DOI: 10.12731/2218-7405-2013-8-30
Chernov D.N.
Studying of role of «the parent - the child» and «the teacher - the child» generalities, developing as the collective subject, in formation of the language competence of the senior preschooler is the research purpose. Research is executed in a paradigm of the subject-activity approach.
The Heidelberg test of the child language development was applied to studying of the language competence. Experimental procedure of diagnostics of language learning and its results with use of the Vygotskian principle of a zone of the proximal development is offered. Procedure allows to form a generality «the teacher - the child» as the collective subject. For studying of a child-parental generality as collective subject the special methodical complex consisting of seven techniques was used.
Essential component of structure of child-parental relations is formation of collective subject «parent - child» with the style of parental relation «the indulging hyperpatronage». This generality positively causes development of speech-linguistic competence spheres. The collective subject «the teacher - the child», generated on the basis of realization of a principle of a zone of the proximal development, allows to create psychological-pedagogical conditions for adequate learning diagnostics and, simultaneously, for achievement of high level language competence. Experience of the subject-subject interrelations with the parent is the precondition of formation the
1 Research is executed at RFH financial support of the project of carrying out of scientific researches «Model of soci-ocultural conditionality of language development in ontogenesis», grant №12-06-00237a.
subject-subject interrelations with the teacher in a situation of formation of the language competence.
Results can be used for the organization and carrying out of correction-preventive work on formation optimum sociocultural situation of child development for formation of the language competence of the senior preschool child.
Keywords: zone of the proximal development; collective subject «the parent -the child»; collective subject «the teacher - the child»; speech; language; language competence.
Чернов Д.Н.
Целью работы является изучение роли общностей «родитель - ребенок» и «педагог - ребенок», развивающихся по типу коллективного субъекта, в становлении языковой компетенции старшего дошкольника. Исследование выполнено в парадигме субъектно-деятельностного подхода.
Для изучения языковой компетенции применялся Гейдельбергский тест речевого развития ребенка. Предложена экспериментальная процедура диагностики языковой обучаемости и уровня обученности правилам образования с использованием принципа зоны ближайшего развития Л.С. Выготского. Процедура позволяет формировать общность «педагог - ребенок» по типу коллективного субъекта. Для изучения детско-родительской общности как коллективного субъекта использовался специальный методический комплекс, состоящий из семи методик.
2 Исследование выполнено при поддержке РГНФ проекта проведения научных исследований «Модель социокультурной обусловленности речевого развития в онтогенезе», проект №12-06-00237а.
Существенным компонентом структуры детско-родительских отношений является сформированность коллективного субъекта «родитель - ребенок» на фоне потворствующей гиперпротекции. Эта общность положительно обуславливает развитие сфер речелингвистической компетенции. Коллективный субъект «педагог - ребенок», сформированный на основе реализации принципа зоны ближайшего развития, позволяет создать психолого-педагогические условия для адекватной диагностики обучаемости и, одновременно, для достижения высокого уровня языковой компетенции. Опыт субъект-субъектных взаимоотношений с родителем является предпосылкой становления субъект-субъектных взаимоотношений с педагогом в ситуации формирования языковой компетенции.
Результаты могут быть использованы для организации и проведения кор-рекционно-профилактической работы по формированию оптимальной для становления языковой компетенции старшего дошкольника социокультурной ситуации его развития.
Ключевые слова: зона ближайшего развития; коллективный субъект «родитель - ребенок»; коллективный субъект «педагог - ребенок»; речь; язык; языковая компетенция.
The mastery of the native language and the ability to use it in speech communication are prerequisites for the child development. Mastering of the language system and formation of skills the correct use of language in the speech activity is the result of the interaction of the child as a subject and the socio-cultural environment, creating conditions for reopening of the child subjectivity in speech-language area. Despite the vast array of experimental data on the factors causing language ontogenesis, the problem of constructing models of the formation of child language competence of the child is actual. Conditionality of language development in the ontogeny of the various socio-cultural factors is postulated, but their structure is not understood, system-forming components are not identified, its functions are not
revealed, age-specific conditionality not studied [9]. First of all, the methodology of modern psychology and pedagogy are the basis for decision of this problem.
