Научная статья на тему 'Российская криминальная политическая виктимология: понятие, предмет и перспективы развития'

Российская криминальная политическая виктимология: понятие, предмет и перспективы развития Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Кабанов Павел Александрович

Цель исследования: описать и объяснить структуру современной российской криминальной политической виктимологии как частной межотраслевой криминологической теории. Методы: в основе проведенного исследования лежит универсальный диалектический метод познания социальной реальности. Результаты исследования: на основе нормативных правовых актов, литературных источников и правоприменительной практики предложена авторская концепция структуры современной российской криминальной политической виктимологии как самостоятельного направления российской политической криминологии. Научная новизна: проведенного исследования заключается в том, что автором впервые в мировой виктимологической науке предложено новое перспективное научное направление, изучающее жертв политических преступлений и злоупотреблений властью, имеющее в своей структуре несколько частных виктимологических теорий. Практическая значимость: заключается в том, что с использованием положений автора можно разработать целостную систему мер по виктимологической реабилитации и виктимологической профилактике преступлений в политической сфере жизни общества.

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Objective: to describe and explain the structure of the modern Russian criminological political victimology as a special inter-sectoral criminological theory. Methods: the research is based on the universal dialectic method of cognition of social reality. Results: basing on the normative legal acts, scientific literature and law enforcement practice, the author proposes a concept of the structure of the modern Russian criminological political victimology as a special sphere of the Russian political criminology. Scientific novelty: for the first time in the world victimology, the author proposes a new prospective scientific direction, studying the victims of political crimes and power abuses, comprising several special victimological theories in its structure. Practical value: the author’s provisions allow to elaborate the complex system of measures for victimological rehabilitation and victimological prevention of crimes in the political sphere of social life.

Текст научной работы на тему «Российская криминальная политическая виктимология: понятие, предмет и перспективы развития»


UDK 343.988:32

P. A. KABANOV, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor

Nizhniy Novgorod Academy of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia


Objective: to describe and explain the structure of the modern Russian criminological political victimology as a special inter-sectoral criminological theory.

Methods: the research is based on the universal dialectic method of cognition of social reality.

Results: basing on the normative legal acts, scientific literature and law enforcement practice, the author proposes a concept of the structure of the modern Russian criminological political victimology as a special sphere of the Russian political criminology.

Scientific novelty: for the first time in the world victimology, the author proposes a new prospective scientific direction, studying the victims of political crimes and power abuses, comprising several special victimological theories in its structure.

Practical value: the author's provisions allow to elaborate the complex system of measures for victimological rehabilitation and victimological prevention of crimes in the political sphere of social life.

Key words: victimology; victim; juridical person; victimity; victimological prevention; victimological rehabilitation; criminological political victimology; political fraudsters; lawless; political crimes; victimogenity.


The modern Russian criminological science, which began to actively develop at the end of the 20th century due to the increased breadth of criminality and broadening of the spheres of criminal affect, reacted with the rapid growth criminological, sociological and other research of the criminality and its various types. Such reaction of the society was expressed in descriptions and explanation of criminal behaviour not only in traditional spheres of life (economy, family, armed forces, penitentiary establishments, etc.), but also in the sphere which used to be closed for the Russian criminologists - the sphere of political activity. With time, the revealed actual state of affairs in this sphere allowed the criminologists to assert that this sphere is less criminalized than others [1, p. 107-121; 2, p. 112-114; 3, p. 5; 4, p. 98-110]. To study the actual state of affairs with criminality in political sphere the Russian specialists proposed to create a new research field in criminology - political criminology, to research the interconnection and interdependence of politics and criminality [5, p. 9], including political criminality [6, p. 242-243; 7, p. 26-27]. Investigating the political criminality within the frameworks of the forming Russian political criminology, the Russian specialists made

a logical conclusion that it is necessary to study not only political crimes and political criminality, their reasons and conditions (factors, determinant), and personal characteristics of political criminals, but also their victims. For that purpose we proposed to create a new scientific field, called political victimology and studying the victims of political crimes [8, p. 71, 9, p. 367]. The proposal was accepted as reasonable by the Russian specialists, and was supported in scientific world as being actual, constructive and prospective [10, p. 54-57; 11, p. 394].

