№ 1 (3) 2023
ISSN: 2181-1342 (Online) Сайт:
DOI: 10.47390/1342V3I1Y2023
№ 1 (3)-2023
Исанова Феруза Тулкиновна
Юлдашев Анвар Эргашевич тарих фанлари доктори, сиёсий фанлар номзоди, профессор, Узбекистан Республикаси Президента хузуридаги Давлат бошкаруви академияси;
Мавланов Уктам Махмасабирович - тарих фанлари доктори, профессор, Узбекистан Республикаси Президента хузуридаги Давлат бошкаруви академияси;
Хазраткулов Аброр - тарих фанлари доктори, доцент, Узбекистан давлат жах,он тиллари университета.
Х,акимов Назар Х,акимович фалсафа фанлари доктори, профессор, Тошкент давлат иктисодист университета;
Яхшиликов Журабой - фалсафа фанлари доктори, профессор, Самарканд давлат университета;
Гайбуллаев Отабек Мухаммадиевич -
фалсафа фанлари доктори, профессор, Самарканд давлат чет тиллар института;
Х,ошимхонов Мумин - фалсафа фанлари доктори, доцент, Жиззах педагогика института;
Носирходжаева Гулнора Абдукаххаровна -
фалсафа фанлари номзоди, доцент, Тошкент давлат юридик университета.
Ахмедов Ойбек Сапорбаевич - филология фанлари доктори, профессор, Узбекистан давлат жах,он тиллари университета;
Кучимов Шухрат Норкизилович - филология фанлари доктори, доцент, Тошкент давлат юридик университета;
Салахутдинова Мушарраф Исамутдиновна
- филология фанлари номзоди, доцент, Самарканд давлат университета;
Кучкаров Рахман Урманович - филология фанлари номзоди, доцент в/б, Тошкент давлат юридик университета;
Юнусов Мансур Абдуллаевич -филология фанлари номзоди, Узбекистан Республикаси
Президента хузуридаги Давлат бопщаруви академияси;
Саидов Улугбек Арипович - филология фанлари номзоди, доцент, Узбекистан Республикаси Президента хузуридаги Давлат бопщаруви академияси.
Ахмедшаева Мавлюда Ахатовна - юридик фанлар доктори, профессор, Тошкент давлат юридик университета;
Мухитдинова Фирюза Абдурашидовна -
юридик фанлар доктори, профессор, Тошкент давлат юридик университета;
Эсанова Замира Нормуротовна - юридик фанлар доктори, профессор, Узбекистан Республикасида хизмат к)фсатган юрист, Тошкент давлат юридик университета;
Зулфикоров Шерзод Хуррамович - юридик фанлар доктори, профессор, Узбекистан Республикаси Жамоат хавфсизлиги университета;
Хайитов Хушвакт Сапарбаевич - юридик фанлар доктори, профессор, Узбекистан Республикаси Президента хузуридаги Давлат бопщаруви академияси;
Асадов Шавкат Гайбуллаевич - юридик фанлар доктори, доцент, Узбекистан Республикаси Президента хузуридаги Давлат бопщаруви академияси;
Сайдуллаев Шахзод Алиханович - юридик фанлар номзоди, профессор, Тошкент давлат юридик университета.
Хашимова Дильдархон Уринбоевна -
педагогика фанлари доктори, профессор, Тошкент давлат юридик университета;
Ибрагимова Гулнора Хавазматовна -
педагогика фанлари доктори, профессор, Тошкент давлат иктисодист университета;
Закирова Феруза Махмудовна - педагогика фанлари доктори, Тошкент ахборот технологиялари университета хузуридаги
педагогик кадрларни кайта тайёрлаш ва уларнинг малакасини ошириш тар мок маркази; Тайланова Шохида Зайниевна - педагогика фанлари доктори, доцент.
Каримова Васила Мамаиосировиа -
психология фанлари доктори, профессор, Низомий номидаги Тошкент давлат педагогика университета;
Х,айитов Ойбек Эшбоевич психология фанлари доктори (DSc), доцент. Узбекистан Республикаси Президента хузур Давлат
бо ш кару в и академияси;
Умарова Навбахор Шокировна - психология фанлари доктори, доцент, Низомий номидаги Тошкент давлат педагогика университета, Амалий психологияси кафедраси мудири; Атабаева Наргис Батировна - психология фанлари доктори, доцент, Низомий номидаги Тошкент давлат педагогика университета; 1^одиров Обид Сафарович - психология фанлари доктори (PhD), Самарканд вилоят ИИБ Тиббиёт булими психологик хизмат бошлиги.
