular concepts of the past decade. According to the experts of the World Economic Forum, it is one of the 10 most important skills for 2020. Davide Antognazza has stated: "Emotional intelligence and emotionally intelligent educational environments are the real innovations in the field of education in the last three decades. And that the world is in need of a new generation of emotionally educated people who not only understand the nature and influence of emotions in our lives, but who are also able to manage themselves and live in harmony with others [2].
The activity in the field of emotional intelligence research is also a result of the processes that are currently taking place in the field of education, which is no longer satisfied with the reproductive methods of education based on convergent thinking with its main indicator - IQ. Concepts such as emotional-intellectual educational
environment, emotional-inclusive school, social-emotional learning (SEL), emotional competence, emotional creativity and emotional giftedness are being introduced into the modern educational process.
Social-emotional learning (SEL) is becoming a key part of the contemporary educational paradigm. It is not only about the acquisition of knowledge, but also about the development of skills that are essential for successful adaptation to modern society.
The aim of modern education is not only the transmission of knowledge, but also the development of students as individuals who can successfully cope with life's challenges. Social-emotional learning (SEL) is becoming increasingly important in this context. This area of learning aims to prepare students for successful life in modern society by focusing on the development of skills related to emotional intelligence and interpersonal relationships.
In other countries, specific programmes are being developed and implemented to teach social and emotional learning (SEL) skills. For example, specific standards for teaching SEL skills in each grade from kindergarten to the last year of high school have been established in the state of Illinois in the United States. In 2002, UNESCO sent ministries of education in 140 countries a statement of ten basic principles for implementing SEL, launching a global
initiative to promote SEL. Positive psychology is the theoretical basis of SEL (social-emotional learning). The programme is based on the notion that thinking, feeling and behaving are one in order to ensure the positive development of the child.
What is Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)? It is a comprehensive education that focuses on developing skills in managing emotions, interpersonal relationships, resolving conflict and making decisions. This includes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills. SEL helps students to have a better understanding of themselves and others, and to interact effectively in a variety of situations.
It is important that Social-Emotional Learning is not just a supplement for the academic curriculum. It is an integrated approach to learning that has the potential to have a profound impact on the lives of students. Here are some of the key aspects that make SEL so important:
- The development of emotional intelligence: SEL helps students understand and manage their emotions. It also helps them use their emotions effectively in everyday life. A key component of professional and personal success is emotional intelligence;
- Improving interpersonal relationships: Communicating, empathizing and resolving conflict are integral to social-emotional learning. These skills will help students to build high quality relationships with others and to work successfully in teams;
- Enhanced learning: Students who are equipped with social and emotional intelligence skills are more successful learners. They have high levels of motivation and adaptability and are better able to cope with stress;
- Prevention of problem behaviour: Social-emotional learning can also help to prevent various forms of negative behaviour among students, such as aggression, bullying and depression [3].
Therefore, SEL educational technology is more productive in the context of a safe, comfortable learning environment, because the key factor in such an environment is a trusting and positive teacher-pupil relationship that promotes quality learning,
social and emotional development and behavioural literacy. Emotional Literacy, therefore, needs to be developed and made available.
It should be noted that SEL does not have to be the sole preserve of the school environment. By creating a supportive and emotionally nurturing environment at home, parents can also play an important role in the development of their children's social-emotional skills.
Investing in social-emotional learning is investing in the future. It is an approach that will help them not only to succeed academically, but also to cope better with the challenges of life. Emotionally and socially prepared for the world, they can be active participants in the creation of a better future for themselves and for society as a whole [4].
It is important to recognise that SEL is not limited to education establishments. There is also a role to play in supporting and developing these skills in parents, society and professional communities.
Students equipped with social-emotional skills will become leaders, creative thinkers and able to solve complex problems. They will contribute to a more harmonious society based on mutual understanding and respect, and will lead happier and more successful lives.
Properly used, emotions contain wisdom, as D. Goleman points out. They can guide how we think, define what we value, and help us survive when things get tough. At the same time, however, they can also lead us astray from the right path, as they often do. As Aristotle put it: "It is not a question of emotionality, but of the appropriateness of emotions and their expression. It is important to bring our minds to our emotions, and to combine this with politeness, attentiveness and caring.