According to the modern views in the Russian criminology, political victimology is a specific scientific field (criminicologal theory) of the Russian political criminology [12, p. 22]. This view was previously supported by the author of the present work [13, p. 17; 14, p. 31]. At the same time there is another opinion on its subject pertinence. According to the rightful opinion of T.V. Ma-karova, the criminal political victimology is at the joint of two fields of the Russian criminological science - criminal victimology and political criminology, and therefore pertains to both fields equally [15, p. 41]. In our opinion, the second approach is not only better grounded, but also more rational, as the cross-disciplinary criminological research develop each of the adjacent scientific fields,

filling them with new scientific ideas (data) and tools (methods and means) of cognition.

Undoubtedly, the Russian criminal political victimology is "a child" of two parents - political criminology and criminal victimology, having the common object of scientific cognition - the victims of political crimes and non-criminalized abuses of political power [16, p. 159-163], and no one of them possesses a monopoly for it. That is why the criminal political victimology should develop as a cross-disciplinary field of criminological knowledge (specific criminological theory) viewing the most general theoretical issues connected with the victims of political crimes and political power abuses.

It goes without saying that the main object of the modern should be the victims of crimes committed in political sphere, including the victims of political power abuse. Due to the specific features of the criminal political vic-timology these victims have to be purposefully searched for, identified, described, classified and systematized, and distributed into various groups within the scientific field.

Research results

Besides this main object of the Russian criminal political victimology - the victims of political crimes and the non-criminalized political power abuse, the forming cross-disciplinary scientific field of the Russian criminology should view several essential theoretical issues.

Undoubtedly the object of the criminal political vic-timology is victimity, that is the objective possibility or ability ("liability") of any person, including juridical one, to become a victim of political crime or lawless, though not yet criminalized, political power abuse, which can be regulated by various means in order to neutralize or eliminate the factors (circumstances) which promote or reproduce it.

The modern Russian criminal victimology views two large types of victimity: the individual and mass ones [17, p. 181-186]. Individual victimity suggests the ability of a person to become a victim of a crime, including a political ones, due to certain subjective qualities intrinsic to the individual1 [18, p. 156; 19, p. 80], which reflect the psychological features of a personality (interests, motives, character, etc.). Mass victimity is a battery of individual and situational factors which are formed into a certain unity, a new quantitative complex, which is expressed in various types [20, p. 10]. They usually include group

1 On restoration of legal rights of the Russian citizens - former Soviet prisoners of war and civil persons repatriated during the Great Patriotic War and after the war: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation no. 63 of January 24, 1995. Collection of legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

victimity (victimity of certain groups of population, categories of people similar in victimity parameters); object-generic victimity (victimity as a prerequisite and consequence of various types of crimes); subjective-generic victimity (victimity as a prerequisite and consequence of crimes committed by various types of criminals) [21, p. 156]. In the Russian criminological literature one can find the notions of corporate victimity as a narrower level of group victimity depending on the organizational structure of the group and generic victimity, that is, the relative liability of definite people to become victims of certain crimes [22, p. 131]. However, in our opinion, the term "corporate victimity" has a different content, referring to the characteristics of a victim - juridical person. We are certain that corporate victimity is a possibility and/or ability (potential or actual) of a certain juridical person to become a crime victim [23, p. 30], including a political crime. This is proved by foreign research viewing the features of juridical persons' victimity, first of all, business entities and economic crimes [24, p. 67-82; 25, p. 311-322; 26, p. 67-82].

It becomes obvious that, despite the variety of approaches to the viewed definitions, the mentioned elements of the object of the Russian criminal victimology should be viewed by the Russian criminal political victimology as well, taking into account the specific features of its object, functions, objectives, short-term and long-term prospects of its further development.

