Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
Supеrvisоr: Hikmatullo Haitboevich Dusmаtоy
FerDU, Senior lecturer, Doctor of philosophy in philology (PhD)
Ferghana, Uzbekistan
Shоdiеvа Gulrukh ^zir kizi
FerDU, Linguistiсs, mаstеr
If we take Verb to discuss we can say that: according to content, verbs can be described as words denoting actions, the term "actions" embracing the meaning of activity (e.g. to walk, to speak, to play, to study), process (e.g. to sleep, to wait, to live), state (e.g. to be, to like, to know), relation (e.g. to consist, to resemble, to lack) and so on. According to form, verbs can be described as words that have certain grammatical features that are not shared by other parts of speech, e.g. they have the categories of tense, aspect, voice, etc. According to function, verbs can be defined as words making up the predicate of the sentence.
Keywords: tense, aspect, voice, durative, predicate, lexical, synthetic.
Vеrbs саn bе dossil^d undеr diffеrеnt hеаds:
1) A^ording to Шек mеаning vеrbs саn bе sеpаrаtеd into twо typеs — tеrminаtivе and durat^ оnеs.
Tеrminаtivе vеrbs invоlvе а limit bеyоnd wh^h pоints оut thе disсоntinuоus adion. Tо put it in а diffеrеnt wаy, thеy hаvе а final intеnd in оbsеrvаtiоn, е^. to open, to close, to bring, to recognize, to refuse, to break. With Ше vеrb to open, for ехаmplе, that mеаns thаt аftеr оpеning Ше dооr it is nоt pоssiblе tо gо оп with Ше асtiоn аs thе dооr is already оpеn1.
Durаtivе vеrbs do not е^ай any such bоundаry, аnd thе асtiоn соп mоvе on for an ^ейпйе pеriod, е.g. to carry, to live, to speak, to know, to sit, to play.
On Ше o^r hand most vеrbs are polysеmantic in English that mеans that thеy may bе both tеrminativе in onе mеaning and durat^ in anothеr. For ехamplе, to see may havе Ше tеrminativе mеaning 'увидеть' and Ше durativе mеaning 'видеть';to know may stand for 'знать' and 'узнать- ^е mеaning of thе vеrb from thе contехt
1 Tursunov B. T. Ob intonatsionnykh osobеnnostyakh prisoyеdinitеl'nykh svyazеy // Stroy yazyka i mеtody obuchеniya inoyazychnomu obshchеniyu. Vyp. 3. Samarkand, 2019. P. 15-28.
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, p VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2
educational, natural and social sciences ISSN 2181-1784
Scientific Journal Impact Factor Q SJIF 2022: 5.947
Advanced Sciences Index Factor ASI Factor = 1.7
becomes understandable. Compare: I saw him at once and I saw his face quite clearly. As it was mentioned above, the dissimilarity between terminative and durative verbs is of great significance as it results in the usage of certain tense-aspect-phase forms.
Owing to the function they present in the text English verbs are divided into two main groups: the finite forms and the non-finite forms.
The finite structures take the role of predicate in the sentence and may also be named as predicative forms while the non-finite or non-predicative forms can have different other functions; they are used as the predicate of the sentence only by manner of exception. These forms are often called verbals. The finite forms of the verb have the following grammatical categories2:
1) Person and Number. These categories of the verb supply to show the link between the subject and the predicate of the sentence — the subject agrees with the predicate in person and number. We come across two numbers (the singular and the plural) and three persons (the first, the second, and the third) in finite verbs:
2) Tense, Aspect and Phase
3) Voice
4) Mood
As it exists in English definitely in Uzbek language also it is defined as: —Zamon, Nisbat, Mayl.
The forms that serve to convey the grammatical categories which were mentioned above may be built up in diverse ways.
We find three basic forms that provide as a foundation for building up all the other forms of the English verb. These forms are:
1) the basic verb stem which is also often referred to as the infinitive without the particle to,
2) the Past Indefinite, and
3) the participle .
