UDC 619:616.084.636.5
Epanova E.L., Post-graduate student Kovalyov V.L., Professor
Southern affiliate of National University of bioresources and nature management «Crimean Agrarian University», Ukraine E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Belkin B.L., Professor Orel State Agrarian University, Orel City, Russia E-mail: [email protected]
The paper presents an analysis of detached ways of sanitation of the hatching eggs in the system of prevention of poultry infectious diseases. From our investigations the most effective ways of eggs disinfecting are found to be selodez and selodez in combination with UV-irradiation, and formaldehyde, which significantly reduces their contamination in 34,5 -
46,8 times and provides a full release of the shell contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms.
Hatching eggs; Sanitation; Selodez; UV-rays; Formaldehyde.
One of the sources of infectious diseases is the insemination of the shell of hatching eggs with the pathogens of mycoplasma, psittacosis, pulloroza, streptococcosis, stafilokokkoz, colibacillosis, pasteurellosis , infectious bronchitis, infectious laryngotracheitis, Newcastle disease, avian influenza, aspergillosis [1-6, 9-15, 21, 23, 24]. Despite all these efforts, avian diseases continue to cause great damage of the poultry industry [1, 3, 4, 8, 9,
12, 20], which determine the increased mortality of embryos, chickens and hens, reduction of egg production, broiler slowdown, decreasing of the resistance to pathogenic agents and other specific prevention efficacy and the increasing of frequency of postvaccinal complications [1, 3, 4, 9, 14].
It is known [1-4, 6-9] that many infectious diseases of birds are transmitted transovarially as a result of contamination of the surface of shell with pathogenic and conditional pathogenic microflora. High levels of microbial contamination of eggs are caused by poor-quality disinfection, by the lack of effective schemes of veterinary and sanitary measures of the animal health activities in the tribal reproducers providing hatching eggs of poultry farms, as well as by other causes of economic purpose. Therefore, to prevent microbial contamination of hatching eggs and destruction of microorganisms on the shell stimulation of embryonic development and producing high-quality day-old youngs, researchers proposed various methods for the treatment of eggs disinfection during incubation. Inside eggs microorganisms are rare, and bacteria and molds are usually found on the surface of the shell [1-5, 7-11, 14, 18, 19].
Today, there are several methods of disinfection of eggs: UV- irradiation, washing and immersion into the disinfectant solution, aerosol treatment by aerating or finely spraying formalin, iodine and other drugs, treatment with ozone, chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, dezokson, deep processing with antibiotics [1-4, 9, 11, 13-17, 19, 22]. However, many of the proposed methods have a number of disadvantages besides a positive effect. That should be considered when deciding on the disinfection of hatching eggs. For example, if there is multiple formaldehyde fumigation one can see the pathological- anatomical changes of internal organs, and the increased mortality in the second half of incubation and after the
ozonization of eggs chick hatchability decreased. Furthermore the staff is occurred to have allergic reactions, respiratory diseases, the cases of tumors occurrence.
The experiments were carried out in poultry hatchery "Yuzhnaya" for 15000 hatching eggs. 5000 eggs were processed with selodez, 5000 - with selodez and UV-irradiation and 5000 - with formaldehyde. The control of microbial contamination was performed by inoculation of swabs on MPA and the Kod environment. Biological control was performed before the incubation, during incubation (in 15-24 hours), followed by 7-11 and 19 days after its completion. Overall assessment of the results of incubation was performed on a particular conclusion and the number of young chick hatchability
The first batch of eggs was treated before the sorting and then after sorting in incubation trays. Disinfection was performed by a 5% solution of selodez by spraying by the apparatus “Inkjet aerosol generator-10” in the rate of 2-3minutes per cubic meter at 30 minutes exposure.
A second batch of eggs was treated with a combination of selodez and UV-irradiation. It was performed by UV lamps “germicidal uviol lamp-60”. Lumps were placed at a distance of 40 cm from the eggs which irradiated from above and below distance. The treatment time was 3 minutes. UV- irradiation resulted in the formation of ozone, which increased the bactericidal and deodorant effect.
The third batch was disinfected with 40 % formaldehyde solution, which was sprayed by “Inkjet aerosol generator- 10” at the rate of 25-30 ml/m2 at 30 minutes exposure.
The experiments were carried out on the rehabilitation of hatching eggs which have infectious diseases of poultry The experiments carried out on the poultry farm "Yuzhnaya " showed that before the disinfection of hatching eggs have a high bacterial contamination -an average of 19,5 thousand microbes +1,52of microbes with a range from 14,0 to 28,6 thousand. Disinfection of eggs in all cases greatly reduced contamination of shell. Egg treatment with selodez reduced contamination in 37,6 times, with selodez and UV-rays -
46,8 times and with formaldehyde - 34,5 times. In all three types of treatments the reduction of the contamination shell has a high degree of reliability. There were no significant differences in the bactericidal effect of the test disinfection.