We are certain that mass victimity as an object of the Russian criminal political victimology is actively and vividly displayed during the modern regional and municipal election processes, when certain, as a rule the least well-off strata of population "sell their votes" [27] for a small fee to political fraudsters, then becoming their victims. Such officials, thus "elected" into legislative or representative bodies, as a rule, make incompetent decisions and/or legal acts, aimed at satisfying personal, group, crony or corporate needs and interests. These officials do not take into account the needs of their electorate when making important political or legal decisions, considering that the authority "obtained" by them should "pay for" the significant financial expenditures which were spent for the election campaign, and must obligatory bring extra income or socially significant non-material benefits or status advantages, for example, the parliamentary (deputy) immunity.

Traditionally, when viewing the issues of victimology, the scientific and academic Russian criminological literature states such an important and complex issue, as victimization. Usually victimization is interpreted as a process of becoming a victim of a crime or power abuse, that is the process of realization of a potential victimity into physi-

cal, material or moral harm, which is for objective reasons inseparably connected with crime [20, p. 97; 28, p. 155; 29, p. 21; 30, p. 11-21], including political crime. In this case victimization is a constituent of a more general negative social process - criminalization of social relations, determining it as its regular consequence. As soon as victims of crimes or power abuse are taken out of criminalization process, it starts loosing its content - the injuriousness. Obviously, injuriousness as a process of becoming a victim of a crime or power abuse should be included into the object of the Russian criminal political victimology and start to research it , actively applying the models of political victimization and using the existing criminological methods of cognition, including modeling [31, p. 17-18].

We suppose that alongside with victimity one more component of victimization should be distinguished -victimogenity, that is, the ability of people, communities, juridical persons, the state and its bodies, phenomena and processes to harmfully influence a person, increasing victimity. Thus, Prof. G.N. Gorshenkov, viewing victimogen-ity of mass media, states that victimogenity is an ability of a mass media body, a source (technical means) and/or an act of mass communication to harmfully influence a person, inducing moral, physical suffering or increasing either primarily forming anthropological and/or social victimity, as well as the ability of a member of mass media organization to undergo harm caused by an offence or other deeds contradicting the conventional norms of social life. Viewing the elements ofvictimogenity of mass media, the researcher writes that "in one case a person can become a victim of direct impact of a mass media, while in another - a person acquires a quality of increased vulnerability to various encroachments, including penalized, which are stimulated by mass media, in still others - can undergo harm from illegal actions or inactions of mass media representatives, in still others - the mass media representative themselves can become a victim of encroachment, which motivation can be caused (one can conditionally say, invoked) by professional activity" [32, p. 156].

In our opinion, within the frameworks of the Russian criminal political victimology we should research the victimogenity of political activity and/or certain political phenomena or processes, for example, political lobbyism or political protectionism (favoritism), federal, regional and/or municipal elective campaigns and referendums.

Undoubtedly, one of the main elements of the object of the Russian criminal political victimology should be the victimological or victimogenic factors of political crime, which are an entity of circumstances generating a crime victim and promoting their victimization [33, p. 10]. In our opinion, we should actively and thoroughly study

the victimological factors (determinants) of political criminality as a holistic interactive system promoting or determining the certain political crime (non-criminalized abuse of political power) or the certain type or form of display of political criminality (criminal political extremism of criminal political fraud or their variants).

The main issues of the Russian criminal political victimology characterizing its main object, should, undoubtedly, include the general social and special measures aimed at reducing the victimity of potential victims of political crimes and abuses of political power (victimo-logical prevention).

Undoubtedly, the object of the Russian criminal political victimology should include elaboration and implementation of adequate measures for victimological protection of the victims of political crimes and political power abuses, as well as special measures for their victimological rehabilitation and resocialization. In general these important directions of the modern criminal political victimology can be conventionally called "the victimological direction of preventive impact on political crime".

