Научная статья на тему 'Sanitary audits in public catering enterprises activities as a self-examination tool'

Sanitary audits in public catering enterprises activities as a self-examination tool Текст научной статьи по специальности «Промышленные биотехнологии»

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Ключевые слова
risks / quality of culinary products / self-examination / catering establishments / риск / качество кулинарной продукции / самообследование

Аннотация научной статьи по промышленным биотехнологиям, автор научной работы — Ekaterina L. Bortsova, Nadezhda A. Goncharova, Semyon M. Bortsov

State policy in the field of quality and safety allows for the possibility of product deviations from the requirements of regulatory documents. Risks in the field of quality and safety of food products in general and public catering services in particular were discussed for the first time after the adoption of the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" dated December 27, 2002 N 184. In this law risk is considered as the probability of causing harm to the life or health of citizens, the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, the life or health of animals and plants, taking into account the severity of this harm. Subsequently, due to the requirements of the technical regulation TR CU 021/2011 "On the safety of food products" and the updating of the Food Safety Doctrine, risks began to be considered comprehensively and systematically, starting with economic and ending with technological risks. One of the promising areas of implementation of preventive measures that can be independently carried out by economic entities is self-examination. According to the Federal Law "On state control (supervision) and municipal control in the Russian Federation", self-examination is understood as an independent assessment of compliance with mandatory requirements. This form of preventive measures is not sufficiently implemented within the framework of the responsibility of Rospotrebnadzor. Certain conditions for its implementation must be met, which are stipulated by the regulatory document: 1) self-examination is carried out in an automated mode; 2) controlled persons who have received a high assessment of their compliance with mandatory requirements; 3) the supervisory authority has the right to accept a declaration of conformity based on the results of self-examination.

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Санитарные аудиты в деятельности предприятий общественного питания как инструмент самообследования

Государственная политика в области качества и безопасности допускает вероятность отклонения продукции от требований нормативных документов. Впервые о рисках в области качества и безопасности пищевой продукции в целом и услуг общественного питания в частности заговорили после принятия в 2002 г. Федерального закона «О техническом регулировании», где риск рассматривается как вероятность причинения вреда жизни или здоровью граждан, имуществу физических или юридических лиц, государственному или муниципальному имуществу, окружающей среде, жизни или здоровью животных и растений с учетом тяжести это го вреда. Впоследствии благодаря требованиям технического регламента ТР ТС 021/2011 «О безопасности пищевой продукции» и актуализации Доктрины продовольственной безопасности риски стали рассматриваться комплексно и системно, начиная с экономических и заканчивая технологическими рисками. Одним из перспективных направлений реализации предупреждающих мероприятий, которые могут быть самосто ятельно проведены хозяйствующими субъектами, является самообследование. Согласно Федеральному за кону «О государственном контроле (надзоре) и муниципальном контроле в Российской Федерации», под самообследованием понимается самостоятельная оценка соблюдения обязательных требований. Такая форма профилактических мероприятий в настоящее время реализована недостаточно в рамках ответственности Роспотребнадзора. Должны соблюдаться определенные условия для ее внедрения, которые предусмотрены нормативным документом: 1) самообследование осуществляется в автоматизированном режиме; 2) контролируемые лица, получившие высокую оценку соблюдения ими обязательных требований; 3) надзорный орган вправе принять декларацию о соответствии по результатам самообследования.

Текст научной работы на тему «Sanitary audits in public catering enterprises activities as a self-examination tool»

УДК 658.5.012.7

DOI 10.29141/2500-1922-2024-9-4-9


Sanitary audits in public catering enterprises activities as a self-examination tool

Ekaterina L. Bortsova1 Nadezhda A. Goncharova1, Semyon M. Bortsov2

1Ural State University of Economics, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation

2Ekaterinburg Medical Scientific Center for the Protection of Industrial workers' Health, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation

H [email protected]


