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Ключевые слова
activity / team / personnel qualifications / selection phase / adept phase / adaptation phase / internal phase / respect phase / coaching and mentoring phase / career guidance / competence. / деятельность / команда / квалификация персонала / этап отбора / этап адепта / этап адаптации / внутренний этап / этап уважения / этап коучинга и наставничества / профориентация / компетентность.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ramatov, J.S., Khasanov, M.N.

The article shows that ensuring the economic and social stability of society and achieving social development largely depends on the knowledge, skills, qualifications and professional competencies of personnel trained in this area. The article also notes the presence of social factors affecting the development of each industry, and shows their objective and subjective characteristics. Social factors are considered, the features of studying the potential of specialists working in this field are described, the professional qualities of personnel working in the railway industry are analyzed. It highlights such topical issues as personnel training, research of personnel qualifications, their further development and improvement, as well as the impact of the level of personnel professionalism on the efficiency of enterprises, organizations and institutions. In addition, the interaction of teams working in the railway industry, corporate culture, training strategies in the railway transport system are discussed.

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В статье показано, что обеспечение экономической и социальной стабильности общества и достижение социального развития во многом зависит от знаний, навыков, квалификации и профессиональных компетенций кадров, подготовленных в данной сфере. Также в статье отмечается наличие социальных факторов, влияющих на развитие каждой отрасли, и показаны их объективные и субъективные характеристики. Рассмотрены социальные факторы, описаны особенности изучения потенциала специалистов, работающих в данной сфере, проанализированы профессиональные качества персонала, работающего в железнодорожной отрасли. Освещены такие актуальные вопросы, как подготовка кадров, исследование квалификации кадров, их дальнейшее развитие и совершенствование, а также влияние уровня профессионализма персонала на эффективность деятельности предприятий, организаций и учреждений. Кроме того, обсуждаются взаимодействие команд, работающих в железнодорожной отрасли, корпоративная культура, стратегии обучения в системе железнодорожного транспорта.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 6 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7


Ramatov J.S.

Tashkent State Transport University Head of the Department of Social Sciences, Professor Khasanov M.N. Tashkent State Transport University Independent researcher of the Department of Social Sciences

The article shows that ensuring the economic and social stability of society and achieving social development largely depends on the knowledge, skills, qualifications and professional competencies of personnel trained in this area. The article also notes the presence of social factors affecting the development of each industry, and shows their objective and subjective characteristics. Social factors are considered, the features of studying the potential of specialists working in this field are described, the professional qualities of personnel working in the railway industry are analyzed. It highlights such topical issues as personnel training, research of personnel qualifications, their further development and improvement, as well as the impact of the level of personnel professionalism on the efficiency of enterprises, organizations and institutions. In addition, the interaction of teams working in the railway industry, corporate culture, training strategies in the railway transport system are discussed.

Keywords: activity, team, personnel qualifications, selection phase, adept phase, adaptation phase, internal phase, respect phase, coaching and mentoring phase, career guidance, competence.


Due to globalization and the informatization of society, in addition to having quick information relevant to their field, every employee of an enterprise must have the skills to make quick decisions in a timely and effective manner. In other words, information needs to be mastered at an extreme level. This, in turn, has a dynamic impact on the development of workforce. It is important to study how to change these dynamic effects for the better and protect them from the negative ones.

In particular, it should be noted that the global COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, as in many other areas, had a significant impact on the activities of railway workers. This, in turn, will further radically improve the railway industry, provide


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 6 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

comprehensive social support to employees working in the field, work while maintaining social distance, protect their health, strengthen medical services in the field, technical safety and sanitation. operating in accordance with the rules of hygiene, preventing the sharp decline in income of industry workers. Recent events and dynamics have shown that, as in all spheres, there is a great need for extensive research in the railway sector and for the training of trained personnel. Based on these requirements and needs, the country is currently undergoing radical reforms in the railway sector, the establishment of specialized higher education institutions, and a number of tasks to improve their activities. In particular, the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 4, 2020 No PQ-4703 "On measures to radically improve the system of training in the field of transport":

"Training, retraining and advanced training of competitive higher education specialists and scientific and pedagogical staff, as well as mass professionals, based on the needs of the transport sector;

to conduct fundamental, applied and innovative research and studies on topical issues of transport development, to develop proposals for their results, including the widespread introduction of digital and other modern technologies;

creation of a continuous system of training for the transport sector, ensuring the continuity and continuity of educational programs in the system of academic lyceums and vocational schools of the industry;

In order to ensure that the theoretical training in the educational process is inextricably linked with practice, together with organizations in the field of transport to organize student internships in relevant organizations, to establish targeted cooperation for the employment of graduates "[1] such tasks include.

