Copyright © 2019 by Academic Publishing House Researcher s.r.o.
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Published in the Slovak Republic Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie) Has been issued since 2005 ISSN 1994-4160 E-ISSN 1994-4195 2019, 59(2): 286-295
DOI: 10.13187/me.2019.2.286
Social Anti-drug Advertising in the Modern Media as a Factor of National Security
E.G. Kulikova a , * , L.A. Brusenskaya a a Rostov State Univeristy of Economics, Russian Federation
The provision of counter-narcotics activities can not rely solely on the criminal and law categories, but obviously involves complex of social actions. The informational component objectively becomes one of the priorities of modern anti-drug policy. In the context of expanding drugs, social advertising should and must become a conductor of restrictive anti-drug policy. It is antidrug advertising that can reduce the pressure of the drug environment and form an antidrug image of the world. The methodological basis of this investigation is the unity of the general, psycholinguistic, linguistic and law methods. The whole range of facts observed in the discourse -lexical units and grammatical forms, which provides social advertising is the subject of the study. The analysis is conducted at different levels - at the macro- (i.e. in the context of modern ideas of globalization, discursive strategies) and microlevel (psycholinguistic and linguistic and law analysis of the text, sentence, phrase and word). A comprehensive approach to the phenomenon of social advertising, dedicated to drug prevention demanded the usage of the tools of the theory of speech activity, the theory of speech acts, support on ideas and methods of cognitive science. Social advertising is essentially a projective activity aimed at social transformations.
Keywords: narcotization, antidrug advertising, informational security, subculture, media, ideology, jargon.
1. Introduction
Drug abuse is one of the leading factors of destruction for civilization - along with armed conflicts, natural disasters, environmental catastrophes. It is known that during the crisis periods of development of society the degree of narcotization increases significantly, which in turn provokes many other destructive phenomena. Our society has not immediately conceded the existence of the problem of narcotization: it was "noticed" in the mid 1970s. In 1975, by the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Health of Russia domestic narcology was formed. In the late 1970s - early 1980s in the Soviet Union there were held four All-Union conferences on issues of addictions, and in 1984, the scientific research on drug addiction were published as a separate issue of the journal "Drug Toxicology". And only in the late 1990s - early 2000s media started to publish preventive antidrug materials, target pages appeared in the Russian press, and specialized newspapers and magazines were published for a wide range of readers. In our country, drug addiction has finally turned into a large-scale national problem carrying a direct threat to the state in the post-Soviet period. Together with the scrapping of the former socio-economic system, much of that served as a powerful barrier to drugs also was broken down.
* Corresponding author
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (E.G. Kulikova), brusenskaya_l@ (L.A. Brusenskaya)
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The collapse of the system of children's and youth organizations, the loss of traditional life values in the conditions of sharp social stratification - all this determined the spread of drug addiction. The cause of drug addiction is rightly associated with the general decline of the spiritual and moral potential of the population. Syndrome of defective nation, produced in people with the early 1990s, led to the loss of national pride by the youth, withdrawal of the youth from active social life (Bogomolov, Clementino, 2014: 94-98). The results of studies about different age groups showed that each age group has some motives of drug abuse: from curiosity and imitation (12-14 year-old teenagers), from striving for adult forms of behavior (15-17 year-old young men and girls), to pleasure and going into an illusory world in 18-25 years old (Kuzminov, 2006). Lack of real forms of individual expression by youth, as well as the reduction of positive forms of leisure and the total commercialization of leisure and educational institutions played a significant role in narcotization.
2. Materials and methods
The methodological basis of this investigation is the unity of the general, psycholinguistic, linguistic and law methods. The whole range of facts observed in the discourse - lexical units and grammatical forms, which provides social advertising is the subject of the study. The analysis is conducted at different levels - at the macrolevel (i.e. in the context of modern ideas of globalization, discursive strategies) and microlevel (psycholinguistic and linguistic and law analysis of the text, sentence, phrase and word). A comprehensive approach to the phenomenon of social advertising, dedicated to drug prevention demanded the use of the tools of the theory of speech activity, the theory of speech acts, support on ideas and methods of cognitive science.