One of the key concepts is emotional intelligence. Practitioners of emotional intelligence give the following definition: "Emotional competence is an integrated set of skills: identifying your own emotions, identifying others' emotions, and managing your own and others' emotions. This model is hierarchical in the sense that the process of EI development begins with awareness of one's
own emotions. More often than not, we have been taught not to be aware of our emotions, but to be in denial about them. However, suppressing emotions is detrimental to health and to relationships with others. So it makes sense to learn to recognise emotions and develop other ways of managing them" [5].
By transforming the traditional pedagogical system into an emotionally mediated one, the educational environment is looking for ways to develop EI. EI comprises four skills: awareness of one's own emotions, awareness of others' emotions, and management of one's own and others' emotions, according to the theory of emotional intelligence.
The Emotional Competence Inventory is a tool for assessing individual and organisational emotional competence. D. Goleman defines EI as the ability to identify and acknowledge one's own feelings as well as the feelings of others, for self-motivation, management of emotions within oneself and in relationships with others.
Therefore, to become emotionally competent, one must be able to:
- Identify one's emotions;
- Identify the sources of these emotions;
- Choose the appropriate type of response and then act on it [6].
Thus, SEL is about teaching the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to thrive in society. It is relevant at any age. However, most programmes are designed for school children. The aim of SEL is to give a person all that is needed to be in harmony with oneself, to have happy relationships, to be successful at school and in life. It is the ability to understand oneself, to understand and to harmonise with oneself and with others.
first ideas about ourselves and about life become either the basis for our future well-being or the source of our discomfort. It is important not to skimp on love and tenderness, and to give the baby as many positive emotions as possible. This does not mean that negative emotions should be ignored: The child should feel that all its emotions are important.
Adults, especially teachers, also benefit from SEL. In the classroom, they have to think on their feet, keep things under control and stick to time limits. That's a lot of stress. SEL teaches you how to listen to yourself, how to manage stress and how to enjoy what you're doing.
Teachers who are calm and well-balanced are more effective and create a more positive atmosphere. Children learn better in a safe and secure environment, but the atmosphere is also crucial to their social and emotional development. Caring and compassion are not things that can be taught with words. Adults need to model what they want children to learn.
The role of SEL is to be of service to a wide range of people. This means that the needs and characteristics of specific communities, e.g. ethnic minorities, need to be considered and addressed. There is a need for the development of greater cohesion, a sense of belonging to individual groups and to society as a whole. Involving people in solving problems together, encouraging activity and responsibility is important. Then everyone will have the feeling that they are the authors of their lives and the creators of change.
SEL is not just a fashionable trend in education, it is a fundamental element that will shape the future of our children and of society as a whole. Undoubtedly, one of the most important tasks of modern education and society as a whole is to develop these skills.
Infancy is the time of learning about trust in our parents and the world around us. Our
1. Goleman, D. Emotional intelligence. Bantam Books. - Psychology, 1995. - 352 p.
2. Antognazza D. Moscow, 09.12.2017. - URL:
3. Guilford George. Structural model of intelligence. Psychology of thinking. ed. A.M. Matyushkin. - M.: Progress, 1965.
4. Andreeva, I.N. Emotional intelligence as a phenomenon of modern psychology. -Novopolotsk: PSU, 2011. - 388 3.
5. Golman D.G. Emotional intelligence. Daniel Holman; lane. from English. A.P. Isaeva. -M.: Publishing house «Mann, Ivanov and Ferber», 2018. - 544 p.
6. Shabanov S. Emotional intelligence: Russian practice. Sergey Shabanov, Alena Aleshina. 4-x. - Moscow: Mann, 2017, 2017. 426 p.
Г.А. Иренчиева, преподаватель С.К. Калдыбаев, д-р пед. наук Международный университет Ала-Тоо (Кыргызстан, г. Бишкек)
Аннотация. В этой статье рассматривается роль социально-эмоционального обучения в развитии навыков, необходимых для успешной жизни в современном мире. Автор рассматривает ключевые аспекты СЭО, включая развитие эмоционального интеллекта, улучшение межличностных отношений, влияние на обучение и психическое здоровье. В статье подчеркивается важность СЭО как инвестиции в будущее и в развитие личности, способной эффективно справляться с жизненными трудностями. Также в статье подчеркивается важность в создании гармоничного и успешного общества.
Ключевые слова: эмоциональный интеллект, эмоционально-интеллектуальная образовательная среда, педагогическое образование, воспитание.