Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2015, № 4 (58)
UDC 625.122-047.58
'Dep. «Tunnels, Bases and Foundations», Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38 (050) 708 50 69, e-mail [email protected], ORCID 0000-0002-5902-6155
2*Dep. «Tunnels, Bases and Foundations», Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38 (056) 373 15 79, e-mail [email protected], ORCID 0000-0002-7099-2637
Purpose. This article provides: the question of the sustainability of the subgrade on a weak base is considered in the paper. It is proposed to use the method of jet grouting. Investigation of the possibility of a weak base has an effect on the overall deformation of the subgrade; the identification and optimization of the parameters of subgrade based on studies using numerical simulation. Methodology. The theoretical studies of the stress-strain state of the base and subgrade embankment by modeling in the software package LIRA have been conducted to achieve this goal. Findings. After making the necessary calculations perform building fields of a subsidence, borders cramped thickness, bed's coefficients of Pasternak and Winkler. The diagrams construction of vertical stress performs at any point of load application. Also, using the software system may perform peer review subsidence, rolls railroad tracks in natural and consolidated basis. Originality. For weak soils is the most appropriate nonlinear model of the base with the existing areas of both elastic and limit equilibrium, mixed problem of the theory of elasticity and plasticity. Practical value. By increasing the load on the weak base as a result of the second track construction, adds embankment or increasing axial load when changing the rolling stock process of sedimentation and consolidation may continue again. Therefore, one of the feasible and promising options for the design and reconstruction of embankments on weak bases is to strengthen the bases with the help of jet grouting. With the expansion of the railway infrastructure, increasing speed and weight of the rolling stock is necessary to ensure the stability of the subgrade on weak bases. LIRA software package allows you to perform all the necessary calculations for the selection of a proper way of strengthening weak bases.
Keywords: soil cement; stress-deformed state; finite element method; subgrade; weak base
The new technologies that allow working on strengthening soil quality and reliability are appeared in the bundle of knowledge and experience of native scientists. One of the leading-edge technologies is jet grouting, which allows implementing various constructions enhancement the soil base. The paper presents the main parameters of the numerical analysis of the foundations of the subgrade base using amplification-based jet technology.
When choosing a method of strengthening soil it should be based on its technological and purpose of application. The soil cementation is a penetration and filling of cavities in the soil by means of solution for injection under some pressure. In this regard it is necessary to thoroughly consider the following factors: the lack of damage which inflicted by high pressure building, located near the
zone of cementation, if they are available; possibility of squeezing cement at considerable speeds of groundwater or the presence of cavities in the soil and the degree of strength solution for injection.
The jet grouting method includes works on improving soil quality by energy liquid jet for destruction, mixing and replacement of the original natural soil cement slurry, followed by the formation of strong soil cement. It is the formation of cylindrical piles by means of soil's destruction of cement's jets by pressure 200 ... 400 kg/cm2 (20 ... 40 MPa), emerging from monitor's nozzle with diameter 0 2 ... 3 mm, attached to the drilling equipment to further mixing and filling of soil with cement.
The aim of this work is to study the impact of a weak base on general deformation of subgrade.
Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2015, № 4 (58)
Another goal is to identify and optimize parameters subgrade through research by numerical simulation.
The theoretical research of the stress-strain state of the roadbed's base and embankment by simulation software LIRA was conducted to reach this goal. The finite element method is among the most contemporary and efficient methods for calculating structures of various purposes, which allows combining two tasks of geomechanics problems: deformation and limit state. The program complex LIRA is a program of numerical simulation processes which occur in soils during the influence of different pressures and also allows exploring the process of deformation and zones development of limiting condition of the soil. During the simulation may be received a complete picture of the stress-strain state of the investigated area, and the importance of breaking load, precipitation, etc.
The follows can be determined by using the software system:
- subsidence of soil and pile base with a given load and engineering-geological conditions;
- limit compressed thickness in accordance with existing regulations;
- the difference subsidence and rolls of existing buildings including those which projected;
- coefficients of the bed soil base according to soil models of Winkler and Pasternak [5,7].