Actually, in the recent decades the Russian state power bodies actively implement the legal, social, organizational-managerial, economic and other measures for assisting the victims of political terrorism2, political repressions3 and international political crime4, which are completely

2 On the order of implementation of the social rehabilitation of persons injured during terrorists attack: Decree of the government of the Russian Federation no. 90 of February 6, 2001. Collection of legislative acts of the Russian Federation;

On delivering assistance to the persons becoming victims of terrorist attack in Budyonovsk town of Stavropol region: Decree of the government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 1995. Collection of legislative acts of the Russian Federation; On delivering assistance to the persons becoming victims of terrorist attack in Dagestan republic in January 1996: Decree of the government of the Russian Federation no. 58 of January 23, 1996. Collection of legislative acts of the Russian Federation; On confirming the Rules of rehabilitation of persons injured as a result of terrorist attack, as well as persons participating in struggle with terrorism: Decree of the government of the Russian Federation no. 6 of January 12, 2007. Collection of legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

3 On the order of monetary compensation and granting preferences to the persons rehabilitated in accordance to the Law of RSFSR "On rehabilitation of the victims of political repressions" Decree of the government of the Russian Federation of March 16, 1992. ; On rehabilitation of the victims of political repressions: Law of the Russian Federation no. 1761-1 of October 18, 1991. Journal of SND and Armed Forces of RF.

4 On restoration of legal rights of the Russian citizens - former Soviet prisoners of war and civil persons repatriated during the Great Patriotic War and after the war: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation no. 63 of January 24, 1995. Collection of legislative acts of the Russian Federation; On granting preferences

enough described, analyzed, systematized and explained in the Russian political criminology [34, p. 59-62; 35, p. 66-70; 36, p. 134-153].

The victimological direction of preventive impact on political crime as a theoretical direction of criminal political victimology states the following most important theoretical and applied tasks for the nearest future:

a) elaboration of the adequate and at the same time sufficient general-social (victimological prevention) and special measures and mechanisms aimed at minimization of harmful social consequences of political crimes and political power abuse;

b) elaboration and legislative confirmation of the legal bases for accordance and delivering sufficient and proper social and other assistance to the victims of political crimes and political power abuse, as well as the legal mechanisms regulating victimological protection (safety) to this category of victims;

c) research and graduate implementation of mechanisms of victimological rehabilitation of victims of political crimes and political power abuse.

We suppose that within the limits of the modern Russian criminal political victimology a number of other complex and interesting theoretical issues should be viewed.

In our opinion, in the nearest future the specialists should investigate the following:

a) methodology and technique of cognition of the victims of political crimes and political power abuse;

b) typology, classification and systematization of vic-timogenic (victimological) factors of political criminality and certain types or groups of political crimes;

c) mechanism of interaction of a political criminal and a victim;

to the former juvenile prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of detention created by the fascists and their allies during the World War II: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation no. 1235 of October 15, 1992. Collection of acts of the President and government of the Russian Federation; On partial utilization of the remaining sum of the Fund of Understanding and Conciliation for additional assistance to persons injured by fascists' persecution: Decree of the government of the Russian Federation no. 579 of January 8, 1998. Collection of legislative acts of the Russian Federation; On confirming a decree on conditions and or 34der of payments of compensation to the persons exposed to Nazis persecution: Decree of the government of the Russian Federation no. 899 of August 2, 1994. Collection of legislative acts of the Russian Federation;

On confirming the Rules of paying of additional monthly material provision to some categories of citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with the 60-th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945: Decree of the government of the Russian Federation no. 273 of April 30, 2005. Collection of legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

d) features of mechanisms of delivering social and other assistance to the victims of political crime in foreign countries (foreign criminal political victimology) and many others.

Undoubtedly, within the frameworks of the Russian criminal political victimology we should study the theoretical issues of victimology of certain types and forms of political criminality revelations. We consider that in the nearest future we should begin to form such scientific directions within criminal political victimology as: victi-mology of criminal political extremism, victimology of criminal political fraud. Within these large victimological directions one should additionally allocate smaller directions - the specific victimological thories. They should include: victimology of political terror, which we have called victimology of totalitarianism [37, p. 52-55] and victimology of terrorism; victimology of riot crime; victimology of international crime; victimology of political corruption; victimology of political banditry; victimology of criminal political racketeering; victimology of criminal political vandalism; victimology of mass-communication political crime; victimology of electoral crime, and others. Undoubtedly, the development of these specific scientific directions will determine the future of the Russian criminal political victimology.