In this regard, the head of our state Sh. Mirziyoyev said: "... as we aim to turn Uzbekistan into a developed country, we can achieve this only through accelerated reforms, science and innovation. To do this, first of all, we need to nurture a new generation of knowledgeable and skilled personnel who will emerge as enterprising reformers, think strategically, [2] - he said. special attention should be paid to the importance of educating a new generation of educated and qualified personnel.


In recent years, the attitude to the development of scientific potential of young people in Uzbekistan has changed for the better, with the expansion of reforms in this area, as a result of measures taken in science and education. indicate that plab changes are occurring.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 6 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7


In this process, scientific research methods such as retrospective and comparative analysis, study of the product of activity, observation, study of documents were used. The object of research is the factors influencing the professional qualities of the personnel trained in the railway system.


Human resources are the most valuable and important part of a society's productive forces. They create and mobilize the means of production, constantly improving them. In general, the activities of each organization depend on the qualifications of employees, their placement and use. "... Japan has made great strides thanks to innovations in a single area of activity that is very important, namely governance. Japanese managers have quickly and better realized that the most important factor in management is the need to treat staff and people as the main source of success. They have proved that this is the most important capital and that it should be valued. "[3]

There are certain steps that a young professional must take to become a professional. These stages are called "phases" in science and include: optant (Latin "optatio" - selection) phase; adept (Latin "adeptus" - achievement) phase; adaptation phase; internal phase (Latin "internus" - internal); mastery phase; respect phase; coaching and mentoring phase [4].

In the "optant" phase of the process of professional development, a person is faced with the problem of choosing or changing a profession. This phase, like other phases, cannot be defined by a specific time limit. It may depend on the individual's personality, lifestyle, and circumstances. For example, children from low-income families or foster children begin to think seriously about their future in adolescence. This, of course, depends on how well-off they are. Conversely, adolescents who are accustomed to parental care may be more likely to be irresponsible in their choice of life and career goals in higher education.

The second is the "adept" phase, when a person is devoted to his chosen profession and has fully mastered it (students, listeners, etc.). Depending on the profession, this stage can be long-term or short-term (for example, the process of becoming a doctor or a driver).

Third, in the "adaptation" phase, no matter how well-organized the training process is at the university, it may not be directly relevant to the production process. Therefore, a young professional needs to change his behavior, lifestyle and habits for the better.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 6 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

In many professions, the process is not the same. It depends on the situation. As a result, young professionals are required to develop their thinking skills, which is unusual for a professional. In this process, the members of the work team need to support each other. Such an event should, of course, be supervised by a supervisor.

Fourth, the specialist in the "internal" phase is experienced, loves his job and can confidently perform his duties independently. Such entrepreneurship is also recognized by his colleagues. The result is a positive impact on the morale of the community.

Fifth, in the "skill" phase, the specialist is able to perform both the easiest tasks and the most difficult tasks that his colleagues are not able to perform. He is known for his versatility, skills and special qualities in the field of professionalism.

Sixth, in the "respect" phase, the specialist is a master of his craft, a person with a good reputation in the professional sphere, and even beyond (for example, in the network, cross-sectoral and national). Such a specialist will have a high qualification index (title, academic degree, rank, category) based on the requirements of the certification adopted in the chosen profession. The opinions of those who have passed the specialization will be taken into account among colleagues and superiors.

Seventh, the coaching and coaching phase is a very broad concept. Coaching is an honorable task. The coach is always trying to convey the results to the students. In this sense, many problems would have been solved if the professional and coaching issues had been given more attention.

In short, every professional who successfully passes these stages, described briefly, can be called a true professional, that is, a master of his profession. Despite the fact that today there are sufficient conditions for the provision of each sector with highly qualified personnel, there are still problems in this area. For example, the role of professional leaders in building the socio-economic potential of the country is invaluable. Therefore, in the process of choosing a profession, it is natural for everyone to strive for a profession within their potential, capabilities and abilities. It is clear that not everyone is capable of working in any profession, because it is necessary to have the necessary physical and mental characteristics [5]. But there is an axiom that many still do not understand. Only when the majority of people are engaged in occupations that suit their abilities and characteristics can the productivity of an entire nation be maximized [6]. The process of career guidance and career choice is invaluable in addressing this issue. For example, relevant sources [7] show that the production efficiency of a specialist who decides to retire is reduced by 1015% in a month, and by 30-40% during the period of dismissal. A similar situation

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VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 6 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

can be observed in a newly hired specialist. Such staff turnover is a serious blow to the economy. This is the only way to achieve economic efficiency.

