SKILLS FOR ENGLISH TEACHERS IN MILITARY SCHOOLS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Khalilova N.

In the paper it was mentioned efficient skills of teachers for conducting their jobs more effectively. There are a number of skills that apply to each, regardless of which subject the teachers teach. These include preparing lesson plans, choosing the right textbooks and topics, checking assignments in timely manner, doing survey during classes and out of classes, evaluating student’s knowledge. Proper implementation of these skills is very important for every teacher. At the same time, foreign language teachers must have other skills. If the teacher is not a native speaker, he should improve his speech and vocabulary. This is the main duty for foreign language teachers. In addition, they should be able to distinguish between cultures and their impact on speech. Modern technologies, especially computers, must be used properly and applied in teaching.

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творческой активности. (О. Листелло, О.М. Аннамамедов, Л.В. Былеева)

Список использованной литературы.

1. Усманходжаев Т.С. и др. Двигительный режим в старшей группе детского сада. Т.:2014-90с.

2. Усманходжаев Т.С., Байтураев Э.И., Педагогические аспекты физического совершенствования детей и молодежи в связи с их

двигательной активностью, Фан-спорта, 2017 г., №4, с.3-6.

3. Лях В. И., Развитие координационных способностей у дошкольников, М.: Спорт, 2019, 128 с.

4. Лебедева Н.Т. Двигательная активность в процессе обучения младших школьников. Минск. 2000-78с


Khalilova N.

Ph.D student

War College of the Azerbaijan Armed Forces


In the paper it was mentioned efficient skills of teachers for conducting their jobs more effectively. There are a number of skills that apply to each, regardless of which subject the teachers teach. These include preparing lesson plans, choosing the right textbooks and topics, checking assignments in timely manner, doing survey during classes and out of classes, evaluating student's knowledge. Proper implementation of these skills is very important for every teacher. At the same time, foreign language teachers must have other skills. If the teacher is not a native speaker, he should improve his speech and vocabulary. This is the main duty for foreign language teachers. In addition, they should be able to distinguish between cultures and their impact on speech. Modern technologies, especially computers, must be used properly and applied in teaching.

Key words: lesson plan, speech, vocabulary, survey, evaluation.

1. Introduction

A teacher is a person who is professional in pedagogical field. He is responsible for performing his job with quality according to regulation and acts appropriate to his pedagogical knowledge.

Teaching concerns to difficult types of human activity. Pedagogical function shows teachers directions of applying their knowledge and skills. The main directions of pedagogical activity are training, education, upbringing, improvement and formation of students. Teachers do a lot of work in these directions. However, if we analyse deeply, we notice that the main function of teachers is controlling of these processes. Even many years ago, Socrates called professional teacher as "midwives of thoughts". Literate teachers should help students to create ideas in mind [1, 39].

It is clear that the 21st-century classroom needs are very different from the 20th-century ones. In the 21st century classroom, teachers are facilitators of student learning and creators of productive classroom environments, in which students can develop the skills they might need at present or in future. Most teachers take on a variety of roles within the classroom: 1. THE

CONTROLLER: The teacher is in complete charge of the class, what students do, what they say and how they say it. The teacher assumes this role when a new language is being introduced and accurate reproduction and drilling techniques are needed. 2. THE PROMPTER: The teacher encourages students to participate and makes suggestions about how students may proceed in an activity. The teacher should be helping students only when necessary. 3. THE RESOURCE: The teacher is a kind of walking resource center ready to offer help if needed, or provide learners with whatever language they lack when performing communicative activities. 4. THE ASSESSOR: The teacher assumes this role to see how well students are performing or how well they performed. 5. THE ORGANIZER: The success of many activities depends on good organization and on the students knowing exactly what they are to do next. 6. THE PARTICIPANT: This role improves the atmosphere in the class when the teacher takes part in an activity. 7. THE TUTOR: The teacher acts as a coach when students are involved in project work or self-study. [2]

2. Skills

Lesson planning

All good teachers have some type of plan when they walk into their classrooms. It can be as simple as a mental checklist or as complex as a detailed two-page typed lesson plan that follows a prescribed format. Usually, lesson plans are written just for the teacher's own eyes and tend to be rather informal.

