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Self-employment as a form of reintegration of unemployed citizens into society Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Volovskaya Nina M., Plyusnina Lidia K., Rusina Anastasia V.

This article deals with one of the types of employment – self-employment, its importance for reintegration of unemployed people into society, showing the need for its development and management at the regional level; a conceptual model of management of self-employment, its main provisions, the algorithm of realization of the model are proposed; the subject and principles of management are shown.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Self-employment as a form of reintegration of unemployed citizens into society»

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 8 (2013 6) 1175-1186

УДК 331.5 316.3/.4

Self-employment as a Form of Reintegration of Unemployed Citizens into Society

Nina M. Volovskaya, Lidia K. Plyusnina and Anastasia V. Rusina*

Novosibirsk State University of Economy and Control 56 Kamenskaya Str., Novosibirsk, 630099 Russia

Received 14.07.2013, received in revised form 26.07.2013, accepted 30.07.2013

This article deals with one of the types of employment - self-employment, its importance for reintegration ofunemployed people into society, showing the needfor its development and management at the regional level; a conceptual model of management of self-employment, its main provisions, the algorithm of realization of the model are proposed; the subject and principles of management are shown.

Keywords: unemployment, unemployed citizens, reintegration, self-employment, model of development of self-employment, the conception, the principles of self-employment.

1. Introduction

In perestroyka period in Russian society there took place dramatic changes in the economy, the political system, in people's lives, their social status changed, the customary interests and values were broken. We moved from one socio-economic structure of the society to a different one. Significant changes occurred in the sphere of employment, too. The main change in this sphere is rejection of the concept of total, "general" employment. Now a person is free to choose the kind of participation in social labour. People have the right to solve the dilemma for themselves: to work or not to work, and if you choose to work, you can decide for yourself in what form to do it—to be employed or self-employed, that is to choose the appropriate variant of conduct for yourself. For the first time

in the history of modern Russia a person has been given the right to become the subject of his/her social practice.

At the same time, at present not all potential workers are in demand in the labor market. There appeared unemployed people in Russia, and unemployment has become a permanent feature of modern life. According to statistical data over the last five years, the number of unemployed citizens increased quite significantly by 18.2 %.: From 4246 thousand in 2007 to 5020 thousand people in 2011 (Russian Statistical Yearbook, 2012). The number of the unemployed increases even more in times of crisis and declines in favorable periods. The crisis that affected our country in 2008, confirms this. For example, in 2009 the number of the unemployed amounted to 6373 thousand people, i.e. increased by 50 % in

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* Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected]

comparison to 2007 (before the crisis) (Russian Statistical Yearbook, 2012). Unemployed people having lost their habitual place of work under the influence of various circumstances are pushed out of the sphere of social and labor relations. It is therefore necessary to look for new and make a wider use of (already known) forms of social integration of unemployed people into society, and involvement of rejected people into society. In this connection, the role of certain types of employment that meet the interests of society and a person, and which enhance the role of social protection of the working population, increases. Self-employment is one of such types of employment, helping people to stop decreasing of their social mobility and move, firstly, to stabilization and later, to upward mobility.

There are a lot of works devoted to self-employment in foreign literature. Proactive stance on this issue is taken by the scientists: Boden, R.J., Carrasco, R., Parker, S.C., Taylor, M.P., Sanyal B., Johansson E., Lindh, Th., Ohlsson, H., Bennet, J., Phelps, M., who explore different aspects of self-employment, such as the impact of personal characteristics and the cycle of business activity on the choice of self-employment, economic determinants of self-employment, the role of different variables in making the decision about self-employment, the impact of availability of personal capital (wealth) on the probability of entry into self-employment status, etc. Problems of development of self-employment are periodically reviewed by the International Organization of Labor.

At the same time, the problem of self-employment remains the least studied in Russian literature, in comparison with the foreign. The degree of scientific elaboration of the theory of self-employment is currently far from meeting the practical needs of Russian society. As a result, self-employment is a spontaneous,

uncontrolled, unregulated process, without any direct or indirect involvement of the state. In fact, the development of the theory and methodology of management of self-employment is a "blank page" in economic, sociological, managerial sciences. Meanwhile, Russian society is in dire need of the theory of managing self-employment and its implementation in practice.

