Kadirova D.N.
Dotsent Termiz State University Termiz, Uzbekistan
Abstract: In this article shows that growth of curative mawrak(salvia) in accordance with climate condition of termiz that they are fully adopted to local condition.
Key words: medicinal salvia officinalis, growth, development, number of seeds, fertility, ecological factors.
Growth characteristics of medicinal mavrak. As a result of the growth process of the sprout, young branches grow in it, and they, in turn, begin to branch, as a result of such continuous branching, the plant's branches are formed. A stem consists of three parts, the point where the leaf joins the stem joint, the space between the two joints, the angle formed between the leaf and the stem at the stem joint, and the leaf axil. is called [1] .
Dorivor mavrakin in studies The study of seed germination was carried out in two conditions: 1. Seed germination in room conditions. 2. Seed germination under field conditions.
At room temperature, 20 seeds were sown on moistened paper in a Petri dish. Researches were conducted in 3 different periods in February, March and April (Table 1.1 ) .
Table 1.1
D orivore Mavrak seed germination %
(February, room conditions)
No Observed days
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
germinated 3 7 11 16 20 11 9 6 4 1
seeds, %
In February, under room conditions, the seeds began to germinate in 5 days. 2% on the day the seeds started to germinate, maximum germination at 10 days (89%) and reduced seed germination after 15 days (1%). Thus , a total of 89% of seeds germinated in room conditions. Seed germination energy was 15.7%.
The value of the introduced plants is determined by the quality of the wood, decorative level, sanitary-hygienic, biological properties, as well as heat and cold resistance. Therefore , the response of plants to environmental factors in different climatic conditions has been widely studied. According to scientific sources, cold tolerance of plants is a feature reinforced by genetic characteristics of the species.
A plant's resistance to cold or heat is usually more pronounced in extreme conditions. A number of studies show that the resistance of plants to cold or heat depends on their age. Cold tolerance is related to the geographical origin of plants. As such , plants with a large natural area are quickly adaptable and resistant to environmental factors. In Termiz conditions, frequent winter warmth and evening cold in spring are a serious obstacle in the acclimatization of plants.
Germination rates of both seeds under irrigated field conditions were comparable to those under room conditions. The germination rate of the seeds planted in the irrigated soil at the corresponding periods was 45%, 39% and 35%, respectively . The lower seed germination in field conditions compared to room conditions can be explained by the influence of soil and climate. As mentioned, air and soil temperature changes dramatically during the day. The average air temperature during the day is 30-35 0 C , and in the evening it reaches 12-18 0 C. This makes it difficult for the seed to gather the necessary temperature for germination and for the sprout to germinate.
D orivore Mavrak root growth was checked every 5 days. 5 days after seed germination, the length of the main root is 1.5 cm and the diameter is 0.2 cm, and the seed coat is 0.3 cm and 0.2 cm, the hypocotyl is also 0.3 cm and 0.2 cm, and It was 0.2 cm and 0.2 cm. Rapid growth of the root system was detected 20 days after seed germination.
D orivore Mavrak age of ph enologist . Seed germination in field conditions was studied in two different periods: in autumn (20.10.2018) and in spring (25.03.2019 ) . These studies showed that seeds germinated in both variants, but the percentage of seed germination when planted in autumn was higher than in the variant planted in spring (45-55% and 25-35%, respectively). The different number of flowers was observed in plants of different ages and under different conditions . Phenological observations are important not only in determining the transition periods of different phases, but also in determining the durability, productivity, decorativeness of plants, as well as the rhythm of life processes in them. Species originating from different geographic locations start their growing season in a certain sequence, depending on how spring arrives. It will be preserved regardless. If the temperature is the main factor, this process is controlled by the genotypic characteristics of the plant, strengthened in its natural range. The seasonal development pattern of the plant reflects the historical development of the species under the influence of the external environment. Annual meteorological factors (heat, precipitation, relative humidity of the atmosphere, etc.) have an effect on the seasonal development of the plant. It is noted that they are well acclimatized in the conditions of introduction, when they correspond to the conditions of the plant in its natural area. Different plants start spring vegetation at different times. In many scientific sources, the period of seasonal development of plants of one or another species has reached a certain level of useful temperature.
Medicinal properties of medicinal mavrak . Juice obtained from fresh fruits is prescribed for gastric and duodenal ulcers, hypoacid gastritis, spastic colitis, mixed with honey for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In diabetes, rheumatism, gout, tuberculosis of the lymph nodes, cystitis, kidney-stone disease, colds, and as a diuretic, blackcurrant leaves are recommended to be drunk instead of tea. Medicinal medicine buds with fruits for example put drinking If you drink it , drink it will be Sugar sprinkling if eaten man happy opened , soul refreshes . [ 2,3 ]
the medicinal mavrak is a diuretic and removes kidney stones. In medicine, blackcurrant fruit and leaves are used to treat eczema, joint pain, boils, kidney stone disease, cystitis, and colds. When there is a lack of vitamin C, it is regularly consumed in the case of anemia and enterontolith. Patients with hypertensive diseases are advised to consume 200-250 g of the freshly cut fruit of the black mulberry every day. Patients suffering from diabetes are recommended to consume as follows: 1 tablespoon (20 g) of dried black currant leaves in 1 glass of boiling water, steeped for 15-20 minutes and consumed 3-4 times a day before meals.
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