Научная статья
Шубаева Г.С.1' *, Нуржавова А.А.2 1 ORCID: 0000-0002-3310-504X, 1 2 Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет, Алматы, Казахстан
* Корреспондирующий автор ([at]
Особенностью физического развития детей с церебральным параличом (ДЦП) является ослабленность их физического здоровья по сравнению со здоровыми сверстниками. Проведенное исследование позволило получить сведения о мнении детей с ДЦП о своем здоровье и показателях физического развития. Опрос показал, что необходимо научить детей проводить самооценку своего физического развития. Это поможет им укрепить свое здоровье, относиться к нему с большей ответственностью. Учитывая особенности детей с ДЦП, можно рассматривать данную возможность как эффективный способ более активного включения детей в коррекционно-педагогический процесс.
Ключевые слова: детский церебральный паралич, физическое развитие, физическое здоровье.
Research article
Shubayeva G.S.1' *, Nurjavova A.A.2
1 ORCID: 0000-0002-3310-504X, 1 2 Kazakh state women's teacher training university, Almaty, Kazakhstan
* Corresponding author ([at]
A feature of the physical development of children with cerebral palsy (CP) is the weakening of their physical health compared to healthy peers. The study allowed us to obtain information about the opinions of children with cerebral palsy about their health and physical development indicators. The survey showed that it is necessary to teach children to conduct a self-assessment of their physical development. This will help them to strengthen their health, to treat it with greater responsibility. Given the characteristics of children with cerebral palsy, this opportunity can be considered as an effective way to more actively involve children in the correctional and pedagogical process.
Keywords: cerebral palsy, physical development, physical health.
Due to the fact that the number of children diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP) is increasing, an urgent problem is the study of the morphofunctional status of such children in the process of their social adaptation and comprehensive rehabilitation [1, P. 5]. As is well known, the physical development of children with cerebral palsy is considered to be the weakening of their physical health compared with healthy peers [2, P. 8]. Many researchers have observed in these children significant deviations compared with the normal rate of growth and development [3, P. 1]. It is known that the main defect in children with cerebral palsy is a violation of the musculoskeletal system, but many of them often also have comorbidities [4, P. 7]. This requires more careful attention to the physical health of children with disabilities [5, P. 4].
The subject "Adaptive Physical Education" is included in the process of teaching children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, which contributes to the physical development and the formation of social, personal and spiritual qualities of students [6, P. 16], [7, P. 25]. It is important to increase interest and desire to assess the physical condition, both our own and others, in adaptive physical education lessons by increasing the motivation of students through the creation of additional pedagogical conditions and the use of special techniques [8, P. 34], [9, P. 40]. The study of indicators of physical health are devoted to the work of many authors [10, P. 63]. In the work of Bukhovets B.O. (2017) there is information about such indicators of physical development of children with cerebral palsy of preschool age, such as weight, height, head circumference and chest [11, P. 210].
The aim of this study was getting information about the personal opinions of schoolchildren with cerebral palsy about their health, about the goals and objectives of physical education classes.
Material and methods
The study involved 20 children aged 10-14 years with cerebral palsy with concomitant somatic diseases. Of these, 12 boys and 8 girls.
To achieve the goal of the study, we conducted an anonymous questioning of children. The questionnaire included 10 questions: 6 closed and 4 open questions. In drawing up the questionnaire, we relied on the work of T.Khozyainova [12, P. 37]. Closed questions were aimed at obtaining specific information that directly meets the goals and objectives of the study. The presence of open questions allowed us to obtain information about the views of children in a more free and expanded form.
Analysis of the answers to the first question, which was asked about the children's knowledge of their associated somatic diseases. As the results showed, the majority of children did not know them - 17 (85%).
According to the answers to the second question, it was revealed that the majority of children know the goals of physical education lessons - 13 (65%).
The third question was about the tasks of the lessons of physical culture. Here, children could choose several answers. The answers differed somewhat depending on the age and gender of the children.
Sometimes the achievement of sports results can have a negative impact on the health of children with cerebral palsy if they have a serious somatic pathology. As an alternative, children can be offered to conduct independent monitoring of their physical development indicators and stimulation to improve these indicators.
The next question was whether the child willingly goes to physical education classes. All children aged 10-12 years, and boys and girls gave a positive response. And among children aged 13-14 years, 86% of boys and 80% of girls responded positively.