Development of self-employment is important due to a number of circumstances. Firstly, nowadays fundamentally new technologies are appearing, technology is being miniaturized, new communications and means of communication, that facilitate access to databases, contacts with suppliers and customers, are rapidly evolving. Secondly, the demographic structure is changing: the proportion of unemployed women, who can be successfully involved in self-employment either as employed staff or founders of small or medium companies, is increasing. Thirdly, expansion of the service sector, which is particularly attractive to self-employment, is of great importance. This, in particular, concerns auditing, consulting on legal, tax and economic issues. These services require highly skilled professionals. Including them in the staff is much more expensive than concluding a contract with the relevant firm. Finally, changes in the structure of needs of population should be noted. The basic needs are mainly satisfied, but the increase in the level of education of people, their income people, and also production capabilities lead to differentiation of demand, its destandardization, shifting the attention of the consumer from mass-produced goods to individual products manufactured by small enterprises. State and large-scale sectors of the economy are often quite inert and inflexible. Self-employment provides greater flexibility in meeting rapidly changing needs.

These circumstances necessitate conducting sociological research of opportunities of self-

employment and make it one of the most important problems of social science.

2. Methodology and methods of research

We regard self-employment as a rather broad concept, which is based on the ILO definition (Distribution of self-employment, 1992) and consider that "self-employed is a special kind of people's participation in socially useful labour, based on their own initiative, independence and responsibility, aimed, as a rule, at receiving earned income and providing self-realization and self-actualization ofan individual as a personality and manifested as relations (economic, social, legal, etc.) between people" (Volovskaya N.M., 2012).

In our view, qualitative criterion in the form of the size of the received income or the time of participation in labour, cannot be used in the definition of self-employment because interests, needs and abilities of people are different and not always comparable. A person can be classified as self-employed if he/she is not employed and uses for his/her living the resources (the money equivalent or natural products), obtained from this occupation. We admit that a single definition of self-employment may not reflect all its underlying aspects. Therefore, other definitions are possible, which correspond to characteristics of its individual aspects. For example, self-employment can be defined as a certain system or as a form of employment, having specific goals and purposes, etc. All of these definitions, dealing with this or that aspect of self-employment, have the right to independent existence, broaden the notion of self-employment as a specific form of employment.

It is inclusion of unemployed people into the social structure of society by providing them with the opportunity to work on special conditions - the conditions of self-organization.

Thus, the mechanism of social interaction, based on consideration of common interests, will facilitate transition of individual unemployed people to a qualitatively new state, a kind of entity, a certain class - entrepreneurship. These individuals acquire different qualities, as well as a fundamentally new role - the role of the active agent in formation of new social and labor relations. Self-employment of the unemployed implies the activity of two types: of a person who is able and wants to be self-employed, and society (region), which should assist in providing these people with necessary conditions for his self-employment. The activity of a person creates subjective prerequisites for self-employment, while the activity of society (region) - the possibility to influence all the driving forces of self-employment, to manage the process.

Consciousness and behavior of the people in the choice of self-employment do not always coincide, which is due, on the one hand, to the general mismatch between the objective reality and conscious intention of a person, on the other - dependence of people's actions of on driving forces (objective prerequisites, factors, conditions). Dynamic changes in society lead to backwardness of people's consciousness. They do not clearly see their independent capabilities, which hinders development of self-employment. In addition, some unemployed people may feel the need for self-employment, but objective conditions (lack of raw materials, environmental conditions, etc.) do not allow putting these intentions into practice. And vice versa, the imbalance of consumer market, a significant increase in the prices of certain goods, positive attitude of other people and the authorities towards entrepreneurs increase the importance of self-employment.

For development of self-employment, we propose a special methodological approach that takes into account all driving forces of self-employment, the essence of which is as follows.

1. The study of objective prerequisites, factors and conditions that determine the nature of self-employment and the sphere of its development should take a significant place in regulating self-employment. Objective prerequisites and factors that are preliminary and driving force for people's choice of self-employment is a complex multilevel system, some elements of which operate with different force, not only directly but also indirectly, sometimes - through a series of intermediates. A crucial role is played by conditions that facilitate or constrain development of self-employment. Initially, objective prerequisites are considered by an individual at the abstract-logical level, being reflected in the form of sensory and mental images. Later, under the influence of factors of objective reality, they refracted in the mind of an individual into certain aims, which, providing there are necessary conditions for self-employment, turn into concrete activity.

