Научная статья на тему 'РіВЕНЬ САМООЦіНКИ 14-16 ЛіТНіХ ТЕНіСИСТОК'

РіВЕНЬ САМООЦіНКИ 14-16 ЛіТНіХ ТЕНіСИСТОК Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Jagiello Marina, Jagiello Wladyslaw

Purpose: The level of self esteem in 14-16-year-old female tennis players. Material: The main aim of the study was to determine the level of self-esteem among 14-16-year-old girls practising tennis in comparison to their peers not engaged in sport on a regular basis. The study involved two groups of girls: those practising tennis competitively (n=30) and those not training sports systematically (n=30). The subjects’ age was in the range of 14-16 years old and their training experience 3-6 years. The level of self-esteem was determined by means of Morris Rosenberg’s questionnaire in the Polish modification. Results: As a result of the conducted study significant differences in the level of self-esteem between the tested groups and a correlation with their training experience were found. As a result of the conducted study, it was found that both groups of girls represented the level of self-esteem defined as average (tennis players 29.9 points; non-training girls 26.4 points). However, these differences were statistically significant (p≤0.05) to the advantage of tennis players. Conclusions: Statistically significant differences were found between the level of self-esteem among girls training tennis and their peers not practising sports regularly (to the advantage of the former ones). Far more (almost twice as many) tennis players achieved a high level of self-esteem in comparison to girls who do not systematically practise sports. None of the examined tennis players represented a low level of self-esteem. The length of training experience has a statistically significant, positive correlation with the level of tennis players’ self-esteem.

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Текст научной работы на тему «РіВЕНЬ САМООЦіНКИ 14-16 ЛіТНіХ ТЕНіСИСТОК»

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The level of self-esteem in 14-16-year - old female tennis players

Marina Jagiello, Wladyslaw Jagiello

Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport in Gdansk, Poland


Purpose: The level of self esteem in 14-16-year-old female tennis players. Material: The main aim of the study was to determine the level of self-esteem among 14-16-year-old girls practising tennis in comparison to their peers not engaged in sport on a regular basis. The study involved two groups of girls: those practising tennis competitively (n=30) and those not training sports systematically (n=30). The subjects' age was in the range of 14-16 years old and their training experience 3-6 years. The level of self-esteem was determined by means of Morris Rosenberg's questionnaire in the Polish modification. Results: As a result of the conducted study significant differences in the level of self-esteem between the tested groups and a correlation with their training experience were found. As a result of the conducted study, it was found that both groups of girls represented the level of self-esteem defined as average (tennis players - 29.9 points; non-training girls -26.4 points). However, these differences were statistically significant (p<0.05) to the advantage of tennis players. Conclusions: Statistically significant differences were found between the level of self-esteem among girls training tennis and their peers not practising sports regularly (to the advantage of the former ones). Far more (almost twice as many) tennis players achieved a high level of self-esteem in comparison to girls who do not systematically practise sports. None of the examined tennis players represented a low level of self-esteem. The length of training experience has a statistically significant, positive correlation with the level of tennis players' self-esteem.

Keywords: tennis, self-esteem, girls, training.

Ягелло М., Ягелло В. Уровень самооценки 14-16 летних теннисисток. Цель: Основная цель исследования заключается в определении уровня самооценки девочек-теннисисток 14-16 лет на фоне их ровесниц, которые не заниматься регулярно спортом. Материал: В исследовании приняли участие две группы девушек: занимающиеся теннисом (п =30) и не занимающееся регулярно спортом (п = 30). Возраст исследуемых находился в диапазоне 14-16 лет, тренировочный стаж составлял 3-6 лет. Для определения уровня самооценки был использован анкетный опрос Моррис Розенберг в польской модификации. Результаты: В результате исследований установлены статистически существенные различия в уровне самооценки исследуемых групп, а также связь с тренировочным стажем. В результате проведенного исследования было установлено, что уровень самоуважения в обеих группах девушек определяется как среднее (теннисистов - 29,9 балла; нетренировочные девочек - 26,4 балла). Тем не менее, эти различия были статистически значимыми (р<0.05) в пользу теннисисток. Выводы: Статистически значимые различия были найдены между уровнем самооценки среди девушек-теннисисток и их сверстниц, не занимающихся спортом регулярно (в пользу предыдущих). Гораздо больше (почти в два раза) теннисистки добились высокого уровня самоуважения по сравнению с девочками, которые систематически не заниматься спортом. Ни одна из теннисисток не имела низкий уровень самооценки. Продолжительность тренировочного опыта имеет статистически значимую, положительную корреляцию с уровнем самооценки теннисисток.