Латипова Нодира Мухтаржановна -
социология фанлари доктори, профессор, Узбекистон миллий университета кафедра мудири;
Сеитов Азамат Пулатович - социология фанлари доктори, профессор, Узбекистон миллий университета;
Содикова Шохида Мархабоевна -
социология фанлари доктори, профессор, Узбекистон хагщаро ислом академияси
Назаров Насриддин Атакулович -сиёсий фанлар доктори, фалсафа фанлари доктори, профессор, Тошкент архитектура курилиш института;
Бутаев Усмонжон Хайруллаевич -сиёсий фанлар доктори, доцент, Узбекистон миллий университета кафедра мудири.
OAK Руйхати
Мазкур журнал Вазирлар Махкамаси хузуридаги Олий аттестация комиссияси Раёсатининг 2022 йил 30 ноябрдаги 327/5-сон кдрори билан тарих, ик;тисодиёт, фалсафа, филология, юридик ва педагогика фанлари буйича илмий даражалар буйича диссертациялар асосий натижаларини чоп этиш тавсия этилган илмий нашрлар руйхати (Руйхатга) киритилган.
Crossref DOI:
Тахририят Crossref DOI нинг расмий аъзоси хисобланади ва 10.47.390 DOI префиксига эга. Хар бир нашр ва илмий маколага индивидуал Crossref DOI раками берилади.
Google Scholar
Журнал Google Scholar (Академия) да индексацияланади.
"Ижтимоий-гуманитар фанларнинг долзарб муаммолари" электрон журнали 1368-сонли гувохнома билан давлат руйхатига олинган.
Муассис: "SCIENCEPROBLEMS TEAM" масъулияти чекланган жамият.
Тахририят манзили:
100070. Тошкент шахри, Яккасарой тумани, Кичик Бешёгоч кучаси, 70/10-уй. Электрон манзил: [email protected]
Шаисламова Наргиза Кабиловна
Mavrulova Nihifar Abduxalilovna
TIBBIY SUG'URTA: AMALDAGI TURLARINI RIVOJLANTIRISH VA MAJBURIY TURINI JORIY ETISH IMKONIYATLARI..................................................................21-29
Маматкулов Давлатжон Махаматжоновнч
Umarjonov Sohibjon Soyibjon о 'g li
IBN SINONING "ISHORALAR VA TANBEHLAR" ASARI VA POSTKLASSIKISLOM FALSAFASINING BOSHLANISHI..............................................................................37-50
Ahmedov Oybek, Tilavova Malika
ENGLISH AND UZBEK LANGUAGES.......................................................................51-62
Ашурова Ситора Эркиновна
Абдуллаева Мафтуна Мурот кизи
СУДНИНГ ХУКУКНИ ШАРХДАШ ХУЖЖАТЛАРИ КОНСТИТУЦИЯВИЙ НАЗОРАТ ОБЪЕКТИ СИФАТИДА.............................................................................70-77
Авезова Элеонора Парахатовна
Ахмедова Шахноза Озоджоновна
СООТНОШЕНИЕ ОЦЕНКИ ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЯ НА ОКРУЖАЮЩУЮ СРЕДУ И ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ ЭКСПЕРТИЗЫ...........................................................................87-95
Tashpulatov Farxad Alisherovich
GANDBOLCHILAR OYIN FAOLIYATI SAMARADORLIGINI HAR TOMONLAMA BAHOLASH METODIKASI .......................................................................................96-104
Парманов Абулцосим, АбдурашидоваМавжуда
у^увчиларда тескари функция тушунчасини шакллантириш
усули хдк;ида......................................................................................................105-1 ю
Hamrayeva Zuhro Bahodirovna
bolalarni go'daklik davridan suzishga o'rgatish orqali jismoniy rivojlanishini takomillashtirish ..........................................................111-119
Турабоева Мадинахон Рахмонжон цизи
талабаларнинг шахсий-креатив компетенциясини ривожлантиришда ук^ув лойихдларидан фойдаланиш..........120-126
Абдурахмонова Сайёрахон Шахобидиновна
акмеологик ёндашув - булгу си тарбиячиларида касбий тайёргарлигини олий таълимда такомиллаштиришнинг асоси сифатида...............................................................................................................127-135
Shermatov Gulom Kaxxorovich
"5-1" himoyasini bajarishda gandbol o'yinchilarining taktik o'zaro ta'siri........................................................................................................136-143
HacTHMOHii-ryMaHHTap ^aHjiapHHHr aoji3ap6 MyaMMOJiapH. -2023. -№ 1(3).