2. Value consciousness mediates the impact of prerequisites, factors and conditions on human behavior, and forms the basis of behavior in the choice of self-employment, through which abstract theoretical concepts become relevant facts of economic and social life of a person. Therefore, the study of value consciousness of unemployed people, their opinions and expectations is an important stage in management of self-employment. The purpose of such a study should be to analyze the factors and conditions that influence development of self-employment among the unemployed, to identify their opinions and desires to occupy themselves independently in certain spheres of activity and types of employment. Although the information obtained in the survey is subjective, such surveys are very informative and are necessary for the analysis, as this information is unique and cannot be obtained from other sources.

Based on the methodological assumptions, a series of sociological research, connected with

the possibilities and problems of development of self-employment in the region, was conducted in 1995, 2002 and 2011. The research was conducted by Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management "NINH" together with the Department the State Federal Employment Service in Novosibirsk Oblast. Field surveys were conducted in all the districts and cities of the oblast under the common program and with representative sample: in 1995-551 people were interviewed, in 2002 - 618 people. The main purposes of these surveys were to obtain data about the objective and subjective internal personal characteristics, conditions of micro-and macro-environment, identification of social attitudes, life strategies, factors impeding activity of the unemployed, directions and forms of self-employment, assistance/support necessary for self-employment, etc. In 2011, an in-depth interview was conducted with self-employed workers who received support from the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Human Resources of Novosibirsk Oblast after the crisis of 2008 (sample - 30 pers.).

3. Results of the research

It should be noted that while at the beginning of perestroika, many of the unemployed were hoping that the state would remember and take care of them, during the long perestroika period they came to understanding that now a lot depended on them, on their ability to adapt to the changing conditions of life. According to the data of our research, during the studied period the number of people hoping for help from the state decreased by 40 %. This trend is confirmed by the statistics: while the number of the unemployed increased by 150 % in 2009, compared to 2007, the number of people who applied to the state employment agencies, increased by only 138.2 %. However, the situation of unemployment in which people find themselves, still causes feelings of

confusion, social and psychological discomfort. Modern unemployment is characterized by a stressful situation with elements of duration, unchangeability and uncertainty. For example, the average job search time for the period from 2007 to 2011 ranges from 7.2 to 8.4 months; from 28.7 to 38.9 % of unemployed citizens look for a job for 12 months or more (Russian Statistical Yearbook, 2012). Part of unemployed people has no prospects of employment without retraining, change of profession, and, sometimes, place of residence. To get a job, many people have to agree to a lower position and a lower paid job, which reduces their social status. However, not all citizens are ready for it. The results of our research show that 67 % are not ready to change their profession, 24 % of them want to work only in their profession and 43 % - agree to work in a profession, similar to their own. 32 % of people agree to get a job with lower qualifications. The possibility to work for a wage which is lower than that at their previous job is considered by 25 % of the respondents, while 47 % agree to work for even lower pay. About a quarter of the respondents do not know what they will do.

Such employment situation is due to the fact that initially, as a result of the conducted policy in our society, individual interests were absorbed by the public interest, i.e. during practical implementation of reforms the interests of an individual and sometimes even his whole life were ignored. As a result, a large part of the population has the crisis of values and life goals: their lives are broken, irreparable material and moral damages are inflicted. It concerns millions of people. At the present time in Russia as a whole there are 5.02 million people who are expelled from the "customary" society on account of being unemployed, this figure does not include other forms of marginalization. The principle of individual's priority right of choice of whether to participate or not in social labour,

proclaimed by the state, is not realized to its fill extent in practice. The state cannot provide full realization of the right of citizens to work and resorts to passive measures of employment policy, including payment of unemployment benefits. These benefits, as a form of state support, on the one hand, help unemployed people to survive in their difficult situation, and, on the other hand -they destroy the habit to work, a sense of honor that makes an employee choose their own work rather than an easier way of living. For many unemployed it is a humiliating way of living. The responses of the respondents indicated that most of them do not like being unemployed: 92 % of the respondents want to work, and for 24 % of them -labor is the purport of live. This is a high figure. Perhaps, if one stays unemployed for a long time, one starts to evaluate work as vital life value. In general, this problem cannot be solved by means of unemployment benefits, because they treat some symptomatic manifestations of the disease of unemployment in society, rather than the disease itself. The society exists only owing to interaction of individuals. Unemployed people are excluded from this interaction, due to rupture of the social bond between an individual and the society and its norms (the reality of higher order), regarded as objective entity.

