Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
Mamatisakov Khurshidbek Mamirjanovich Rustamova Mohira Husniddin kizi
Master students of Fergana State University
The appearance of postmodernism during the collapse of the past state system as a historical pattern, its origins and understanding of the meaning and theoretical component of the works of postmodernists with the consideration of the terms and theses of this literary direction with the clarification of historical importance for the development of Russian literature.
Keywords and expressions: scriptor, intertext, intertertainment, nihilism, deconstruction, cyclical history.
В данной статье рассматривается появление постмодернизма в период краха прошлого государственного строя как историческая закономерность, ее истоки и понимание смысла и теоретической составляющей произведений постмодернистов с рассмотрением терминов и тезисов этого литературного направления с уточнением исторического значения для развития русской литературы.
Ключевые слова и выражения: скриптор, интертекст, интертекстуальность, нигилизм, деконструкция, цикличность истории.
Sobiq tuzum tanazzuli davrida rus postmodernizmini adabiyotga kirib kelishi, postmodernism kelib-chiqish tarixi,postmodernism asarlarini nazariy va asl
Маматисаков Хуршидбек Маъмиржанович Рустамова Мохира Хусниддин кизи
Магистранты Ферганского государственного университета
Mamatisakov Xurshidbek Mamirjanovich Rustamova Mohira Husniddin qizi Farg'ona davlat universiteti magistrantlari
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
moxiyati,adabiy oqimga xos atama va tezislar taxlili rus adabiyotida kechgan jarayonlarni tarixiy o 'mini ko 'rsatib beradi.
Tayanch so'z va iboralar: skriptor, intertekst, intertekstual, nigilism, dekonstruksiya, tarixiy uzviylik.
The collapse of the past system of state administration and social order, the loss of ideological guidelines and the resulting ideological vacuum were prerequisites for the emergence of Russian postmodernism, designed to rethink and experience the past and present in a new way.
Russian literature of the second half of the 1990s is a symbiosis of two literary trends-realism, based on the previous history of literature and postmodernism, the origins of which appeared in the 60s of the 20th century. The emergence of postmodernism was dictated by the natural laws of literary development and the changing social consciousness of that period. Thus, postmodernism claims not only aesthetics, but also philosophy, due to changes in thinking, worldview and attitude, expressed in literature by various artistic means.
Prominent representatives of postmodernism in Russian literature are writers D. Prigov, L. Rubinstein, V.Sorokin, V.Pelevin, T.Kibirov. In their works, the authors widely used colloquialisms and profanity, openly and often described the satisfaction of the natural physiological needs of the human body, shocking the reader with rude nature and nakedness, violating the classical canons of the construction of a literary work, questioned the reality of the action taking place, the motivation of the character's actions, bringing the interpretation of the meaning of the work to infinity.
V.G.Sorokin explains the essence of the postmodern worldview by saying that literature is "a dead world"[1], and the people depicted in a novel or story are "not people, they are just letters on paper"[2].Literary trends, classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism and realism, showing their attitude to the incident in different ways, describe it based on reality. Postmodern literature rejects the relationship between literature and reality, considering its creativity as an endless mixture of texts, speech styles and vocabulary of different social classes, having developed its own terms and concepts that reveal its essence.
The introduction and substantiation of the basic concepts of postmodernism: the world as a text, the death of the Author and the birth of the reader, the scriptwriter,
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
intertext and intertextuality are produced in the articles by R. Barth "The Death of the author" (1968) and Y. Kristeva "Bakhtin, word, dialogue and novel" (1967).
In their worldview, postmodernists rely on the theory of the cyclical nature of history, considered by many venerable historians and philosophers, from ancient times to our modern times.[3].The principle of cyclicity is based on the theory of the alternation of the decline and flourishing of civilizations, culture, evolution and degradation of society and its attributes. The main idea of postmodernists is the idea of the end of the creative development of human culture, and any creative activity will only be a repetition of the past, so in literature it will mark the inevitable quoting and use of texts and cliches of departed or existing poets and writers.
This is the "death of the Author", who in his writings is doomed to repeat the statements and thoughts of his predecessors, depersonalizing his vision of the world and events. In this case, the author is only a scriptor (ing.-scriptor) unconsciously borrowing the texts of other creators, he "can only forever imitate what was written before and was not written for the first time."Thus, R. Barth introduces the term "intertextuality", most fully disclosed by Yu.Kristeva: "...Any text is constructed as a mosaic of quotations, any text is a product of absorption and transformation of some other text"[5]. At the same time, the meaning of the whole work is given by the readers themselves, interpretations can be different and multiple.
Postmodernism is akin to nihilism, rejecting the supreme, unchanging meaning in existence, presenting the world as a meaningless chaos in which literature is a text with a disorderly combination of various symbols, signs, and other texts, ironic about the possibility of the existence of eternal meaning or meaning by parody-pastiche, using J. Derrida's "deconstruction" to search for a new interpretation, the meaning of the written work the reader, denying the already existing thought and its immutability. [6]
Postmodernism appeared in Russian literature as a response to the socioeconomic and political collapse of the past regime, calling for a different look at all the events of the past XX century, rethink and understand, discover a new worldview, surrender to the chaotic passage of time, ironically perceiving all its deformations.
1. Sorokin V. G. Literature as a cemetery of stylistic finds // Postmodernists on postculture: Interviews with contemporary writers and critics / comp. and preface S. Roll. M., 1998. p. 117.
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
2. Genis A. Conversations about new literature // Genis A. Ivan Petrovich died. M., 1999. p. 73.
3. Toynbee A. Comprehension of History. M., 1991;
4. Bart R. Bart R. Death of the author // Bart R. Selected works: Semiotics; Poetics. M., 1994. P.388.
5. Kristeva Yu. Bakhtin, word, dialogue and novel // French semiotics: from structuralism to poststructuralism. M., 2000. p. 429.
6. Derrida D. On grammatology / Trans. from fr. and vst. art. N. Autonomova. — M.: Ad Marginem, 2000. — 512 p.7. Гиздулин, Э., & Акбаров, О. (2021). Видовые особенности лирики Е. Евтушенко. Общество и инновации, 2(10/S), 47-51.