Winkler model is the simplest model that has gained widespread use. This model is based on the fact that the draft stamp proportional loading, deformation and elastic enough after unloading disappear. The only mechanical parameter is the coefficient of bed.
Elastic subsidence of surface under the stamp D under pressure p according Winkler model is defined as
S = P/C (1)
where C - coefficient of subgrade reaction.
The Pasternak's model is used for research deformation of subgrade crest outside of the load transmitted from the rolling stock.
Elastic subsidence of surface around the stamp D under pressure p according Pasternak model is defined as
Dv ~Jfr
S =-p-—e (2)
D • C + 4A/CA + 8 D
where C - ratio compression, kgs/cm3; C2 - offset coefficient, kgs/cm; r - distance from the center of stamp to point out of stamp definition subsidence, cm.
Review of recent research sources and publications
The problem addressed in many publications. Numerical modeling, particularly in the software LIRA is described in a lot of works [4, 6]. Payment schemes of most commonly used pile bases' models are given in investigation [2]. The problem solutions of subgrade strengthening are devoted at the work [3, 9, 7, 10].
Calculation of the roadbed on the weak basis based on the solution of the plane problem of elasticity, but the body of the embankment stability calculations and their slopes are performed by the classical theory of limit equilibrium. In these methods is not taken into account that the occurrence of plastic zones occurs long before the limiting condition in the body of the embankment and soils weak base. In these areas accumulate residual strain that caused vibro dynamic impact load and excessive moisture soils. In weak bases can be slow viscous and plastic flow of soil, aimed at slopes of subgrade, which can cause dangerous shear and expansion joints and cracks.
Thus, for weak soil the most appropriate is nonlinear bases model considering of existing areas as elastic and limit equilibrium that is mixed problem of elasticity and plasticity.
To obtain reliable results, it is necessary to follow those recommendations: to determine deformation and strength characteristics of soils that make up the body of embankments and foundations with sufficient accuracy; define the parameters of the rolling load distribution; establish dimensions of cross-section given its boundaries loose soil with a weak base. Payment schemes that
Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету з^зничного транспорту, 2015, № 4 (58)
are used in full to more accurately show the stressstrain state of the roadbed than the schemes adapted to the axis of symmetry.
Under the influence of load in a weak base appears significant horizontal tension because border calculation scheme (prohibition of horizontal displacement) should be placed as farthest from the place application of the load. Also there are prohibited horizontal movement of the left and right boundaries and vertical movement of the lower nodes of boundary. Splitting cross-section is performed with increasing density of finite element mesh in areas where the expected increase of stresses and displacements values.
The values of loads from rolling stock in the
calculation scheme adopted according to the experimentally obtained values. The values of vertical deformation in the event of plastic zones in the soil depend on the nature of the loading. In the absence of plastic deformation load of rolling stock may take one step.
When using the finite element method, the determining soil characteristics and embankment foundations upon this depends largely on the stress-strain state of the real subgrade plays an important role.
In the design scheme of layers of soil are taken according to the results of geological surveys.
Estimated parameters used in the numerical simulation should be taken from Table 1.
Table 1
Estimated parameters used in the numerical simulation
№ Type of element Material The elastic modulus E, kN/m2 Density, kN/м3 Poisson's ratio
1 Rail Metal 2,06х108 77,085 0,3
2 Sleeper Ferroconcrete 3,247х108 24,525 0,2
3 Ballast Ballast Stone 100 000 22 0,2
4 The body of em- Loam 25 000 19 0,3
5 Weak base Saturated loam 5 000 19 0,3
6 Soil cement pile 0 750 Soil cement 115 000 17,5 0,3
So to calculate the embankment on the weak basis is performed on calculation scheme with the size of the real profile, creating finite-element mesh, determination of forces and loads. Also there is performed choose of the design characteristics of the system «embankment-weak base» and simulated process system load rolling stock.