Unemployment is especially difficult for rural population. Rural unemployment - is an even more acute problem than urban unemployment, because the country people who become unemployed have significantly fewer prospects of not only finding jobs in their profession, but of finding any work at all, because rural labor market is geographically localized, transport isolation of many rural settlements from urban centers prevents solving the employment problem of rural population by means of employment in industrial and other enterprises of the region. According to the survey "... 31 % of the respondents had at least some occasional casual work, while 66 % of the

unemployed did not even have that opportunity. In this case, 4 % of the respondents did such work for up to 1 month, 8 % - up to three months, 4 % -up to six months, and 14 % of the respondents -for more than 6 months" (Udaltsova M.V., Volovskaya N.M., Plyusnina L.K., 2003).

Some of the unemployed are ready for self-employment. For example, the statistics show that between 0.7 and 1.3 % of the total number of the unemployed during the analyzed years consider the possibilities of starting their own business: search for land, buildings, machinery and equipment, etc. (Russian Statistical Yearbook, 2012). It is necessary to assist and support such citizens.

Self-employment in the world is considered as a special phenomenon that can lead to social integration of the interests of society and an individual, primarily through ensuring realization of a person's right to work, raising their social status, changing their attitude to work. In connection with the change of the employment policy in Russia, the attitude of the state towards self-employment is gradually changing. The state has started to encourage development of self-employment both as a form of reducing unemployment, and as a form of self-provision of the population. Different methods such as payment of subsidies, training, tax cuts, preferential credits, etc. are used. Of course, not only unemployed, bit also employed people can be involved in self-employment as a special kind of participation of a person in work. However, in this article, self-employment is considered in the context of the state active employment policy, and the object of the study is unemployed people.

We realize that development of self-employment cannot solve the problem of unemployment. Other alternative forms of active policy of employment are possible to reduce unemployment, such as creation of new jobs, retraining of unemployed people for new

professions and occupations that are in demand in the labor market, involving unemployed people in public works, etc. However, these forms either require large expenditure from the region (e.g., job creation), or provide only temporary employment (e.g., public works, which are also not prestigious in the opinion of population). "Self-employment" due to its high labour-absorbing potential plays the role of social shock absorber, absorbing much of the excess labor force and cushioning the shock of unemployment" (Volovskaya N.M., 2003). Self-employment also "attracts" immigration flows, particularly refugees and forced migrants.

At present, development of self-employment is spontaneous and difficult to predict, owing to the uncertainty of both objective and subjective conditions. As shown by the sociological research conducted in Novosibirsk Oblast, unemployed citizens demonstrate extremely low capacity for self-organization, the potential of their social activity is catastrophically low. The mass consciousness of people is still dominated by the idea that in a just society the basis of social position of a person should be their employment (41 % of the respondents). A significant part of unemployed people become self-employed under the pressure of various circumstances, sometimes - out of despair. Disappearance of the old life supports makes people open their own businesses. So, for these people, self-employment - is primarily a means of survival, rather than their free choice. But it is possible that, over the time, this, even though initially forced self-employment, can develop into a freely chosen one. In-depth interviews with the self-employed, conducted in 2011, showed that some former unemployed, who were forced to this kind of employment, in future take important independent social actions, overcoming barriers and obstacles in their way, and, having reached certain success, do not want lose the benefits given by self-employment (independence, self-

reliance, self-actualization, freedom of choice of goals and their implementation, etc.). For them, it becomes their free choice.

Despite the fact that over the past period, a certain legal framework for business activities was created in Russia, the public policy is moving from individual actions to a whole range of measures, there have appeared scientific research results, the process is rather slow. The problems of self-employment, which have existed for many years, are practically not solved. On the contrary, they become stable features of this phenomenon, and were exacerbated by the economic crisis of 2008. The data of in-depth interviews with self-employed citizens showed that most of the problems of self-employment are still centered around the low pay ability of population (83 %), high competition in the market (80 % of the respondents), the complexity of the lease (81 % of the respondents), lack of funds (83 % of the respondents).