The foresaid allows us to make some conclusions, namely - to formulate our own definition of criminal political victimology and to outline the circle of issues included into its object. In our opinion, the criminal political victimology is an interdisciplinary direction of criminological knowledge, studying the victims of crimes and non-criminalized abuse of political power, committed in the political sphere of life to achieve political targets. This definition is not ideal and universal; it is probably the most general (essential) definition which can be used in criminal victimology and political criminology.

We suppose that the main issues, included into the object of this interdisciplinary scientific direction of the modern Russian criminology, are: victims of crimes and non-criminalized abuse of political power, committed in the political sphere of life to achieve political targets; vic-timity (mass, group, corporate, individual); victimization; victimogenity; victimological factors of political crime and victimological direction of preventive impact on political crime, including victimological prevebtion, victimologi-calprotection (safety) and victimological rehabilitation.

Undoubtedly, in the nearest future the Russian criminologists will raise the issue of the structure of the criminal political victiimology, scientific description and

explanation of each element of its object (political-victi-mological taxonomy), its objectives and tasks, functions and nearest prospects. However, that is the next stage of its institutionalization as a specific interdisciplinary criminological theory. We hope this stage will come true soon.

Concluding the foresaid material, we clearly realize that in this work we have not marked and described all political-criminological and victimological aspects connected with the presented definition of the modern Russian criminal political victimology, establishing the boundaries of its object field, tasks and prospects of its nearest development. That is why we hope that their creative search, description and explanation will give fruitful ground for our successor to complete new political-criminological research of the victims of political crimes and non-criminalized abuses of political power in the Russian society and outside it.


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Received 20.11.14

Information about the author

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Kabanov Pavel Aleksandrovich, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Professor of the Chair of Criminology ofNizhniy Novgorod Academy of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs

Address: 3 Ankundinovskoye Shosse, 603950, Nizhniy Novgorod, tel.: (831) 465-59-76 E-mail: [email protected]

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How to cite the article: Kabanov P.A. Russian criminal political victimology: notion, object and prospects of development. Aktual'niye problemy ekonomiki iprava, 2015, no. 1 (33), pp. 218-224.


© Kabanov P. A., 2015


доктор юридических наук, доцент

Нижегородская академия Министерства внутренних дел Российской Федерации, г. Нижний Новгород, Россия РОССИЙСКАЯ КРИМИНАЛЬНАЯ ПОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ ВИКТИМОЛОГИЯ: ПОНЯТИЕ, ПРЕДМЕТ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ РАЗВИТИЯ

Цель исследования: описать и объяснить структуру современной российской криминальной политической виктимологии как частной межотраслевой криминологической теории.

Методы: в основе проведенного исследования лежит универсальный диалектический метод познания социальной реальности.

Результаты исследования: на основе нормативных правовых актов, литературных источников и правоприменительной практики предложена авторская концепция структуры современной российской криминальной политической виктимологии как самостоятельного направления российской политической криминологии.

Научная новизна: проведенного исследования заключается в том, что автором впервые в мировой виктимологической науке предложено новое перспективное научное направление, изучающее жертв политических преступлений и злоупотреблений властью, имеющее в своей структуре несколько частных виктимологических теорий.

Практическая значимость: заключается в том, что с использованием положений автора можно разработать целостную систему мер по виктимологической реабилитации и виктимологической профилактике преступлений в политической сфере жизни общества.

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В редакцию материал поступил 20.11.14 © Кабанов П.А., 2015

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Кабанов Павел Александрович, доктор юридических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры криминологии Нижегородской академии МВД России

Адрес: 603950, г. Нижний Новгород, Анкудиновское шоссе, 3, тел.: (831) 465-59-76

E-mail: [email protected]

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