Научная статья на тему 'Social and cultural aspect of development of the expert’s communicative competence'

Social and cultural aspect of development of the expert’s communicative competence Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Селиверстов Алексей Васильевич, Олехнович Наталия Евгеньевна

The social and cultural aspect of the development of the expert’s communicative competence is discussed in the given paper. Objective: analysis of value orientations of modern public officers, study of their communicative competence. Scope of the results application: the acquired data allows to use the revealed peculiarities of the public officers value orientations for “soft” reforming of a training system of public officers. Results. The designed module educational programme of developing the communicative competence was tested and implemented in further vocational training courses of public and municipal officers in 2012-2013.

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В статье обсуждается социокультурный аспект развития коммуникативной компетентности специалиста. Цель: анализ ценностных ориентаций современных государственных служащих, исследование их коммуникативной компетентности. Область применения результатов: полученные данные позволяют использовать выявленные особенности ценностных ориентаций государственных служащих для «мягкого» реформирования системы подготовки государственных служащих. Результаты. Разработанная модульная учебная программа развития коммуникативной компетентности была апробирована и реализована на курсах повышения квалификации государственных и муниципальных служащих в 2012-2013 гг.

Текст научной работы на тему «Social and cultural aspect of development of the expert’s communicative competence»

DOI: 10.12731/2218-7405-2013-8-50


Seliverstov A.V., Olekhnovich N.E.

The social and cultural aspect of the development of the expert's communicative competence is discussed in the given paper.

Objective: analysis of value orientations of modern public officers, study of their communicative competence.

Scope of the results application: the acquired data allows to use the revealed peculiarities of the public officers value orientations for "soft" reforming of a training system of public officers.

Results. The designed module educational programme of developing the communicative competence was tested and implemented in further vocational training courses of public and municipal officers in 2012-2013.

Keywords: public officer, social and cultural aspect, communicative competence.


Селиверстов А.В., Олехнович Н.Е.

В статье обсуждается социокультурный аспект развития коммуникативной компетентности специалиста.

Цель: анализ ценностных ориентаций современных государственных служащих, исследование их коммуникативной компетентности.

Область применения результатов: полученные данные позволяют использовать выявленные особенности ценностных ориентаций государственных служащих для «мягкого» реформирования системы подготовки государственных служащих.

Результаты. Разработанная модульная учебная программа развития коммуникативной компетентности была апробирована и реализована на курсах повышения квалификации государственных и муниципальных служащих в 2012-2013 гг.

Ключевые слова: государственный служащий, социокультурный аспект, коммуникативная компетентность.

The reforming of Russian Educational System that was taking place in the XIX-XX centuries had one stable consistent pattern. Each reform was followed by a balancing counter-reform intended for returning to former orientations (with due account for current socio-political situation).

Even though in general the reforming of Russian Education was of evolutionary nature, the conducted reforms "in many respects failed to make provisions for the peculiarities of Russian mentality, value orientations of people, traditions, habits" [2, p.21]. This issue is complicated. The necessity for adaptation of the national educational system to the patterns resulted from other social and cultural conditions is still under discussion. So, the question of current reforms compatibility with basic national cultural stereotypes and people's life principles is raised in the Article Westernization of Education and Russian Culture [7].

The actual gap between the quality of education and life challenges, loss of the competitive edge by the national higher education system indicate underestimation of the social and cultural aspect role in reforming of the educational system; for

example, the goal of educational standards cultivation was replaced by the goal of «making money» in HEIs (higher educational institutions) [3, p. 57]. The problem becomes more complicated by virtue of the fact that "Neither traditional culture is present in the society nor it functions as the cultivating environment, that's why adding its elements to the educational process would create auxiliary conditions for renewal of the society content ..." [1, p. 126].

It is possible to draw a parallel with the influence of Russian business culture on the management system [6]. Any model of management and officers conduct in one national culture or another always has an independent system of values, norms and traditions [4]. Understanding of the organizational system of the government service, its values, norms, orientations facilitates its development and improvement taking account of national features.

Organizational values are the core of the government service culture and directly determine the behavior of public officers. These values include: criteria for selection of prospective applicants for public posts, styles of administration and management, decision-making procedure, styles of interaction with people, communication peculiarities, the character of work efficiency criteria, etc. [9]. Therefore, by changing and developing values of the organizational culture it is possible to influence on the employees' behavior, form their value system, norms of conduct, procedure paths in certain situations.

We studied the motives, drives, attracting public officers to self-fulfillment, actualization of their skills in the sphere of government service. The opinion poll conducted among the employees of the establishment of Administration and regulatory bodies of Pskov Region in May 2011 being the sixth since 1992 allowed to reveal the dynamics of motives and changes in drives.

The poll included 431 respondents, 102 of them were the officers holding appointments in the establishment of Administration of the region and 329 - in sixteen different governmental bodies all over the region. The results acquired during

the 2005 and 2011 studies differed from one another by a number of factors insignificantly, within the frames of statistical discrepancy. Minor changes of these parameters can be attributed to the long-standing action of deep civilizational, ethnical and cultural processes, unchangeable principles of relations in the system "state-public officers" (paternalism, conduction of reforms without regardless of the Russian traditions, etc.). The acquired data is presented in the Table 1-2.

Table 1

What are the main goals of your work? (choose maximum two answers) %

Number of people

2005 2011

1 I make my living 65 64

2 I serve my country 28 19

3 I work to gain experience and upgrade my skills 22 33

4 I fulfill tasks, assigned to me 17 23

5 I work to ensure sustainable development of my city, region 17 14

6 I work to satisfy the needs of citizens 14 11

7 I work to create useful connections 1 1

The answers show that 65% (2005) and 64% (2011) of male public officers find the financial incentive to be the most important one: some of them "love their work", but in fact "love to work", someone "serve the city". Those who fulfill the "assigned tasks" stay longer in government service than those for whom government service is related to other expectations.

