Usmonova Sevara Sultanovna — Doctorate,
Abstract: the article under discussion examines the social philosophical views and Enlightenment era, the struggle for national liberation in Central Asia and Europe, the slaughter of slaves and formation of human rights. The author of the article considers that the development of the Enlightenment movement varied in the activities of different peoples. In Europe, the period of national awakening was a time for the development of scientific, philosophical, and social thought. At the heart of this intellectual movement lies the ideas of rationalism (the philosophical orientation that is the basis of reason and human behavior) and free thinking. Literature and art play an important role in enlightenment efforts. Enlighteners have been involved in the education and development of the community and in the development of high emotions.
Keywords: enlightenment, conscious, national enlightenment, realism in Enlightenment, sentimentalism, jadidism, liberation, Central Asia, era, formation, rights, struggle.
Усмонова С.С.
Усмонова Севара Султановна — докторант, направление: 10.00.06 - сравнительное литературоведение, сопоставительное языкознание,
переводоведение, Ферганский государственный университет, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в статье рассматриваются социально-философские взгляды эпохи Просвещения, борьба за национальное освобождение в Центральной Азии и Европе от рабовладения, а также рассматриваются вопросы формирования прав человека. Автор статьи считает, что развитие просветительского движения было разным в деятельности разлячных народов. В Европе период национального пробуждения был временем развития научной, философской и социальной мысли. В основе этого интеллектуального движения лежат идеи рационализма (философской направленности, которая является основой разума и поведения человека) и свободного мышления. Литература и искусство играют важную роль в просветительской деятельности. Просветители вовлечены в образование и развитие общества, а также в развитие высоких эмоций.
Ключевые слова: просвещение, сознание, национальное просвещение, реализм просвещения, сентиментализм, жадидизм, освобождение, Центральная Азия, эпоха, формирование, права, борьба.
UDC 821.111
The development of the Enlightenment movement varied in the activities of different peoples. In Europe, the period of national awakening was a time for the development of scientific, philosophical, and social thought. At the heart of this intellectual movement lies the ideas of rationalism (the philosophical orientation that is the basis of reason and human behavior) and free thinking. The eighteenth century entered the history of Europe as the age of enlightenment. The enlightenment efforts that began in England under the influence of the social political revolution then spread to France, Germany, Russia and other European countries. In England, there are principles of enlightenment based on the American Declaration of Independence and the Declarations on Human Rights. The intellectual movement that followed these principles has led to great changes in the social life of Europe and America.
According to historian Shukhrat Ergashev, educators sought to limit beliefs to religion, and religion to science, to proclaim the "natural light of consciousness" as the main means of improving
society by freeing morality from the crust. They believed that it was necessary to awaken the mind and mind of the person, to make them work hard [1]. Consequently, educators, writers, philosophers and thinkers of the eighteenth century thought that the moral, dignity, and intellectual level of the person had been violated.
Enlighteners have also been very critical about church doctrine and religion. They opposed the feudal rules and emphasized the need to educate the people. In my view, despite these good deeds, we can see that the bourgeois society is far from perfect, as is the feudal society. Sh. Ergashev argues that the main idea of the age of enlightenment is infinite trust in science and development opportunities. While he has always believed in the creative power of the human mind, many educators believe that he has a negative attitude to revolutionary ways of dealing with feudal regimes, and that the development of enlightenment can, in itself, lead to changes in the existing order .The enlighteners opposed the old theories and ideas and put forward revolutionary and progressive ideas [2].
In Europe, the struggle for national liberation and the abolition of slavery had a great impact on the formation of human rights. In Europe, there was a philosophical view based on the enlightenment efforts that were based on the criticism of the customs and traditions of that time.
Another idea of the national Renaissance in Europe is the concept of 'natural man'. British philosophers Gobbs and Locke, who influenced the formation of the European enlighteners' worldview, define the "human nature" - the life aspirations and practical interests of the people. If Hobbs acknowledges that human nature is an integral part of social life, J. Locke believes that just like any other creature, man tries to save himself [3]. Philosophers believe that experience is the main source of knowledge. So, according to Locke, knowledge is the relationship between nature and man, and the fact that the concepts, ideas and opinions that people form in this process are universal, and as a result of such social and philosophical views the enlightenment movement in Europe has been born and developed. By the middle of the 18th century, enlighteners emphasized to the intelligence and cognition. We find this in the works of the English enlightener J. Swift.Because of the times, there were also differences of opinion among the writers. The imbalance between Daniel Defoe and J Swift is proof of our opinion.
