1 2 Jumakulova G.Z. , Uzakova G.Z.
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Abstract: the article under discussion examines the intensity as a semantic category and its expression in the language. From the philosophical point of view, intensity is a category of measure expressing the dialectical unity of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of an object. The measure indicates the limit beyond which a change in quantity entails a change in quality and vice versa. The transition of quantitative changes to qualitative changes reveals the most general mechanism of development. This category, reflecting the reality, finds its expression in the language. In language, it is a quantitative measure of quality assessment, a measure of explicability and a characteristic of the content of communication. The category of intensity is realized by phonetic, morphological, lexico-semantic paradigm. Keywords: intensity, measure, degree, quality assessment, explication, semantic, level, communication, morphological, quantitative.
1Жумакулова Гульноза Замировна - преподаватель, кафедра методики преподавания английского языка;
2Узакова Гулхаё Замиржон кизи - магистрант, направление: лингвистика (английский язык),
факультет иностранных языков, Ферганский государственный университет, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в данной статье рассматривается интенсивность как семантическая категория и ее выражение в языке. С философской точки зрения, интенсивность -это категория меры, выражающая диалектическое единство качественных и количественных характеристик объекта. Мера указывает предел, за которым изменение количества влечет за собой изменение качества и наоборот. Переход количественных изменений в качественные вскрывает наиболее общий механизм развития. Эта категория, отражая реальную действительность, находит свое выражение и в языке. В языке - это количественная мера оценки качества, мера экспликативности, характеристика содержательности коммуникации. Категория интенсивности реализуется фонетической, морфологической, лексико-семантической парадигматикой.
Ключевые слова: интенсивность, мера, градуальность, оценка качества, экспликативность, семантический, уровень, коммуникация, морфологический, количественный.
UDC 811.111-26
The concept of "intensity" is not a new term in modern linguistic research. This term and a number of other terms are often found in studies on expressive stylistics, emotionality of the text, evaluation category and evaluation characteristics of the subject of speech.
The concept of "intensity category" is addressed by a smaller number of researchers, preferring such concepts as "intensity as a component of word semantics". "Systemic and speech intensifiers" Often the term "intensity" is replaced by a narrower concept of "intensity of speech" or is limited to the phonetic area - "degree of exhalation gain or attenuation" [1].
The problem of expressiveness and therefore the category of intensity" refers to any language level and aspect. As we know, the category of intensity (repressive) is characteristic of the pronunciation side of speech, it concerns the field of morpheme, the functioning of various parts of speech (adjectives, verbs, adverbs, particles, nouns) in the role of intensifiers, the peculiarities of the use of expressive syntactic constructions, lexical consciousness of the word, layering on the main meaning.
The "intensity category" is a system of opposition at different language levels. Let us consider how this process is implemented in the sphere of lexico-semantic paradigmatics. The field of lexical means of intensification of expression includes affixation and word composition, adjectives of intensifying content and synonymous verb series, adverbs intensifiers at predicates, quantum words and amplifying phraseology. The ordinary is understood by us as a common measure of quantity in the broad sense of the word. The intensification of the content implies the contrast of a non-neutral in intensity, non-ordinary, ordinary, i.e., the usual measure of quantity. An example may be the pairing of such pairs as voluptuors: super-voluptuors; alert: hyperalert; to compensate: to overcompensate [3]. In terms of disclosure of the content of the concept of "intensity" the cases of affixation are the most obvious: the second member of the pair clearly demonstrates the "increase in value", the increase in the "volume" of the attribute, quality, evaluation characteristic [2]. As the most frequent amplifying prefixes in English, we note the following: huper-, over-, super-, and ultra-. For example:
The Yorks had a pleasantly comfortable home life, and Ronnie, overloved and overpraised by his parents and a worshipful younger sister, was the adored center of it (Capote).
The phrase refers to the area of inherent modifiers. The content of the complex word, which emphasizes the extreme degree of attribute, reflects the physical characteristics of the object, the duration, the scope of the act and a number of other evaluative conclusions. Compare: onyx-black, reven-dark, snow white; dawn-till-midnight activites, age-old patience; best-loved neighbour, knockout-type girls, full-time nobody.
When analyzing the representation of different degrees of intensity with the help of a chain of synonymous verbs, we directly approach the crucial issue of distinguishing between "qualitative and quantitative expression". This problem is closely related to the more general problem of dialectics of quantitative and qualitative changes in language. This question is extremely relevant when analyzing the problems of intensification, because the factor of quantity is declared by us as a determinant of the concept of "intensity".
However, the differences between expressive and non-expressive statements cannot be reduced to purely quantitative differences: less is more. It is possible to construct an artificial synonymous chain, each member of which conveys a different, purely quantitative degree of intensity: a large - more - the largest - huge - enormous. However, the differences between the members of real synonymic chains and the purely quantitative factor is not the same as in our case. There are undoubtedly qualitative differences between them, which register all serious dictionaries. Compare on the example of synonymous verb series:
1. to gaze - to fix the eyes and look with earnestness and/or curiosity
to stare - to look with eyes fixed and open in wonder, horror, surprise, etc.
to glare - to look with fierce, piercing, angry, eyes;
2. to rush - to move swiftly, violently or hastily
to race - to move swiftly, usually in contest of running to dart - to move swiftly, suddenly and fast
to sweep (past) - to move steadily with speed and gracefulness, etc [3]. Therefore, the following conclusion will be more accurate and correct from the point of view of scientific analysis when interpreting chains of the type to look - to gaze - to glare.
Each word in the synonymic row has two sets: a set that conveys the main meaning, and a set of intensities that signals an unusual mark on the intensity scale. Quantitative differences predetermine and make possible qualitative changes in the value, as a result of which the word (lexeme) has an additional value that differs from other components in the synonymous series. Changes in the degree of quantity, thus, lead to certain (and sometimes very significant) qualitative changes.
Synonymic verb rows, whose members differ in additional consciousness characterizing a certain degree of verbal action, include verbs of speaking, movement, physical perception and feeling, emotional and physical reaction, mental activity, movement in space and a number of others. Metaphorical use and hyperbolization are not uncommon.
1. Mmm, so warm already! And not quite summer, even. We're going to burn up when summer really gets started (Williams).
2. .. .and at last she whipped out a penknife and plunged it right into him (Christie).
References / Список литературы
1. Turansky I.I. "Semantic Category of Intensity in English". Moscow. "Higher School", 1990. P.p. 67-72.
2. ArnoldI.V. "Lexicology of Modern English". Moscow, "Higher School", 1983. P. 45-49.
3. "English-Russian Phraseological Dictionary. Moscow, 1985.