On the way to the forming way the Past Indefinite and the participle, all verbs can be divided into two classes: regular and irregular verbs. With regular verbs, the Past Indefinite and the participle are produced by adding the suffix -ed. After vowels it is pronounced [d] and voiced consonants (e.g. played, answered, opened, closed), while after voiceless consonants [t] (e.g. looked, passed), and [id] after verbs ending in [t] or [d] (e.g. wanted, wasted, ended, landed).
2 Sweet H. A new English Grammar, logical and historical. Oxford: Clarendon press, 2015. Parti. 500 p.
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, p VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2
educational, natural and social sciences ISSN 2181-1784
Scientific Journal Impact Factor Q SJIF 2022: 5.947
Advanced Sciences Index Factor ASI Factor = 1.7
The following spelling rules in writing should be analyzed3:
1) Verbs ending in -y preceded by a consonant change the -y into -led (e.g. study — studied, envy — envied). But if the -y is preceded by a vowel, it remains unchanged (e.g. play — played, stay — stayed).
2) If it is preceded by a short stressed vowel or if a verb ends in a stressed -er (-ur) (e.g. stop — stopped, admit — admitted, occur — occurred, prefer — preferred) the last consonant is doubled. The last consonant remains single, unless the preceding vowel is long or unstressed (e.g. limit — limited, perform — performed, conquer — conquered, appear — appeared).
In British English the last -l is always doubled (e.g. travel — travelled, quarrel
— quarrelled).
All other verbs should be considered as irregular in modern English. They are a miscellaneous group comprising various patterns (e.g. sing — sang — sung, write — wrote
— written, send — sent — sent, teach — taught — taught, etc.)- Some verbs have a regular form by the side of an irregular one (e.g. learn — learnt — learnt and also learn — learned
— learned). Some of the verbs remain the same in its formation (e.g. cut — cut
— cut, hit — hit — hit). Suppletive systems are the verbs which take their forms from different roots and they are only two verbs: to be and to go.
Synthetic or analytical forms of the verb which are constructed with the help of the above discussed basic forms may be of two different kinds4.
Synthetic structures are built up by a change in the word itself: by means of suffixes (e.g. I work, he works, we worked), by means of vowel change (e.g. I find, I found), and sometimes by combining both means (e.g. I think, I thought).
Analytical forms include two means, e.g. He has worked hard. An auxiliary verb is the first mean which has no lexical meaning — it identifies only grammatical meaning. A notional verb is the second mean which is the bearer of lexical meaning ('HocnTenb neKcnnecKoro 3HaneHHa'). The auxiliary verb expresses that has worked is the third person singular, the Indicative Mood, the Active Voice. But the specific meaning of this particular form, that of the Present Perfect, results only from the combination of both components1.
In the analytical form was written (as in: The letter was written yesterday), written is the bearer of lexical meaning; was shows that we are dealing with the third
3 Hосkеtt Ch. T.A. Course in modern Linguistics. New York: Ann. Arbor: UniversityMichigan Press, 2011. 458 p.
4 Harris Roy. The Language machine. London: Discworth, 2017. 282 p.
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
person singular, the Indicative Mood, the Past Indefinite, But again the specific grammatical meaning of this particular form, that of the Passive Voice, is expressed by the whole combination of the auxiliary and the notional verb.
Thus an analytical form consists of two words — a structural word and a notional word — which form a very close, inseparable unit. It functions in English as the form of a single word by the side of synthetic forms (e.g. hе wоrks, hе hаs wоrкеd, hе wоrkеd, hе was wоrking, hе hаd wоrkеd, etc.) The language environment of the young child is one where language is not separated from learning about the way the world operates. Children do not learn about the parts of language as described in a grammar book. They are completely uninterested in the names of word classes and verb tenses.
1. Tursu^v B.T. Ob intonatsionnykh osobennostyakh prisoyedinitel'nykh svyazey // Stroy yazyka i metody obucheniya inoyazychnomu obshcheniyu. Vyp. 3. Samarkand, 2019. P. 15-28.
2. Swееt H. A new English Grammar, logical and historical. Oxford: Clarendon press, 2015. Parti. 500 p.
3. Hосkеtt Сh.T.А. Course in modern Linguistics. New York: Ann. Arbor: University Michigan Press, 2011. 458 p.
4. ^rris Rоy. The Language machine. London: Discworth, 2017. 282 p.
5. www.ziyonet.uz