Defoe has proven that humanity is full of ideas about nature. He described this in his Robinson Crusoe as a man's creative abilities on an island where no one lives. Swift, on the other hand, is skeptical of human nature. In Swift's "Gulliver's Travels," his pessimistic views on human nature are illustrated by the artist Echy. The Echies are portrayed as descendants of people who were once aboard the ship as a result of shipwreck, who are powerful but also cowardly and devious. Swift in his works acknowledges the human race as a defect of nature. This is because the writer describes the heroes of the work, not the careless observation of human nature, but the desire to preserve their humanity and warn them of wildlife.
Later, there was a controversy over the theory of education and upbringing between the contemporaries of the age of education, Fielding and Richardson. Richardson supports the theory of puritan education and embodies the concept of the natural human concept.
Literature and art play an important role in enlightenment efforts. Enlighteners have been involved in the education and development of the community and in the development of high emotions.
In the first half of the XVIII century, classical enlightenment was at the forefront of literature. This is illustrated by Walter's Drama and Lyric, Schiller and Goethe Drama, and Alexander Pop Poetry. The main problem of the enlightenment classics was how the environment and social community impacted the individual.
A characteristic and vivid literary phenomenon of this period is the realism of enlightenment. The term "realism of enlightenment" has been used not only in the description of literary works, but also in the works that illustrate theoretical aesthetics. The realism of enlightenment is reflected in the works of Defoe, Fielding, Didro, Lessing. In their works, they highlighted the social aspect of life, the importance of the environment and nature in the development of personality.
We see the realism of enlightenment in Fielding's works. The Fielding's reality comes from the situation, the event, and the plot reflects in the writings that consciousness and nature come into being.
Another literary direction of the epoch of enlightenment is the stream of sentimentalism. Sentimentalism, unlike classicalism, is a literary direction that relies on human emotions rather than reason. Sentimentalism has adhered to the ideals of personality in enlightenment literature, and the literary heroine in it has the capacity to empathize and take seriously what is happening around them.
Sentimentalism is a literary influx of literature of the period of enlightenment and was born in England in the second half of the 19th century. The main purpose and idea of the flow of sentimentalism is that it is reflected in the protests against the nobles of their time, against their corrupt morals.
In the writings of the representatives of the sentimentalism, the way of life depicts their spiritual experiences, and opposes feudalism. Representatives of the sentimentalism movement were Lorenz Stern, James Thomson, Oliver Goldsmith, who sought to portray the most sensitive experiences of the human psyche with their works.
When did sentimentalism emerge in Uzbek literature? In the literature of the Renaissance, sentimentalism developed in the early 20th century. As you know, this trend is found in prose in English literature. This is illustrated by the work of Lorenz Stern.
In the Uzbek literature, this flow is known by the elegy and the lamentations. There is very little lamentation in 20th century literature. They often express the anxieties and worries of the death of a prominent figure or hero. This is evidenced by the fact that Khamza's "Lamentations of Tursinai" and Kadyr's lamentation words for the Kumush's Gild.
In the first half of the 19th century in Turkestan there was a period of National Renaissance and enlightenment. On the basis of these enlightenment efforts, the notion of Jadidism came to light. The term is derived from Arabic and means new. It is clear that through the notion of Jadid, new changes in the social and political life of Central Asia are taking place.
In the first half of the 19th century in Turkestan there was a period of National Renaissance and enlightenment. On the basis of these enlightenment efforts, the notion of Jadidism came to light. The term is derived from Arabic and means new. It is clear that through the notion of Jadid, new changes in the social and political life of Central Asia are taking place.
Jadism first appeared in Crimea in the 1980s. It then spread to Central Asia in the 1990s. Causes of Jadidism .The progressive forces, intellectuals of that time, felt the need for the nation to lag behind the global spiritual and enlightenment development and progress, and to raise the level of literacy and enlightenment of the people.There are specific reasons and factors for the emergence of Jadidism, first and foremost, the historical context, the penetration of capitalist relations through Russia into Turkestan, the local industrial and trade bourgeoisie, and the influence and support of the intelligentsia of Azerbaijan and Tatarstan, especially Gaspiriniski. The connection of Jadidism with the historical events that take place in the life of the peoples of the world is a traditional impression. The jadidists did not deny that Muslims were divided into social groups (khoja, Sayyid, black), and that they did not have classification.
Rejecting the notion of Jadidism, its essence and purpose is not clear, and Rahim Gulshan's dissertation on those who link Jadidism with Marxian-Lenin teaching said: "Jadidists have scientifically theorized the link between Islam and its progress, and have tried to prove it in practice" [5]. So we see in Jadidism that it is not a denial of Islam to support materialistic ideas and to commit various abuses under the guise of religion. The concept of humanity as reflected in the English literature is also reflected in the Uzbek literature. But in the British literature, "human beings are defined by human aspirations and practical interests under the guise of human concepts. According to V.N. Kuznetsov, "the central role in the discussion of morals is that of interest, on the basis of which, is a fundamental moral category of good and evil." [6]. According to this, Ulugbek Saidov supports the idea that the ideas of European thinkers, which seek to harmonize the interests of society, form the concept of "conscious egoism" and personal interest in the human tendency towards goodness.