The position that formation of the child personality occurs in the interaction with adults, a priori to modern science. In Russian psychology is the dominant position of L.S. Vygotsky that the child's mental development is carried in the framework of the social situation of development, which is defined as a specific type of relationship between the child and the social environment [2]. On the basis of this concept we developed a psychological-anthropological model of socio-cultural situation of development of the child personality. The centre of the model is the interaction of the child with significant adults in the child-parent and child-teacher generalities, based on the anthropological conception of the child as a unique developing subject, not only mastering the socio-cultural space, but able to be its creator [11].
A new look at the role of structural and dynamic system of child-adult generalities in the development of the child as the subject of his life's journey allows social and psychological achievements of the subject-activity approach. In this approach, the impact of external factors in the development is seen through the mediation of internal conditions that constitute a holistic subject (S.L. Rubinstein, K.A. Abulkhanova, A.V. Brushlinsky, etc.). Any generality of individuals (even dyad) can in principle be by this holistic subject. The most consistent ontological and epistemological meaning of the term «collective subject» from the standpoint of subject-activity approach has been considered in A.L. Zhuravlev's works. Criteria for the collective subject (the interconnectedness / interdependence, the ability to exercise common forms of activity and self-reflexive), the levels of development and types of collective subject (pre-subjectivity, real subjectivity and reflexive subjectivity) were identified [4].
The concept of «collective subject» is widely used in educational, psychological and pedagogical practice (V.V. Davydov, A.L. Wenger, I.V. Vachkov, etc.). The ability to form a holistic subject of creative activity of teachers and pupils,
creating conditions for reopening of all participants in the educational process in specially organized forms of academic and extracurricular activities leads to the development of individual subjectivity of teachers and pupils. The most important condition is to provide the leading role of the teacher as the teacher-mentor in conjunction with the formation of equal partnership of the teacher with the pupils [7].
However, these generalities «the child - the teacher» by the type of collective subject should not be created from scratch. No less importance in the creation of the generalized model collective subject «the child - the adult» in the child plays a parent like the first partner in the subject-subject interaction to in ontogenesis. It is the parent who must lay the foundations of socio-cultural situation of the child development, based on the experiences of a child, as a subject of culture. It may be the central direction of psychological-anthropological work with potential and actual parents of the child in the very early stages of formation of the child-parental generality. Then the caregiver at the kindergarten, and, further, the teacher at school do not have to create the conditions for the formation of generalities «caregiver / teacher - child» from scratch.
We believe that the success of a child's learning is largely dependent upon the effectiveness of the upbringing process in the early ontogeny, whose purpose should be to build the child's relationship with an adult by the type of collective subject. We think that this assumption is valid in relation to the formation of the process of education and training not only in language competence, but also a holistic child personality. Guided by outlined methodological foundations, we conducted a study whose purpose was to investigate the role of generalities «the parent - the child» and «the teacher - the child» in the development of the child language competence. In accordance with the approach of E.D. Bozovich, the language competence means the possession of rules of language and the ability to use them during the actual speech activity. Structural components of language competence are: the knowledge o language, speech experience and the sense of language [1].
Research methods and techniques. To estimate the level of language competency the Heidelberg test of language development adapted and standardized for the Russian population was used [6]. The test sections, the names of subtests and spheres of operations in the study of which it is directed, are presented in Table 1.
Table 1
The sections, the subtests of Heidelberg test and their associated spheres of
verbal operations
Test section Subtest sphere of operations
The sentence structure Understanding of grammatical structures Sentence
Direct memorization and repetition of grammatical structures
The morphological structures Formation of plural nouns Morpheme
Formation of cognate words
Formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives
The meaning of sentences Correction semantically incorrect sentences Phrase
Construction of sentences
The meaning of words Finding the words by analogy Word
Classification of concepts on general grounds
Interactive meaning Variation of names (the name of the same person depending on the context of interpersonal communication) Saying / speech act
Establishing a relationship of verbal and non-verbal emotive information
Coding of information taking into account the specific characteristics of social role
Generalizing stage Remembering and retelling of the text (story) Text
Primary scores were transferred into standard assessment. The final assessment is calculated as the arithmetic average on standard subtest estimates.