A lesson plan is an extremely useful tool that serves as a combination guide, resource, and historical document reflecting our teaching philosophy, student population, textbooks, and most importantly, our goals for our students. [3, 403]

A lesson plan is the instructor's road map of what students need to learn and how it will be done effectively during the class time. Before you plan your lesson, you will first need to identify the learning objectives for the class meeting. Then, you can design appropriate learning activities and develop strategies to obtain feedback on student learning. A successful lesson plan addresses and integrates these three key components:

• Objectives for student learning

• Teaching/learning activities

• Strategies to check student understanding

There are six steps to guide you when you create

your first lesson plans.

Outline learning objectives - The first step is to determine what you want students to learn and be able to do at the end of class.

Develop the introduction- Now that you have your learning objectives in order of their importance, design the specific activities you will use to get students to understand and apply what they have learned.

Plan the specific learning activities (the main body of the lesson) - Prepare several different ways of

explaining the material (real-life examples, analogies, visuals, etc.) to catch the attention of more students and appeal to different learning styles.

Plan to check for understanding - Think about specific questions you can ask students in order to check for understanding, write them down, and then paraphrase them so that you are prepared to ask the questions in different ways.

Develop a conclusion and a preview- Go over the material covered in class by summarizing the main points of the lesson.

Create a realistic timeline - Write down your list to the two or three key concepts, ideas, or skills you want students to learn [4].

Selection of Textbooks

In addition to our students and ourselves, another constant in the lives of most teachers is our textbook. Few teachers enter class without a textbook - often a required textbook -that provides content and teaching/learning activities that shape much of what happens in that classroom. For teachers, use of textbook involves first the selection of a book and then the steps taken to implement the book in class [3, 415].

English teachers often have a difficult time selecting an appropriate coursebook that will suit the needs of their students and is accordance with the curriculum. There are some reasons for choosing proper textbook: presentation materials, a source of activities, reference sources, a syllabus, self-learning.

Evaluation and selecting of textbooks is a complex process that is carried out in many different ways. In a few settings, teachers decide on the books that they want to use in their classes.

The two types of textbook evaluation:

Predictive Evaluation Retrospective evaluation

Deciding what materials to use. Teachers take into consideration available materials, ad then they determine which are best suited to their purposes. Examine materials that have actually been used. Teachers decide whether a specific coursebook is worth using again, or if a new one has to be used.

Two ways: Evaluations and assessment conducted by experienced researchers and educators. Teachers carry out their own evaluation. Two ways: Impressionistic evaluation: teachers assess the benefit of activities and materials top make a summative judgment at the end of the course.


Much scholarship has focused on the importance of student assessment in teaching and learning in higher education. Student assessment is a critical aspect of the teaching and learning process. Whether teaching at the undergraduate or graduate level, it is important for instructors to strategically evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching by measuring the extent to which students in the classroom are learning the course material.

Student assessment is the process of evaluating students' abilities and achievements. It is an ongoing continuous and daily activity in every classroom, and it is integral to effective teaching. Student assessment begins in the classroom. Each teacher evaluates students informally every day, observing their responses to questions, classroom contributions, interactions with other students, and acquisition of specific skills and concepts. The teacher uses these informal observations to answer these questions:, "Are the students learning the specific skills? Have the students understood the concept I was trying to teach?" If the answer is "NO", the good teacher looks for another way to illuminate the skill and concept, either for the whole class or for the individual student. If the answer is "Yes", then the teacher can move on to new skills and concepts.

Periodically, teachers augment these informal student assessments with more formal measures. Teachers use two types of formal assessment:

• Performance Assessment - a teacher's evaluation of the process students use to solve a problem or complete a project demonstrating their knowledge and skills, as well as the evaluation of the product they create.

• Portfolio Assessment - involves teacher evaluation of a collection of samples of an individual student's work showing progress over time.

Another way to characterize assessments is by purpose:

• Assessment OF Learning is a summative measure of what a student has learned after instruction has ended, such as: unit test, mid-year exam, final exam.

• Assessment FOR Learning is a formative measure of what the student already knows and does not know so the teacher may plan future instruction accordingly.

• Assessment AS Learning occurs when the assessment is the learning activity, an activity or project designed to also be a measure of learning.

These are also known as performance assessments and typically include a scoring rubric [5].

Various tools are used to asses students' language ability:

• Tests - testing is by far the most common basis for assessment. The criterion for success is a fixed level which the student is expected to reach; and the result is usually expressed as a percentage. Tests are relatively easy to design and check.

• Alternative assessment - these may solve some of the problems associated with testing, but they raise others.

• Teacher assessment - This is based on the performance of the student over time in a wide range of tasks.

