through time and space
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Society and innovations
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Working a half-stone of an old man
Termez State University
Article history:
Received February 2021
Received in revised form
20 February 2021
Accepted 15 March 2021
Available online
15 April 2021
shadow - light,
spatial perspective,
The most important parts of the human body are divided into
the head, neck, shoulders, chest area of the body, waist and
upper and lower limbs. The structure of the human body is
manifested in many different personalities, in many complex and
unusual combinations. Drawing a human figure is the student's
perspective, proportion, plastic anatomy, to have a deeper
knowledge of the forms of movement and the principle of the
main characteristic points and reference lines the pin requires
more reliable, more accurate application.
2181-1415/© 2021 in Science LLC.
This is an open access article under the Attribution 4.0 International
(CC BY 4.0) license (https: //
Keksa chayir kishining yarim qomatini ishlash
Kalit so @lar:
soya - yorug lik,
fazoviy istiqbol,
Inson tanasining eng muhim qismlari: bosh, bo‘yin, elka,
ko‘krak, pastki orqa va yugori va pastki oyoq-qo'llarga bo'linadi.
Inson tanasining tuzilishi ko'plab turli xil shaxslarda, ko‘plab
murakkab va g‘ayrioddiy kombinatsiyalarda namoyon bo‘ladi.
Inson qiyofasini chizish - bu talabaning istiqboli, nisbati, plastic
anatomiya, harakat shakllari va asosiy xarakterli nuqtalar va mos
yozuvlar liniyalari printsipi to‘g‘risida chuqurroq ma’lumotga
ega bo‘lish uchun yanada ishonchli va aniqroq qo‘llanilishini
talab qiladi.
1Jecturer, Department of National Crafts and Ceramics, Termez State University, Termez, Uzbekistan.
E-mail: [email protected].
through time and space
Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - 50с1еу ап4 шпоуаНоп$
Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415
Рисование половины тела мускулистого старика
Ключевые слова:
тень - свет,
Наиболее важные части человеческого тела делятся на
голову, шею, плечи, грудную клетку, поясницу, а также
верхние и нижние конечности. Строение человеческого
тела проявляется у множества разных личностей,
во многих сложных и необычных сочетаниях. Рисование
фигуры человека - это перспектива, пропорция ученика,
пластическая анатомия, чтобы иметь более глубокое знание
форм движения и принципа основных характерных точек и
опорных линий, штифт требует более надежного и точного
Drawing a human figure is complicated by the fact that his body cannot maintain the
same position for a long time and is constantly changing within certain limits. In addition,
drawing a person requires more concentration, and copying prevents sketching.
The background is light in appearance
and the main focus is on the work of the
elderly resin man. It is desirable that the size
of the tablet was 60x80 cm. In this task, the
object is placed in a larger size on the tablet.
The first step is to choose a model. The staging
is first considered together with the manager,
then a model similar to the conceived staging
plan is selected.
The main requirement of the study
assignment is to correctly find the state of the
pasteurization and the suitability of the
environment. The play is a deep, complex
spatial structure, group-oriented
The staging should serve to fully reveal
the deep, complex spatial structure, the model
color, shape, character, meaning of group-
directed light.
In the interior, it is necessary to coordinate the bodies, because the staging includes
the task of revealing the features of the portrait in the actions of the model in a mutually
compatible unit. The student’s attention should be focused on the deep study of the person,
the expressiveness of the images. The most important parts of the human body are the
head, neck, shoulders, chest area of the body, pelvis, and upper and lower limbs. Before
drawing a complete picture of them together, it is necessary to pay attention to the
structure, shape of each of them, to practice drawing separate quick drawings.
It is usually advisable to use soft materials for pencil drawings, especially charcoal
sticks, retouching pens and sangina. It is best not to use an eraser when working with them.
When practiced in this way, the responsibility for accurate performance increases
considerably, resulting in learning to work confidently and flawlessly [1. 4. 5].
Ш] 5чепсе Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - Society and innovations
а Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415
Mastering the methodological
sequence of depiction allows the
novice artist to work confidently,
knowing how each stage is solved
separately. A young artist with
practical experience in painting starts
with a child who has the ability to
anticipate the end result. But the
ability to know in advance, as some
think, can be acquired not only on
their own, but with the help of the
educator, only as a result of step-by-
Fem step mastery of the whole process of
> al depiction. It is necessary to regularly
make sketches and drawings of the human body. Such sketches strengthen a person’s
knowledge and skills acquired in the whole depiction, as well as develop the ability to
depict life realistically. A realist artist must be able to depict all the beauties of man.
