Azamat Abdurashidovich Umirzoqov
PhD Scholar of the Department of Mining, Tashkent State Technical University Named
After Islam Karimov
Quarry transporti is designed to transport the mining mass (coating rock and minerals) from the kavjoy to the pouring punches, which is a linkage between technological processes. The effectiveness of mining depends on the exact performance of the quarry Trasport.
Keywords: quarry, railway, trasport, mining mass, rock, mining work, small-scale mining,
The process of quarrying is extremely labor intensive, the costs incurred for it are 45-65% of the cost of the product, in some cases 60-65%.
The following special conditions for conducting mining work determine the specific characteristics of the quarry:
- to have a centralized (one-way) direction of transportation of large volumes of cargo over a short distance of time;
- Sur driving of transport communications due to constant changes in the loading of vehicles (kavjoyni) and cargo discharge punches;
- the need for transportation vehicles to a certain height in the direction of Transportation;
- the rigidity, density, toughness of the transported mining mass and the different sizes of the rock fragments in it require a high degree of compressive strength of transport equipment and conductors [1-5].
In the unit of time (hour, shift and. the volume of minerals and coating rocks (tons or
m ) that must be transported) is called quarry load turnover. On the scale of mining, the amount of cargo turnover of the quarry is determined. The main part of the cargo turnover is the transportation of veneer rock and minerals. Transportation of bulk and technical cargo will have a minimum amount [6-12].
A cargo turnover (or part of it), which has a description of a stagnant transport direction by Time, is called a cargo pot.
When forming load pods, it is tried to distribute loads according to their quality (coating sex, minerals and other) and shedding punts. As a result of the development of mining, the turnover of Quarry cargo and its individual directions are changing.
According to the motion printing machine, the vehicles are divided into cycle and continuous working type. The duration of the cycle consists of the sum of the duration
of the loading, the movement with the load (up to the discharge punches), the discharge of the load, the return to the loading punt, and a brief interruption between the above operations [13-19]. In the cycle transpor (railway, automobile transporti) loading, moving with the load, discharging the load and moving without load operations occur one after the other. And in continuous operation (conveyor, shuttle transport) these operations are performed simultaneously, parallel.
For the transportation of mining mass and technical loads in quarries, various types of vehicles are used. Railway, automatic and conveyer are the main ones [20].
The choice of the optimal vehicle for certain conditions is influenced by a number of factors, the main of which are: the physico-technical and chemical properties of the extracted rocks; the sedentary conditions of mining; the climate of the mining zone; the amount of cargo turnover and transportation; the duty and parameters of the loading equipment; the duration of the career, etc.
The effectiveness of the use of various quarrying equipment will depend on their technical and technological parameters, as well as on the conditions of mining and technical laying [21-24].
Annual cargo turnover is large (25 million US dollars). t and more) and transportation masofasi in careers with long (4km and more), the use of railway transport is considered worthwhile. Railway transporti has the following advantages over other types of quarries transporti: low energy consumption, the ability to transport the desired volume of cargo turnover even at any transport distance, the possibility of using an automatic control system, reliable operation in mines of any climatic and mining-technical conditions, the cost of 1t km of cargo transportation in relation to automobile and conveyors can bek.. However, compared to other vehicles, the railway transporti requires a large turn radiusi (100-200m), the digging front to be long (at least 600m) and the height of the rail climb does not exceed 0 to 40-60%. This, in turn, will lead to the fact that the size of the quarry (length and width) will be large, and the volume of mining-capital work will be large [25-28].
Transport the car is mainly smaller than the cargo turnover (15-20 mln.ton/year) is used in careers. And the transportation should not exceed 4-5km.
The load turnover is 50-60mln due to the use of high load bearing capacity (75180 tons and even more) auto bearings.even in careers with tons/year, there is an opportunity to use autotransport. Motor Transport has a number of advantages over railway transport: the lifting height of the highway track is much larger than the rail track (80-100%), and the construction of the track is simple; motor transport is able to quickly adapt and maneuverable to every kanday change; provides the intensity of carrying out mining and capital work [29].
As a result of the increase in the transport distance, a sharp decrease in the efficiency of motor transport, the dependence of the application of Motor Transport on
climatic conditions, the height of the prices of motor vehicles with a large load capacity and the high cost of their exportation are the main disadvantages of Motor Transport [30].
In Quarry, soft and well-grinded (the maximum size of the pieces is up to 400mm) are widely used ribbed conveyors when transporting mining mass. Because the slope of the conveyance is greater (up to 18-250) than other vehicles, as well as the continuity of the transportation processes, the possibility of their full operation and automation ensures that the efficiency of the conveyance is high and the scope of application is wide.