In order to create the generality «the child - the teacher» by the type of collective subject in an experimental situation we have developed a special technique of child training to the rules of word formation [see more in 8]. Guided by ideas of A.K. Markova about learning as an aggregate of characteristics of mental development, which are the result of previous training [5], we assumed that the
technique of training should be built in accordance with the principles of experimental genetic method of L.S. Vygotsky [3]. Indicators of ability to learning should relate to the zone of proximal development (hereinafter - the ZPD), as indicators of result of training - to the zone of actual development after the training provided. In the first case, this could be obtained by solving linguistic tasks with the use of «artificial» word forms, which up to this point have not met in the experience of the child, but emotionally attractive to him. Indicators of training result should express success in working with the material of the Russian language.
The rules of the formation of inflexions of Russian nouns were the material for working out a technique. In order to assess the children's assimilation of the rules of inflection on the example of unfamiliar words for the child forming stage of the experiment is designed on the material of «artificial» words. The child was asked to play the game - to learn to communicate in an unknown tribe's language. He had to understand the rules of use of words of this language in communication, similar to «Russian» rules. The formative stage included three steps and performed with each child in one day. At the introductory step (pre-test), children were offered three «artificial» words (nonexistent things shown in the pictures), designated their gender, and asked questions to encourage the child to change the words on cases. The child should be to understand how to change «artificial» word in the context of their usage.
«Artificial» words were chosen so that they correspond to any inflection rules of case formations in the Russian language. Each child's response was estimated on a 4-point scale («0» - «3»; subject to the relevant rules of formation cases in Russian language, proper preservation of stress and gender). The maximum score for each word inflections - 15 points: the maximum total score for inflections in the pre-test -45 points.
In the learning step a child was offered nine «artificial» words. The questions to the child and ways of evaluating the responses were the same as in the introductory step (pre-test). If the child answers were evaluated below «3» consistently were introduced five levels of clues as long as the child gave the correct answer. On the
«hard» difficulty levels clues the child was shown the examples of Russian inflection (different and similar in principle to the «artificial» word). On the «easy» levels clues were offered similar examples with other «artificial» words (inflection rules which «became known to the experimenter»).
In the final step (final test), the child was offered three new «artificial» words that were similar in principle of inflection according to pre-test. Questions to the child and the way of estimating the responses were identical to shown above. The difference of the total scores obtained on the child in final test and pre-test was taken as the individual value of the ability of learning in the ZPD.
To evaluate the effectiveness of forming influence on the Russian language abilities three days after the completion of the experiment, the children proposed to test for Russian material. It was necessary to change on cases frequently or infrequently encountered thirty Russian words. Children's responses were not corrected. Instructions, questions and way of estimating were similar to those used in the assignments to the «artificial» language. For each child, calculated two measures: the average of the final total scores for each word, and standard deviation on the final total scores, which is a measure of intra-individual variability of child's answers, allowing to assess the extent to which the child's answers centered around the average. Test estimates in Russian of the experimental group were taken for individual indices of training result of the children.
The study used experimental design with control and experimental groups. We used expert teachers' assessments of on a 5-point scale concerning the adequacy of the rules use by children of the Russian language in daily speech, for stratified sampling of children to the groups. In random order in each group were selected equal numbers of children who had received from the teacher rating of «2» - «5». As a result, each sample included 50 children; the percentage of boys and girls in both groups was approximately equal. The use of this sampling scheme led to their equivalence in terms of language competence without pre-testing it in Russian. The scheme of the experimental phase of the study is shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. l.The experimental scheme of investigation.