3. Discussion
Modern information environment as a source of drug addiction
The new socio-economic reality, emerging in Russia as a result of numerous transformations, presupposes the socially positive integration of the young person into society, the formation of a person, starting with childhood, with a stable position of rejection of drugs and drug subculture. An obstacle to this remains, however, ever-increasing drug aggression. Today, there is a real threat to national security from the international drug business, the researchers often think even about "narcoterrorism" in relation to Russia.
In these conditions, tolerance to drug addiction subculture and jargon words serving it is not acceptable. Meanwhile, the "addict" vocabulary, which the media introduce into the minds of recipients unfamiliar with it, is becoming more familiar. Today the problem of "Russian speech narcotization" is rightly raised (Redkin, 2010: 6-13). Born in the environment of drug addicts verbs and expresses in it different variants, phases and shades of narcotic euphoria in the mass consumption began to be used for expression of any feelings of pleasure, joy, or surprise. Drug words is displacing all other jargons, so that drugs addiction is perceived as a part of everyday life. And this is connected with total change of attitude to substandard in general. If before the jargon was considered as "the language of renegades" or "pampering" (Elistratov, 2000: 576), now it is well-known fact that the literary language and the substandard complementary (and substandard words are an important source of common language innovations), that in modern texts, especially in media texts, there is carried out "conflict-free" connection of these linguistic elements.
The origins of the increased interest in substandard (interest of ordinary native speakers and writers) is quite obvious: "the official propaganda ordered to consider non-existent such social phenomena as prostitution, drugs addiction, racketeering, etc. Nowadays, these always existing "sores" on the body of society is extraordinarily expanded and got new forms. Thus, the social base of the relevant jargon is even more real and tangible than before, and the task of investigations in the Russian language is, in particular, to study the diversity of modern social jargon and its relationship with the human environment that generates these jargon" (Krysin, 2008: 26). As it turned out, the substandard today is neither exclusively, nor even by advantage a means of communication of social lower classes. It is possible to remember substandard units which became usual in the speech (and-in an official situation!) of the state leaders. Naturally, the substandard (and jargon, and simple language forms) can not be unequivocally regarded as dysfunction of language (Sánchez-Moya, Cruz-Moya, 2015; Yus, 2017) and language behavior. Tolerance of modern normativity (Goddard, 2014; Kulikova, Brusenskaya, 2017; 2018; Sperber, Wilson, 2015; Wierzbicka, 2018) in general is the basis of substandard functioning. The negative attitude towards
the activation of the substandard gave way to the acceptance of the objective nature of this phenomenon, inseparable from the processes of liberalization and democratization of public life.
Jargon of drug addicts has always been considered one of the subsystems of criminal (criminal) argo, due to extralinguistic factors (Akimoto et al., 2014; Arevalo, 2018; Marlangeon, 2018; Sperber, Wilson, 2015) of its formation - restrictive norms and sanctions relating to drug trafficking and their abuse in criminal law. Jargon of druggies performs all the functions which characterize the criminal jargon, - the conspiracy, the nominative and ideological. So, in her research L.K. Lantsova drew the conclusion (Lantsova, 2006) that jargon of addicts in the English language is a specific subsystem of criminal jargon. However, it is symptomatic that the drug-addict vocabulary of the Russian language today is more often referred to the common youth jargon: litter "nark." is one of the most frequent in the Dictionary of Youth Slang by T.G. Nikitina (Nikitina, 2007): more than 1500 words (of 12000 words) have such mark.
If before studies of drug addiction jargon were hampered by the social remoteness of potential respondents from linguists (Kulikova, Kuznetsova, 2015; Kuznetsova et al., 2016), now this jargon is rapidly losing its impermeability. Drug-addict jargon conveys the concepts affecting in its linguistic realization youth speech culture. Words with metaphorical meaning magnify the representatives of the drug subculture; for example, an aristocrat (an experienced addict who knows the law well), a chemist (a drug addict, who is able to produce the drugs), anniversarian (a person first trying the drug), and etc. Today, the opposition between supporters of strengthening of restrictive measures against drugs and supporters of the legalization of "light" drugs has been worsened (including in the media).