теннис, самооценка, девушки, тренировка.

Ягелло М., Ягелло В. Рiвень самооцшки 14-16 лггжх тежсисток. Мета: Основна мета дослщження полягае у визначенн рiвня самооцшки дiвча-ток-тенюисток 14-16 роив на ™ Тхых однолток, як не займатися регулярно спортом. Матерал: У дослщжены взяли участь двi групи дiвчат: займа-ються тенюом (п = 30) i не займаеться регулярно спортом (п = 30). Вк до-слщжуваних знаходився в дiапазонi 14-16 роюв, тренувальний стаж ста-новив 3-6 роив. Для визначення рiв-ня самооцшки був використаний ан-кетне опитування Моррю Розенберг в польськш модифкацп. Результати: В результат дослщжень встановлено статистично ютоты вщмшност в рiвнi самооцшки дослщжуваних груп, а та-кож зв'язок з тренувальним стажем. У результат проведеного дослщження було встановлено, що рiвень само-поваги в обох групах дiвчат визна-чаеться як середне (тенюист1в - 29,9 бали; нетренованих дiвчаток - 26,4 бала). Тим не менше, ц вщмшност були статистично значущими (р<0.05) на користь тенюисток. Висновки: Статистично значущi вщмшност були знайден мiж рiвнем самооцшки серед дiвчат-тенiсисток i Тх ровесниць, ян не займаються спортом регулярно (на користь попередых). Набагато бтьше (майже в два рази) тенюистки домоглися високого рiвня самоповаги у порiвняннi з дiвчатками, як систематично не займатися спортом. Жодна з тенюисток не мала низький рiвень самооцшки. Тривалють тренувально-го досвщу мае статистично значущу, позитивну кореля^ю з рiвнем самооцшки тенюисток.

тешс, самооц/нка, дiвчата, трену-вання.


Positive self-esteem in all its aspects is a very important factor in a favourable adjustment of an individual to the environment and a criterion of self-satisfaction. In the course of one's life a human being learns about and evaluates the surrounding world and collects experience of one's own person. These experiences accumulate during the individual's development since the first years of life. They are becoming gradually sorted out, which in turn leads to forming certain ideas about oneself [1].

Sports activity, in addition to shaping the physical development, also affects the shaping of personality, the development of the skill of an actual assessment of one's own abilities. With age, practising sport contributes to accepting more and more difficult and demanding aims and to increasing one's abilities and expectations [3, 17].

These issues are particularly important in tennis.

Therefore, the main aim of the study was to determine

the level of self-esteem in 14-16-year-old girls practising

tennis in comparison to their peers not engaged in sport on

a regular basis. Thus clarified purpose implies answering

© Marina Jagiello, Wladyslaw Jagiello, 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.15561/18189172.2015.1112

the following research questions:

1) What level of self-esteem do the studied tennis players represent?

2) Are there statistically significant differences in self-esteem between the tennis players and girls of the same age who do not train sport competitively?

3) Is there a correlation between the training experience and the tennis players' self-esteem level?

Material and methods

To define the level of self-esteem, Morris Rosenberg's questionnaire in the Polish modification was used [10]. The questionnaire contains 10 diagnostic statements, and responses are evaluated on a scale of 1-4. The measured self-esteem has a global character and is treated as a constant trait rather than a temporary condition. Questions 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7 were scored as follows: the answer "definitely agree" - 4 points, "I agree" - 3 points, "I do not agree" - 2 points, "I definitely do not I agree" - 1 point. In turn, questions 3, 5, 8, 9 and 10 had the inverse point value for answers to questions. The following ranges of self-esteem were adopted: low (0-20 points), average (21-30 points), high (31-40 points).




The study involved 30 girls aged 14-16 years (15.2±0.8) regularly training tennis. Their training experience ranged between 3-6 years (4.6±1.1). The comparative group comprised 30 girls aged 14-16 years (15.1±0.8) attending Tricity middle schools who did not train sports regularly.

The study was carried out in March 2015. The nontraining girls filled in the questionnaire individually before a Physical Education lesson, while the training persons - before a training session.


As a result of the conducted study, it was found that both groups of girls represented the level of self-esteem defined as average (tennis players - 29.9 points; nontraining girls - 26.4 points). However, these differences were statistically significant (p<0.05) to the advantage of tennis players.

The greatest difference regarded the statement: "I believe that I am a valuable person at least to the same extent as others" (23 pts. in favour of girls training tennis - the difference in the sum of points obtained for the statement for the entire sample). Persons not training sports regularly gained a slight advantage (9 pts. - the difference in the sum of the points for the statement for the entire sample) only in one statement: "Generally, I'm tempted to believe that I'm not successful".

Sixteen persons in each group obtained an average level of self-esteem (Fig. 1). Fourteen tennis players and eight non-training girls had a high level of self-esteem and only girls not practising sports regularly represented a low level.

In addition, the study proved a statistically significant relationship, at a high level, between the level of self-esteem and the length of training experience (r=0.72).


Numerous studies confirm that physical activity has an impact on the increase in the level of self-esteem [2, 6, 8, 15, 19]. Some papers are related to the level of adolescents' self-esteem with reference to e.g.: BMI, the parents' wealth [7], satisfaction with physical appearance [16], eating disorders and habits [12], depression and so-

cial anxiety [18].

A type of self-esteem is important for many aspects of sports life. The most desirable is high self-esteem, but at the same time stable and adequate [9, 13, 14].

This study has revealed higher self-esteem, at a statistically significant level, among girls practising tennis. Sports-active girls have higher self-esteem and thus have an advantage in interpersonal skills, and they can find themselves better in difficult situations [5]. Self-esteem in which "the ideal I" is close to "the real I" is not easy to achieve, but the conducted study shows that training tennis contributes to self-acceptance, motivates to action and encourages to accepting increasingly difficult challenges, having regard to one's real potential. Self-esteem largely refers to what an individual feels about himself or herself [20].

A person practising tennis must properly assess his/her own level of training, choose appropriate objectives and select appropriate ways to achieve them [11]. A person with a high level of self-esteem expects to have an ability to perform a difficult task. He or she believes that what he or she is doing is close to ideal. Such individuals are characterized by boldness, self-confidence, establishing social contacts easier. In the peer group they start discussions on their own initiative and actively participate in them [17].

Self-acceptance means a positive attitude to oneself and definitely a conscious contact with everything that is and what manifests itself in own emotions, thoughts, deeds and desires. The self-acceptance in question does not eliminate noticing one's own mistakes and flaws; it does not mean uncritical looking at the self either [4].


As a result of the conducted study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1) Statistically significant differences were found between the level of self-esteem among girls training tennis and their peers not practising sports regularly (to the advantage of the former ones).

2) Far more (almost twice as many) tennis players achieved a high level of self-esteem in comparison to girls who do not systematically practise sports. None of

tennis players

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0


average Level of self-esteem


Figure 1. Distribution of the level of self-esteem among tennis players and girls not practising sports (n-30, n=30, respectively).

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the examined tennis players represented a low level of self-esteem.

3) The length of training experience has a statistically significant, positive correlation with the level of tennis players' self-esteem.

Conflict of interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


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Информация об авторах: Jagiello Marina; http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5591-4537; [email protected]; Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport; ul. Wiejska 1, 80-336 Gdansk, Poland.

Jagiello Wladyslaw; http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7417-4749; [email protected]; Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport; ul. Wiejska 1, 80-336 Gdansk, Poland.

Цитируйте эту статью как: Ягелло М., Ягелло В. Уровень самооценки 14-16 летних теннисисток // Педагогжа, психолопя та медико-бюлопчш проблеми фiзичного ви-ховання i спорту. - 2015. - N11. - С. 78-80. http://dx.doi. org/10.15561/18189172.2015.1112

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Дата поступления в редакцию: 18.08.2015 Принята: 01.09.2015; Опубликована: 02.09.2015

Information about the authors: Jagiello Marina; http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5591-4537; [email protected]; Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport; ul. Wiejska 1, 80-336 Gdansk, Poland.

Jagiello Wladyslaw; http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7417-4749; [email protected]; Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport; ul. Wiejska 1, 80-336 Gdansk, Poland.

Cite this article as: Jagiello Marina, Jagiello Wladyslaw. The level of self-esteem in 14-16-year - old female tennis players. Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports, 2015;11:78-80. http://dx.doi. org/10.15561/18189172.2015.1112

The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://www.sportpedagogy.org.ua/html/arhive-e.html

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Received: 18.08.2015

Accepted: 01.09.2015; Published: 02.09.2015

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