State policy in the field of quality and safety allows for the possibility of product deviations from the requirements of regulatory documents. Risks in the field of quality and safety of food products in general and public catering services in particular were discussed for the first time after the adoption of the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" dated December 27, 2002 N 184. In this law risk is considered as the probability of causing harm to the life or health of citizens, the property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, the life or health of animals and plants, taking into account the severity of this harm. Subsequently, due to the requirements of the technical regulation TR CU 021/2011 "On the safety of food products" and the updating of the Food Safety Doctrine, risks began to be considered comprehensively and systematically, starting with economic and ending with technological risks. One of the promising areas of implementation of preventive measures that can be independently carried out by economic entities is self-examination. According to the Federal Law "On state control (supervision) and municipal control in the Russian Federation", self-examination is understood as an independent assessment of compliance with mandatory requirements. This form of preventive measures is not sufficiently implemented within the framework of the responsibility of Rospotrebnadzor. Certain conditions for its implementation must be met, which are stipulated by the regulatory document: 1) self-examination is carried out in an automated mode; 2) controlled persons who have received a high assessment of their compliance with mandatory requirements; 3) the supervisory authority has the right to accept a declaration of conformity based on the results of self-examination.


| risks; quality of culinary products; self-examination; catering establishments

For citation: Bortsova E.L., Goncharova N.A., Bortsov S.M. Sanitary audits in public catering enterprises activities as a self-examination tool.

Индустрия питания|Food Industry. 2024. Vol. 9, No. 4. Pp. 76-81. DOI: 10.29141/2500-1922-2024-9-4-9. EDN: IWGZJO.

Paper submitted: October 26, 2024

Санитарные аудиты в деятельности предприятий общественного питания как инструмент самообследования

Е.Л. Борцова1 Н.А. Гончарова1, С.М. Борцов2

1Уральский государственный экономический университет, г. Екатеринбург, Российская Федерация

2Екатеринбургский медицинский научный центр по охране здоровья рабочих промышленных предприятий, г. Екатеринбург, Российская Федерация Н [email protected]


Государственная политика в области качества и безопасности допускает вероятность отклонения продукции от требований нормативных документов. Впервые о рисках в области качества и безопасности пищевой продукции в целом и услуг общественного питания в частности заговорили после принятия в 2002 г. Федерального закона «О техническом регулировании», где риск рассматривается как вероятность причинения вреда жизни или здоровью граждан, имуществу физических или юридических лиц, государственному или муниципальному имуществу, окружающей среде, жизни или здоровью животных и растений с учетом тяжести этого вреда. Впоследствии благодаря требованиям технического регламента ТР ТС 021/2011 «О безопасности пищевой продукции» и актуализации Доктрины продовольственной безопасности риски стали рассматриваться комплексно и системно, начиная с экономических и заканчивая технологическими рисками. Одним

из перспективных направлений реализации предупреждающих мероприятий, которые могут быть самостоятельно проведены хозяйствующими субъектами, является самообследование. Согласно Федеральному закону «О государственном контроле (надзоре) и муниципальном контроле в Российской Федерации», под самообследованием понимается самостоятельная оценка соблюдения обязательных требований. Такая форма профилактических мероприятий в настоящее время реализована недостаточно в рамках ответственности Роспотребнадзора. Должны соблюдаться определенные условия для ее внедрения, которые предусмотрены нормативным документом: 1) самообследование осуществляется в автоматизированном режиме; 2) контролируемые лица, получившие высокую оценку соблюдения ими обязательных требований; 3) надзорный орган вправе принять декларацию о соответствии по результатам самообследования.

Ключевые слова:

| риск; качество кулинарной продукции; самообследование

Для цитирования: БBortsova E.L., Goncharova N.A., Bortsov S.M. Sanitary audits in public catering enterprises activities as a self-

examination tool//Индустрия питания|Food Industry. 2024. Т. 9, № 4. С. 76-81. DOI: 10.29141/2500-1922-2024-9-4-9. EDN: IWGZJO.

Дата поступления статьи: 26 октября 2024 г.