Supporters of toughening anti-drug measures appeal to the real drug situation, which does not detect trends in improvement (for example characteristic title of the article by E.E. Tonkov "Antidrug Policy of Russia: Disappointing Results, or 20 years later"). According to E.E. Tonkov, after 20 years since the beginning of the implementation of the state anti-drug policy in Russia, the desired and predicted results in counteraction to drug trafficking and overcoming drug addiction of citizen anesthesia have not been achieved. Moreover, the current drug situation in Russia is characterized by an increase in illicit trafficking and non-medical consumption of highly concentrated drugs (Tonkov, 2015: 23). Marijuana and its derivatives are considered to be "light" drugs, all other drugs are considered to be "heavy". According to the Russian legislation, this division is unacceptable, and the responsibility for illegal drug operations is the same both for marijuana and for heroin. However, this division is widespread in the media. Because of media discourse many people consider "light" drugs harmless in comparison with "heavy" ones. It is a characteristic feature that innocent descriptions are used in relation to marijuana such as "habit of Bohemia", "bong", "harmless herb" and so on. So far, the activities for prevention of a narcotization of the society in our country was a separate, disparate, poorly coordinated action. Their successful implementation is hindered by the misunderstanding tolerance ideas.
According to the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO (1995), tolerance means respect, acceptance and correct understanding of the rich diversity of cultures of our world, our forms of self-expression and ways of human individuality, it is harmony in diversity, it is virtue, which makes possible peace and contributes to the replacement of the culture of war with the culture of peace (Alba-Juez, Larina, 2018). On this wave there is tolerance to the drug jargon and the drug subculture. Advertising of drugs, of course, is prohibited by law. But enforcement authorities regularly fix emergence of new chemical compounds - salts, smoking mixes, psychoactive preparations which distributors try to sell under the guise of harmless substances and often advertise in the Internet. Today it is necessary to make amendments to the Laws "On Advertising" and "On Mass Media", which quickly suppress any advertising of new, potentially dangerous psychoactive substances and narcotic plants. In autumn 2017 the State Duma Speaker V. Volodin called for toughening anti-drug legislation, especially in restricting propaganda in the Internet. The main way of spreading drugs is social infection: before getting into the human body through veins, the drug gets through eyes and ears (Bezmaternykh et al., 2017).
The narcoaggression reveals itself in the "savoring" of the problem in the media. Metaphors based on drugs are usual in jokes, anecdotes, songs (for example, song "Opium" by group "Silver" -and love in you and in me, like opium, opium... jokes like All the people were found in cabbage, but I was - in hemp, etc.). Many "anti-drug fighters" (Xynkin, 2009: 90-94) themselves violate the article 46 of paragraph 1 of the Federal Law "On Drugs and Psychotropic Substances " (dissemination of information on how to use drugs), when they print, for example, interviews with
drug addicts and thereby implement the idea of "safe" narcotism. If the anti-drug resources are less significant than the shaft of information promoting narcotics, the fight against drug lobbying activity will not lead to a positive result. The ideological component of the fight against drugs should be determined by the thesis that everything that causes direct harm to the individual and society should be removed from the sphere of individual freedom and attributed to the sphere of law.
Modern Media and the Problem of Information Security
The conception of information society, introduced in the early 1960s and still not fully developed, indicates a clear trend of gradual domination of information production over other areas of the economics. Information became the main resource for the reproduction of sociopolitical forms. In these conditions, the concept of information security has been updated. In general, security is understood as an ability of an object to maintain essence and main characteristics in conditions of targeted damaging effects. The security of the information environment, accordingly, is its quality, which excludes harmful effects on recipients.
New information technologies have unprecedentedly increased the capacity of citizens not only to consume but also to produce information (Brusenskaya, Kulikova, 2018). In the Internet the emergence of information about drug was first noted by experts in 1996. Analysis of the Russian Internet shows that in Internet it is possible to find all the information on drugs: where and how to buy, methods of preparation, injection sites, "dosage", the possibility of mixed abuse of various psychoactive substances, as well as recommendation on how to behave during the arrest by law enforcement for possession of drugs, how to avoid or "cheat" the test-control (Ishchenko 2007: 17-19).
Advertising function of the media, according to the cited author (Ishchenko 2007), should be implemented responsibly and selectively. Advertising slogans promising "guaranteed" getting rid of drug addiction for a certain amount are very doubtful. The abundance of such advertising in the media is a factor that creates an imaginary impression of non-hazard, easy curability of drug dependence, while medical data indicate otherwise. The associative model, which demonstrates the relationship of drugs with the way of life of social groups, which are perceived as elitist, is very dangerous. For example, the concept of "club drug "or often mentioned "gentleman's set" -cocaine, ecstasy, perceived as an attribute of secular life.