In particular, Gelveltsy says, "The fairness of our ideas and actions is always in line with our interests and the public's interests" [7]. The example of Robinson Crusoe (D.Defoe) is a striking example. If V.N. Kuznetsov gives a central place to the moral reasoning, as Rahim Gulshan and Fitrat places human at the center of social ideology [8]. With these ideas of Rahim Gulshan, the interests of society, nation and country in the concept of perfect humanity are inseparably linked with human interests. But European enlighteners, on the other hand, associate personal good deeds with personal gain. English philosopher Gobbs: " nature is created in such a way that it all seeks good for itself" [9].
It is a movement based on global social and national values that has emerged as a movement that meets the interests of indigenous peoples of Central Asia and is able to fully meet the evolving needs of social development.
References / Список литературы
1. ErgashevSh. "World History. Part 1 of the New Age". T.: Uzbekistan, 2013.
2. LockeDj. Hair. V. 3 t.T.1. M., 1985. P.p. 281-282.
3. Gulshan Rahim. Abdurauf Fitrat and Jadid literature. Auto-abstract. Tashkent, 1999.
4. Kuznetsov V.N. French materialism of XVIII century. M., 1981. P. 216.
5. Gelvetas. Essay in 2-xt. T. 1. M., 1973. P. 213.
6. Gobbs T. "Chosen Projects in 2 t. T. 2. M., 1964. P. 151.
7. [Electronic Resource]. URL: (date of access: 27.02.2020).
8. Usmonova S.S. Literature of the period of English and Uzbek enlightenment and its stages of development. // "Mirovaya nauka". № 9 (30), 2019. [Electronic Resource]. URL: (date of access: 27.02.2020).
БайэшановМустафаМухаммедович - кандидат филологических наук, заведующий кафедрой, кафедра русского языка и литературы, Гулистанский государственный университет, г. Гулистан, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: тема маленького человека в реалистической литературе берет свое начало с рассказа «Станционный смотритель» А.С. Пушкина. В рассказе изображается бесправный, неспособный на активные сопротивления человек. С подобным героями мы встречаемся и в повести «Шинель» Н.В. Гоголя, таким бесправным является Феодор - герой рассказа «Бурмистр» из серии «Записки охотника» И.С. Тургенева. После отмены крепостного права в 1861 году, уже к концу XIX столетия подобные герои в творчестве русских писателей приобретают новые черты. Начинается эпоха А. Чехова, И. Бунина, А. Горького. События в произведениях этих авторов протекают в разных уголках России и мира.
Ключевые слова: маленький, человек, судьба, взгляд, Балаклавский, мелодий, идеал, революционные.
Abstract: the theme of a small person in realistic literature originates from the story "Station Caretaker" by A. S. Pushkin. The story depicts a person without rights, incapable of active resistance. We meet with such heroes in the story "The Overcoat" by N. V. Gogol, Theodore, the hero of the story "Burmister" from the series "Notes of the Hunter" by I.S. Turgenev is so disenfranchised. After the abolition of serfdom in 1861, by the end of the 19th century, such heroes in the works of Russian writers acquired new features. The era of A. Chekhov, I. Bunin, A. Gorky begins. Events in the works of these authors take place in different parts of Russia and the world. Keywords: little, man, destiny, look, Balaklava, melodies, ideal, revolutionary.
А. Чехов показывает своих героев в обыденной жизни, для него были важны проблемы семейного и человеческого счастья, в качестве примера можно рассмотреть известные рассказы «Дама с Собачкой» и «Крыжовник». Для творчества И. Бунина важным становится изображение проблемы жизни и смерти - «Господин из Сан-Франциско», проблемы уходящей приусадебной дворянской жизни» - «Антоновские яблоки», прошлый и настоящий Восток. Перечитывал он произведения восточных авторов, побывал в таких странах как Сирия, Египет, Турция, Израиль и др. Впоследствии он написал множество лирических и эпических произведений о Востоке. Романтические герои М. Горького - сильные, смелые, незнающие преград, и они заявляют - о своем не согласии с окружающим миром. Образ «маленького человека» в рассказах И. Куприна уже не объект социального угнетения, он под воздействием современной жизни приобретает новые черты, герой становится более активным, способным на акт возмущения и постоять за себя. Одним из таких героев является - Сашка музыкант - из рассказа «Гамбринус» (1907). Бедный еврей - скрипач из портового кабачка "Гамбринус". Много лет в этом заведении для развлечения и удовольствия посетителей играл на скрипке