ROOT REMNANTS OF SECONDARY CROPS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Nematov Ulugbek

After each crop, a certain amount of root residue remains in the soil layers. They are converted into various forms of nutrients under the influence of microorganisms over a period of time and have an effect on the maintenance or increase of soil fertility.

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Текст научной работы на тему «ROOT REMNANTS OF SECONDARY CROPS»

№ 12 (93)


Ж te;


технические науки

декабрь, 2021 г.



Ulugbek Nematov

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies,

Uzbekistan, Andijan E-mail: [email protected]


Нематов Улугбек Мухтаржонович

д-р техн. наук, доцент, Андижанского института сельского хозяйства и агротехнологии

Республика Узбекистан, г.Андижан


After each crop, a certain amount of root residue remains in the soil layers. They are converted into various forms of nutrients under the influence of microorganisms over a period of time and have an effect on the maintenance or increase of soil fertility.


После каждого урожая в слоях почвы остается определенное количество остатков корней. Они превращаются в различные формы питательных веществ под воздействием микроорганизмов в течение определенного периода времени и влияют на поддержание или повышение плодородия почвы.

Keywords: nutrients, soil fertility, root residues, humus, planting rate.

Ключевые слова: элементы питания, плодородие почвы, корневые остатки, перегной, норма высева.


The country is expanding the cultivation of non-traditional crops, including the modernization of the agricultural sector through the strengthening of agricultural reform, increasing the share of diversified farms, processing of agricultural products in rural areas, introduction of modern technologies, directing foreign investment to rural areas. the volume of diversification is increasing. With this in mind, the country pays great attention to expanding soybean cultivation.


After each crop, a certain amount of root residue remains in the soil layers. They are converted into various forms of nutrients under the influence of

microorganisms over a period of time and have an effect on the maintenance or increase of soil fertility. In this case, the effect of humus on the maintenance of soil fertility is large, and humus synthesizes the biomass in the soil and increases its amount. This, of course, is directly related to the amount of organic residue left in the soil by plants, such as roots.


However, it should be noted that the amount of roots left in the soil depends not only on the type of crop, but also on their planting norms.

In our study, we also determined the amount of roots left in the soil by field crops at the end of each plant's application period (Table 1).

Библиографическое описание: Nematov U.M. ROOT REMNANTS OF SECONDARY CROPS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2021. 12(93). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/12675

№ 12 (93)


Ж te;


технические науки

декабрь, 2021 г.

Table 1

The amount of roots and stems left in the 0-50 sm layer of soil at the end of the period of validity of repeated crops (average three-year)

Option serial number Planting norms, pcs Root residue, t / ha Mouth residue, t / ha Total root residue, t / ha


1 60 thousand 0,92 0,32 1,25

2 80 thousand 1,02 0,34 1,35

3 100 thousand 1,10 0,45 1,55

4 120 thousand 1,14 0,48 1,62


5 60 thousand 3,43 0,87 4,30

6 70 thousand 3,50 0,85 4,35

7 80 thousand 3,51 0,91 4,42

8 90 thousand 3,60 0,95 4,55


9 1,5 million 1,94 1,30 3,24

10 2,0 million 2,03 1,43 3,46

11 2,5 million 2,20 1,51 3,71

12 3,0 million 2,24 1,56 3,80


13 180 thousand 1,73 0,74 2,47

14 220 thousand 1,81 0,79 2,60

15 260 thousand 1,90 0,90 2,80

16 300 thousand 1,96 0,93 2,89

The results show that the increase in planting norms in all crops also has an effect on the increase in the amount of roots remaining in the 0-50 cm layer of soil. However, the data obtained once again confirmed that crop types are also directly related to the amount of root residues remaining in the soil.

For example, in options 1, 2, 3 and 4, where moss is planted, the amount of roots and furrows in the 0-50 cm layer of soil also varies depending on the planting norms. Left an organic residue of 32 t / ha. Although the total amount is 1.25 t / ha, it is the lowest of these options.

The data obtained in Option 2 of the experiment (80,000 units) were also slightly different from Option 1, leaving a total of 1.35 t / ha of organic residue, of which 1.02 t / ha was root and 0.34 t / ha was organic. formed the mouth. In variants 3 and 4, where seedling thickness was maintained at 100 and 120 thousand / ha, the highest values of 1.55 and 1.62 t / ha were achieved without significant differences.


Corn is also a crop that leaves a large amount of root residues in the soil, of course, the amount of roots and stems left depends on soil types, crop varieties, planting norms and many other factors.