For the study of child-parental generality in terms of representations of a collective subject used previously developed complex of techniques [see more 10]. The complex includes: techniques «The parent and the child are together» by D.N. Chernov, «The person orientation» by V. Smekal - M. Kuchera, «Film-test» by R. Zhil, «Kinetic drawing of a family» by R. Burns and S. Kaufman, «The analysis of family relationships» by Y.G. Eydemiller and V.V. Yustitskis; the questionnaire of diagnostics of reflexivity by A.V. Carpov, the questionnaire of parental relations by A.Y. Varga and V.V. Stolin.
The analysis was performed using the statistical package Statistica 9.0. Correlation analysis was used to establish the relationship between the variables. We used: Spearman's rank correlation, rank-biserial correlation, Pearson's linear correlation, partial correlation. Analysis of Variance with the procedure Post Hoc analysis (Newman - Keuls Test) was used to establish the inter-group differences. The factor analysis was used in order to identify the structure of the relationship between variables. The individual factor scores on the identified factors were calculated.
Sample. 106 children (48 girls and 58 boys) at the age of 5 years 6 months - 6 years 7 months ( x = 6,02, S = 0,29) and their mothers 25 - 43 years old ( x = 35,05, S = 5,34) involved in research. All children do not visit school .
Results and their discussion. In the first stage of processing data to obtain a general idea about the features of parent-child relationships in families bringing up senior preschoolers, factor analysis of data was carried out. There are data_techniques «The parent and the child are together», «The person orientation», «Kinetic drawing of a family», «The analysis of family relationships», the questionnaire of diagnostics of reflexivity, the questionnaire of parental relations. In accordance with the selection criterion by R. Cattell in the interpretation of the data structure can be limited to five factors that explain 59,6 % of all estimates. The largest percentage of these (25,8 %) is explained by the factor «Collective subject "the parent - the child" with the style of parental relation "the indulging hyperpatronage"». Factor is expressed when mother considers brining up of the child as the central business of a life, aspires to satisfaction of all child's needs, shows to it minimal requirements, alternating excessiveness / minimality of restrictions in a combination to a minimality of sanctions; mother is inclined to expansion of sphere of parental feelings, preference in the child of children's qualities, is inclined to solve problems of matrimonial relations at the expense of the child. Thus, mother aspires to an establishment co-operative, frequently, symbiotic relations with the child. For mothers are characteristic: a high level of reflexivity, collective person orientation, interaction / interdependency with the child, high intensity and expansion of spheres of joint activity with the child and reflexive relation of parent and child to their life together. Thus, the child has a positive attitude to the mother, the father, parents as the couple, significant adults, is inquisitive, moderately contentious, aspires to domination in relations, is sociable and socially adequate, and perceives a family situation as favorable. Let's notice, that it is a formed collective subject «the parent - the child»: in the presence of interrelation / interdependence be-
3 The author is grateful to senior researcher A.N. Romaschuk and junior researcher Y.Y. Ignatov for assistance in organizing and conducting the study.
tween subjects and the reflective relation, mainly, the parent to the child, the tendency to increase in intensity and expansion of spheres of joint activity of the parent and the child is observed. That is the subject «the parent - the senior preschooler» is characterized by a «general» sign of the advanced collective subject in accordance with the approach of A.L. Zhuravlev [6].
In the second stage the relationship of individual factor scores of identified factors - the components of parent-child relations, and the characteristics of language competence was studied. The most pronounced positive correlations scores by the factor of «Collective subject "the parent - the child" with the style of parental relation "the indulging hyperpatronage"» with the final scores for Heidelberg test and characteristics of language competence in the field of morphology, understanding of the meaning of sentences and words, the interactive meaning of sentences and operating by integral text (total - 7 subtests in all cases /><0,001). Thus, the formation of the child-parental generality by the type collective subject in combination with the style of parental relation «the indulging hyperpatronage» positively causes development of the spheres, mainly speech-linguistic competence.
