Abstract: the article deals with the problems of effective organization of small and medium-sized businesses. Aspects of state support of such organizational commercial structures by special state programs. The organization of cooperation between scientific organizations, enterprises and business. The theoretical aspects of the scientific organization of labor are given as an integral part of the effective business activity of enterprises of any form of ownership. The main tasks of the scientific organization of labor in the noted enterprises are highlighted. Separately, they stop in the problems of introducing scientific methods in the process of solving practical problems. It is recommended to pay attention to the technical and economic measures. Thus, the combination of a scientific approach and technical - economic measures reduces costs, reduces the labor intensity of production and technological measures, reduces the cost of finished products of small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, attention is drawn to the issues of automation of enterprise management and changes in production processes, providing SMBs with flexibility and resilience to external changes.
Keywords: scientific and technical progress, increase of productivity, cooperation, scientific organization of labor, technical and economic measures, technical solutions, automation of management.
Нарзуллаев Комилжон Собиржонович - старший преподаватель, кафедра наземных транспортных средств, транспортный факультет, Наманганский инженерно-строительный институт, г. Наманган, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в статье рассматриваются проблемы эффективной организации деятельности предприятий малого и среднего бизнеса. Аспекты государственной поддержки подобных организационных коммерческих структур специальными программами. Вопросы организации сотрудничества между научными организациями, предприятиями и бизнесом. Приводятся теоретические аспекты научной организации труда как составная часть эффективной бизнес-деятельности предприятий любой формы собственности. Выделяются основные задачи научной организации труда в отмеченных предприятиях. Отдельно останавливаются на проблемах внедрения научных методов в процесс решения практических вопросов. Рекомендуется обращать внимание на технико-экономические мероприятия. Так, совокупность научного подхода и технико-экономических мероприятий сокращает издержки, уменьшает трудоемкость производственно-технологических мероприятий, снижает себестоимость готовой продукции предприятий малого и среднего бизнеса. Кроме этого, обращается внимание на вопросы автоматизации управления предприятием и изменения технологических процессов производства, обеспечивая предприятиям МСБ гибкость и устойчивость к внешним изменениям.
Ключевые слова: научно-технический прогресс, повышение производительности, сотрудничества, научная организация труда, технико-экономические мероприятия, технические решения, автоматизация управления.
UDC 331.1
Achieving the goals of the development strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the five priority areas of development in 2017-2021 is possible only with the use of new opportunities for scientific and technological progress and high-quality technological modernization of the country's enterprises.
The development strategy covers the main competitive advantages of Uzbekistan in the field of innovation, entrepreneurship, education and energy [1].
In developing this document, a significant emphasis was placed on the transition of the republic to an economy based on knowledge, new technologies and innovations, including the creation of new high-tech industries.
On this basis, an economy aimed at increasing productivity is characterized by a constant increase in production efficiency, product quality and cost reduction at which wage growth does not affect the increase in product prices.
Significant investments in research and development, availability of research institutions, cooperation between universities and industry and effective protection of intellectual property are required to achieve the program-defined goals [2].
It should be noted that small and medium-sized businesses without significant capital, are limited in the possibilities of investing in research and scientific development. And cooperation with specialized research institutes, universities require additional expenses and human resources. As for the use of the development of commercially successful industrial enterprises, they strictly protect their scientific and technological developments.
Consequently, the systemic, scientific organization of labor can provide significant assistance to small and medium-sized enterprises.
The scientific organization of labor (SOL) is an integral part of the organization of production at enterprises of any form of ownership.
Under the scientific organization of labor is understood a set of measures aimed at the systematic and most appropriate use of labor of workers and technologies in order to achieve high productivity [3].
A higher level of work organization ensures an increase in the economic efficiency of production without significant additional capital expenditures. Figure 1 shows the main tasks of the scientific organization of labor in small and medium-sized enterprises.
When the scientific organization of labor activities of enterprises, in which the practical implementation of specific activities should be preceded by a thorough scientific analysis of work processes and conditions for their implementation, and the practical measures themselves should be based on the achievements of modern science and international best [4].
The introduction of scientific methods in the process of solving practical problems of labor organization allows us to avoid subjective, empirical evaluations and decisions, arbitrary techniques and methods. Provides the most rational, efficient organization and use of labor, technological processes.
The tasks of the scientific organization of labor (SOL) in small and medium businesses
The economic objectives of SOLs are aimed at achieving a high level of labor productivity by improving the use of human and material and technical resources.
The psychophysiological tasks of the SOT are to provide the most favorable conditions for the normal functioning and reproduction of the workforce, for the preservation of the health and efficiency of the workers.
The social objective of the SOL is to create conditions for all-round increase in the degree of content and attractiveness of labor.
Fig. 1. Tasks of the scientific organization of labor in small and medium-sized businesses
In addition to the above, the implementation of the scientific organization of the enterprise's activities in conjunction with technical and economic measures will make it possible to increase its efficiency several times. For example, in order to reduce the use of heavy and harmful physical labor, to improve its conditions, various technical measures are often designed. Technical solutions are carried out in the organization of multi-station service and the combination of professions, the rationalization of jobs.
In addition, the introduction of new technology, automation of management and change in technological processes cause the emergence of new, more advanced forms of division of labor and its cooperation, new professions and the elimination of outdated specialties, thereby adapting enterprises to market changes.
Technical and technological innovations significantly change the methods, terms and forms of training and enhance their skills, have a significant impact on the nature and forms of material incentives, on the continuity and rhythm of labor processes, reducing its severity, etc. [5].
In general, due to the small size of small and medium-sized businesses and the limited resources at their disposal, the lack of innovative technologies can lead firms to insolvency and financial insolvency, ultimately closing. Studying and introducing in the enterprises of SMBs of the scientific organization of labor allows to avoid the noted undesirable consequences.
The implementation of regional scientific, technical and social programs with the participation of relevant scientific (university), industrial and financial organizations, various kinds of scientific and industrial centers for small and medium-sized businesses will also increase their efficient operation.
The scientific organization of labor promotes better use of technology and technology. Constant and systematic study and scientific generalization of advanced techniques and methods of work significantly expands the capabilities of the enterprise. Significantly contributes to the creation of highly liquid goods and services.
References / Список литературы
1. Ukaz Prezidenta Respubliki Uzbekistan ot 17 iyulya 2017 goda № UP-5115 SZ RU, 2017 g «O strategii dejstvij po dal'nejshemu razvitiyu Respubliki Uzbekistan». // Natsional'naya baza dannykh zakonodatel'stva Respubliki Uzbekistan. [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 10.10.2018).
2. Competitiveness index: Where America stands. Council on competitiveness: Washington DC, 2007.
3. Schwab K., Sala i Martin X. The Global Competitiveness report 2011-2012. Geneva: World Economic Forum, 2011.
4. Nauchnaya organizatsiya truda. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://voprosyi-menedjmenta-obschie.html (date of acces: 10.10.2018).
5. Nauchno-tekhnologicheskij potentsial i nauchno-tekhnicheskij protsess. Osnovnye napravleniya razvitiya. [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of acces: 12.10.2018).