After disinfection enterobacteria was out before incubation in 70% of cases. In the further treatments there was further extinction of enterobacteria in the hatcher on the egg shell, they were practically absent.
During the biological control it was found that during the first days of incubation there were no differences in the amount of unfertilized eggs and the content of carotenoids, vitamins A and B2 in all batches of eggs. The results of the second examination of the eggs are given in Table 1.
Table 1 - The results of the second examination of the eggs during incubation
№ Methods The amount of eggs Eggs of category Eggs of II category
of disinfection on incubation in all in %% in all in %%
1 Selodez 4 612 3 708 80,4 904 19,6
2 Selodez and UV- irradiation 4 600 4 154 90,3 446 9,7
3 Formaldehyde 4 626 3 770 81,5 856 18,5
Table 1 shows that during the second viewing there is a greater effect of UV- irradiation on the degree of development of the embryo and the allantois. This is evidenced by a large percentage of eggs, belonging to the first category, when disinfecting them with selodez in combination with UV-irradiation. If disinfection with selodez and formaldehyde eggs of the
first category were respectively 80.4 and 81.5 %, the exposure of UV- rays of eggs increased the rate to 90.3 %.
The third viewing of hatching eggs was held on 19 day of incubation, before the eggs were transfered to a hatch. The results are shown in the Table 2.
Table 2 - The results of the third examination of the eggs during incubation
№ Methods of disinfection The amount of eggs on incubation Eggs of I category Eggs of II category Eggs of III category Eggs of IV cate-gory
in all in %% in all in %% in all in %% in all
1 Selodez 4612 3302 71,6 941 20,4 368 8,0 -
2 Selodez and UV-irradiation 4600 4057 88,2 464 10,1 79 1,7 -
3 Formaldehyde 4626 3275 70,8 1027 22,2 324 7,0 -
The third viewing noted better development of embryos in eggs irradiated with UV-rays. They are better prepared for the hatch and it should be noted a higher percentage of hatchability from these eggs.
The beginning of the hatching in the first batch (processing with selodez) and in the third (treatment with formaldehyde) occurred after 504 hours of incubation. The pecking and the hatching in the second batch of eggs (treatment with selodez and UV- rays) began in 498 hours, which is 6 hours less than in the first and third batch. The hatchability is shown in Table 3.
Table 3 - The hatchability of chicks under various methods of disinfection
№ Methods of disinfection The amount of eggs on incubation The amo-unt of ferti-lizd eggs The amount of chick The percent of the hatched chicks, % The percent of the hatching, %
1 Selodez 5 000 4 612 3960 79,2 85,9
2 Selodez and UV-irradiation 5 000 4 600 4025 0,5 87,5
3 Formaldehyde 5 000 4 626 3 970 79,4 85,8
As expected, the hatched chicks and hatchability was more in the second batch of eggs treated with selodez in combination with ultraviolet rays. Percentage of hatched chicks in this batch was more than in the first batch of 1,3 and 1,1%, respectively, and hatchability by 1,6 and 1,7 %.
The batch of UV-irradiated eggs produced 47,4 % of chicks, and from treated with selodez and formaldehyde - 45,9 %. In assessing the chicks in the second batch there were conditionally 98,6 % of chicks.
Thus, studies have shown that the eggs arriving in the incubation significantly contaminated with various microflora including enterobacteria.
Egg treatment with drugs reduced the insemination of the shell. Most efficient was the use of selodez in combination with UV- irradiation. UV- irradiation was justified as a factor that increases the bactericidity and as a factor stimulating embryonic development and improving the chick’s hetching. UV-rays have been used for these purposes for a long time, but the UV-irradiation together with eggs treatment with selodez has been applied first.
The use of formaldehyde is also effective, but the neutralization of its vapors with ammonia does not always reduce the concentration to limit values. The presence of residual amounts of formaldehyde in the gas composition of air in incubator has a negative effect on the health of staff, which should be taken into account in the development of technology of eggs incubation.
In the production the hatching eggs are often subjected to bacterial contamination. However, disinfection with selodez and selodez in combination with UV-irradiation and formaldehyde reduces the bacteria insemination of eggs in 34,5-46,8 times and provides a full release of the egg shell from contamination by pathogenic microorganisms.
Irradiation of hatching eggs by UV light in conjunction with the processing of selodez increases their Categorization of up to 90% against 80.4 and 81.5% of the cases when sanitizing with selodez and formaldehyde.
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