• Continuous assessment - the evaluation of a student's progress throughout a course of study, as distinct from by examination.

• Self-assessment - the students evaluate their own performance, using clear criteria and grading systems. This is not very popular for summative assessments [6].

3. Conclusion

There are a number of skills that teachers should know, but we mentioned some important ones in the paper. One of them is knowing how to go about planning a foreign language lesson. It is the result of many other stages of preparation. The teacher should be aware of the goals and objectives for the entire term. Teachers make unique decisions for their unique group of students. Having a textbook with appropriate content and a variety of possible teaching activities can help students and good results. Assessment is the "mirror" for students. They can analyse their own knowledge and skills. This even helps student to be motivated.


1.Pedagogy, A. Pashayev, F. Rustamov, Baku-



3.Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, Marianne Celce-Murcia, 2001

4.https://sites.tufts.edu/teaching/files/2018/07/GS I_Guidebook_37-39.pdf

5. https://www.scarsdaleschools.k12.ny .us/domain /1038

6. A course in English Language Teaching, Penny Ur, 2016

7.Dudley-Evans, Tony and Johns, Ann M. Development in English Specific Purposes: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach, Cambridge University Press, 1998

Empirical evaluation and micro-evaluation: A systematic and overall assessment of tasks.

УДК 372.857 ГРНТИ 14.25.09


DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2021.1.82.1201 Хачатурьянц Вероника Евгеньевна

аспирант кафедры естественнонаучного образования и коммуникативных технологий

Института биологии и химии ФГБОУ ВО «Московский педагогический государственный университет»,

учитель ГБОУ Школа №1998 «Лукоморье»,

г. Москва

Теремов Александр Валентинович

доктор педагогических наук,

профессор кафедры естественнонаучного образования и коммуникативных технологий

Института биологии и химии ФГБОУ ВО «Московский педагогический государственный университет»,






В современном обществе интеграция является одним из основных подходов к процессу обучения школьников. Интегрированный подход способствует развитию творческих и познавательных способностей учащихся. Продуктивным технологическим решением создания межпредметных связей является STEAM- образование, которое основано в объединении основных направлений обучения. Кванториумы, создаваемые в России, позволяют применять STEAM - технологии для реализации интегрированного подхода. В статье приведены примеры заданий, включающие элементы STEAM -обучения, которые можно применять на уроках биологии.


In modern society, integration is one of the main approaches to the process of teaching schoolchildren. An integrated approach promotes the development of creative and cognitive abilities of students. A productive technological solution for creating interdisciplinary connections is STEAM education, which is based on combining the main directions of education. Quantoriums created in Russia allow the use of STEAM technologies to implement an integrated approach. The article provides examples of tasks that include elements of STEAM -learning, which can be used in biology lessons.

Ключевые слова: интеграция содержания образования, STEAM-образование.

Key words: integration of educational content, STEAM education.

В современном мире происходит технологическая революция, которая затрагивает все сферы жизни людей, в том числе и образование. Внедрение инновационных технологий, высокоскоростные потоки информации, научные открытия влияют на жизнь общества, меняя ее. Это приводит к тому, что устоявшиеся знания, приемы теряют свою актуальность, а на их место приходят другие, которые смогут отвечать новым запросам общества, двигая науку и образование вперед. Самыми востребованными профессиями нового времени стали ^-специалисты, инженеры, программисты, инженеры в области нанотехнологий. Большинство решаемых людьми этих профессий проблем имеют комплексный, междисциплинарный характер, что требует изменений в содержании не только высшего, но и среднего общего образования. Существующая по сей день узкая монопредметная образовательная среда не позволяет в должной мере подготовить выпускника общеобразовательной организации,

обладающего готовностью и способностью видеть эти проблемы, намечать пути их решения и осуществлять действия по преодолению. Таким образом, перед содержанием современного естественнонаучного образования, прежде всего, в средней общеобразовательной школе встает задача широкой межпредметной интеграции содержания учебных предметов, организационной

трансформации образовательного процесса по биологии, физике, химии в направлении установления внутри- и межпредметных связей на основе комплексных, междисциплинарных проблем современности разного уровня и аспектности. Специалистам будущего требуется всесторонняя подготовка и знания из разных предметных областей.

Особенно актуальной межпредметная интеграция становится в свете новых тенденций наступившего столетия, например в области МБГС-конвергенции, которая заключается во взаимовлиянии информационных технологий,

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