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Ключевые слова
self-assessment / SWOT analysis / systemic trends / strategic analysis / organizational development. / самооценка / SWOT-анализ / системные тенденции / стратегический анализ / организационное развитие.

Аннотация научной статьи по технике и технологии, автор научной работы — Sativaldiyev Aziz Kaxramanovich

In today's rapidly changing world, organizations and individuals are faced with the need to analyze internal and external factors that affect their development. The two most widely used diagnostic tools for this purpose are self-assessment and SWOT analysis. These methods allow not only to identify current systemic trends, but also to develop strategies for improving one's position in conditions of uncertainty. This article examines the basic principles and features of self-assessment and SWOT analysis as technologies for measuring systemic trends, as well as their potential for forecasting and adapting to changes

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Self-assessment and SWOT analysis as technologies for measuring systemic trends.

В современном быстроменяющемся мире организации и отдельные лица сталкиваются с необходимостью анализа внутренних и внешних факторов, влияющих на их развитие. Двумя наиболее широко используемыми диагностическими инструментами для этой цели являются самооценка и SWOT-анализ. Эти методики позволяют не только выявлять текущие системные тенденции, но и разрабатывать стратегии улучшения своего положения в условиях неопределенности. В данной статье рассматриваются основные принципы и особенности самооценки и SWOT-анализа как технологий измерения системных тенденций, а также их потенциал для прогнозирования и адаптации к изменениям



UDK 339


Sativaldiyev Aziz Kaxramanovich Ph.D., Associate Professor Andijan State Technical Institute, [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-6085-6287

Abstract. In today's rapidly changing world, organizations and individuals are faced with the need to analyze internal and external factors that affect their development. The two most widely used diagnostic tools for this purpose are self-assessment and SWOT analysis. These methods allow not only to identify current systemic trends, but also to develop strategies for improving one's position in conditions of uncertainty. This article examines the basic principles and features of self-assessment and SWOT analysis as technologies for measuring systemic trends, as well as their potential for forecasting and adapting to changes

Annotatsiya. Bugungi shiddat bilan o'zgarib borayotgan dunyoda tashkilotlar va shaxslar o'z rivojlanishiga ta'sir etuvchi ichki va tashqi omillarni tahlil qilish zarurati bilan duch kelmoqda. Buning uchun ikkita eng keng tarqalgan diagnostika vositasi o'z-o'zini baholash va SWOT tahlilidir. Ushbu usullar nafaqat joriy tizimli tendentsiyalarni aniqlashga, balki noaniqlik sharoitida o'z pozitsiyasini yaxshilash strategiyalarini ishlab chiqishga imkon beradi. Ushbu maqola tizimli tendentsiyalarni o'lchash texnologiyalari sifatida o'z-o'zini baholash va SWOT tahlilining asosiy tamoyillari va xususiyatlarini, shuningdek ularning prognoz qilish va o'zgarishlarga moslashish imkoniyatlarini ko'rib chiqadi.

Аннотация. В современном быстроменяющемся мире организации и отдельные лица сталкиваются с необходимостью анализа внутренних и внешних факторов, влияющих на их развитие. Двумя наиболее широко используемыми диагностическими инструментами для этой цели являются самооценка и SWOT-анализ. Эти методики позволяют не только выявлять текущие системные тенденции, но и разрабатывать стратегии улучшения своего положения в условиях неопределенности. В данной статье рассматриваются основные принципы и особенности самооценки и SWOT-анализа как технологий измерения системных тенденций, а также их потенциал для прогнозирования и адаптации к изменениям

Keywords: self-assessment, SWOT analysis, systemic trends, strategic analysis, organizational development.

Kalit so'zlar: o'z-o'zini baholash, SWOT tahlili, tizimli tendentsiyalar, strategik tahlil, tashkiliy rivojlanish

Ключевые слова: самооценка, SWOT-анализ, системные тенденции, стратегический анализ, организационное развитие.

Introduction: In the context of globalization and rapid changes in technological, economic and social environments, the assessment of current systemic trends has become an integral part of strategy and decision-making at various levels. Self-assessment and SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis are powerful tools used to analyze the internal state of an organization and its interaction with the external environment. These methods help to identify key factors that can influence the development of the system and create strategies for effective response to changes.