The use of information technologies at the level of interaction between supervisory authorities and business entities involves the remote collection and processing of information, without interrupting the employees of the supervised facility from their main activities. Work with data from supervised objects can be carried out systematically, continuously or at specified intervals, which provides a significantly more complete and objective assessment of the compliance of activities. In other words, the essence of the evolutionary approach to preventive actions is to organize monitoring using remote forms of observation. Monitoring, as opposed to control, as a form of supervisory activity, is, in our opinion, the most effective way of determining. Since the parameters of processes or products are registered on a regular basis, they are compared with given standard indicators and the formation of a base of objective evidence for risk assessment, its prevention and avoidance [1-3]. Thus, we are no longer talking about eliminating and compensating for property and physical damage, but about monitoring and preventing the conditions for the implementation of a dangerous factor.

A prerequisite for the introduction of remote control is the need to develop the legal and methodological base of control and supervisory activities, the development of software, hardware and information and analytical tools. As well as the legalization of sanitary and epidemiological audit and self-assessment using remote forms of transmission to the supervisory authority to reduce the administrative burden on business entities1.

For remote interaction considered at the state level, a unified basis is provided for the implemen-

1 Paris suburb pioneers 'noise radar' to fine roaring motorcycles / Reuters. URL: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-france-noise-motorcycles-idUSKCN1VK1AA (дата обращения: 15.08.2024).

tation of state remote control. Unified state registers of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, a federal state information system for regulatory and reference information have been implemented and verified; federal state information system "Unified Register of Inspections", the Unified Information and Analytical System of Rospotrebnadzor is at the stage of development and implementation [4-6].

Further directions of development for the full-scale implementation of self-examination as a form of control and supervisory activities require methodological support from both the business entity and Rospotrebnadzor. On the part of the economic entity, methodological support consists of creating a guide to conducting remote control and supervision activities for facilities with different types of activities and different categories of risk of causing harm to protected values. We need documents on self-assessment and/or self-declaration of the inspected person and recording the results of these procedures in the system of control and supervision activities. For further use of digital technologies in the supervisory and control activities of Rospotre-bnadzor requires: development of statistical risk profiles of objects of supervision; building dynamic risk-based checklists [7-10].

The purpose of the work is to analyze the practice of self-examination and work with corrective actions using the example of sanitary audits of restaurants in Yekaterinburg.

Materials and Methods

The basis for conducting and analyzing the results of sanitary audits is correlation dependencies and frequency analysis, as well as categorical risk assessment in the categories of severity of consequences and frequency of occurrence.

Sanitary audits as a self-examination tool are carried out at public catering establishments 2-3 times

a month. They are a formalized form in the form of a checklist and take into account the concept of risk-based supervision in the categories "Severity of consequences" and "Frequency of detection". The structure of responsibility in the checklist is divided into zones: production, warehouse, bar, hall. This division makes it possible to make the system transparent by area of responsibility and simplify the implementation and control of corrective actions for identified nonconformities.

The methodology for conducting a sanitary audit in this way already involves a risk assessment. The risk criterion "Severity of consequences" is assessed by different points depending on the impact on the probability of the risk of threat to the life and health of the consumer being realized. The range of points when assessing the criterion in the checklist is from 1 to 10 points. The maximum score is assigned to the criterion "terms and conditions of storage of food products" of 10 points, which is the maximum score in the checklist evaluation criteria. An average value of 5 points is assigned when assessing, for example, the cleanliness of equipment and holders for it. The minimum value - 1 point in the checklist is allocated, for example, to the lack of instructions at workplaces or the state of the service entrance of the enterprise.

Another risk assessment criterion, Detection Frequency, divides non-conformities in the checklist into three groups.

The requirements from the first group of comments have a direct impact on the quality and safety of food products at all stages of the life cycle. In this regard, the risk of a direct threat to the life and health of the consumer is possible, and therefore the minimum period for eliminating comments (carrying out corrective actions) has been established. The importance of these requirements is also enshrined as mandatory in regulatory documents, such as Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 021/2011 "On the safety of food products", Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 022/2011 "Food products in terms of their labeling" and sanitary rules SanPiN 1.2.3684-21 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the maintenance of territories of urban and rural settlements, for water bodies, drinking water and drinking water supply to the population, atmospheric air, soil, residential premises, operation of industrial and public premises, organization and implementation of sanitary -anti-epidemic (preventive) measures" and SanPiN 2.3/2.4.3590-20 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of public catering for the population", etc.