Researchers (Sunami, 2014, Tonkov, 2015, etc.) note that narcolepsy still wins the information war. And that information war between supporters and opponents of narcotization is being conducted continuously, is reality of modern life. So far, unsystematic anti-drug propaganda is opposed to the massive flow of information that directly or indirectly contributes to narcotization. Despite the fact that the dissemination of information entailing the narcotization of society (for example, the mention of "light" drugs) since 2002 is limited by the norms of administrative law (Art. 6.13 of the Administrative Code), publications of this type are usual in the media. Through commercial advertising, our media promote easily accessible pleasures, rampant consumerism and hedonism, and this already is a damage because "values" generated in such a way are a breeding ground for narcotization. Frequent mention and constant replication of fragments of narcotic subculture (including at the level of labels and brands - vodka "Cannabis", energy drink "Dose", perfume "Opium") makes them familiar, contributes to the growth of cognitive, and then consumer demand. The position according to which non-medical drug use is a private matter of the individual's freedom to choose the lifestyle that attracts him/her is very dangerous. "Nongovernmental anti-drug organizations and the media should consolidate their efforts in favor of protecting the human rights of non-drug addicts," - rightly points out N.V. Ishchenko (2007: 16-17).
It is known that the state policy of modern Russia in the sphere of counteraction to drugs is characterized by essential superiority of power restrictive methods of regulation of a situation and an obvious lack of measures actually preventive. The use of force measures are inevitable, since the link between drugs and crime is indissoluble, but preventive measures are of great significance today. Anti-drug advertising, which could consistently contribute to the formation of anti-drug views and beliefs, still occupies a small place in the communicative space of modern society. Since the early 2000-s, the situation has gradually changed due to the a new type of periodicals (mainly magazine), specializing in anti-drug topics. The first magazine is "Narconet", which has been published since 1999, it focuses on the formation of spiritual and moral values in the younger generation, and not just on anti-drug propaganda, and this is reflected in its permanent headings: "School Corridors", "Confession", "Crime", "Police Chronicles", "Prevention", "Legal workshop", "Psychological workshop", "Forum". There is published a specialized magazine "Narcomat", its target audience is professionals in the fight against drug trafficking (civil servants of the Ministry of
Interior, customs), and academic periodical interdisciplinary journals "Addiction" and "Addiction Issues". Together with the only anti-drug newspaper in the Russian Federation "It's not too late", focused on the widest audience, all these publications represent an independent segment of the information market (Lagutina, 2014). In general, more than 350 periodicals for young people with a total circulation of about 3 million copies per month are registered in Russia.
Newspapers and magazines of entertainment profile are dominated, and it is necessary to pay attention on clearly insufficient number of educational, informative publications. Glamorous publications form a consumer, hedonistic attitude to life, which becomes a good base for drug promotion. There is evidence that today in Russia the proportion of the population abusing drugs is 5-8 times more than in the countries of European Union (Golovchin, Barsukov, 2014). And at the same time, the domestic media are massively introducing into the public consciousness that drugs are an indispensable attribute of modern life. There is a pattern: the higher awareness of the risk of drug abuse in society, the lower their consumption. If drug tolerance prevails, the number of persons involved into drug trafficking increases accordingly. As drugs promotion is prohibited by law, hidden promotion is used. As noted in the article (Burbyka et al., 2015: 334-342), manipulation with needs (use of interests, desires); spiritual manipulation (formation of some ideals and values); manipulation with feelings (use of emotions, passions); symbolic manipulation (formation of a stable human reaction to certain symbols) are allocated in the hidden advertising of drugs. Often, the fight against drugs itself turns into advertising of drugs. For example, it takes place in all cases of discussions on the distinction between "light" and "heavy" drugs.
The nomination "light" in the mind of a teenager is associated with such features as 'harmless, harmless, allowed', that is, the name itself gives a veiled permission to use. Meanwhile, Russian legislation does not allow this distinction, since all drugs are certainly harmful and dangerous. For last ten years, these nominations - "heavy" and "light" drugs - have been actively used by the media (despite the fact that the Ethical Code of journalists in 1988 banned the division of drugs into "light" and "heavy").