In our study, too, the data obtained in the variants in which corn was planted (5, 6, 7, and 8) confirm that after

this crop, the largest amount of root and root remnants remained in the 0-50 cm layer of soil. However, due to the fact that this crop absorbs a lot of nutrients from the soil, the remnants of roots and stems from it only provide some preservation of soil fertility.

The fact that the millet crop also leaves a large number of roots has been confirmed in our research. Of course, this is due to the planting norms, with 1.5 million seedlings per hectare, which is the lowest (3.24 t / ha) of the planted varieties, of which the root residue is 1.94 t / ha and the root residue is 1.30. t / ha, in 10 variants planted with 2.0 million seeds per hectare, the root residue was 2.03 t / ha, the residual residue was 1.43 t / ha and the total amount was 3.46 t / ha. confirmed.

In variants 11 and 12 with a thickness of 2.5 million and 3.0 million seedlings per hectare, the amount of roots and furrows in the 0-50 cm layer of soil is the highest in these crop variants, ie roots in proportion to the experimental variants - 2.20 and 2, The total amount of 24 t / ha was 1.51 and 1.56 t / ha, respectively - 3.71 and 3.80 t / ha.

The nature of the soybean root and the presence of the endogenous bacterium (Rhizobium Japonica) in it leads to nitrogen enrichment of the soil, which accumulates 70-100 kg of biological nitrogen per hectare per year. That is why the remains of roots and stems left by this crop are also important (Atabaeva).

№ 12 (93)


ж те;


технические науки

декабрь, 2021 г.

The three-year average of the results of our study confirms that in the shade-planted variants (13, 14, 15, and 16), the variant with the highest number of roots and seedlings collected was 16 variants with a seedling thickness of 300,000 bushes.

A total of 2.89 t / ha of organic residue was collected, of which 1.96 t / ha was due to roots and 0.93 t / ha was due to weeds.

The results obtained in Option 15, where 260,000 seedlings were stored, were similar to those in Option 16, with a root rate of 1.90 t / ha, a root rate of 0.90 t / ha, and a total of 2.80 t / ha. formed. The difference between these options is 0.06; The data obtained confirm that 0.03 and 0.09 t / ha.

If we analyze in terms of the type of crops planted in the study, among the secondary crops planted after winter wheat, corn is the crop with the largest number of roots and stalks, 2.93 t / ha compared to moss and 0.75 t / ha compared to tariq. e, 1.66 t / ha more rootstocks were collected than in the shade. It is worth mentioning that in our research, the amount of tariq is 1.99-2.18 t / ha relative to moss, 1.22-1.27 t / ha compared to soybean, and 1.22-1.27 t / ha compared to soybean. is characterized by the abundance of / e.


Of course, a certain amount of root residues left from these planted repeat crops are converted into nutrients necessary for the plant as a result of various biochemical processes that take place in the soil. This naturally increases the fertility of the soil and has a positive effect on increasing not only the yield of crops planted next year, but also its quality indicators.

In general, 90,000 bushels of corn, 3.0 million bushels of millet, 260,000 bushes of soybeans and 120,000 bushes of moss per hectare will be stored in the 0-50 cm layer of soil as a secondary crop. However, it should be noted that these root and root remnants can only have an impact on the optimal growth and development of the crop to be planted next year.

Therefore, it has been proved that it is expedient to cultivate the above-mentioned crops at a thickness of 100,000 bushes per hectare, 80,000 bushels of corn, 2.5 million bushels of millet and 260,000 bushes of soybeans. This is because the defined seedling thicknesses of crops have a positive effect not only on the increase in the amount of nutrients in the soil, but also on the increase in crop yields. We will dwell on the data related to these points in the sections on the growth and yield of subsequent crops, once again on the basis of more detailed data.


1. Atabaeva X.N., Isroilov I.A. Influence of mineral fertilizers on growth, development, yield of replanted soybean varieties. International symposium. T. 1998.

2. Babich A.A.Vozdelyvanie soi v usloviyax orosheniya. V kn .: Soya na korm. M. Kolos, 1974, p. 92-103.

3. D.Yormatova., Tangirova G. Soybean agrotechnics //Recommendation.-Tashkent, 2017.

4. Spijevskaya L.A., Tojiev M.T. Surkhandarya intermediate crops. Intercropping and tillage before cotton. Tashkent, 1979. - 76-p.

5. Yormatova D.Yo. Soy growing in Uzbekistan. T. Labor, 1987. p.153.

6. Yormatova D.Yo. Soya, T. 1989.

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