Mairamgul Zhumabae va,
Rashtriya Raksha University (La vad-Dahegam, Gandhinagar, India).
Майрамгул Жумабаева,
Университет Раштрия Ракша (Лавад-Дахегам, Гандинагар, Индия).
ORCID: 0009-0005-2577-6678
mairamgul.zhumabae va@rru.
For citation:
Zhumabaeva, M. Review of the book by E. G. Hamdan "Learning to understand Russian news" (2020). Experience Industries. Socio-Cultural Research Technologies (EISCRT), 2(7), 262-269.
The modern concept of higher professional education implies the organization of the educational process in such a way that it is based on the basic competencies that a graduate should possess. Excellent mastery of social, communicative, socio-informational, cognitive, and special-professional key competences provides a high level of training of professionals in a certain sphere of activity, which is actually
substantiated in the reviewed manual is actually substantiated in the reviewed manual.
This textbook was specially written for foreigners studying at the preparatory faculty, i.e. those who have a level of education in Russian language at the basic level (A2) and above.
The main goal of teaching Russian as a foreign language is the formation of communicative competence in the totality of its components: linguistic, speech, socio-cultural, compensatory and the educational-cognitive. The development of such communicative competence of students is impossible without formed language competence.
In the reviewed textbook, the author clearly defines language competence as an integral part of communicative competence, which is the main factor of foreign language proficiency, and also highlights the main strategies of its use in communicative practice.
Thus, in the structure of linguistic competence it is customary to distinguish lexical, grammatical, semantic, phonological, orthographic and orthoepic competence. At the same time, it should be understood that all these ^Q components are closely interrelated and for greater efficiency they should be initially formed together.
E. G. Hamdan's "Learning to understand Russian news" has developed and theoretically substantiated the system of language competence formation, which organically includes target, content, organizational, functional and evaluation-action components. The interrelation of these components reflects the systematicity and integrity of the developed system, which is realized on the basis of system-activity and practice-oriented approaches, as well as considering the principles of communicative orientation, personality-oriented approach, the principle of the activity character of learning, which form the theoretical and methodological basis.
Thus, we can conclude that the most important goal of this publication is to develop students' reading, listening, speaking and writing skills by using specially selected lexico-grammatical material representing the publicistic style of language. It is gratifying that the material of the manual is based on modern and up-to-date authentic printed, audio and video texts. The author emphasizes that the language environment positioned by him as a space of communicative interaction not only at the linguistic level, but also at the socio-cultural level. Therefore, a translation teacher should have communicative competence, since the teaching process is based on the comparison of students' background knowledge, which have to apply the necessary theoretical knowledge to understand the content of the original.
An important task of the translation teacher is to expand learners' background knowledge in order to maximize their understanding of the original content. The textbook shows that it is the
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newspaper-publicistic style that almost completely dominates in the socio-political sphere and is used in oratory, in various newspaper genres, and in journalistic articles in periodicals.
One of the main features of such style is an organic and dynamic combination of two seemingly diverse tendencies, oriented simultaneously on expressiveness and standard. This is due to the specific functions that modern journalism performs, which are focused on informing, persuading and emotional impact on the audience.
It is noteworthy that information in this sphere of social activity is addressed to a huge range of people, almost immediately to all native speakers and members of this society. The time factor is very important for the relevance of such information since it should be transmitted as quickly as possible and is intended to become common knowledge in the shortest possible time. It is indicative that persuasion is carried out through emotional impact on the reader or listener, so the author always expresses his attitude to the reported information, but, as a rule, in doing so, he formulates not only his personal attitude, but also broadcasts the spectrum of opinions of certain social groups.
Undoubtedly, in the modern world intercultural communication occupies a very important place, in addition, it also has a great impact on the sphere of education. Since society constantly needs the development of international relations, the education system also requires constant pedagogical innovations and changes.
After all, today the space of higher education implies not only the training of highly qualified specialists, but also personalities who are able to take an active part in dynamic social processes, to adapt
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adequately in society. It is aimed at developing in students such competences as professional and social mobility, competitiveness, independence in decision-making, and ability to intercultural interaction.
As a result, mastering a foreign language as a means of communication is a priority task of the educational process. According to the requirements of modern educational standards, which apply to the content and level of training of Bachelor's degree students, a graduate must have a command of a foreign language at a level that allows him/her to receive and evaluate information in the sphere of professional activity from foreign sources. In addition, university graduates should be ready to carry out a dialog of cultures and interact with representatives of different cultures, i.e. possess communicative competence, an important part of which is language competence.
Thus, the undeniable advantages of the peer-reviewed textbook are as follows:
- setting and solving the actual problem of using authentic materials in the process of teaching a foreign language;
- development of the system of formation of students' language competence;
- identification and scientific substantiation of a set of pedagogical conditions of language competence formation;
- confirmation of the practical significance of the developed system of professional language competence development.
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At the same time, the theoretical significance of the peer-reviewed building is due to the following provisions:
- the essence of the concepts "competence" and "language competence" is considered in more detail, which contributes to the concretization and improvement of the categorical apparatus; - the criteria for selecting authentic foreign language materials are specified and arranged;
- the system of language competence formation from the point of view of system-activity and practice-oriented approaches is theoretically substantiated, its components are described;
- criteria for determining the level of students' language competence formation are proposed.
The practical value of this textbook is determined by the following provisions:
- creation of criteria for complex assessment of the level of formation of language competence;
- development and implementation in the educational process of the actual case on the basis of authentic materials, which contributes to the formation of language competence.
Thus, the peer-reviewed textbook undoubtedly has the following advantages.
1. System-activity and practice-oriented approaches assume the organization of the learning process as a unity of different types of activities, united and ordered to achieve the main goal - to achieve a high level of language competence formation.
2. The developed system, including target, content, organizational-functional and evaluation-effective components, is aimed at improving the effectiveness of the learning process and contributes to the formation of a high level of formed language competence.
3. The implementation of the developed system in practice and its effectiveness are conditioned by the following pedagogical conditions: the use of the case method in the learning process, the selection and practical application of foreign-language authentic materials, the introduction of the meta-subject orientation of the foreign language teaching process. Based on the above, we can conclude that it is the meta-subject orientation of the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language that allows us to solve the most important strategic task of the learning process - to promote the formation of foreign-language communicative competence in students.
4. Thus, the identification of conditions that contribute to the functioning of the pedagogical system and the integrity of the pedagogical process is an important component of scientific and pedagogical research, determining their practical value.
Author's information
Zhumabaeva Mairamgul - Subject Matter Specialist, School of International Cooperation, Security and Strategic Languages (SICSSL), Rashtriya Raksha University (India, Lavad-Dahegam, Gandhinagar - 382305), ORCID: 0009-00052577-6678, [email protected]
Майрамгул Жумабаева
Информация об авторе
Жумабаева Майрамгул - специалист по языку Школы международного сотрудничества, безопасности и стратегических языков университета Раштрия Ракша (Индия, Лавад-Дахегам, Гандинагар - 382305), О13СЮ: 00090005-2577-6678, [email protected]
Для цитирования статьи:
Жумабаева, М. (2024). Рецензия на книгу Е. Г. Хамдан "Учимся понимать русские новости" (2020 г.) Индустрии впечатлений. Технологии социокультурных исследований ЕБСЙТ), 2(7), 262-269. 1гН:рз://СокОгд/10.34680/Е!8СРТ-2024-2(7)-262-269
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