Starting the reforms, the Russian government hoped for activation of entrepreneurship, but did not support their expectations with real help, did not take into account the specifics of our country. In particular, while in the countries with developed market economies, formation of self-employment occurred naturally, Russian people have to start from scratch, change their psychological and economic attitudes, their behavior and attitude to work. In this connection, self-employed citizens need legal, socio-economic, organizational, and technical support of the state. Therefore, it is necessary to manage development of self-employment of the unemployed. The role of public employment services should not be confined only to registration of the unemployed, payment of benefits and counseling.

The study of peculiarities of development of self-employment in Russia and abroad has shown that self-employment develops successfully, when it is considered socially important by the

state (region), special programs to support self-employment are created, targeted assistance and support is given to people who have decided to work on their own, and, vice versa, it is slow, going at large social costs when the state (region) is not actively involved in the process. Regional authorities can quickly change the situation with unemployment by developing various forms of economic activity of the population, namely through development of self-employment.

Self-employment is beneficial for regions both from economic (it requires much smaller investment, incomparable with large-scale production, helps to attract private savings of population), and social (increasing involvement of population in the process of employment, its activation) perspectives. Developing such forms of self-employment as sole proprietorship, private farms, family and small businesses, through which population will be able to take a direct part, with the minimum support of regional institutions, in solving socio-economic problems of the region and the people, involved in self-employment, will be able to realize their potential. At the regional level, it is easier to take into account their individual characteristics, values, common individual and collective (regional) interests, considering geographical proximity of a number of settlements, thus promoting development of cooperation of self-employed workers, their uniting in groups for providing different kinds of services, carrying out work and producing goods. In general, development of self-employment in the region greatly facilitates adaptation of population to new conditions of life, promoting integration of society.

4. The conceptual model for managing development of self-employment

As we pointed out earlier, "we regard managing development of self-employment as

activities aimed at enhancing human choice of self-employment as a form of participation in social labour by means of formation of the necessary personal qualities of a person, as well as objective factors, conditions and prerequisites" (Volovskaya N.M., Udaltsova M.V., Plyusnina L.K. Rusina A.V, 2005). The directions of these activities are formation, maintenance of the achieved state of self-employment and acceleration of its development.

The conceptual model of management of development of self- employment in the region, in our opinion, should include developing of the concept of self-employment, the mechanism of self-employment, the algorithm of implementation of this mechanism and monitoring self-employment.

Managing development of self-employment in the region, in our view, must be based on the following fundamental propositions.

1. Self-employment can return some of the rejected people into the society, ensure social consensus of the interests of society and an individual in the sphere of employment, i.e. it needs to acquire the status of a social problem, which will determine a specific approach to managing it.

2. Self-employment as an object of management becomes a socio-economic process. On the one hand, it is directed at changing the value consciousness of a person, engaging an individual into a particular type of socially significant activity, on acquisition of a new social status by a person, and on the other - affects the economic performance of the region (the society) - growth of GDP, workers' incomes , increasing the volume of goods, etc.

3. Self-employment should be regarded as an integration process by forming positive interaction of people in society.

4. Self-employment is a dynamic process with a high degree of uncertainty, managing

development of which requires integrated application of different methods (sociological, economic, organizational, ideological, etc.).

5. Self-employment requires paternalistic relationship between an individual and society. The society (region) must provide assistance and support to development of self-employment. Regional support should be provided mainly at the initial stage of development of self-employment and not to every person who wishes to exercise/ engage in it. A careful selection of people is necessary.

6. Management of development of self-employment should be based on the study of influence of all driving forces on its development and their well thought out combination.

7. The system of managing development of self-employment is a multi-level one. The most important are regional and individual levels. Regional features determine objective factors and conditions of development of self-employment. The region can have a regulating effect on the individual and his subjective internal factors, including increased activity, initiative, formation of social mobility, and others by spreading successful experiences of reference groups (for example, entrepreneurs who have created their own business from scratch, who are a prestigious part, a model for the given society), conducting trainings, education, provision of real help for the self-employed, who are just starting their business etc.

8. Managing development of self-employment requires a differentiated approach to different groups of population (young people, women, people close to retirement age, etc.) due to the fact that their different social and personal characteristics, needs, values and value orientations, initial opportunities, the level of education, occupations and qualifications, which have impact on social activity of these groups.

9. Managing development of self-employment should include provision of most favorable conditions (simplification of registration system, preferential rents, credits, etc.) for self-employment in the priority areas of activity for the region, as well as the ones which use local raw materials (minerals, timber etc.) in manufacturing.

10. It is impossible to develop self-employment by command methods. Managing self-employment involves the use of indirect socio-economic methods, with the help of active policy of promoting employment, by means of developing various programs to promote employment, including programs for development of self-employment of population.

11. The policy of promoting self-employment, in our opinion, should combine measures aimed at both direct subsidies (especially at the initial stage of development of self-employment) and developing the potential of future self-employed workers and their adaptation to realities of the economy. In respect to unemployed people it means helping to build and maintain their motivation for self-employment, as well as necessary skills and qualities

12. It is necessary to provide regional employment services, which should promote employment, with financial resources and increase social and economic effectiveness of their use.

Management of any process must be based on a number of key propositions Self-employment is no exception. As management principles of self-employment we regard primary, initial provisions of self-employment. We consider that management of self-employment of unemployed sitizens should be based on the following principles:

1. The principle of social reintegration of unemployed people into society, - meaning restoration of social interaction between

individuals and society through inclusion of unemployed people in the social structure of society on conditions of self-organization. Combination of the priority importance of personal factors with the elements of paternalism on the part of the society (region) should be taken into account. In this connection a person should be considered as the starting point of self-employment, the source of activity.

2. The principle of integrity, meaning consideration of phenomena and processes (natural, economic, social, psychological, political, environmental, etc.) in interrelation. Social factors are priority ones because self-employment begins with a person, with his demonstrating special qualities such as activity, initiative, independence, responsibility, etc. Insufficient consideration of these factors leads to disruption of social interaction between an individual and society, threatening to break the social bond between them.

3. The principle of a system, where a lot of elements that are connected with each other form a certain entity. In the system of managing development of self-employment such components are the subjects, levels, object, objective, directions and methods of regulating self-employment. The system must have a purpose and connection with the outer environment. In its turn, managing development of self-employment is part of the overall management of employment in the region.

4. The principle of centralized management of self-employment in combination with self-reliance (independence) of citizens at withdrawal of the state monopoly in the issue, which means that, on the one hand, centralized management should provide a common, nation-wide approach to development of this process based on the needs of the region, importance of individual industries, structural changes in production etc., and on the other - requires rejection of over-centralization.

It should be remembered that management of this process relies on social readiness of individuals to be active and to employ themselves. Therefore, the essence of this principle is in a sensible combination of democratization and regionalization.

5. The principle of combination of public (regional) and personal interests with the priority of personal interests, implying providing a person with the right to work, raise their social status, changing the attitude toward work. The attempts to solve the problems of society, without taking into account the personality of an individual, his/ her needs are doomed to failure. A person can realize him/herself only in society, and at the same time he/she must fulfill certain obligations toward society.

6. The principle of mutual responsibility of a person and society: in order to eliminate the negative effects of unemployment the society (region) must conduct an active policy of encouraging development of certain forms, through management of self-employment, and a person must be ready for social interaction, changes in social attitudes and traditional values, to socio- economic costs, to social responsibility, and the like;

7. The principle of social security, social assistance and social and economic support, which means a change of attitude towards self-employment and self-employed citizens, improving the social mood and well-being of self-employed people through the elaborate system of incentives and support of the citizens who have decided to be self-employed, propaganda and agitation in favour of self-employment among the unemployed, transition to self-employment by using different methods.

8. The principle of strengthening the incentive role of social leverage, changes in passive-expectant behavior, elimination of protective function of behavior and effects of

"forcedness", "avoidance", "adjustment" in transition to self-employment, increasing the role and importance of self-employment in the public opinion.

9. The principle of normative regulation of regional self-employment, which takes into account indicators of condition and dynamics of social processes in the region and the society, which is based on development of self-employment programs, designed for certain groups of citizens who, with some support from the state, are capable of opening their own business, of creating workplaces for themselves (and sometimes for others as well).

10. The principle of objectivity, completeness and timeliness of information --is the rational use of different types and sources of information. To manage self-employment it is important, not only to have statistical data, but also the data of sociological surveys of unemployed population, experts (including conducting monitoring), as well as developing instruments for obtaining the necessary data. Sociological surveys provide the systems of managing self-employment with reliable "feedback", supply information about the processes and contradictions that arise in the course of development of society, allow for a comprehensive evaluation of consequences of decisions. Extensive and comprehensive information is necessary for both the authorities and for members of society;

11. Theprinciple offormation and considering public opinion in the sphere of self-employment. As we have already pointed out, the attitude of surrounding people and local authorities play an important role for this type of employment, that is local authorities should promote forming positive opinion about self-employment. But at the same time, the state authorities themselves need to consider public opinion concerning development of self-employment, most importantly, outstanding issues. Therefore, it is necessary to

ensure dialectical unity of public opinion and public action.

Theobjectofmanagementofself-employment is its diverse driving forces, which affect social activity of an individual, their choice of kind of occupation and sphere of self-employment, as well as value-consciousness of citizens. Making certain management decisions, society (region) can help to change the value consciousness by strengthening the positive impact of factors and conditions, as well as creating conditions for transition of individuals to self-employed.

In general, interaction of the principles of management of self-employment, with its driving forces, levels, subjects and directions of regulating, from our point of view, is the mechanism of managing self-employment.

The algorithm of realization of the conceptual model of self-employment includes three steps:

1. The study and analysis of economic and climatic conditions, and also geographical features of the territories (the region).

2. The study of the value consciousness of the population in relation to their self-employment opportunities and the identification of the potential for self-employment in this area (region), factors and conditions, hindering, or accelerating development of this process.

3. Development direction of management self-employment and concrete activities to promote self-employment of population in relation to this area (region)

We believe (and we wrote about it in several works) that "one of the conditions for effective management of self-employment is the availability, in addition to statistics, of information on the causes and features of unemployment, motives and preferences of people in respect to certain areas of employment, etc. These can be identified only by sociological methods (questionnaires, interviews) "(Udaltsova M.V., Volovskaya N.M., Plyusnina L.K., 2003). In this connection, to

support the implementation of the mechanism of management of self-employment it is necessary to periodically monitor the results of management by monitoring self-employment.

5. Conclusion

Concluding the discussion of the concept and the development of managing self-employment, it should be noted that the analysis of the results of sociological research, and the subsequent synthesis allowed us to make a typology of final results of choice of the type of employment:

• negative choice can be made for two reasons: rejection of self-employment as a suitable kind of employment for a person or their undeveloped value consciousness, inability to adequately evaluate current situation, balance of positive and negative results of this type of employment, etc.;

• intermediate choice can be observed when a person is considering possible variants of self-employment according to his/her own value consciousness and thinking, but finds it difficult to make a choice, and in this case, directed regulating plays an important role in affecting his choice;

• positive choice can be observed when a person is ready to switch to self-employment.

Having studied the logic of behavior of positively, intermediately and negatively inclined with respect to self-employment individuals, it is possible to differentiate the approach to each of these types, predicting their orientation, which will reduce the negative impact of unemployment and social tension in society.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the main advantage of self-employment, in our opinion, is in its social value, as it liberates creative initiative of unemployed people, helps to overcome expectant and dependent attitudes in society and strengthens the confidence of people,

above all, in themselves, promotes reintegration of unemployed people into society. The proposed concept and mechanism of managing development of self-employment will make the process systematic and comprehensive, and consistent implementation of the mechanism according


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Самостоятельная занятость как форма реинтеграции безработных граждан в социум

to the proposed steps, taking into account the methodological principles, and monitoring the results of management by monitoring self-employment will make this process purposeful and directed at obtaining final results of managing self-employment.


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Russian Statistical Yearbook 2012. Statistical Yearbook I the State Statistics Committee of Russia. - M., 2012. http:IIwww.gks.ruIbgdIreglIb12_30IMain.htm

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Н.М. Воловская, Л.К. Плюснина, А.В. Русина

Новосибирский государственный университет экономики и управления «НИНХ» Россия 630099, Новосибирск, ул. Каменская, 56

В статье рассмотрен один из видов занятости населения - самостоятельная занятость, ее значение для реинтеграции безработных людей в социум, показана необходимость ее развития и управления на уровне региона, предложена концептуальная модель управления самозанятостью, ее основные положения, алгоритм реализации модели, указаны предмет и принципы управления.

Ключевые слова: безработица, безработные граждане, реинтеграция, самостоятельная занятость, модель развития самозанятости, концепция, принципы самозанятости.

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