Continuous drawing forces the student to draw
using auxiliary lines, arrow lines, constructive
foundations. The student focuses on the laws and rules of
realistic depiction on the surface in a continuous learning
picture. In academic academic drawing, the student does
this work with the help of a teacher, under his constant
supervision. It should be noted that educational and
creative painting have different directions. Curriculum
vitae are drawn to gain knowledge and skills. The
creative picture is drawn to create an artistic image from
the knowledge and skills acquired. It also creates
innovation based on the knowledge and skills previously
acquired by the student.
As mentioned above, there is also a creative aspect
to the educational picture. The sketch is also created on
the basis of the acquired knowledge and skills. In a
sketch, the student is not required to create an image sequence, use auxiliary lines, and so
on. When talking about sketches, it is important to correctly define the function, purpose,
and direction of the connection. Often the concept of “sketch” is confused with the first
stage of working on a painting - the linear constructive construction of the shape.
The sketch aims to give a complete picture of the nature being observed over a
period of time. Sketches can be half-hour, one-hour, ten-minute, etc., depending on the
duration, different processing, working conditions and the tasks set by the artist. A sketch
is a quick drawing from nature, which teaches the student to think quickly, to look for the
most reliable and logical means of depiction, develops observation. The sketch draws
attention to the main thing, leaving aside the less important ones. The sketch shows the
student’s level of preparation for independent work. The sketch should teach the student
to apply the laws of image easily and quickly [1. 2. 3].
“FF a
fiScience Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - Society and innovations
рим Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415
The uniqueness of the sketches of the
great artists of the past attracts the viewer
with the highlighting of the most
characteristic features of nature. Learning
from nature - academic drawing has a certain
educational and pedagogical purpose from
sketching: the purpose is to strengthen the
previously acquired knowledge and skills and
prepare the novice artist to work
independently. Drawing a sketch means quick
thinking, quick analysis. A sketch is about an
object with nature based on_ previously
leah Sih acquired knowledge.
A sketch is a logical thinking about nature and an object based on previously
acquired knowledge. During the sketch drawing, the student uses all his knowledge about
this nature, its shape structure, constructive structure, anatomical features and so on.
Many years of practice have shown that without a certain system, without methodological
principles, this work will be ineffective [1.2]. Teaching sketching also requires a gradual
complication of learning tasks, certain methodological steps. It is advisable to give more
easy tasks for first-year students and more complex tasks for senior students. Regular
work on a sketch allows you to master the art of drawing faster.
There is no artist who does not carry a special album for sketching. Strong reflection
of the state of movement is manifested in the ability to accurately describe all the parts of
the body in their place.
Regardless of the general condition of the human
body, attention is also paid to the image of its individual
parts, which is a factor that ensures integrity. It should
also be noted that quick-drawing drawings can be
processed multiple times on a single paper level. Such
behavior makes it possible to compare and analyze
each situation. Features The level of complexity of
depicting an image in the above tasks also varies. It is
therefore advisable to practice as much as possible the
image of people in different situations and situations.
Good results can be achieved if they adhere to the issues
of constructive construction, without giving too much
light to the shadows, and pay attention to the thickness,
thinness, plasticity, expressiveness of the lines. Most
importantly, every student should make it a habit to
work without melting [4.5].
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2. Abdullayev N.X. “Drawing”. Study guide. Economics - Finance, — T.: 2010. - P. 80,
2 copies.
fiScience Жамият ва инновациялар - Общество и инновации - Society and innovations
ным Special Issue - 3 (2021) / ISSN 2181-1415
3. Oripova M. “Drawing of gypsum shapes”. Methodical manual. Chashma print. -
T.: 2011. - P. 72. 5 copies.
4. Tashmurodov M. “Chizmatasvir”. Study guide. Noshir. - T.: 2012. - P. 124. 5 copies.
5. LiN.G. The head of a man. “Osnovi uchebnogo akademicheskogo risunka”,
uchebnik. M.: Exmo, 2012. - P. 480. 3 copies.