Determination of the total subsidence occurs by layered adding using scheme linear deformation half-space (Boussinesq's task).
The achievements limits cramped thickness Hc is controlled of
a = k -a
zp " zg
by using the coefficient depth of cramped thickness k, which is defined.
After making the necessary calculations perform building fields of a subsidence, borders
cramped thickness, bed's coefficients of Pasternak and Winkler. The diagrams construction of vertical stress performs at any point of load application.
Also, using the software system may perform peer review subsidence, rolls railroad tracks in natural and consolidated basis.
Originality and practical value
There was defined the algorithm of forming design scheme for the calculation of the embankment on the weak basis by finite element method. The method of the selection strength characteristics of soils and calculated parameters for using in numerical modeling is offered in the article. The modeling process of load system by rolling stock was grounded.
Analysis of the stress-strain state of the system «weak base-roadbed» allows you to see the basic
Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету з^зничного транспорту, 2015, № 4 (58)
patterns of soil and take the necessary steps for strengthening of soil-cement elements.
Based on the above, in the condition of the growth rate of the rolling stock and traffic on Ukrainian railways, the investigations allow using software LIRA for the analysis of roadbed operation of rolling stock in the railway, which is reduced on a weak base.
With increasing the load on the weak basis by building of the second track, adding embankment or increasing axial load when changing the rolling process of settling and consolidation can be continue again. Therefore, one of the viable and future options design and reconstruction of embankments on weak bases are strengthening the base by using jet grouting. Covering soil cement piles allows to provide a short time strengthening roadbed, the ability to quickly enter areas of track in operation and small size of subsidence.
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Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нащонального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2015, № 4 (58)
'Каф. «Тоннели, основания и фундаменты», Днепропетровский национальный университет железнодорожного транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна, ул. Лазаряна, 2, Днепропетровск, Украина, 49010, тел. +38 (050) 708 50 69, эл. почта [email protected], ОЯСГО 0000-0002-5902-6155
2*Каф. «Тоннели, основания и фундаменты», Днепропетровский национальный университет железнодорожного транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна, ул. Лазаряна, 2, Днепропетровск, Украина, 49010, тел. +38 (056) 373 15 79, эл. почта [email protected], ОЯСГО 0000-0002-7099-2637
Цель. В статье предусматривается: 1) рассмотрение вопроса обеспечения устойчивости земляного полотна на слабом основании с использованием метода струйной цементации; 2) исследование возможности воздействия слабого основания на общие деформации земляного полотна; 3) выявление и оптимизация параметров земляного полотна на основе исследований с помощью численного моделирования. Методика. Для реализации указанных целей были проведены теоретические исследования напряженно -деформированного состояния основания и насыпи земляного полотна путем моделирования в программном комплексе ЛИРА. Результаты. Для расчета насыпи на слабом основании выполнено: формирование расчетной схемы с размерами реального профиля, создание конечно-элементной сетки, определение сил и нагрузок. Также произведен выбор расчетных характеристик системы «насыпь-слабое основание» и смоделирован процесс нагрузки системы подвижным составом. После осуществления всех необходимых расчетов выполнено построение полей осадок, границ сжимаемой толщи, коэффициентов постели Пастернака и Винк-лера. Осуществлено построение эпюр вертикальных напряжений в любой точке приложения нагрузки. Также с помощью программного комплекса выполнена экспертная оценка осадок, кренов железнодорожного полотна на естественном и укрепленном основаниях. Научная новизна. Доказано, что для слабых грунтов наиболее целесообразной является нелинейная модель основания с учетом существующих областей как упругого, так и предельного равновесия, то есть смешанная задача теории упругости и пластичности. Практическая значимость. При увеличении нагрузки на слабое основание в результате строительства второго пути, досыпки насыпи или увеличения осевой нагрузки при изменении подвижного состава процесс оседания и консолидации может продолжиться вновь. Поэтому одним из целесообразных и перспективных вариантов проектирования и реконструкции насыпей на слабых основаниях является укрепление основания с помощью струйной цементации. При расширении железнодорожной инфраструктуры, увеличении скоростей движения и веса подвижного состава необходимо обеспечить устойчивость земляного полотна на слабых основаниях. Программный комплекс ЛИРА позволяет выполнить все необходимые расчеты для подбора оптимального способа укрепления слабых оснований.