At the third stage the learning efficiency of children to rules of the wordformation constructed in ZPD of the child in a situation of formation of the collective subject «the teacher - the child», in case of this research - with the experimenter who has realized a technique with each child separately was investigated. There were no distinctions in the estimates of Heidelberg test, in individual factorial scores and in results of pre-testing in «artificial» language in control and experimental groups. This indicates the initial equivalence of both groups on level of the language competence, expressiveness of various components in structure of child-parental relations and on initial abilities to form case inflexions of «artificial» words. The total score was based on the results of the final test at the «artificial» language in the experimental group was significantly increased with training (p < 0,000001), while in the control group, the differences in the estimates of pre-and post-tests were not found.
Post Hoc analysis of the Analysis of Variance results in the experimental group taking into account changes in each of the groups of children, selected on the basis of expert assessments of caregivers indicated that significant improvements in the ability to form a case inflexions of «artificial» words that correspond to certain rules of the Russian, were observed in children with expert estimates, «2 - 4» (p < 0,001). A statistically significant improvement of the results in the experimental group was not observed only in children who have received expert opinions «5»: during the pretest they have shown good results, so the improvement of the results at step of final testing yielded a statistically not significant increase in the estimates.
Comparison between scores of learning in the ZPD in the experimental group and the differences between the scores of the final and pre-tests on the «artificial» language in the control group, at four subgroups, allocated on the basis of expert estimation has shown children with of expert assessments «2», «3» (p < 0,001) and «5» (p < 0,01) have the best scores of learning ability. Thus, learning in the ZPD by the offered technique to improve the skills of word formation was the most effective, mainly for the «weak» children (according to the expert estimates) in the use of language tools in their daily conversation.
Analysis of the relationship of the pre- and final test results on «artificial» language and test results on Russian material in the experimental group showed that in general there is succession of results. Average scores for testing in Russian are positively related with estimates of pre-and post-test on the material of «artificial» words and negatively related with the value of learning ability in the ZPD (in all cases p < 0,001). Similar relations observed in the control group. The latter fact is explained by the fact that in the absence learning influences, the children who were able to on their own and correctly understand the principle of formation of «artificial» word forms were able to adequately solve the inflected tasks in Russian offered to them. So, as a whole on the experimental and control groups on the basis of the best estimates of testing in Russian had children who at the stage of case inflexions of «artificial» words had best results.
The iimportant result is the children in the experimental group had a higher estimates of testing in Russian, than children in the control group (p < 0,000001). So, critical to training results to form case inflexions on Russian material was training in the ZPD, although there is interaction of the training factor and individual characteristics of the response to the experimental exposure of each group, selected on the basis expert estimates. According to the Post Hoc Analysis, the best result when tested in Russian in the experimental group was achieved mainly due to assessments that have children, estimated by experts at the «3», «4» (p < 0,001) and «5» (p < 0,01). However, only the «honors pupils have differences in the estimates of individual variation in responses when tested in Russian: the responses of the children in the experimental group are more concentrated around their average results than the control group (p < 0,01). Combining these results with the data set above, gives reason to believe that although one of the best results to learning ability in «artificial» words have shown children, estimated by expert caregivers to «2» such children have not resulted in a carry generated knowledge to material in Russian. Productive there was a transfer of the knowledge gained while working with «artificial» words, on a Russian-language material in children with expert estimates «3» - «5». Moreover, in the subgroup with expert estimates «5» has improved the quality and reducing the variability of responses, although in the formative stage of the learning outcomes of the experiment were not obvious.
So, in the course training of children to the rules of word formation of Russian, conducted in the ZPD of the child in the construction of a collective subject «the teacher - the child» was possible in the short term, postponed by to achieve a high level of training in senior preschoolers. In addition, the observed effects of the interaction of the main result of the learning factor with the factor of children stratification on the basis of expert assessments of caregivers are observed: children, estimated to «2», have shown high results of training in the ZPD, but the transfer of formed knowledge, skills and abilities to material testing in Russian has not occurred.
