Impact Factor: SJIF 2019 - 5.11 ТСХШЩЖМ НАУКИ
2020 - 5.497
2021 - 5.81
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
Abstract: The issue of choosing flow meter devices for the gas consumption measuring information-measuring system was considered and the solutions were considered, the selection criteria determined based on the opinion of experts were compared and examined, and suggestions were made for the optimal selection options.
Key words: gas, flow meter, choice, criterion, efficiency, expert.
Азербайджанский государственный университет нефти и промышленности
Резюме: Рассмотрены постановка и способы решения задачи выбора расходомеров для инфор- мационно-измерительной системы измерения расхода газа, проанализированы критерии выбора, установленные на основе экспертного заключения, предложены варианты для оптимального выбора.
Ключевые слова: газ, расходомер, выбор, критерий, эффективность, эксперт
Azarbaycan Dovlat Neft va Sanaye Universiteti
Xulasa: Qaz axininin olgulmasi ugun malumat-olgma sistemi ugun sarfolganlarin segilmasi probleminin tdrtibi vd hdlli usullari nazardan kegirilir, ekspert rayi asasinda muayyan edilmi§ segim meyarlari tahlil edilir va optimal segim variantlari taklif olunur.
Agar sozlw. qaz, debimetr, segim, meyar, samaralilik, ekspert.
Recently, the expansion of gasification works in Azerbaijan and the increase of gas exports to the foreign market have increased the relevance of gas consumption measurement and accounting issues. For this purpose, it is required to improve and reconstruct the existing information and measurement systems in accordance with modern requirements, and to solve the issues of applying new measuring devices. The conducted studies show that when solving the issue of selecting transmitters or flowmeters according to the requirements, it is more appropriate to set and solve one general issue - the issue of creating an information-measurement system with an optimal structure and high efficiency. However, the formulation of such an issue even in general is associated with certain and considerably greater difficulties. In addition, during the solution of that issue, using the method of sequential approach, in-depth analysis of the results obtained at separate stages of the issue, and then adjusting the setting of the issue at that stage is one of the necessary actions, which makes it difficult to approach the solution of the issue in general [1].
There is no doubt that the issue of choice is ultimately related to the efficiency of the information-measurement system. The issue of clearly describing and considering this relationship is a more complex issue. At this time, of course, the concept of value of information should be used.
ОФ "Международный научно-исследовательский центр "Endless Light in Science"
3 80
Impact Factor: SJIF 2019 - 5.11 ТСХШЩЖМ НАУКИ
2020 - 5.497
2021 - 5.81
But in the existing literature, the relationship between these two concepts and two quantities has not been unambiguously determined. The main issue is the accuracy, promptness, completeness and suitability of the information provided by the measuring devices, which determine the value of the information.
Since the system itself is built on technical means with different characteristics (technical, technological and metrological) that have different interactions with each other, the issue of creating an optimally structured and highly efficient system within the given material resources arises. As it can be seen, the measuring devices included in the system are part of the structure of the system and represent the main source of information, the work of the system is based on the information base obtained on the basis of the measurement of these quantities, the correct and accurate determination of gas consumption in the gas accounting system is the main issue, determining the efficiency of the system is one of the factors. It is considered more appropriate to use the criterion of full costs (costs) as an efficiency criterion.
The correct determination of the control period determines the required value of the quality indicator in terms of information operability. This, in turn, requires determining the optimal polling time of the flow meter and other transmitters and taking them into account during the selection process, thus solving complex system issues at the design stage [2].
The selection and unification of the general system of measuring instruments, the development of the assessment methodology of the integrity (correctness) of control, etc., are related to the mentioned problems and are the main component of the researched topic. In order to perform one of the necessary procedures, it is necessary to clarify some points by dividing the information-measurement system into separate parts by the decomposition method, considering the measuring devices as a separate module, and studying the effect of their characteristics on the overall work of the system.