Conveyr transporti cargo turnover is 2 million US dollars.tons/year and transportation masofasi high efficiency is achieved when applied in careers ranging from 4-6k m to 10-15 km. At present, in the production of special canvases designed to transport both solid (rock) mining rocks (the size of pieces is up to 1000 mm). This allows the conveyor transporti to have a higher efficiency and lower the range of application.
[1] G'afurovich, K. O., Abdurashidovich, U. A., & Ogli, B. A. O. (2020). Small Torch Progress In Prospects Gold Mining In Improving Countries. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 2(09), 65-72.
[2] G'ofurovich, K. O., & Abdurashidovich, U. A. (2021). Justification of rational parameters of transshipment points from automobile conveyor to railway transport. World Economics and Finance Bulletin, 1(1), 20-25.
[3] G'ofurovich, K. O., & Abdurashidovich, U. A. (2021). Justification of rational parameters of transshipment points from automobile conveyor to railway transport. World Economics and Finance Bulletin, 1(1), 20-25.
[4] G'OFUROVICH, H. O., ABDURASHIDOVICH, U. A., O'G'LI, I. J. R., & RAVSHANOVICH, S. F. (2020). Prospects for the industrial use of coal in the world and its process of reproducing. Prospects, 6(5).
[5] Хайитов, О., Умирзоков, А., & Равшанов, З. (2020). Анализ текущего состояния и пути повышения эффектиности разработки нефтегазовых месторождений юго-восточной части бухаро-хивинского региона. Матергали конференцгй МЦНД, 8-11.
[6] Nasirov, U. F. Ochilov Sh. A., Umirzoqov AA Theoretical Calculation of the Optimal Distance between Parallel-close Charges in the Explosion of High Ledges. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems-JARDCS, 12, 2251-2257.
[7] Хайитов, О., Умирзоков, А., & Бекмуродов, А. (2020). О применении методов подсчета запасов газа в месторождении северный гузар. Збгрник наукових працъ ЛОГОЕ, 56-59.
[8] G'ofurovich, K. O., Abdurashidovich, U. A., Ugli, M. U. F., & Ugli, A. A. X. (2020). Justification Of The Need For Selective Development Of The Phosphorite Reservoir By Horizontal Milling Combines. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(11), 159-165.
[9] Umirzoqov, A. A. (2020). Karamanov A.. N., Radjabov Sh. K. Study of the feasibility of using intermediate buffer temporary warehouses inside the working area of the Muruntau quarry. International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS), 4(8).
[10] Fatidinovich, N. U., Atoevich, O. S., & Abdurashidovich, U. A. (2020). The Analysis Of Influence Of Productions Of Open Mountain Works On Environment At Formation Of Various Zones On Deep Open-Cast Mines. The American Journal of Applied sciences, 2(12), 177-185.
[11] Umirzoqov, A. A., & Jurayev, S. J. (2020). KaramanovA. N. Economic and mathematical modeling of rational development of small-scale and man-made gold deposits. International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR), 4(4), 7577.
[12] Abdurashidovich, U. A. (2020). The Condition Of General Development Of The Mineral Resource Base In Uzbekistan. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(12), 1-6.
[13] Kazakov, A. N., Umirzoqov, A. A., Radjabov Sh, K., & Miltiqov, Z. D. (2020). Assessment of the Stress-Strain State of a Mountain Range. International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR), 4(6), 17-21.
[14] Abdurashidovich, U. A. (2020). Prospects for the Development of Small-Scale Gold Mining in Developing Countries. Prospects, 4(6), 38-42.
[15] Shukurovna, N. R., Yunusovna, N. X., Jumaboyevich, J. S., & Abdurashidovich, U. A. (2021). Perspective Of Using Muruntau Career's Overburden As Back Up Sources Of Raw Materials. The American Journal of Applied sciences, 3(01), 170-175.
[16] Бабаев, З. Н., Умирзоков, А. А., & Петросов, Ю. Э. (2020). Технико-экономическое обоснование кондиций для подсчета запасов горючих сланцев месторождения сангрунтау. Студенческий вестник,(10-2), 18-20.
[17] Хайитов, О., Умирзоков, А., Усмонов, К., & Эдилов, Н. (2020). Анализ геолого-геофизический изученности юго-восточной части бухаро-хивинского региона. Збгрник наукових працъ ЛОГОЕ, 69-73.