In the fourth stage of the study we examined the contribution, which as has been experimentally proved effective for the formation of language competence of senior preschooler collective subject «the parent - the child» brings to the effectiveness of training during creation of a collective subject «the teacher - the child». Correlation analysis between parameters of the experiment and individual factorial scores in the control group showed that the scores by the factor «Collective subject "the parent - the child" with the style of parental relation "the indulging hyperpatronage"» is positively related to expert assessment, the results of the pre- and final tests on the material of «artificial» words, average and variability test estimates in Russian (in all cases p < 0,001). That is, children in families where the mothers are eager to build relationships with children by type of collective subjects receive high scores of the language knowledge and efficiency of using them in daily life from caregivers. Moreover, these children received high scores in the course of working with «artificial» words and high scores when working with Russian material. Necessary to consider that neither the Heidelberg test results of any children nor the data of interrogation of mothers were known to the persons who carried out the experiment.
In the experimental group a similar pattern of relationships is observed: scores by the factor «Collective subject "the parent - the child" with the style of parental relation "the indulging hyperpatronage"» are positively related to expert assessment, the results of the pre- and final tests on the material of «artificial» words, mean score and variance of test estimates in Russian, but are negatively related - with the value of learning in the ZPD (in all cases p < 0,001). That is, although high results on indicators of experiment are shown by children in families whose mothers are building a relationship with a child on the type of collective subject large value of learning in the ZPD was shown by children with not expressed in the structure of the upbringing component of the factor «Collective subject "the parent - the child" with the style of parental relation "the indulging hyperpatronage"». It is believed that these children vividly responded to the experimental procedure, built as a game, but were
unable to transfer the knowledge and skills obtained while working with «artificial» language material, to the material in Russian. So, it is the children of mothers who aspire to build a relationship with their children by the type of collective subject, getting that experience of interpersonal relationships, are responding to the teaching impact, implemented in the ZPD of the child and which is based on the interaction of «the teacher - the child», according to the type of collective subject.
Finally, in the fifth stage of the data processing we studied whether there is a succession in the level of language competence, measured by the Heidelberg test prior to the experiment, and the experimental parameters in the control and experimental groups. In addition, we modeled the situation of eliminate of variability by a factor of the factor «Collective subject "the parent - the child" with the style of parental relation "the indulging hyperpatronage"» by counting the partial correlations between the same indicators of language competence, obtained using psychometric test and experiment. We compared the patterns of simple and partial correlations. With significant changes in patterns we can discuss the contribution that makes desire of parents to build a collective subject «the parent - the child», effective for the formation of linguistic competence in the senior preschool child in the child's learning ability to the rules of word formation in the construction of an experimental collective subject «the teacher - the child».
In the calculation of simple correlations in the control group we received the direct relationship between final evaluation on the Heidelberg test, and Heidelberg subtest scores within the sphere of morphology, understanding of meanings of sentences and words, interactive meanings of proposals, operating by the complete text (in total - 9 subtests) and expert judgment, points for pre- and final tests and the average score for the testing in Russian (in all cases 0,0005 < p < 0,05). In the calculation of partial correlations almost all references are preserved but there are changes in the structure of relationships between experimental estimates morphological subtests scores. Statistical significance is retained only for relations of subtest «Formation of cognate words» with expert judgment and an average score for
testing in Russian (both p < 0,05). In addition, negative relations between estimates of variability on scores for testing in Russian and the four subtests within the sphere of the meanings of sentences and the operating by the complete text are significant (in all cases, 0,001 < p < 0,05). In other words, there is a succession of the results of language competence achieved by children in the Heidelberg test and experiment. On the other hand, the experience of involvement of the child in relations with mother, the latter arrayed by type of collective subject, was a condition for the provision of adequate child's relationship with the experimenter during testing of inflexion skills in the experiment, It is predicted the results of the child: morphological subtests on the Heidelberg test, evaluation of language competence by caregivers, learning outcomes of case inflexions of «artificial» and Russian words. Furthermore, in this case, the variability of children's responses in the formation of case endings of Russian words, to a lesser extent due to the results of some of the subtests of Heidelberg test, which can be interpreted as a child desire to creatively approach to the linguistic tacks, despite the already existing knowledge in some spheres of language competence.