ISSN: 2181-1342 (Online)
0ujiojio2uh (pawiapu
Ahmedov Oybek Saporbayevich,
Doctor of Philology, Professor of Uzbek State University of World Languages
Tilavova Malika Mamaraimovna,
Teacher of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University
Abstract: The article is devoted to combinatorial semasiology, which is a description of the relationship between word semantics and its coherence. A word has a specific meaning to join with another word in which its cognate is already included, which is an important correct linguistic indicator of this meaning. The semantic structure of words related to education in English and Uzbek languages is discussed and reflected in examples. Also, the study of several methods of semanticizing words is carried out in this article.
Key words: semantics, lexical meaning, syntagmatics, compatibility, syntagmatic side of word meaning, compatibility restrictions, combinatorial properties of words, lexicology, semasiology, etymology, phraseology, onomastics, semantic signs, semantic or conceptual field, contextology, semanticization, translation, visual method.
Axmedov Oybek Saporbaevich,
O'zbekiston davlat jahon tillari universiteti professori,
filologiya fanlari doktori
Tilavova Malika Mamaraimovna,
Jizzax davlat pedagogika universiteti o'qituvchisi
Annotatsiya: Maqola so'z semantikasi va uning uzviyligi o'rtasidagi munosabatlarning tavsifi bo'lgan kombinatoryal semasiologiyaga bag'ishlangan. So'zning o'ziga xos ma'nosi bo'lib, unda o'z qarindoshi allaqachon mavjud bo'lgan boshqa so'z bilan qo'shiladi, bu esa ushbu ma'noning muhim
to'g'ri lingvistik ko'rsatkichidir. Ingliz va o'zbek tillarida ta'limga oid so'zlarning semantik tuzilishi ko'rib chiqiladi va misollarda o'z aksini topadi. Shuningdek, ushbu maqolada so'zlarni semantiklashtirishning bir nechta usullarini o'rganish amalga oshiriladi.
Tayanch so'zlar: semantika, leksikma'no, sintagmatika, moslik, so'z ma'nosining sintagmatik tomoni, moslik cheklovlari, so'zlarning kombinatorlik xususiyatlari, leksikologiya, semasiologiya, etimologiya, frazeologiya, onomastika, semantik belgilar, semantik yoki konseptual soha, kontekstologiya, semantiklashtirish, tarjima, vizual usul.
Ахмедов Ойбек Сапорбаевич,
Профессор Узбекского государственного университета мировых языков, доктор филологических наук
Тилавова Малика Мамараимовна,
Преподаватель Джиззакского государственного педагогического университета
Аннотация: Статья посвящена комбинаторной семасиологии, которая представляет собой описание связи между семантикой слова и его когерентностью. Слово имеет определенное значение для присоединения к другому слову, в которое уже включено родственное ему слово, что является важным правильным лингвистическим индикатором этого значения. Семантическая структура слов, связанных с образованием, в английском и узбекском языках обсуждается и отражается на примерах. Также в данной статье проводится изучение нескольких способов семантики слов.
Ключевые слова: семантика, лексическое значение, синтагматика, сочетаемость, синтагматическая сторона значения слова, ограничения сочетаемости, комбинаторные свойства слов, лексикология, семасиология, этимология, фразеология, ономастика, семантические признаки, семантическое или понятийное поле, контекстология, семантика, перевод, визуальный метод.
