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©Чурилина Ю.Ю., 2022
УДК 621 371 3 ББК 32 947
K.S. Sayfullozoda . P.A Taenkov. O.S. Yakushov
Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Russia. e-mail: [email protected] Scientific adviser: Shamkin Valery Nikolaevich
Single-mirror antennas are among the simplest types of antennas that are very well used as part of radio engineering devices for television, broadcasting, radio communications via artificial Earth satellites (AES) in geostationary orbit (GSO), in the field of radar, radio astronomy and communication systems.
hybrid antenna, antenna cross-sections, space repeaters.
К.С. Сайфуллозода, П.А. Таёнков, О.С. Якушов
Тамбовский государственный технический университет,
Тамбов, Россия Почта майл: [email protected] Научный руководитель: Шамкин Валерий Николаевич
Однозеркальные антенны относятся к простейшим типам антенн, которые очень хорошо
ISSN (p) 2411-7161 / ISSN (e) 2712-9500
№3 / 2022
используют в составе радиотехнических устройств для телевидения, радиовещания, радиосвязи через искусственные спутники Земли (ИСЗ), находящиеся на геостационарной орбите (ГСО), в области радиолокации, радиоастрономии и систем связи.
Одной из таких является однозеркальная антенна квазитороидального типа.
Ключевые слова: гибридная антенна, сечения антенн, космические ретрансляторы.
When studying and designing mirror scanning antennas, it is possible to know the spatial front of the wave in the antenna, both in the reception mode and in the transmission mode. The presence of astigmatism in mirror scanning antennas requires taking into account phase distortions and optimizing parameters not only in the meridional, but also in the sagittal plane, as well as in other antenna sections. For example, knowledge of the spatial phase distribution in the receiving mode is necessary to determine the optimal position of the irradiator during scanning, and in the transmitting mode to determine the direction of maximum radiation, changing the shape of the radiation pattern during scanning, LPC value, etc [2]. Single-dish antenna of quasi-toroidal type.
This antenna, in its design simplicity, is close to a single-dish parabolic antenna, but differs significantly from it in its scanning properties. The design is based on the idea of toroidal antennas, but instead of using a circular profile, it is proposed to use an elliptical profile, the antenna is shown in (Fig. 2). A feature of this antenna is its some analogy with a toroidal antenna, in which each scanning direction corresponds to a separate section of the homogeneous surface of the mirror, which significantly reduces instrumentation of such an antenna as a whole. In this case, the principle of partial mutual use of the mirror surface is used both in the regime of the axial direction of the RP and at the edge of the scanning sector.
Figure1 - Single-dish antenna of quasi-toroidal type
Next, consider wide-angle toroidal antennas. They are used when there is a need to scan in a significant angular sector in one plane, for example, in the plane of the geostationary orbit for communication with several spaced satellites. In this case, several options for constructing circuits of toroidal antennas are possible, at least the following: 1) a toroidal spherical mirror with a single feed, which mechanically rotates around the center of the sphere; 2) toroidal spherical mirror with several switched feeds; 3) a toroidal spherical mirror with a single corrective auxiliary mirror and, finally, the fourth option, when two rotating auxiliary mirrors are used, which not only correct spherical aberration, but also provide a special field distribution in the antenna opening. In this case, it is possible to construct an antenna in which shape stabilization under weight loads is achieved by eliminating the destabilizing effect of the tilt of the primary
mirror with respect to the horizon. This problem can be solved in the version of a quasi-stationary reflector in the form of a vertical strip cut-out from a spheroid and an auxiliary mirror, which are mounted on the shaft and support of the antenna elevation axis, as in Fig. one toroidal type antennas are being intensively developed and are being widely introduced into practice, especially in satellite communication systems for working with satellites located in geostationary orbit. At present, toroidal antennas can be classified as the most intensively developing type of antennas. Acknowledgement
The work was carried out under the supervision of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V. N. Shamkin.
1 Galimov G.K. General theory of mirror antennas. Volume 6. - M .: Advanced Solutions LLC, 2017. - 704 p. 2. Galimov G.K. Mirror antennas. Volume 1. - M .: Advanced Solutions LLC, 2010. - 204 p.
© Sayfullozoda K.S., Taenkov P.A., Yakushov O.S., 2022