Научная статья на тему 'Российские микропроцессоры'

Российские микропроцессоры Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Слончак И. А.

Рассматриваются такие важные проблемы, как разработка, преимущества и перспективы использования Российских микропроцессоров. Описание существующих микропроцессоров и их дальнейшее развитие, сравнение их с западными аналогами представлены. Микропроцессоры Эльбрус должны стать в будущем альтернативой иностранным микропроцессорам, таким как Intel. Уже сегодня ведутся разработки новых микропроцессоров, которые начинают приближаться к западным аналогам по характеристикам. При всем этом отставание отечественного продукта пока ещё очевидно, однако он уже обходит конкурентов по эффективности выполнения конкретных задач. Дана оценка микропроцессоров в коммерческом плане.

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This paper deals with such important issues as development, advantages and prospects of application of Russian microprocessors. Description of existing microprocessors and their further development, comparison with their foreign analogues are presented. Elbrus microprocessors are supposed to become an alternative for foreign microprocessors like Intel. At present new microprocessors are being developed and their specifications are approximating to ones of their foreign analogues. At the same time the gap between domestic and foreign products is obvious, however domestic processors have already performed better than their foreign competitors. Evaluation of microprocessors in the commercial sphere is given.

Текст научной работы на тему «Российские микропроцессоры»

Секция «Актуальные на учные проблемы в мире (глазами молодьш исследователей)»

УДК 004.318


И. А. Слончак Научный руководитель - Е. П. Моргунов Руководитель по иностранному языку - О. В. Карчава

Сибирский государственный аэрокосмический университет имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева

Российская Федерация, 660037, г. Красноярск, просп. им. газ. «Красноярский рабочий», 31

Е-mail: [email protected]

Рассматриваются такие важные проблемы, как разработка, преимущества и перспективы использования Российских микропроцессоров. Описание существующих микропроцессоров и их дальнейшее развитие, сравнение их с западными аналогами представлены. Микропроцессоры Эльбрус должны стать в будущем альтернативой иностранным микропроцессорам, таким как Intel. Уже сегодня ведутся разработки новых микропроцессоров, которые начинают приближаться к западным аналогам по характеристикам. При всем этом отставание отечественного продукта пока ещё очевидно, однако он уже обходит конкурентов по эффективности выполнения конкретных задач. Дана оценка микропроцессоров в коммерческом плане.

Ключевые слова: микропроцессор, Эльбрус, информационные технологии.


I. A. Slonchak Scientific Supervisor - E. P. Morgunov

Foreign Language Supervisor - O. V. Karchava

Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation Е-mail: [email protected]

This paper deals with such important issues as development, advantages and prospects of application of Russian microprocessors. Description of existing microprocessors and their further development, comparison with their foreign analogues are presented. Elbrus microprocessors are supposed to become an alternative for foreign microprocessors like Intel. At present new microprocessors are being developed and their specifications are approximating to ones of their foreign analogues. At the same time the gap between domestic and foreign products is obvious, however domestic processors have already performed better than their foreign competitors. Evaluation of microprocessors in the commercial sphere is given.

Keywords: microprocessor, Elbrus, information technology.

Nowadays a lot of attention is being paid to the development of information technologies. This sphere has already changed the world and remains to play a key role in its further changing. An important element of this sphere is computers, which have become an important part of our life. In this article Russian microprocessors as the internal components of computers are considered. The policy of import substitution is being carried out by our government, because having our own microprocessors allows our country to be independent from foreign policy factors. The aggravation of the situation ability of a country to possess such valuable electronics may be suppressed.

Elbrus 2000 is considered to be the most famous Russian microprocessor, which is a further development of Elbrus 3 (1986). This particular model is a VLIW architecture microprocessor, designed by MCST (Moscow Center of SPARC (Scalable Processor ARChitecture) Technologies). The manufacturing of the microprocessor is performed on a Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company factory in Taiwan. It uses binary compilation technology in order for a microprocessor to be compatible with an x86 platform.


VLIW architecture is characterized by one processor's instruction containing multiple operations, which must be executed simultaneously. With this structure, Elbrus 2000, even with its humble clock frequency is capable of competing with faster microprocessors.