The purpose of this article is to explore self-assessment and SWOT analysis as technologies for measuring systemic trends, their methodological foundations, as well as their practical value and applicability in various contexts.

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Self-assessment refers to the process by which an individual or organization evaluates its strengths and weaknesses and identifies opportunities for further development. Unlike external assessment, self-assessment focuses on the subjective perception and analysis of internal processes and resources. This process is an important part of personal growth and organizational development.

In an organizational context, self-assessment is often used to evaluate employee performance, organizational structure and culture, and to identify problem areas requiring change. It helps determine how well an organization is meeting established standards and identifies opportunities to improve its competitiveness. Self-esteem as a measurement of systemic tendencies

Methodology & empirical analysis Self-assessment allows organizations to track internal trends and factors that may affect their long-term development. For example, through regular self-assessment, organizations can track changes in corporate culture, process efficiency, customer and employee satisfaction levels.

This makes it possible to identify trends and focus efforts on improving them before they lead to negative consequences. SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) is one of the most popular strategic analysis tools used in enterprises. This method helps to identify the internal strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as external opportunities and threats, which allows you to build more effective development strategies. The essence of SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis involves dividing factors into four categories:

1. Strengths:

Key advantages of the enterprise: unique technologies, qualified personnel, strong brand, high level of customer loyalty, etc.

Example: availability of own production facilities or innovative developments.

2. Weaknesses:

Weaknesses that limit development: outdated equipment, weak marketing strategy, lack of financial resources.

Example: low brand awareness or high staff turnover.

3. Opportunities:

External factors that can be used to improve results: entering new markets, increasing demand for products, developing technologies.

Example: government support in the form of subsidies or industry development programs.

4. Threats:

External factors that may negatively affect business: increased competition, economic crises, changes in legislation.

Example: rising prices for raw materials or sanctions. The process of conducting a SWOT analysis

1. Information gathering:

The internal and external environment of the enterprise is analyzed. Reporting data, marketing research results and information about competitors are used.

2. Identification of factors:

Division of all factors into four categories (S, W, O, T).

3. Evaluation of factors:

The significance of each factor and its impact on the enterprise's activities are determined.

4. Formulation of strategies:

Based on the analysis, actions are developed:

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TEXNOLOGIYA SO-strategies: using strengths to realize opportunities. WO-strategies: eliminating weaknesses to exploit opportunities. ST-strategies: protecting strengths from threats. WT-strategies: minimizing weaknesses and preventing threats. Advantages of SWOT analysis Ease of use.

Universality: applicable to enterprises of any size and industry. Helps to identify key factors influencing success. Facilitates a comprehensive approach to planning. Disadvantages of SWOT analysis

Subjectivity: results depend on the quality of the initial data.

Limitations of analysis: requires supplementation with other tools (PEST, GAP analysis). Does not take into account the dynamic nature of the external environment. Example of using SWOT analysis Company: food manufacturer.

Strengths: modern equipment, wide range of products, stable customer base. Weaknesses: high cost, insufficient automation.

Opportunities: growing demand for organic products, cooperation with retail chains. Threats:

increased competition, rising prices for raw materials.


Use modern equipment for the production of organic products to occupy a niche in the growing market. At the same time, reduce the cost by optimizing processes

Figure 1 Structure of the SWOT matrix

Results Opportunities that allow ranking as required resources become available and threats that require control are given medium priority. Control by senior and middle management, investment from own or available credit sources.

Current order opportunities or threats are given the lowest priority. They are under the control of line management, and own sources of financing are used (as far as possible)

The results obtained are formulated into the company's strategy, its goals and objectives. The above matrices are compiled on the basis of qualitative expert assessments

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TEXNOLOGIYA SWOT Analysis Variations for Professional Marketers

For those familiar with the methods of multi-criteria scoring, expert assessments, statistical analysis, I will briefly provide several more complex situational analysis matrices that allow for a more accurate analysis based on quantitative indicators and assessments.