[18] Djurayevich, K. K. Kxudoynazar O'g'li, EU, Sirozhevich, AT, & Abdurashidovich, UA (2020). Complex Processing Of Lead-Containing Technogenic
Waste From Mining And Metallurgical Industries In The Urals. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(09), 102-108.
[19] Хайитов, О., Джураев, С., Умирзоков, А., Бекманов, Н., & Искандаров, Ж. (2021). НЕКОТОРЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ РЕЗУЛЬТАТОВ ВСКРЫТИЯ, ИСПЫТАНИЯ И ОСВОЕНИЯ ПОИСКОВО-РАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ СКВАЖИН. Зб1рник наукових праць SCIENTIA.
[20] Акрамов, Б., Хайитов, О., Нуритдинов, Ж., Давлатбоев, Ж., & Умирзоков, А. (2021). Интенсификация добычи нефти из месторождений с трудноизвлекаемыми запасами. Збгрник наукових праць SCIENTIA.
[21] Хайитов, О., Акрамов, Б., Гафуров, Ш., Джураев, С., Умирзоков, А., & Искандаров, Ж. (2021). О РЕЗУЛЬТАТОВ ВСКРЫТИЯ, ИСПЫТАНИЯ И ОСВОЕНИЯ ПОИСКОВО-РАЗВЕДОЧНЫХ СКВАЖИН. Зб1рник наукових праць SCIENTIA.
[22] Khayitov, O. G. O., Ziyodov, N. R., Fatkhiddinov, A. O. T. O., & Umirzoqov, A. A. (2021). THE INTENSITY OF THE EFFECT OF THE EXPLOSION OF BOREHOLE CHARGES OF EXPLOSIVES IN MULTI-STRENGTH ROCKS OF DEEP QUARRIES. Scientific progress, 2(1), 625-630.
[23] Ochilov, S. H. (2017). A., Umirzoqov AA, Determining the optimal distance between parallel-converged borehole charges when blasting high ledges. Bulletin TSTU-Tcishkent, (3), 167-174.
[24] Жолдасбаев, Р. Б., Хайитов, О. Г., Умирзоков, А. А., & Бекманов, Н. (2021). АНАЛИЗ ИННОВАЦИОННЫХ ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННЫХ И ЗАРУБЕЖНЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ БОРЬБЫ С КОРРОЗИЕЙ В НЕФТЕГАЗОВОМ ОТРАСЛЕ. Scientific progress, 2(1), 1212-1219.
[25] ^айитов, О. F., Умирзоков, А. А., Кушназоров, И. С. У., & Алимкулов, X,. Ф. У. (2021). КАРЬЕРЛАРНИНГ ИШ ОЛИБ БОРИЛМАЙДИГАН БОРТЛАРИДА АFДАРМА ХОСИЛ КДЯИШ. Scientific progress, 2(2), 838-845.
[26] G'ofurovich, K. O., Abdurashidovich, U. A., Ugli, M. U. F., & Ugli, A. A. X. (2020). Justification Of The Need For Selective Development Of The Phosphorite.
[27] Nasirov, U., Umirzoqov, A., & Fathiddinov, A. (2021). ANALYSIS OF THE MODERN DEVELOPMENT OF MINING AND PROCESSING COMPLEXES IN UZBEKISTAN. Збгрник наукових праць AörOZ.
[28] Бекпулатов, Ж. М., Махмарежабов, Д. Б., Умирзоков, А. А., & Кушназоров, И. С. У. (2021). БОЙИТИЛИШИ КИЙИН БУЛГАН ОЛТИН ТАРКИБЛИ РУДАЛАРНИ УЗЛУКСИЗ ЖАРАЁН ПРИНЦИПИ БУЙИЧА ФЛОТАЦИЯЛАШНИНГ АМАЛИЙ АХДМИЯТИ. Scientific progress, 2(1), 12661275.
[29] Umirzoqov, A. A., Karamanov, A. N. O. G. L., Turg, S. S. O. G. L., & O'G'Li, Z. D. S. (2021). QURILISH MATERIALLARI KONLARIDA QAZIB OLISH ISHLARINI TAKOMILLASHTIRISH. Scientific progress, 7(6), 463-469.
[30] Усмонов, К., Хайитов, О. Г., Умирзоков, А. А., & Кушшаев, У. К. (2021). ОБОБЩЕНИЕ СОСТОЯНИЯ ИЗУЧЕННОСТИ БУРЕНИЕМ БЕШКЕНТСКОГО ПРОГИБА ЮГО-ВОСТОЧНОЙ ЧАСТИ БУХАРО-ХИВИНСКОГО РЕГИОНА. Scientific progress, 2(4), 62-70.