The architecture of Elbrus 2000 was a basis for development of the next multicore processors: Elbrus-2S+ (2011) is a dual-core microprocessor working at 500 MHz, with capacity to calculate 16 GigaFlops (16 billion operations in a second), 90 nm. Elbrus-4S (2014) is a quad-core based microprocessor working at 800 MHz, with capacity to calculate 50 GFlops, 65 nm.

In early 2014, the Moscow Center of SPARC Technologies (MCST) launched a test production of Elbrus-8S eight-core processors (topology 28 nm, proprietary 64-bit architecture, clock speed 1300 MHz, computation capacity 250 GFlops). Its development began in 2011 on a commission from the Industry and Trade Ministry, which has invested $24.4 million in the project. Elbrus-8S is the first eight-core processor made by a Russian company. Microprocessors will be manufactured by Taiwan's TSMC.

MCST does not stop at the achieved and continues to develop more powerful microprocessors. In May 2014, it signed a contract with the Industry and Trade Ministry for the development of a 64-bit processor, Elbrus-16S, with a process of under 28 nm, computation capacity 0.5 to 1 TFlops, and 8 to 16 cores. Elbrus-16S is proposed to be used for the needs of the Russian Ministry of Defense. The Mass production of this microprocessor is planned to start in 2018. It is planned to release Ebrus-32C by 2020: with a process of under 10 to 14 nm, computation capacity 2 to 4 TFlops, and 32 cores.

Despite of a successful start, MCST still has some unsolved problems. The most important of them is the production of microprocessors outside Russia's territory. Another pressing matter is the growth of clock frequency. In order to compete on an equal level with global manufacturers it must be increased by at least several times.

To demonstrate operability of Russian microprocessors a comparison with American Intel Core i7-2600 (3400 MHz, 32 nm, 4 cores) was carried out. They were compared by following tests: archiving and unpacking with a 7-zip archiver, processing a video with a digital filter and encrypting information using GOST algorithm. The results of Elbrus-2C+, Elbrus-4C and Intel Core i7-2600 were accordingly following: archiving using a 7-zip algorithm (compression), Mb/s: 0.543, 0.665 and 3.95; archiving using a 7-zip algorithm (unpacking), Mb/s 6.296, 8.679 and 33.435; digital filtration of video, s: 3.469, 2.474 and 2.102; encryption using GOST algorithm, s: 1.601, 1.112 and 2.102

First two tests were measured in Mb/s. They showed that bigger numbers mean better performance. The last two tests are measured in seconds that is why the smaller the number is the better the performance is. The results showed that archiving using 7-zip algorithm can serve as a rather bad example of the domestic architecture efficiency from a demonstration point of view. The situation when unpacking using 7--zip algorithm is a bit better. Concerning video filtration, Elbrus did a relatively better job despite of its lower clock frequency. For example, Elbrus-2S+ with 7 times smaller clock frequency than the foreign analogue took 3 times more time. The last test showed efficiency of the Russian design because GOST algorithm encrypting was performed faster by Elbrus than by Intel Core i7-2600.

Despite of some clear advantages in correlation of such consumer qualities like performance and price, Elbrus still loses to its competitors. And mass consumer would hardly pay more for questionable benefits such as protected mode or efficient encrypting. But for corporate clients reliability and availability of full documentation is a defining criterion.

Thus Russia is one of the few countries in the world that can boast of its modern processors of its own design. It is a great achievement since microprocessors have become strategically important products.


1. Obzor rossiyskogo 4-yadernogo processora Elbrus-4S. Chast' 3: testy, sravnenie s Intel (Overview of the Russian 4-core processor Elbrus-4C. Part 3: tests, comparison with Intel) URL: http://zoom.cnews.ru/publication/item/51820/3 [19 May 2014] (In Russ.)

2. MCST/Mikroprocessori i SBIS URL (MCST / microprocessors and VLSI): http://www.mcst.ru/ mikroprocessory-i-sbis (In Russ.)

© CrornaK H. A., 2016

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