Table 2

What holds you in your job? (choose maximum three answers) %

Number of people

2005 2011

1 I love my work 47 50

2 I got used to this work 40 27

3 It is hard to find another place in this specialty 22 16

4 I want to work off the time that's left until the retirement 22 14

5 I don't want to go to a commercial sector due to job instability in it 19 21

6 I don't want to go into the commercial sector due to the fact that sometimes work there is related to minor breaches of the law 14 6

7 It is better to start your career in the government service, and then move on to another job 6 5

8 I don't want to go into the commercial sector due to the fact that work in that sector is associated with constant overstrains 1 0.2

Perception of work in governmental bodies as a way of achieving life strategy objectives is widely-present: 47% in 2005, 50% in 2011. The factor of working in the commercial sector looses its significance.

In whole the survey results show the tendency towards decrease in the number of the respondents willing to serve socially-important goals as contrasted with the increase in the value of officers gravitating towards pursuing personal goals, at that, the willingness to work in the government service system is strengthening. It is largely conditioned by their young age of the respondents and lack of substantial work experience in the government service sphere.

The acquired results demonstrate the necessity for development of the organizational culture of the government service, as well as for development of its main value - serving the country. It's exactly the ability of the government service

organizational culture to create and develop values integrating the efforts of all its structures that provides efficiency of the state administration.

Therefore, the organizational culture can set certain standards of conduct in the human recourse management system: respect of rights and interests of the employees, social responsibility and social stance, self-management and the employee's culture, delegation of authority, etc. Certain conduct standards (business and personal) form in the course of the work process. Conformity with these standards should be obligatory for all employees regardless of their position and functions, i.e. these are the competences which every employee of a particular organization should master. They are the corporate competences intended to facilitate the identification of an employee with the organizational values and the organizational culture.

The following corporate competences are distinguished: loyalty to the organization, drive for results, respect for an individual, commitment to the team, leadership, client-centeredness, sociability [8].

The conducted study of the communicative competences levels of public and municipal officers involving the testing of 90 participants taking further vocational training courses allows to distinguish the following peculiarities typical for one or another category of participants. The study results are presented in Table 3.

Table 3

Communicative Competence

Employee Category Specific weight, % Comments


1. Sociable 99 Confident in business interaction but tend to avoid contacts with undesirable organizations and people.

2. Timid personalities 1 Prefer to avoid contacts, even the ones via phone, do not achieve objectives of interaction, make mistakes.


1. Good communicants 74 They are able to communicate but sometimes are inconsiderate to other communicants, and act regardless of the tempo of thinking and speech of another communicant.

2. Mistrustful communicants 17 Take utterances of other people with criticism, tend to make hasty judgements.

3. Excellent communicants 9 They are good listeners, their communication style can serve as a model.


1. Open strategy 24 Clearly and openly express their position, seek solutions in joint work for achievement of common goals. They endeavor to solve conflicts taking into consideration business interests and human factor.

2. Compromise strategy 21 Moderate attitude to goals and interactions; they are ready to give up on the achievement of some business goals in order to serve the relationships

3. Adaptation strategy 20 Wish to be please everyone, tone down conflict situations: relationships are important, goals are not.

4. Force strategy 18 Relationships are not important, goals are everything. Victory of one of the parties is seen as the only acceptable solution of conflicts.

5. Avoidance strategy 17 Back out of the goals achievement and of interrelations.

The acquired data evidence well-developed ability for business interactions, but only 90% of the participants can be deemed good listeners, their style of communication takes into account both business interests and companion's interests. Constructive behavior in business conflicts is a characteristic of 24% of the participants, they express their position clearly and openly, endeavor to solve conflicts taking into account business interests and human factor.

For the purpose of developing the communicative competence of public officers a programme of the discipline Project Approach to Development of a Communicative Competence of a Public Officer was developed. Its main target group is the participants of further vocational training courses. Each module of the programme reflects a certain stage of the project on creation of Corporate Code of the Communicative Competence of a Public Officer.

Module 1. Business communications. Diagnostics of communicative skills (the diagnostic stage).

Module 2. The competency building approach to business communication (the analytical stage).

Module 3. Development of the project Corporate Code of the Communicative Competence of a Public Officer (the resultative stage).

The aforementioned educational programme was approved and implemented at further vocational training courses of public and municipal officers in 2012-2013: Actual Problems of Public Civil Service in the Russian Federation, New Administrative Technologies in Public Civil Service of the Russian Federation, Actual Problems of Public and Municipal Management.

Improvement of the communicative competence of modern experts is associated with recognition of the social and cultural aspect in the system of training of such specialists on the basis of interactive training methods implementation, one of which is the project approach.


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Seliverstov Alexei Vasilevich, Director, Ph.D in Sociological Science

Pskov branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

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4 , Sovetskaya naberezhnaya, Pskov, 180006, Russia

Olekhnovich Nataliia Evgenevna, Associate Professor, Ph.D in Pedagogical Science

Pskov branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

4 , Sovetskaya naberezhnaya, Pskov, 180006, Russia olehnovich08@yandex. ru


Селиверстов Алексей Васильевич, директор, кандидат социологических наук

Псковский филиал ФГБОУ ВПО «Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте Российской Федерации» Советская набережная, 4, г. Псков, 180006, Россия

Олехнович Наталия Евгеньевна, доцент кафедры регионального развития и управления социальными процессами, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент

Псковский филиал ФГБОУ ВПО «Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте Российской Федерации» Советская набережная, 4, г. Псков, 180006, Россия olehnovich08@yandex. ru

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