A word is a phonetically formed whole: phonemes and morphemes are the basic units of a word, words are independent units and have their own stress. The accent ensures the phonetic integrity of the word, unites its sounds and, at the same time, serves to distinguish one word from another in the speech process. A pause is a proof of the integrity of the word," says M. Iriskulov.
In our opinion, this definition is somewhat diffuse. Because all the important aspects of the word should be expressed in the definition. In this sense, the word can be interpreted as follows: A word is an independent and central language unit expressed in the form of sound, which is grammatically formed and is understood by the members of society in the same way, expressing the meaning of events and things in existence.
The word occupies a special place in the construction of language. That is why it is studied not only in lexicology and semasiology, but also in other fields.
Let's take the grammatical aspect of the word. In the range of the morpheme, which is the smallest meaningful unit of the language, the meaningful parts of the word: stem, suffix, etc. are considered, sentences in the form of independent words (for example, nominative sentences: winter, cold, dark) are syntactically interpreted as separate sentence types.
It seems to have a property of word construction and semantically meaningful division. The stem of single-morpheme and multi-morpheme words has an independent meaning. The word is a unit with an independent meaning.
So, word form (sound form) and content have a unity, and it is a unity embodying semantic and grammatical integrity. It is scientifically analyzed in four stages in terms of form and meaning in language construction:
a) phonologically, the phoneme composition of the word and its accent construction are studied;
b) morphologically, the morphemic structure of the word is scientifically analyzed c) lexically, the aspect of the word being a unitary term, that is, related to naming; g) semantically, different meanings of the word are studied.
The word is the main unit of the language and serves to express the names of objects and their properties, events, and relations to existence. A word has a form (phonetic and grammatical symbols) and a meaning (lexical and grammatical) specific to each language.
Lexical meaning is the content of the word, the reflection in the human mind of what the word expresses; this is the concept of objects, movements, symbols; the main lexical meaning of a word is present in its root in the general part of all similar words. Prefixes and suffixes add subtle additional meanings to words. For example, the main meaning of the word school is an educational institution; such an institution building. Words related to school, student, student, school boy are made from the word school with additional meanings.
The grammatical meaning of a word is information about whether the word belongs to a certain group of words, about the grammatical signs of the word (node, number, agreement, etc.). Grammatical meaning is mainly expressed through the adverbs of the word, as well as prefixes and suffixes.
Materials and Methods.
To use a word correctly, it is not enough to know its meaning and grammatical forms. It is also necessary to know with which words it is consistent and suitable. Which school? Comprehensive school, specialized school, special school, math school, music school, art school, eleventh year school, elementary school, basic school, senior
school, rural school, city school, private school, evening school, Sunday schools, boarding school. A school in a certain direction, a school with an extended day, specializing in in-depth teaching of a certain language. A school named after whom or what.
What are the processes associated with the school? A school can be built, opened, visited, completed. You can enter, go to school, be late. You can study and work at school. These phrases contain certain information about the school. All the concepts associated with popular perceptions of school form the lexical background of this word.
Thus, in order to use the word correctly, it is necessary to have an idea about the subject itself, about the concept expressed by this word. In another country, in another culture, perceptions may be somewhat different. For example. The English word school in combination with other words has the following meanings: School of Foreign Languages - faculty of foreign languages; school broke up - lessons are over, languages are starting; school is over - the academic year has come to an end, to go to school -study not only in school, but in various courses, university, college. The word's ability to join together penetrates into its lexical background, strengthening and distinguishing the cultural subtleties of the word's meaning. One of the main rules of modern linguistics is related to the interpretation of language as a semantic system. At different levels of language, such a concept as a semantic field is put forward as a complex unit of analysis. The historical scope of the study of field theory and its current state allows a deeper understanding of the nature of the field, its structure and application. The interest in studying the systematic organization of the language dictionary and semantic changes in word meanings is manifested in the existence of lexical-semantic associations of words in the form of different groups, rows, fields. After all, a systematic approach to the study of more and more new parts of the dictionary allows to determine the individual characteristics of lexical units in the process of merging, and to better understand the structural patterns of the language.