Many media persons (for example V. Posner) speak in the press for the legalization of marijuana. The following positions are given as arguments: marijuana does not cause physical dependence, and mental dependence is less than from alcohol and nicotine; legalization of "light" drugs will give police the opportunity to focus on more serious cases of drug trafficking. While President V. Putin has repeatedly stressed that Russia is troubled about the legalization of so-called "light" drugs in a number of countries, some politicians speak out for the decriminalization of cannabis. So, A. Navalny's team declared that, in case of their coming to power, marijuana will be decriminalized in Russia. At a meeting with her supporters in Kaliningrad region candidate for the post of president from the party "Civil Initiative" K. Sobchak advocated the legalization of light herbal drugs. In her opinion, it will help to overcome "drug epidemic" in the country where to drink vodka in huge quantities is considered normal, and to use marijuana from which consequences are much less (including from the point of view of statistics of crimes) is not.
"Lightness" of drug type easy marijuana is accented by the word piddle (heroin kills and a person indulges with weed). Absurd from the point of view of narcology concept light drugs nevertheless widely penetrated into public consciousness. Marijuana is called the disease of Bohemia and harmless grass, the myth about relationship of creativity and drugs is actively cultivated. From Rastaman culture there came a symbol - a pattern in the form of hemp leaves, attractive to young people. In their information space, hemp leaf (cannabis sativa) is a symbol of drugs in general, which is often associated with youth protest moods. It is often said that it is necessary to form a culture of drug consumption (similar to the culture of alcohol consumption). Ideas of harmless "soft drugs" and the need for drug experience actively penetrate into consciousness. Meanwhile, it is known that in those countries that have legalized some drugs, there are often regrets about this, because the drug situation has only worsened. It is obvious that the legalization of drugs leads to a decrease in the age of initiation to drugs. All aspects of hidden advertising of drugs (and the publications in defense of the legalization of "light" drugs should be attributed to hidden advertising of drugs, of course) are not in the legislative, but in moral and ethical sphere. An attempt to penetrate deeply into the subculture of drug addicts in order to arouse interest to the publication may also result in hidden advertising of drug addiction. Even an information in the media that persons who have taken illegal drugs have been detained in a club can have a detrimental effect: young people will go there as to a place where they can get drugs.
Many young people have overcome the barrier of fear of drugs, which are perceived as elements of the youth subculture, as a pass to the relevant reference groups. Good awareness of addictive drugs is a prerequisite for drug abuse. Today in Russia there is a powerful criminogenic informational field, which forms a fertile ground for drug advertising. No wonder one of the main reasons for the spread of drugs is their availability. Narcotism is characterized by poorly controlled growth and high latency.
4. Results
In the complex of anti-drug measures, a special place should belong to social anti-drug advertising. Social advertising is inseparable from new sustainable social practices (Brusenskaya et al., 2017). "In advanced democracies, the impact of social advertising is so great that it is able to change the behavior of people in a particular situation" (Markin, 2010: 3). Social advertising is a rather new communication tool for us, actively used by civil society in the West. Although the forerunners of social advertising in Russia are rightly considered to be "edifying splint" of VIII-XIX centuries, and campaign posters - in Soviet times, in its modern form social advertising was formed only by the end of the XXth century. The development of social advertising in Russia went in such a way that the main stages associated with its institutionalization fall on key events in the history of Russia. The tradition of charity as the basis of compassionate and diligent attitude to social problems, to those who need help, connected with the transformation of the October revolution, is being lost. The return to the idea of charity in the post-Soviet period could not sufficiently rehabilitate the formed failures in the social memory of people, lost values, ideas about good and mercy.
In recent years, the phenomenon of social advertising has attracted the attention of researchers in our country. Social advertising, which refers to such categories as morality, conscience, ethics, has become especially popular because the society faced problems, the solution of which depends on mass behavior. The appeal to morality as the main motive of social advertising is the value basis of social advertising. The attitude to advertising in general and social advertising in particular is highly ambiguous. According to typical statement advertising contributes to the formation of one-dimensional thinking and behavior, the formation of "mosaic culture". However, ideas about the powerful potential inherent in social advertising are more and more gaining position. With the lack of values of humanism and spirituality, it is social advertising that can become an effective tool for the formation of norms based on ethical principles and the protection of moral values. Social advertising becomes a kind of counterbalance to commercial advertising and commercial PR, because it is based on the interests of the whole society. Such an assessment of social advertising seems legitimate, but its strict opposition to commercial advertising (which in its normal forms, corresponding to the advertising legislation, also serves the interests of the whole society) is hardly fair.