Table 1

SWOT weighted scoring assessment of a company division

Strengths Significance Grade Weighted score in points Share

The company has more than 10 years of 1 5 5 0,09


2. Brand awareness 4 4 16 0,27

3. Seminars for business start-ups 2 3 6 0.10

4. New employee training system 1 2 2 0,04

5. Special quality of service 3 5 15 0,25

6. Favorable delivery conditions, partnerships 5 3 15 0,27

Total 59 1


1. Demotivating payment system 3 4 12 0,14

2. High staff turnover 2 2 4 0,05

3. Narrow range 4 5 20 0,24

4. Weak marketing, lack of investment 4 3 12 0,14

5. Weak database, no analytics, statistics 3 3 9 0,11

6. Insufficient internal 2 3 6 0,08


7. Sales promotion policy contradicts the company's goals and market 4 5 20 0,24


Total 83 1


1. Stabilization of the

economy, growth of income of the population 4 4 16 0,26

2. Unsaturated consumer

market, growth 5 5 25 0,41


3. Reduction of prejudice against the product 3 3 9 0,15

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4. Preference for more expensive product categories 2 4 9 0,13

5. Rejuvenation of clients, business owners 1 3 3 0,05

Total: 62 1

To carry out a basic version of SWOT analysis, it is necessary to first select the main parameters that influence the development of the situation and/or the success of the organization in the market. The priority is the key success factors. We also consider the main opportunities and threats that may affect the company or the situation under consideration At present, competitiveness remains one of the main indicators of successful entrepreneurship.

Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as opportunities and threats from the external environment, helps to stay afloat. However, in some situations, such an assessment turns out to be extremely difficult or even impossible

Figure 2. SWOT analysis diagram

In this case, SWOT analysis can come to the rescue. SWOT analysis involves the ability to assess the actual situation and strategic prospects of a company, obtained as a result of studying the strengths and weaknesses of the company, its market opportunities and risk factors [1]. The literature presents a large number of different algorithms for conducting SWOT analysis [1, 2, 3].

The purpose of the work is to conduct a SWOT analysis using the example of one of the machine-building enterprises. Due to some reasons, the name of the organization is not disclosed.

The algorithm presented in the work [1] was taken as a basis. According to the recommendations [1], the strengths and weaknesses of the internal sphere of the enterprise, opportunities and threats from the external sphere were assessed. The results obtained are presented in Tables 2 and 3.

Table 2

Internal sphere

Strengths Weaknesses

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Production and provision of services

Extensive experience. Innovative technologies and patents Narrow product line. Difficulties with internal production problems.


Personnel training (improving qualifications, level and category). Close-knit team. Low employee motivation. High average age.


Well-coordinated work in the economic sphere. Possibility of obtaining savings from the growth of production volume. Low working capital. High prices

Marketing and Sales

Fast order processing. Customer satisfaction with services rendered. Weak product promotion. Lack of after-sales service.

Organizational Culture and Image

Leadership in mechanical engineering. Good reputation. Little-known plant. Corporate identity requires significant revision.

Table 3 Opportunities and threats

External Sphere

Opportunities Threats


Growth of interest of the younger generation in the mechanical engineering industries. Change in buyers' needs. Emigration of potential working population from the city. Loss of established traditions.


Use of reliable and efficient equipment. Implementation of lean manufacturing. Substitute products. Latest cutting-edge technologies not mastered to the required extent.


High wages of workers. Certificate of the international organization TUV CERT. Activity of competitors. Weakness of suppliers.


Government support. Reforms to ensure compliance of the level of technical equipment and production. Instability of legislation. Unfavorable government policy.


Safe production for the environment (waste recycling and disposal is carried out) Shortage of some types of raw materials Rising prices of energy used

Conclusions. Thus, having summarized the obtained data, the following conclusions can be drawn. First of all, special attention should be paid to weaknesses and, if possible, minimize them. The emphasis should be placed on strengths, which will improve the competitiveness and reputation of the enterprise.

It is proposed - Attracting young people to the enterprise in order to reduce the average age of workers. - Increasing sales volume is possible due to the creation of a research or scientific center on the basis of the enterprise, which in turn can also lead to an expansion of the product line. - Organization of leisure and recreation of employees, various social programs and

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support can contribute to increasing employee motivation. - The main emphasis should be placed on "Leadership in the field of mechanical engineering". This will attract new suppliers of materials and equipment, as well as significantly increase the customer base.

SWOT analysis is a powerful strategic management tool that allows businesses to identify their current situation, develop action plans, and minimize risks. However, to achieve maximum effectiveness, this method should be used in combination with other analytical tools.


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