To the next question about the absence of physical education lessons and their reason, 90% (18) of the children answered that they were missing lessons due to illness. 10% (2) answered that they were not interested, and only girls answered that way.
In the next question, the children's questionnaires were asked what else they would like to do in physical education classes. The children gave different answers according to their age and interests.
The next question asked of the children was directly related to the knowledge of their physical development indicators. For example, such as height, weight, lung capacity, strength of the hands, pulse and blood pressure. The results are presented in table 1.
Table 1 - The level of knowledge of children with cerebral palsy indicators of their physical development
Indicators of physical development Boys(n=12) Girls (n=8)
Yes Not Yes Not
Growth 42%(5) 58(7) 75%(6) 25%(2)
Weight 50%(6) 50%(6) 75%(6) 25%(2)
Lung capacity - 100%(12) - 100%(8)
Strength of hands - 100%(12) - 100%(8)
Pulse 8%(1) 92%(11) - 100%(8)
Arterial pressure - 100%(12) - 100%(8)
Knowledge of indicators of their physical development will help children with cerebral palsy to be more responsible in their health.
In the next question, the questionnaires of students with cerebral palsy were asked to answer how they assess their physical fitness by three parameters: endurance, strength and flexibility. It was proposed to rate your level as high, medium or low (Figure 1). If the child's self-esteem is not underestimated or not overestimated, then he can set himself achievable goals and, with appropriate pedagogical support, will effectively achieve this goal.
As we see, girls have low self-esteem in the first two parameters. And for boys, on the contrary, the self-assessment of their physical indicators, especially in the first two parameters, was increased.
Boys Girls
100 -80 -
60 -
so OS
40 -20 -0
100 80 60 40 20 0
endurance strength flexibility
endurance strength flexibility
□ high □ medium Diow Dhigh □ medium Diow
Fig. 1 - Indicators of self-esteem of children with cerebral palsy of their physical fitness
As we see, girls have low self-esteem in the first two parameters. And for boys, on the contrary, the self-assessment of their physical indicators, especially in the first two parameters, was increased.
To compare the real indicators of endurance, strength and flexibility with the results of self-esteem of children with cerebral palsy, the data from the teacher of adaptive physical culture were taken. Among boys, endurance rates were low in 60% of children, and according to children's self-esteem, their level was low as only about 30%. Power scores were actually low in 50% of boys, but no one gave a low score to themselves. But in terms of flexibility, real indicators were closest to self-esteem: 80% of boys had low rates and, according to their self-esteem, 70% of children noted their level as low. Among girls, the most pronounced was the difference in real indicators and indicators on self-assessment on the parameter of flexibility (75% and 10%, respectively). The most close to reality were the results of self-assessment on the parameter of endurance (55% and 45%, respectively).
The next question was about whether the child is important to know about his physical health, if so, why. Most of the children 16 (80%) answered that it was important for them. They substantiated their answer by the fact that you need to know yourself better, you need to improve your health.
In the last question, the questionnaires of the children were asked if they wanted to regularly check the indicators of their physical development and why. Among all children, 15 (75%) answered that they want them to compare their indicators with the initial ones at the end of the school year in order to see improvements in their indicators.
After conducting a survey of children with cerebral palsy, we received confirmation that it is necessary to teach children to conduct a self-assessment of their physical development. This will help them to strengthen their health, to treat it with greater responsibility. Given the relative weakness of the physical health of children with cerebral palsy compared with healthy peers, this possibility can be considered as a very good way to more actively involve children in the correctional-pedagogical process.
Конфликт интересов Conflict of Interest
Не указан. None declared.
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11. Shubayeva G. S. Relationship formation motor skills and self-help skills in children with cerebral palsy / G. S. Shubayeva // International scientific and practical congress "Mind technologies: Retrospective and perspective", October 27, 2017, Czech Republic, Prague.-P.61-65. ISBN 9787637903874
12. Bukhovets B. O. Dynamics of Physical Development Indicators in Children with Cerebral Palsy using Bobat Method in the Course of Physical Therapy [Electronic resource] / B. O. Bukhovets, O. P. Romanchuk // Ukrainian journal of medicine, biology and sport.-2017.-No.4.-Vol.2.-P.210-215/ URL: