UDC 372.881.1 13.00.02
senior teacher Nikitina Svetlana Evgenievna
Kazan Federal University (Kazan); senior teacher Korneva Inna Germanovna
Kazan Federal University (Kazan)
Annotation. The purpose of this study is to prove the necessity of using authentic materials and watching authentic foreign films in particular in the development of a sociolinguistic competence of students which is acquired by them in the process of learning foreign languages. Having a sociolinguistic competence is to know social and cultural rules of language use, to be aware of the norms and values of a particular country, to know how to organize a discussion, to understand social roles of interlocutors, to understand a communicative situation. One of the most effective ways to form a sociolinguistic competence is watching authentic foreign films. Psychological peculiarities of the effect of video films on students contribute to the intensification of the educational process and create beneficial conditions for the formation of students' communicative competence. The scientific novelty of the work is that based on the works of contemporary national and foreign researchers, we have formulated a system of tasks and various exercises to raise the effectiveness of studying and develop students' speech activity. The result of the work is the detailed description of practical exercises that can be included into this system of tasks and offered for application by everyone interested in learning and teaching foreign languages.
Keywords: sociolinguistic competence, authentic films, communication, cross-cultural, verbal, non-verbal, audio-visual materials.
Аннотация. Цель данного исследования - доказать необходимость использования аутентичных материалов и просмотра аутентичных иностранных фильмов, в частности, в развитии социолингвистической компетенции студентов, которая приобретается ими в процессе изучения иностранных языков. Наличие социолингвистической компетенции - это знание социальных и культурных правил использования языка, знание норм и ценностей конкретной страны, умение организовывать дискуссии, понимать социальные роли собеседников, понимать коммуникативную ситуацию. Одним из наиболее эффективных способов формирования социолингвистической компетенции является просмотр аутентичных зарубежных фильмов. Психологические особенности воздействия видеофильмов на студентов способствуют интенсификации учебного процесса и создают благоприятные условия для формирования коммуникативной компетентности студентов. Научная новизна работы заключается в том, что на основе работ современных отечественных и зарубежных исследователей мы сформулировали систему заданий и различных упражнений для повышения эффективности обучения и развития речевой деятельности студентов. Результатом работы является подробное.
Ключевые слова: социолингвистическая компетенция, аутентичные фильмы, коммуникация, межкультурные коммуникации, вербальный, невербальный, аудио-визуальные материалы.
In the global world the knowledge of the English language and the ability to speak it fluently is becoming essential for all people. The necessity to acquire a communicative competence by English Language learners intercultural communication is an important goal in teaching foreign languages. The second principal skill is a linguistic competence. However, the use of a foreign language is also regulated by social characteristics of speakers and by communicative situations. Speakers should be able to organize their verbal behavior with regard for intentions, social statuses, sociolinguistic norms and values of a particular society. Consequently, having effective intercultural communication requires a high level of sociolinguistic competence. Thus, the development of the sociolinguistic competence plays an essential role in learning foreign languages.
The process of a foreign language sociolinguistic competence development is long and difficult as it implies the acquisition of social values accepted in a particular community, and as a rule, speakers learn foreign languages living in a country different from the one where English or any other language is native. That is the reason why modern education requires an effective means to develop foreign language learners' sociolinguistic competence, which is to create imaginary and real life communicative situations with the use of various learning tools. Among these tools, one of the most effective is watching authentic films in a foreign language.
A competence is defined as a complex of knowledge, skills, abilities developed in the process of learning. It is also an ability to perform any activity. A communicative competence is one of the basic competences in an educational process along with linguistic, strategic, discursive and social competences. A sociolinguistic competence is an ability to organize verbal behavior relevantly to the situation paying attention to a communicative goal, intention, social statuses, roles of communicators and communicative environment in accordance with a sociolinguistic norms and values of a particular society. A sociolinguistic competence has been profoundly studied by such researchers as M. Swain, Gumperz, S Savignon and others.
In order to acquire a sociolinguistic competence it is necessary to understand the semantics of words and phrases of a foreign language and the way they vary depending on the type and style of communication. A sociolinguistic competence implies acceptability. Phrases that can be appropriate for certain contexts, are not accepted for others. The only person who can teach what is accepted and what is not accepted, and who needs to be competent in this field, is a teacher. One of the most effective ways to raise this sociolinguistic competence is using authentic audio and video materials at foreign language classes.
The sociolinguistic competence implies several aspects. First of all, this is the awareness of factors that influence the choice of linguistic forms. These social factors directly depend on universal cultural values accepted by a native and a foreign language speaking country. Some utterances, which sound normal in a foreign language, can be accepted as familiar or unethical in the Russian language and, vice versa, some statements, which are totally acceptable in the Russian language, can seem inadequate for foreign language speakers. The second aspect of the sociolinguistic competence is the ability to apply this awareness in practice and achieve mutual understanding by finding some general meaning.
Competence development levels can be low, medium and high [8]. When the competence level is low, a student is not able to communicate in all circumstances when he is in a foreign language speaking country. He has the surface knowledge of national specificity and finds it difficult to choose appropriate communication forms to respond to the interlocutor's speech. The process of communication gives discomfort as the student has insufficient background knowledge and can't satisfy the student's cognitive needs.
Having the medium level of the sociolinguistic competence, a student can use the models of the speech behavior similar to the situations of authentic communication. He has enough background knowledge to communicate with a native speaker with no major difficulties. This student can easily speak on necessary topics without the need to adapt foreign speech.
The high level of the competence demonstrates that a student uses speech patterns easily and correctly, which allows him to speak fluently. He also is able to broadly apply non-verbal and paralinguistic tools. Besides, he also has background knowledge necessary for cross-cultural interaction as well as idioms and colloquial expressions.
Communicative competence also includes such elements as strategic competence and discourse competence. Strategic competence is the ability to use verbal and non-verbal tools or strategies if communication wasn't successful, e.g. a repeated question, phrase that is repeated in the text, the use of gestures or mime. This strategic competence is often applied by tourists who come to foreign countries. Discourse competence is the ability to build complete and connected utterances or discourses of various types of texts in the process of reading and listening [8].
The effectiveness in teaching foreign languages is impossible without the analysis of communicative acts in relation to the behavioural culture of foreign language speakers. Each culture is characterized by it's own idea of the world which affects communicative behavior. Thus, the successfulness of cross-cultural communication is measured by speech patterns, clichés which are necessary to use in a particular speech situation. Non-verbal communication elements, among which there are the distance between speakers, hierarchy of relations, the atmosphere and information exchange rules, are also important.
Authentic materials are those created by native speakers and applied in the educational process, they are focused on the communicative approach to foreign language learning outside the language environment. Authentic materials were originally created for native speakers for non-educational purposes. According to K.S. Krichevskaya, audio and visual materials can be included into "pragmatic materials", the use of these pragmatic materials such as TV programmes, news bulletins, weather forecast, informational announcements increases students' motivation to learn a foreign language and represents one of the most valuable educational tools to prepare students to living abroad [7]. Authentic audio and video materials as well as feature films are a kind of culture transmitters if we follow K.M. Khoruzhenko who believes that "educational culture is an integrative characteristics of the educational process which includes the unity of people's direct activity to transmit accumulated social experience and the results of this activity in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities and specific institutions for such transmission from one generation to another" [4, p. 12].
According to J.G. Gebhard [2], authentic materials can be classified as follows:
1. Authentic audio-visual materials: TV advertisement, feature films, documentaries, video clips, cartoons, TV shows, news and others.
2. Authentic audio materials: audiobooks, songs, radio programs and others.
3. Authentic visual materials: photos, slides, paintings, road signs, stamps, illustrations, postcards and others.
4. Authentic printed materials: newspaper articles, sport columns, song lyrics, tourist brochures, tickets, receipts and others.
5. Culture specific material elements: cash, toys, coins, masks and others.
Authentic materials have a lot of advantages. Among them we can mention the language which depicts reality and represents the means of communication. Authentic materials reflect concepts accepted in a foreign language speaking country. Naturalness of authentic materials arouses more cognitive activity and facilitates the transition to understanding real life environment in a foreign language speaking country. Nevertheless, some disadvantages of using authentic materials need to be described. Among them are excessive abundancy of visual, verbal and sound information, thematic versatility that hinders the correlation between materials and vocabulary under study [9]. Therefore, some researchers think that material adaptation is often acceptable, and it means that for the purpose of the sociolinguistic competence formation, authentic films should be selected in accordance with the following criteria:
- comformity with students' communicative competence level;
- educational potential of an authentic film;
- the reflection of a foreign language speaking country's modern reality in an authentic film;
- the range of sociocultural and sociolinguistic information contained in an authentic film.
Authentic materials are particularly effective for high school students because watching them requires the need to have large vocabulary and the ability to comprehend English speech and interpret the plot from the perspective of both national culture and foreign culture. Students also need to be able to compare and analyze film characters in the context of both cultures.
A good example of informative tasks is a country studies task which can be both written and oral, individual and in teams. Country studies tasks can motivate students to learn foreign culture and speak a foreign language. They can include, for example, reports, discussions of culture-specific elements; discussions of film characters' social status, age, job, manners, behavior; asking questions; role play and etc.
The methodology of teaching foreign languages divides the work with video material into four stages:
- Analytical activity stage;
- Theoretical speech activity stage;
- Guided communication stage;
- Fluent communication stage.
The stage of analytical activity is intended for the achievement of the following goals: to develop sociolinguistic observation skills and cross-cultural reflection; develop the ability to find the right decision in a communicative situation using the analysis of verbal and non-verbal communicative tools; understand the role and influence of age, gender, social and economic status of communicators on the choice of verbal and non-verbal tools; develop memory, imagination, analytical abilities, phonetic listening abilities, the sense of contextual guess. The tasks typical of the analytical activity stage are as follows: watching an episode; telling the content of the episode; the comparison of culture-specific elements given in a film with similar elements accepted in, for instance, Russian culture; listening to the songs mentioned by film characters; finding suggested vocabulary and using it in the context of the film;
matching new words with their meaning; repeating utterances after characters. Home tasks can include such activities as finding the meanings of new words in reference books and on the Internet sites; comparative sociolinguistic analysis of characters' verbal behavior; reading supplementary texts on the sociolinguistic topic under study.
The stage of theoretical speech activity is intended for the achievement of the following goals: to consolidate sociolinguistic knowledge; comprehend the meaningfulness and full functionality of language means under study; develop primary skills to use particular verbal and non-verbal means of a foreign language; completely comprehend and appropriately use language means of various registers; adopt the pronunciation and rhythm of a foreign language. The tasks typical of the theoretical speech activity stage are as follows: to dub a film; to translate some phrases from a film from a native language into a foreign one; find equivalents to lexical units of a certain language register from another register and etc. Home tasks can include such activities as using new words from a film in practical exercises or phonetic reading of a particular film episode.
The stage of guided communication develops such goals as further development of the ability to understand a communicative situation after the analysis of its components and development of self-control skills in the process of communication in a foreign language. The classroom tasks can include recording audio of micro-dialogues on the topic of a certain episode or voiceover of some episodes by students according to the plot of a film. At home students can analyze, assess and correct audio records of micro-dialogues made up in the classroom.
The last stage of fluent communication is aimed at the development of verbal and non-verbal behavior skills appropriately to actual communicative situations as well as at the improvement of evaluation skills. Tasks that can be performed by students in the class can include role playing of a certain film episode or acting out some episodes of a film by students. Students can prepare a performance in a foreign language based on the whole film after its watching where students need to try and apply the largest possible quantity of sociolinguistic knowledge, abilities and skills.
The use of authentic films requires some preparatory work from a teacher: to divide a film into complete logic episodes; prepare a script for each episode; find vocabulary and grammar units needed to be studied by students; find specific sociolinguistic material that students have to learn; find and comment some foreign culture realia that can be incomprehensible to students; make a list of tasks and exercises; find interesting texts for supplementary reading close to the theme of a film. Not only teachers' preparatory work but also students' efforts to adopt sociolinguistic competence make the process of sociolinguistic competence formation effective. Watching an authentic film together with doing pre- and post-watching tasks has a positive influence on the formation of sociolinguistic competence. Students' work on authentic films can be divided into three groups of tasks:
- pre-watching tasks which are aimed at motivating students to do a task and to become active participants of the teaching-learning process. It is also contributes to eliminating possible difficulties with the comprehension of a film and prepare students for successful task performance. This group of tasks can include various options of a film content prediction; the introduction of new words or set phrases; practicing correct reading of difficult words from a film; elaboration of some difficult grammar structures in the sentences from a film; asking a variety of questions to the most difficult sentences from a film; brief summary of a film content given by the teacher;
- while-watching tasks serve are intended to generate listening skills, further develop students' sociocultural and sociolinguistic competence. These tasks comprise watching an episode and finding foreign language equivalents to native words; completing gaps in sentences using words from a film; choosing words from the list of synonyms which haven't been used in a film prepared by the teacher; marking sentences as true or false; matching random sentences with parts of a film; putting parts of a videotext in the correct order; predicting the further course of events in a film after pressing a "pause" button; comparing culture-specific information from a film with elements from native culture.
The goal of after-watching tasks is to use the text of a film to develop oral and written language skills of students. These tasks can comprise question and answers; different types of retelling - brief, extensive retelling; inventing the continuation for film events; making monologues and dialogues on the topic of a film; role plays based on the plot of a film.
Susan Stempleski in her book "Video in action: recipes for using video in language teaching" offers her own methods how to work with video materials. She gives the following classification of the methods, here are some of them:
- Viewers and listeners technique. To perform this task, all students have to be divided into two teams. The first team is watching a video while the second team is listening to it. Then viewers have to explain to listeners what they have seen. Listeners can ask viewers leading questions or a teacher can ask some viewers to summarize what they have understood. Finally, all students are watching the whole episode with sound and a picture;
- Freeze frame technique. A teacher presses the "pause" button and stops a picture on the screen so that students could be able to see more details. Then students tell what they have seen. This is a teacher who chooses where to stop a film;
- Prediction technique. A teacher stops a film and asks students what they think is going to happen further. This technique is useful for the development of listening skills;
- Only sound technique. Students are listening to the text of a video episode, they see no picture and they are trying to describe an imaginary picture;
- True or false technique. A teacher gives students a list of statements from a video episode. Then students watch this episode and say if these statements are true or false. This task is used to develop students' lexical skills in listening;
- Dialogue gap completion technique. Students are given cards with dialogues from a film written on them. These dialogues have gaps in them. After watching these dialogues students complete the missing lines with the information from the video. The dialogues are normally watched two times by students: when they watch for the first time, they need to understand what the conversation is about. After watching for the second time, they have to try and complete the gaps.
Actually, teaching a foreign language to students using authentic films can only become effective if it is strictly controlled by a teacher, has logic stages and is conducted according to an elaborate system of tasks which corresponds to the goals of teaching.
Summarizing the information mentioned above, we can conclude that students' sociolinguistic competence plays a very important role, which is determined by the necessity to develop an ability to use and transform language forms in compliance with a communicative situation. One of the most effective ways to form students' sociolinguistic competence is using authentic video materials including authentic films. Psychological peculiarities of authentic films
effect on students contribute to the intensification of the educational process and create beneficial conditions to develop students' communicative competence. The effectiveness is raised in case various video tasks are used, which allow developing students' speech activity.
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УДК 378.2
кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Павленкович Ольга Борисовна
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
высшего образования «Тихоокеанский государственный университет» (г. Хабаровск);
магистрант Шиповалова Анна Борисовна
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
высшего образования «Тихоокеанский государственный университет» (г. Хабаровск)
Аннотация. В статье рассматривается дефиниция «художественный образ» как специфическая форма освоения и чувственного познания мира и его преобразования, берущее свое начало в ощущениях и эмоциях человека при непосредственном участии актов мышления; затрагивается вопрос о проблемах развития художественного восприятия, как специальной способности человека к восприятию и созданию образов искусства. Также в статье приводятся специальные задания для студентов художественных специальностей по формированию художественных образов при непосредственном восприятии элементов действительности и их трансформации в образы искусства. Приведенные задания обоснованы личной творческой практикой авторов исследования и анализом особенностей психологических процессов восприятия, памяти и мышления человека при постановке специальной художественной задачи.
Ключевые слова: чувственное познание, художественное восприятие, художественное мышление, наглядно-образное мышление, художественный образ, абстрактная идея.
Annotation. The article considers the definition of «artistic image» as a specific form of development and sensory knowledge of the world and its transformation, originating in the sensations and emotions of a person with the direct participation of acts of thinking; the question of the development of artistic perception as a special ability of a person to perceive and create images of art is raised. The article also provides special assignments for students of art specialties on the formation of artistic images with direct perception of the elements of reality and their transformation into images of art. The above tasks are based on the personal creative practice of the authors of the study and analysis of the characteristics of the psychological processes of perception, memory and thinking of a person when setting a special artistic task.
Keywords: sensory knowledge, artistic perception, artistic thinking, visual-figurative thinking, artistic image, abstract idea.
Введение. Каждый этап развития общества, его нравственные, экологические и других проявления ставят перед художником свои отличительные задачи. В современном мире художественно-эстетическая составляющая - обязательное условие полноценного становления личности, фактор, обуславливающий ее отношение с обществом, природой, техникой и другими сферами бытия. В данном контексте ценностно-смысловая сфера «человек - художественный образ» заслуживает особого внимания.