Ключевые слова: грунтоцемент; напряженно-деформируемое состояние; метод конечных элементов; земляное полотно; слабое основание
*Каф. «Тунел^ основи та фундаменти», Дшпропетровський нацюнальний ушверситет затзничного транспорту iменi академжа В. Лазаряна, вул. Лазаряна, 2, Дшпропетровськ, Украша, 49010, тел. +38 (050) 708 50 69, ел. пошта [email protected], ОЯСГО 0000-0002-5902-6155
2*Каф. «Тунел1, основи та фундаменти», Дшпропетровський нацюнальний ушверситет залiзничного транспорту iменi академжа В. Лазаряна, вул. Лазаряна, 2, Днтропетровськ, Украша, 49010, тел. +38 (056) 373 15 79, ел. пошта [email protected], ОЯСГО 0000-0002-7099-2637
Мета. В статт передбачено: 1) розгляд питання забезпечення стшкосп земляного полотна на слабкш ос-новi з використанням методу струменево! цементацп; 2) дослщження можливосп впливу слабко! основи на загальш деформацп земляного полотна; 3) виявлення та оптишзащя параметрiв земляного полотна на основi
Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2015, № 4 (58)
дослщжень за допомогою чисельного моделювання. Методика. Для реалiзацii' зазначеноi' мети були проведет теоретичш дослвдження напружено-деформованого стану основи та насипу земляного полотна шляхом моделювання у програмному комплексi Л1РА. Результати. Для розрахунку насипу на слабкш основi виконано: формування розрахунковоi схеми з розмiрами реального профiлю, створення скiнченно-елементноi сiтки, визначення сил i наваитажень. Також проведено вибiр розрахункових характеристик системи «насип-слабка основа» та змодульовано процес навантаження системи рухомим складом. Пiсля здшснення всiх не-обхвдних розрахунк1в виконано побудування полiв освдань, меж стиснутоi товщi, коефiцieнтiв постел1 Пастернака i Вiнклера. Здiйснено побудову епюр вертикальних напружень у будь-як1й точщ прикладення навантаження. Також за допомогою програмного комплексу виконано експертну оцiнку освдань, кренiв залiзни-чного полотна на природнш та змщненш основах. Наукова новизна. Для слабких грунтiв найбiльш доцшь-ною е нелiнiйна модель основи з урахуванням iснуючих областей як пружно!, так i гранично! рiвноваги, тобто змшана задача теори пружностi та пластичности Практична значимiсть. При збiльшеннi навантаження на слабку основу в результат будiвництва другох' колп, досипання насипу або збiльшення осьового навантаження при змш рухомого складу процес оадання i консолвдацп може продовжитись знов. Тому одним iз доцiльних й перспективних варiантiв проектування та реконструкцп насипiв на слабких основах е укршлення основи за допомогою струминнох' цементацii. При розширенш залiзничноi iнфраструктури, збь льшеннi швидкостей руху та ваги рухомого складу необхщно забезпечити стiйкiсть земляного полотна на слабких основах. Програмний комплекс Л1РА дозволяе виконати всi необхдт розрахунки для пiдбору оптимального способу укршлення слабких основ.
Ключовi слова: грунтоцемент; напружено-деформований стан; метод сшнченних елеменпв; земляне полотно; слабка основа
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PhD in Sc. V. S. Andreev (Tech.); Prof. V. L. Sedin, D. Sc. (Tech.) recommended this article to be published
Received: June 08, 2015 Accepted: Aug. 14, 2015