The term "lexicology" comes from two Greek words: lexica - "word, phrase" (respectively, lexicos - "related to words") and logos - "education, science". So, lexicology as a term literally means "the science of words". However, this name gives only a general idea about the aims and subject matter of this branch of linguistics, since all other branches of the latter also treat the word from a different point of view. (For example, phonetics studies the phonetic structure of the language, i.e. the phoneme and intonation system, examines the external sound form of the word.
So, what do we know about the word?
First, the word is a speech unit that serves the purposes of people's communication. Thus, a word can be described as a unit of communication. Second, the word is transmitted in writing with a sequence of graphic symbols it can be
considered a collection of constituent sounds. Thirdly, if the word is analyzed from the point of view of structure, it has a number of properties. Linguists traditionally distinguish between the external and internal structure of a word. The internal structure of a word or its meaning is usually called the semantic structure of a word. This is one of the main aspects of the word. Words can serve as a means of communication only according to their meaning, each of the words in the language performs a semantic function in naming different denotations (thing, event, feature, action). This aspect of the word is as important as its external organization. The question of initial motivation between the meaning of a word and its sound form is complicated. Apparently, such a motivation existed, but was lost over time, with the exception of words formed according to the principle of onomatopoeia (imitation of the sounds of the characters they denote), for example: tramp, roar, croak. Secondary motivation can be identified in names and surnames (for example: English - Victor, translated from Latin means "winner"; English - Natalie, translated from Greek "local", etc.). It is very interesting to observe the processes of changing the meaning of words and creating new formations with the appearance of new signs or new features in familiar objects. The branch of lexicology that studies word meaning is called semantics. Another characteristic of the word is the ability to accept different grammatical forms and convey grammatical meaning in speech. Having considered the main features of the word, we can move on to its definition. A word is a speech unit used for communication between people, which has a material representation in the form of a group of sounds, a meaning, and is characterized by both formal and semantic unity.
There are ways of forming words in the Uzbek language. They are:
1) affixation (morphological) method;
2) composition (syntactic) method;
3) abbreviation method;
4) semantic (spiritual) method;
5) phonetic method;
6) repetition method.
According to this method, a change in the meaning of the word occurs, and a new word with a different meaning and a similar form is formed: school - a place of education, school - a group of fish; a book - the main educational tool (noun), to bookorder (verb). Semantics is the study of the meaning of words. Many words have very similar meanings and it is important to be able to distinguish subtle differences between them. For example, 'anger' and 'rage' are similar in meaning (synonyms) but 'rage' implies a stronger human reaction to a situation than 'anger.
Idioms or idiomatic expressions often cause confusion among learners of English as a Second Language (ESL). This is because ESL learners often cannot easily
understand idioms or idiomatic expressions, as they have deep, unexpected meanings. The reason for this is that the meanings of idioms are far removed from their literal definitions.
To make things more complicated for ESL learners, idioms are very common in the English language. It is said that there are more or less 25,000 idioms in English. They are so common, that they are used in almost all topics, including education and school.
These are 15 common education- and school-related idioms any ESL student should understand.
1. Teach Someone a Lesson
If we teach someone a lesson, then we want to do something that will make that person realize their bad behavior and learn from it. Teaching someone a lesson is commonly seen as a punishment for misconduct.
Example: The mother taught her son a lesson after he skipped classes by grounding him for two months.
2. Show of Hands
A show of hands is a form of voting for something or someone by literally raising hands. It is usually done to understand what people think and what they want.
Example: After a show of hands, the class voted to go on a field trip to Southeast
3. School of Thought
A school of thought is a particular way of thinking, living, or acting. It can refer to a set of beliefs or actions.
Example: One school of thought suggests that we teach kids a second language at an early age. Another school of thought says that we should teach kids a second language only after they have learned their native language.
4. School of Hard Knocks
School of hard knocks refers to learning valuable lessons in life through practical experience instead of through books or traditional schooling.
Example: She learned from the school of hard knocks that failures are not an end but rather a part of her journey to success.
5. Pass With Flying Colors
To pass with flying colors means to pass or complete something successfully, with high scores or with distinction.
Example: She's a self-taught genius. Without much effort, she passed the test with flying colors.
6. Make the Grade
If we want to make the grade, then we want to meet high expectations or become acceptable. By making the grade, we are satisfying requirements and making ourselves, our actions, or our output adequate.