At the same time, the existence of "secrecy" in the relationship can affect the activities of the team. It is characterized by putting the interests of individual members before the interests of the team, appointing them regardless of whether they are able or not to perform any task, and showing each other only in awards. The culture of interaction in ensuring the effectiveness of the enterprise is carried out with the following skills and abilities:

- maintaining mutual respect during the cooperation, timely resolution of professional problems;

- Persuasion of team members, influence through personal example;

- show kindness and respect for the values of colleagues;

- Demonstrate sincerity to employees, care for them, wish them well, and so on.

Due to the difficulties expressed in achieving overall success in communities,

the nature of the relationship under the influence of labor and social factors influences the behavioral strategy. The research team, led by E. Mayo, proved that labor productivity is influenced not only by technical and economic, but also by socio-psychological factors (group mergers, relationships with management, workplace environment, job satisfaction, etc.) [8].

Includes ideas, opinions, behavioral and behavioral patterns, moods, symbols, and more that members of a managed business, institution, or organization follow. Today, Japanese companies are said to have the most advanced corporate culture. In particular, the concept of "cradle to grave with Toyota" is based on the harmonious relationship between management and employees of the world-famous company Toyota. Its features are: a) "lifetime employment"; (b) the provision of housing, ranging from the provision of dormitories for single workers to the provision of apartments to young brides and grooms, the sale of prefabricated houses produced by the company to families with children; (c) loans for the purchase of housing and the provision of affordable clothing and food; (g) Preferential medical care; d) organization of leisure time (singing together, sports sections, tourism, etc.). Of course, such events serve to connect skilled workers and employees to the company.

The principle of Toyota's management policy is as follows: "The most important thing in management is the problem of human relations. People, products and money are the most basic elements of a business, but people are the most important. Not just management, but every aspect of business depends on good interpersonal relationships. "[9] So, we believe that the introduction of such successful experience

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 6 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

of Japanese companies in the railway industry can lead to significant achievements and results for the development of the industry.

Professional development involves the process of preparing and retraining an employee to solve production problems, perform job functions and career opportunities. Today, staff development and training is a challenge that any organization can face during its operation and development. The quality and quantity of different training courses and programs vary from company to company. The quality and quantity of training and development are affected by the following factors:

• changes in the external environment of the organization (technological development, new legislation and requirements);

• internal changes in the organization (modernization of production processes;

• lack of qualified personnel;

• Opportunities for promotion and career advancement;

• Qualifications and professionalism of teachers.

Some organizations are slow to train and improve. Training programs in these organizations are unplanned and inconsistent with their strategic goals, resulting in reduced production efficiency and a negative level of professional satisfaction of employees.

The goal of the personnel strategy in the railway transport system is to ensure that more work is done and less work is done. A promising way to achieve this goal is to restructure production based on improving the professional skills of these workers. There are resources to improve the professionalism of the company's employees, and it is advisable to pay attention to the following aspects:

- wide introduction of advanced methods of labor organization;

- Increasing the technical level of production, its informatization and computerization;

- strengthening the responsibility for the quality of work;

- trouble-free transportation and its transfer to the lower stages of production [10, 11, 12, 13, 14].

Today in the railway transport system:

- tuners and repairmen;

- labor inspectors working with complex equipment;

- There is a growing need for personnel who use and maintain computer equipment.

Therefore, it is necessary to conduct this system of training and development of personnel in accordance with certain production characteristics, retraining and

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 6 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

advanced training of employees, effective use of targeted information technology in accordance with the potential of employees [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20].


In short, first of all, the system of training and development of personnel should be formed in accordance with the principle of a constantly evolving organization. After all, the guarantee of a well-organized system is the introduction of innovative technologies using the knowledge and skills acquired in the production process, the effective adaptation of competitive personnel in response to changes in the market economy. This will provide a staff that is competitive and able to operate successfully in the labor market.

Second, through a system of training and retraining, the organization successfully achieves its goals. This will provide a positive solution to any problems that may arise in the future. This is because a lack of qualified personnel in the field or a lack of the necessary professional competence can have a negative impact on the profitability of the organization, as well as affect productivity and reduce the level of development.


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VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 6 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

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(7), 14-16.


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