The first group, in terms of the severity of the consequences, includes requirements for material and technical infrastructure, personal hygiene of employees and food products.

There is a direct connection between violations from the first group and a threat to the life and health of the consumer.

The second group of inconsistencies in the "Frequency of detection" aspect is associated with issues of investing in fixed production assets.

The third group of inconsistencies in the aspect "Frequency of detection" is associated with the need for reconstruction due to the lack of the necessary material and technical base in terms of compliance with the requirements of the technological process and the range of products.

Results and Discussion

Analysis of the results of sanitary audits of 18 public catering establishments in Yekaterinburg for 2019-2023, identified the following dependencies.

The correlation between the number of audits and sanitary audit ratings is 0.19. This dependence indicates that the number of sanitary audits does not affect the sanitary condition of public catering establishments. If we consider the dependence of the number of audits and ratings of sanitary audits in the kitchen and warehouse zone, then the correlation coefficient is 0.21, the dependence is slightly higher than when comparing general audit ratings, which indicates the importance of implementation and prevention. It is interesting that there is a negative correlation between the number of audits and the rating of sanitary audits for the hall and bar zone. The negative coefficient here is minus 0.37.

In the described dependencies, the reason for the repeated checks remains unclear. The number of inspections describes this relationship and the number of inconsistencies found during the inspection. The correlation coefficient is 0.56, the relationship is significant, and this is explained by the use of the sanitary audit tool by management as a system of preventive measures.

However, the results of further analysis of the relationships between the number of violations and sanitary audit ratings overall and by area of responsibility indicate an erroneous perception. Thus, the correlation between the number of violations and the overall rating is minus 0.46, between the number of violations and ratings for the kitchen, warehouse is minus 0.61, between the number of violations and ratings for the kitchen, and warehouse is 0.21.

The authors suggested that this picture is due to the fact that work to eliminate inconsistencies after each sanitary audit is carried out formally.

Corrective actions in Q4 2023 were analyzed to support this assertion.

Let us compare the number of comments based on the results of sanitary audits in the 4th quarter of 2023 between the first and second discrepancies in the checklist (Table 1).

Table 1. Number of comments in the first and second groups of the checklist for "Detection Frequency" in the 4th quarter of2023 Таблица 1. Количество комментариев в первой и второй группах к чек-листу "Частота обнаружения"в IVквартале 2023 г.

The first group is characterized by the greatest inconsistencies compared to the second group of comments. The authors suggest that this is due to issues not so much with the improvement of public catering enterprises and the lack of investment resources, but with issues of operational activities, employee qualifications, organization of the production process and service systems.

It is even more interesting to consider how inconsistencies from the first group of comments that directly affect the quality and safety of food products are managed and eliminated as part of corrective actions.

A slight decrease in the number of comments from the first group was established based on the results of sanitary audits. In relative terms, the largest percentage of repeated comments is observed and amounts to 33 %, that is, every third comment is repeated. The lowest number of repeat non-conformities is set at 8 %. The percentage of corrective actions for the first group of comments varies in the range of 92-67 %.

This number of general and repetitive comments related to inconsistencies of the second group is

significantly less. In relative terms, the largest percentage of repeated comments is observed at the catering enterprise and amounts to 40 %. The lowest number of duplicate nonconformities is set to 0 %. Therefore, corrective actions for the second group of comments vary in the range of 100-60 %.

Such a difference in corrective actions between the first and second groups requires an integral approach, since ultimately the rating of corrective actions collectively affects the quality and safety of public catering services. In this regard, the authors proposed an integral percentage for corrective actions, as the arithmetic average of the percentages of the first and second groups.

Based on integral approaches, it was proposed to divide all restaurants into three groups depending on the effectiveness of corrective actions in a given period, while excluding those restaurants that underwent sanitary audits of 90 % or more [11].