Example: The student had not made the grade. He had to rewrite his essay.
7. Know by Heart and Learn by Rote
To know something by heart means to understand something so well that we need not exert too much effort when thinking about it.
To learn something by rote means to memorize something without thinking too much about its deeper meaning.
Example: I had to know English grammar rules by heart because I wanted to write essays.
I had to learn the spellings of English words by rote because I did not want any misspellings in my essay.
8. Honor Roll
If we belong to our school's honor roll, then our names are included in a list of names of people with outstanding performance or achievements.
Example: Her name was included on the honor roll. She's one of the brightest kids in her class.
9. From the Old School
An idea or style is from the old school if it was popular and accepted in the past. Many of these ideas, however, are no longer popular in the present.
Example: Their style is from the old school—their teachers do all the talking while their students do all the listening.
10. Eager Beaver
Someone is an eager beaver if he or she is very passionate about their work. They work very hard and for long hours. They are also very enthusiastic about working.
Example: The kid is an eager beaver. He comes in early and is prepared for discussions.
11. Cover a Lot of Ground
When we try to cover a lot of ground, we try to learn and discuss many topics, sometimes in a fairly short time.
Example: The study group covered a lot of ground today. They went over five chapters in their two-hour session.
12. Copycat
Someone is a copycat if they copy or steal the work of other people.
Example: She was called a copycat after she turned in an assignment that she copied from her seatmate.
13. Bookworm
A bookworm is somebody who loves reading books and spends a great deal of time reading.
Example: Martha is a certified bookworm. She reads almost all day during weekends.
14. As Easy as ABC
Something is as easy as ABC if it is very simple and uncomplicated. It is absolutely easy to understand.
Example: Taking his chemistry test was as easy as ABC for him.
15. "A" for Effort
We give an A for effort to people who try to put in their best in a work, which may or may not necessarily be great, acceptable, or successful.
Example: The teacher gave the group an A for effort. Honestly, the group's work is just okay.
The branch of the study of language concerned with the meaning of words and word equivalents is called semasiology, (semasia- from Greek "signification"). As semasiology deals only with lexical meaning of a word it may be regarded as a branch of Lexicology.
It doesn't mean that semasiology has nothing to do with grammatical meaning. It must also be taken into consideration as it bears a specific influence upon lexical meaning. Using diachronic approach, we may say that semasiology studies the change in meaning that words undergo. Descriptive synchronistic approach demands the study not of individual words but of semantic structures typical of the language studied and of its general semantic system.
The main objects of semasiological study we shall speak about are: Semantic development of words, its causes and classification, relevant distinctive features and types of lexical meaning, polysemy and semantic structure of words, semantic grouping and connections in the vocabulary system, i.e. synonyms, antonyms, terminological systems, etc.
As for the two terms "semasiology" and "semantics", on the one hand they are synonymous. But in fact they are synonyms but not equally appropriate for our purpose. The term "semasiology" is preferable because it is less ambiguous. The only meaning it has is that given below. The term semantics is used to cover several different meanings. To avoid confusion the term "semasiology" will be used.
Semasiology is one of the youngest branches of linguistics although the objects of its study have attracted the attention of philosophers and grammarians since the times of antiquity. We find the problems of word and notion relationship discussed in the works of Plato and Aristotle and the famous Indian Grammarian Panini.
Semasiology came into its own only in the 1830's when it was suggested by the representatives of German linguistic school, that the studies of meaning should be regarded as an independent branch of knowledge.
At that first stage semasiology had as its source philological studies. It grew out of commentaries upon the meaning of this or that word with an old author and comparisons with earlier and present-day usage.
The treatment of meaning throughout the 19th century and in the first decade of the 20th was purely diachronistic. Attention was concentrated upon the process of semantic change. Semasiology was even defined at that time as a linguistic science dealing with the changes in word meaning, their causes and classification.
Negative sides: semantic changes were traced and described for isolated word-units without taking into account the interrelation of structures existing within each language. Thus, it was impossible to formulate any general tendencies peculiar to the English language. As for the English vocabulary, the accent in its semantic study was in the 19th century shifted to lexicographical problems. The Golden Age of English lexicography began in the middle of the 19th century when the great work, the Oxford Dictionary of the English language on Historical Principles was carried out.