An important mission of social advertising is to update the vital and acute problems facing society and to attract public attention to them. Until now, such a powerful resource of the influence on the behavior and consciousness of society is not involved in due measure, and it leads to a decrease in the possibility of regulation, as well as minimizing social risks. Analysis of the experience of other countries shows that in the West social advertising is perceived as a kind of medicine on the principle: "prevention is cheaper than treatment". The stable development of social advertising is influenced by the legal and regulatory framework, the increase in costs from the government and commercial organizations for social advertising, as well as the introduction of innovative technologies. The responsibility of advertisers is very high, the strategies and tactics of social advertising is structured. Production, creation of social advertising in these countries is a whole industry. It is difficult to overestimate the possibilities of advertising in solving acute social problems.
Drug addiction is one of these problems. Social advertising efforts should focus primarily on the prevention of drug addiction. In the modern sense, drug abuse prevention is a complex system of social and state, socio-economic, psychological and pedagogical measures aimed at preventing non-medical drug abuse and at all possible health promotion. The World health organization proposes to subdivide preventive measures into primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. Primary prevention prevents the initial abuse of drugs. This type of prevention is designed for the whole society, but first of all it is designed for younger groups, children and adolescents. The primary prevention programs include not only anti-drug advertising, but also the introduction to
feasible socially useful work, organization of healthy leisure, involvement of young people into various types of creative activities, art, sports, tourism, etc. Secondary prevention includes early detection and active care for people who abuse drugs. Secondary prevention of drug addiction is aimed at those who are at "risk". The aim of secondary prevention is to identify those who have started using drugs at an early stage and to prevent them from becoming mentally and physically dependent. The aim of tertiary prevention is the prevention of relapses, it is aimed at groups that suffer from drug addiction and want to stop using drugs. Its purpose is to stop the drugs abuse and to prevent further deterioration in the human body. If tertiary prevention is the prerogative of physicians, in the first two cases social advertising may take an important place. Preventive work in general and anti-drug advertising in particular first of all should be aimed at the development of internal resources and the full socialization of the person. All preventive measures must be coordinated with each other. According to doctors' opinions, prevention is not a system of actions, words, appeals and other chaotic activity, prevention is an interdisciplinary science. It is based on the concept of the person as a whole. Currently, the entire preventive system is being restructured: the previously dominant "punitive" prevention, which was based on measures of public control, social, administrative and criminal punishment, is being replaced by security and protective prevention, social and pedagogical support and assistance. Prevention of any diseases, including social ones, is much more effective than their treatment in the advanced stage. It is more efficient and cost-effective to invest into prevention of drug abuse than in the elimination of its consequences. And in this humane preventive system an important place is given to social advertising.
In Russia, social advertising in comparison with commercial one is not widespread enough. However, the advertising market is flooded with pseudo-social advertising - light commercial advertising rollers talking about love, tenderness, care, but in fact advertise consumer goods -chocolate Kinder, cream Nivea and so on. Modern Russian social advertising, of course, is the successor of visual agitation and propaganda, which played a huge role in the Soviet period. Coverage of drug addiction requires special training and retraining of journalists, including the study of the main youth drug subcultures, the history and genesis of drug addiction, its legal, medical and psychological aspects, principles of preventive work. So far, professional training of journalists is not sufficient and modern editorial staff can't play a skilled role in anti-drug activities (Ishchenko, 2007).