Research Puzzle
The question of the synthesis of the structure of the information-measurement system can be solved in different ways, depending on the setting, under different starting conditions. We can cite the following as an example of such investment:
1. A choice must be made in the set of interactions between the functions performed by the system or the issues solved by the system.
2. Elements of the system (a set of technical means) are given or should be selected.
3. Location of system elements in the area is taken into account or not, etc [1].
The last issue involves the topology of the system and, in some cases, the efficiency of the system plays an exceptional role. Devices and devices that measure gas consumption belong to the second issue listed in the list - a complex of purely technical means, directly determining the technical and metrological characteristics of the system and, ultimately, its efficiency. The maximum efficiency of the system largely depends on the correct selection of these characteristics and indicators. The multi-functionality of the system, in turn, significantly affects this indicator.
The main issue for the system that measures the consumption of gas and solves the issue of its commercial accounting is to provide the metrological characteristics required during consumption measurement, as well as to create conditions for obtaining reliable and operative, complete and accurate information.
Recently, the rapid development of computing tools, the wide spread of microprocessor and microcontroller technology has created an opportunity for the application of software products in the qualitative solution of the above-mentioned issues. In other words, the installation of microprocessors and microcontrollers in the mentioned devices and devices greatly increased both the capabilities of the devices themselves and the capabilities of the system in general and, of course, its efficiency, ensuring the intelligence of the devices and achieving higher metrological indicators [1]. In this regard, it is necessary to study the functional capabilities of the proposed device, considering that factor in the selection process of flow meters. Therefore, special attention should be paid to this aspect of the issue in the process of selecting flow measuring devices. On the other hand, by
ОФ "Международный научно-исследовательский центр "Endless Light in Science"
Impact Factor: SJIF 2019 - 5.11 TE^HHK^ ^YKH
2020 - 5.497
2021 - 5.81
improving the software, higher efficiency can be achieved by increasing the functional capabilities of the system's central processor, that is, the main computer.
The multi-functionality of the applied algorithms, that is, the possibility of using the same algorithm in different modes and situations, should also be taken into account during design. At this time, the fact that oil and gas extraction facilities have a distributed structure should not be forgotten. On the other hand, the inclusion of structural redundancy, for example, provision of backup measurement channels, also ensures the increase of system reliability. It also implies efficient use of the measurement channel. In addition, strict requirements should be imposed on the conversion and measurement of gas consumption. The output signals of the transmitters can not only be in the form of different physical quantities, but also because the signals of the same shape have different parameters, normalization - limiting, amplification and filtering of these signals is required. The use of mathematical models of transmitters allows correcting the instructions and dynamic characteristics of the devices, taking into account the change of environmental parameters. In addition, it is considered necessary to perform the process of filtering the measured quantity from random obstacles and noises. In addition to hard processing and control algorithms, the application of fuzzy processing algorithms, which allow to consider all possible options, is one of the ways to increase the efficiency of the system. It was determined that parameters of a fuzzy nature are manifested both in the selection of flowmeters and in the technological process. This makes it necessary to prioritize the processing of the output signal of the flowmeter with fuzzy algorithms [2].
1. Selection of gas-consuming transmitters is one of the main problems in the synthesis of the information-measuring system, which ultimately determines the efficiency of the system.
2. In the expert section, the opinions of the user of the gas consumption measuring devices and system - metrologist and the designer of the gas consumption measuring information system generally coincide.
3. Using all the selection criteria without prioritization leads to a multi-criteria problem with no direct solution. Therefore, using a combination of criteria in the design process, priorities are directed to the solution of a specific issue according to the project task.
1. Jackson R.G. Newest sensors. - M.: Tekhnosphere, 2007. - 384 с.
2. Kopysitssky T.I., Rzaev Yu.R. Methodology of accounting for oil and oil products. Organizational and metrological aspect. - Baku: OCAQ, 2006. - 288 c.
ОФ "Международный научно-исследовательский центр "Endless Light in Science"