Results and Discussion.
Scholars long ago paid attention to the presence of a separate, cultural component of meaning in words. Defining this meaning is important in language acquisition, because the main danger in learning an unfamiliar language lies in not knowing the cultural component of the content of the lexicon of this language. The meaning of two words from different languages never exactly matches; only terms are excluded. Therefore, in order to use each word correctly, it is necessary to interact with the social and cultural conditions of the country where the language is being studied.
"The words of the language, like the social reality, carry the characteristics of the life of society, its material and spiritual culture. This cultural meaning is part of the language," wrote linguist N.G. Comley (Comley 1966: 46).
E.M. Vereshchagin and V.G. In Kostomarov's works "language and culture" and "Lingvostranovedcheskaya teoriya slova" the term lexical background was defined for the first time as a component of word semantics, where its national identity is more widely manifested.
The lexical background differs in its characteristics, firstly, in the thematic connection of words, secondly, in syntactic connections, with their lexical background. It is customary for Uzbeks, Tajiks, Russians and representatives of a number of other nationalities to visit and invite guests to their homes; the French, on the other hand, usually meet outside the home and, accordingly, do not use expressions that have an alternative meaning to those used by the distinguished Uzbeks, Tajiks, and Russians.
In Finland, eggs are sold by weight, not by the dozen, as is customary here; for this reason, Finns may say "Please give me a kilogram of eggs" which may seem strange to people of other nationalities (although they are completely correct in terms of language attitude).
Non-Russian students: « Menya vzyali v shkolu (instead of prinyali) "Yavorod" (instead of priekhal) - this is explained by not knowing the scope of word meanings in Russian and native languages. In Turkic languages, including Uzbek, the concepts of prunyalu and vzyali, prishyol and priekhal are expressed in one word. Therefore, knowledge of the relationship between the meanings of the words of the studied language and the native language and the methods of explaining their content is important in the acquisition of Russian by non-Russian students.
When choosing the methods of explaining the meaning of a word, on the one hand, its linguistic nature in the lexical system of a particular language (character of meaning - free or connected, correct or portable; to which word group it belongs, clearly or abstract, artificial or not artificial, unambiguous or ambiguous, the entry of the word into semantic (meaningful) groups, i.e. thematic, lexical-semantic, synonymous, antonymic groups, features in the formation of grammatical forms ownership) is taken into account. On the other hand, the specific relationship of the English word with its equivalent in the native language (correspondence of meanings, compatibility of lexical combination, mismatch, mismatch) is taken into account. The following methods of semanticizing (explaining the meaning of) words are known:
Demonstration method - explaining the meaning of words by showing the objects and actions or images (pictures, drawings, pictures) they represent. The advantage of this method is that it creates a vivid image of the word in the mind of students, which helps to remember it; in addition, a direct connection is established between the word of the studied language and its concept without the participation of the mother tongue. However, this method can be applied only to a small (limited) range of words - a concrete lexicon that can be perceived by sight.
Translation is the explanation of the meaning of words using the means of the native language. It is time-saving, matches foreign language words with native or Russian words, and relies on words already known to students. A translation can give a clear idea of the meaning of a word only if the foreign language or Russian word is identical in meaning to the word in the native language. However, with a range of inconsistent meanings, the translation cannot provide a correct understanding of the words. Therefore, it is advisable to combine it with other methods of semanticization.
Semanticization without translation - explaining the meaning of words with the means of the native language. The following methods of semanticization without translation are distinguished:
Interpretation of words, or semantic definition and expression. This is the main method adopted in explanatory dictionaries to reveal the meaning. Several specific methods of semantic definition of a word are used in the language:
- To describe the broad concepts related to the word and its distinguishing features from other words.
In conclusion, Semantics is important for English language learners. The study of Semantics is an important area of word meaning, references, senses, logic, and perlocutions and illocutions. That is, the study of Semantics increases students' understanding and awareness of word meaning, sentence relationships, and discourse and context.
Therefore, in the course of the natural development of the language, the semantic structure of the word undergoes continuous changes under the influence of external factors. Studying the semantic features and semantic shifts of the word allows to observe how the changes in the external world are reflected in the language.
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