The ideal of social advertising is a person living a full life and do not need to escape from reality. Of course, without economic stability, the ability to earn honestly by own labor, to self-realization in favorite profession, without social protection advertising is powerless. But the possibilities of social advertising cannot be reduced, too. K.I. Xinkin draws an interesting parallel: during the Great Patriotic War principles and model of behavior promoted by social advertising largely determined the victory of our country (Kulikova et al., 2017; Xinkin, 2009: 90). K.I. Xinkin believes that very little is being done still in the field of anti-drug advertising, and not because of the reluctance to spend budget money, which always should be spent on something, but because of the lack of confidence that such advertising will bring the desired results. Social advertising is designed to perform the functions inherent in the institute of advertising as a whole: communicative, informational, motivational, socializing. Social advertising is the most important tool of social design for solving the most urgent problems (Tkachev, 2017: 14). It is able to stem the outbursts of marginal behaviour that characterize periods of change in values. It is often noted that illiterate social advertising can provoke interest in negative phenomena.
Dysfunction of anti-drug advertising is the ability to spur interest in psychotropic substances, which happens in situation of redundant information about drugs (with demonstration of methods of consumption, etc.). If an advertising tries to give answers questions that have not been put yet to the target audience, it is likely destructive. Tolerance, as the dominant principle of communication in modern society, implies extremely soft, ethically and aesthetically correct ways of advertising persuasion. But since anti-drug advertising is a special sphere aimed to fight the necessity in this sphere of "shock" advertising. A remarkable feature of the "shock" advertising is hyperbolization, used to cause fear, horror. Advertising shocks when it shows those aspects of life which person sees very rarely or has never seen before (Tikhomirov et al., 2016: 138-143). In this case, the advertising seems to be contrary to ethical standards. The Advertising Code there is a article devoted to ethics. This is the article 4 "Correctness", which states that advertising should not play on the feeling of fear without justified reasons.
We believe that in the case of anti-drug advertising, there are good reasons to use the motive of fear. At the same time, it is anti-drug social advertising that should show positive results and give motivation to a healthy lifestyle. Different types of advertising together are able to develop anti-drug attitudes, to show the attractiveness of the world without psychoactive substances. Of course, this happens if the recipients have "personal resources" - appropriate physiological, mental, social, spiritual and moral qualities. Since advertising is massively replicated by the media, it can enter into the consciousness of the addressee, even without his will and desire (no wonder advertising is sometimes defined as the "fifth power" after the media, which power is considered to be "fourth" one). No wonder social advertising is compared even with hypnosis.
Naturally, social advertising is able to perform its functions only in conjunction with a set of measures for promoting a healthy lifestyle. In modern understanding health is not only physical parameters of the person, but also its moral and value potential, it is the category which is on a joint of many knowledge from various areas.
5. Conclusion
Social advertising is a product that heals society. Moreover, special importance is preventive, warning of the negative phenomena. The most effective preventive strategy is the formation of a healthy and harmonious person with the creative potential for effective self-realization and moral immunity to any type of deviant behavior. Preventive advertising is very important, advertising warning of the negative phenomena. The most effective preventive strategy is the formation of a healthy and harmonious personality with the creative potential for effective self-realization and moral immunity to any type of deviant behavior. The category "quality of social advertising" is a complex characteristic, which includes the quality of creativity, the quality of technology, the quality of social advertising campaign. Social advertising is focused on strong emotions - shock, fear, joy, indignation, and therefore it must certainly be stronger than advertising detergent. Accounting for the target audience is one of the main laws of the formation of the text of social advertising.
In the context of new information technologies, the responsibility for the content of all types of public communication is greater than ever before. Modern anti-drug advertising clearly fits into the discourse of the war with drug trafficking. In accordance with ethical and linguistic norms, media discourse should be arranged in such a way that distant pragmatics (value orientation) should outweigh the near. However, the desire for sensationalism is often a decisive factor. In the censored press (literature, art) the relevant services took care of the distant pragmatics. Today, it is well-known fact what excesses took place, but appeal to the value orientation of any text and an attempts to "calculate" a pragmatic effect are absolutely necessary.
Effective management of the information war against narcotization is impossible without social advertising. Social advertising is essentially a projective activity aimed at social transformations. It is antidrug advertising that can reduce the pressure of the drug environment and form an antidrug image of the world. These are ideas about life without psychoactive substances and the choice of ways of behavior and activity possible only in "clear" consciousness. High-quality social anti-drug advertising contributes not only to the formation of an independent person who is able to think independently, actively act, make decisions and bear responsibility for them, but also to analyze and predict situations for prompt counteraction to antidrug and antisocial phenomena.
6. Acknowledgements
The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project № 17-04-00109.
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