As follows from comparing the values for sanitary audits and corrective actions, there is no pattern. This is also confirmed by the correlation coefficient between the ratings of sanitary audits and the integral ratings of corrective actions of 0.03, which indicates the absence of a significant relationship. If we take into account, for example, the negative relationship between the number of violations and the overall rating based on the results of sanitary audits, this state of affairs is natural.

This is due to the lack of a systematic approach to the work on corrective actions, on the one hand, the lack of motivation in terms of working to eliminate recurring comments, since their upper limit reaches 33 % and 40 % for the first and second groups of comments on the checklist, respectively. It is also explained by the lack of control on the part of managers over corrective actions, although this tool is a reference point for assessing the quality of managerial work, along with turnover and profit.

The authors grouped them according to the integral rating of corrective actions, where less than 75 % are restaurants that are ineffective in eliminating non-conformities, and 85 % are restaurants that are more effective. This grouping can be taken subsequently as a risk analysis tool for revising the points in the section of the sanitary audit checklist according to the "Severity of Consequences" criterion, since reducing the number of repeated violations according to the "Detection Frequency" checklist criterion minimizes risks, which leads to a reduction in the threat to life and consumer health.


The prerequisites for the implementation of self-examination exist: regulatory documents have been developed, federal state information systems, which regulate the implementation of the requirements of technical regulations TR CU 021/2011,

The nutritional value Total number of comments of the first group Total number of comments of the second group

Restaurant 1 43 7

Restaurant 2 60 3

Restaurant 3 55 1

Restaurant 4 39 3

Restaurant 5 67 7

Restaurant 6 59 6

Restaurant 7 67 7

Restaurant 8 65 6

Restaurant 9 82 6

Restaurant 10 91 4

Restaurant 11 87 8

Restaurant 12 116 16

Restaurant 13 75 13

Restaurant 14 117 11

Restaurant 15 16 16

Restaurant 16 109 13

Restaurant 17 70 11

Restaurant 18 82 6

have been introduced. Risk-oriented technologies for managing product quality and safety can be implemented within the framework of self-examination technology as a warning tool.

However, at the same time, in order to reduce the risks to the life and health of the consumer, not only self-examination is necessary, but also the active implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of corrective actions. The results of the analysis of categorical risk assessment in the cate-

gories of severity of consequences and frequency of occurrence indicate a lack of work on errors and repeated comments from audit to audit. The methodology for corrective actions is not effectively enough implemented and requires attention from managers. This approach means being systematic in risk management, ensuring traceability in identifying systemic inconsistencies, working with the causes of their occurrence, and preventing them.


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Information about Author / Информация об авторе


Екатерина Леонидовна


Ekaterina Leonidovna

Тел./Phone: +7 (908) 639-52-40 E-mail: [email protected]

Кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры технологии питания Уральский государственный экономический университет 6200144, РФ, г. Екатеринбург, ул 8 Марта/Народной Воли, 62/45

Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor of the Food Technology Department Ural State University of Economics

620144, Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg, 8 Marta/Narodnoy Voli St., 62/45 ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4683-1523


Надежда Анатольевна

Goncharova, Nadezhda Anatolyevna

Тел./Phone: +7 (912) 201-24-19 E-mail: [email protected]

Кандидат исторических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Уральский государственный экономический университет

620144, Российская Федерация, г. Екатеринбург, ул. 8 Марта/Народной Воли, 62/45

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages Department Ural State University of Economics

620144, Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg, 8 Marta/Narodnoy Voli St., 62/45 ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3193-5864


Семен Михайлович


Semyon Mikhailovich

Тел./Phone: +7 (922) 604-42-95 E-mail: [email protected]


Екатеринбургский медицинский научный центр по охране здоровья рабочих промышленных предприятий

620014, Российская Федерация, г. Екатеринбург, ул. Попова, 30 Resident physician

Ekaterinburg Medical Scientific Center for the Protection of Industrial Workers' Health 620014, Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg, Popov St., 30

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0005-7423-690X

Contribution of the Authors:

Равноценный вклад авторов в исследование.

Вклад авторов:

The authors claim equal contribution to the research.

Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов. The authors declare no conflicts of interests.

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