In the calculation of simple correlations in the experimental group were obtained the direct relationship between final evaluation on the Heidelberg test, and Heidelberg subtests scores relating the spheres of morphology, understanding of meanings of sentences and words, the interactive meaning of proposals, operating by complete text (in total - 9 subtests) with expert judgment, pre- and final estimates tests on the material of «artificial» words and an average score for testing in Russian (0,0005 < p < 0,05). Almost all of the subtests of Heidelberg test are negatively related to the scores of learning in the ZPD. In the calculation of partial correlations vast majority of these relations are non-significant. Thus, for children who received the experience of interpersonal relationships by type of the collective subject in the family situation of development, there is a succession of the results of psychometric examination and experiment, in which to build relationships by type of the collective subject «the teacher - the child». On the one hand, we can state the fact that although
the experimental effect on the whole proved to be effective, the children have achieved definite results related to pre-experimental level of language competence, thanks to the fact that already had experience of similar relationship with his mother. On the other hand, the results suggest that the experience of interpersonal relations in family, which may slow down, and to promote effective learning of a child, is critical to a child's learning.
So, the training conducted at the child's ZPD in the construction of a collective subject «the teacher - the child» will be effective if a there was build a child-parent relationship by type of collective subject with the style of parental relation «the indulging hyperpatronage». In other words, the experience of the relationship with a significant adult (parent) acquired by the child in the family situation of development, plays an important role in the formation of relationships with significant adults (care-givers, teachers) in a learning situation, the effectiveness for the development of language competence of which is experimentally confirmed.
According to the study, the following conclusions:
- the formation of the child-parent generality by type collective subject in families which are bringing up senior preschool children, is characterized by interconnectedness / interdependence of mother and child, mother reflexive attitude towards the individual and joint life activity with the child combined with aspiration to increase the intensity and spheres of parent-child activity. This collective subject is inherent in the type parental attitude «the indulging hyperpatronage». The child perceives the family situation is positive, it is adequate in the social relationships with others, inquisitive and sociable;
- the formation of the child-parent generality by type of collective subject positively determines the development of the spheres of, mainly, speech-linguistic competence (grammar, morphology, understanding the meanings of sentences and words, operating the complete text);
- formed in the course of a special technique of training of children to the rules of the Russian language in the ZPD collective subject «the teacher - the child»
allows to create psycho-pedagogical conditions for adequate diagnosis of learning ability and, at the same time, to achieve high learning results;
- experience of subject-subject relationship with the parent, the child acquired in the family situation of development, plays an important role in the formation of subject-subject relationship with the teacher in the situation of the formation of language competence, actualizes the creative subjective potential of a child.
The results allow to speak about succession of the effectiveness of child- parent and child-teacher generalities, developing by type of collective subject in the language competence development of senior preschooler. They point to the need to: 1) create of subjective conditions for improving the quality of relations between the child and the social environment and the formation of conscious attitude of society to the language education of the child, and 2) improve the quality upbringing and pedagogical work with children through the actualization of subjective characteristics of the child for the purpose of language learning. The study may help psychologists, caregivers and teachers in organizing and conducting correction and preventive work on the formation of the optimal for the formation of language competence of senior preschooler socio-cultural situation of its development.
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Chernov Dmitry Nikolayevich, associate professor of the department of psychology and pedagogy, Ph.D. in Psychological Science, associate professor
Russian National Research Medicine University named after N.I. Pirogov 1, Ostrovitianov street, Moscow, 117997, Russia e-mail: [email protected]
Чернов Дмитрий Николаевич, доцент кафедры общей психологии и педагогики, кандидат психологических наук, доцент
Российский национальный исследовательский медицинский университет им. Н.И. Пирогова
ул. Островитянова, д.1, г. Москва, 117997, Россия e-mail: [email protected] SPIN-код в SCIENCE INDEX: 3235-4105