Nurxon Sobirova
Teacher at the Bukhara State University
Comparative study of the works of prominent writers of the world literature, in particular, English and Uzbek, is of great scientific and social significance. This is due to the fact that any national literature can not develop without interaction and mutual influence on the literary cognition of the peoples of the world. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that Uzbek literature not only influenced world literature but also was influenced by the world literature to a certain extent. The comparison of two novels by great authors may provide holistic description of detective world. Two works which are globally acclaimed have already gained large following, thereby similarities of them can grab attention of readers in all likelihood. Articled main purpose is to reveal similar chain under the mysterious incidents in these two impressive works. Similarities are revealed notably in terms of features of main roles, style and so forth.
Keywords: artistic value, mafias, artistic style, Shaytanat, Godfather
Although detective genres are easily read by great enthusiasm, creating mystery requires critical organization by the author. In novels, character are intended to revenge on the life, but in the end life □s revenge on them lead to death. All gangsters in both works lose their belief in God and its virtues and start to create their own world wherein killing, murdering, obeying, suppressing are done vividly.
Not only their lives but also complicated composition, and the mysteriously held ongoing events are in some respects similarly depicted.
Both detective works reflect humanistic ideas, personal problems, psychological changes, the struggle between evil and good, the moral, psychological tango of the criminals, and its tragedy. Detective-adventure is the epitome of skepticism. Detective realities □ mafia groups, criminals, murders, theft, and so on □ in this quality. First of all, It is important to note that the title of a religious character has been chosen for both works. «Shaytanat» is a devilish concept. Thus, it expresses that the home of evils or □ shaytons^in the Islamic religion. «The Godfather» is the name that is directly related to the Christian religion, especially the special ceremony held at the birth of a newborn. In the novel by Mario Puzo, the detective plot is based on the composition of the three heroic characters (Amerigo Bonasera, baker Nazorin, Lucia Brazi). Although Tohir
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Malik began his work with three stories (Elchin, Asadbek, Zahid), unlike PuzoDs work, the realities of these three human beings are constantly moving away from each other, or come closer to each other. As for, the nature of the main characters: Literary scholar Yuldash Solijonov said: «The form of an artistic expression that corresponds to the nature of the characters, the nature of the heroes is a reflection of the beauty of the true art. The ability to choose it properly depends on the writer Ds skill»1 One of the factors determining the artistic value of the detective work is its author Ds skill in illustrating social, ethical and other vital issues. The writers in «The Godfather» and «Shaytanat» have made artistic interpretations of such serious problems in their respective societies. Tohir Malik Ds personality in describing the detective situation is based on the essence of the events based on Islamic principles. Spiritual and moral interpretation is also emphasized by the author Ds speech and sometimes by his work. The storytelling and narratives also play a special role in the texture of the work. In the novel «The Godfather», the authorDs principle of individual approach to reality is that the most important events in the episode do not show how he loses his temper. Solidness, patience, ambiguity, a perfect solution to problems D these are the peculiarities of the prosaic expression of Puzo.
Significance of detective roles is realized through such concrete role nominations as a killer, criminal, maniac. The most widespread of these is the murderer. The emphasis was placed on the study of the murderer Ds disappearance among other characters throughout the entire work, as well as the suspicion of murder of other characters, psychic and psychological circumstances of the murderer. Particularly, Vito Corleone is a murderer in the novel «The Godfather». He is the first to kill Fanuchchi. Don Corleone Ds sons murdered to save their lives, and Asadbek did the same as a revenge for his fatherDs assassination in «Shaytanat». Some of the most famous works in the world literature have been compared relatively to these categories. After all, in the genre of detective, usually the end of the life of the victim is usually the beginning of the work. So, the praiseworthy work is the subject of motion. In this regard, «The Godfather» was based on Vito CorleoneDs fatherDs death (victim) and the imprisonment of Asadbek Ds father (victim) in «Shaytanat» became the reasons for the creation of two masterpieces.
Both authors have their own style and supported factors. Puzo presents many wise ideas in «The Godfather» on behalf of the hero, or on his own behalf. Such as, Don Corleone says: «Friendship is everything. Friendship is more than talent. It is more than government. It is almost the equal of family».
«But great men are not born great, they grow great», «Clearly there was a place for a man of his talents in that other world», «Revenge is a dish that tastes best when it is cold».
1 Solijonov Y.. My-b^roarap cexpn. - T.Adib: , 2013. - P. 26.
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Likewise, in «Shaytanat» even the philosophical stories, wisdom words, and
repercussions come from the verse and hadith. Followings are can be best exemples:
Xudovando, na qildim turfa yozdim,
Shayotin makri birlan yo'ldan ozdim.
Pushaymonman parishon o'tgan ishdan.
Bahoru tiyra moh yozu qishdin.
«U (ya'nikim Olloh) bir guruhni hidoyat qildi. Boshqa guruhga yo'ldan ozish haq bo'ldi. Chunki ular Ollohni qo^yib, shaytonlarni o^zlariga do^st tutdilar, hamda
o'zlarini, albatta, hidoyat topuvchilar deb hisoblaydilar.»
The authors of «The Godfather» and «Shaytanat» follow the path of literary interpretation of biographies, personal-psychological states, implicit world of persons belonging to the «Lost generation» formed in the complex social processes of their countries. Mario Puzo^s hero Vito Corleone, and Tohir Malik^s hero Asadbek, are also complicated social situations, which interpret the concept of humanity and the universe, good and evil, selfishness and faith in their personal interests. From a psychological point of view, in the mode of a detective work, the period, conditions, and social environment are felt. At the same time, the aesthetic attitude of the writer to the reality can provide an objective interpretation of the events described in the plot. In particular, Tohir Malik has the same style and poetics in «Shaytanat». The intention of both works inherently convey the same fate. Because in the end of both novels, the characters face bitterness of genuine life, as consequences of their brutality led them towards death. Conclusion
Mystery of situation are normally certain to grab readers □ attention. However, creating masterpieces in this mode needs great talent and ingenuity. Thus, similarities may appear in a great deal in detective genres, though they belong to different cultures. In two compared works, cultural and religious backgrounds play significant role. The style and the way situation appear in the story are somehow similar. The most intriguing fact is that main characters in both works faced the same destiny in the end, as to depict that life is boomerang.
1. Xolikov B.A. Detektiv adabiyot taraqqiyoti va uning jahon adabiyotida tutgan o'rni.2013. -№4. - E. 43-45 .
2.Raxmatov SH.M. Badiiy talqin-real voqelik modeli ,Y3My xabarlari. - Toshkent, 2014,350352 .
3. Xolikov B.A . «^y^HffrapraH OTa» ocyga xaeTHH op3y ^HnraHMH? , Ilm sarchashmalari. -Urganch, 2014, 53-57 .
2 So'fiy Ollohyor «Sabotul ojiziyn» Toshkent,2013
3 Qur'oni karim, «A'rof» surasining 27, 30-oyatlaridan ma'no tarjima.
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