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Ключевые слова
value orientations / value research / adolescents / teenagers / educational work / questionnaire / ценностные ориентации / исследование ценностей / подростки / юноши / воспитательная работа / анкетирование

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Anastasia K. Belolutskaya, Anna V. Golovina, Ivan A. Grinko, Tatyana V. Shcherbakova, Natalya G. Zhabina

The article reflects the results of testing the author’s diagnostic methodology for studying prosocial values of 10–11 grade students, developed by the Laboratory for Assessment of Professional Competences and Adult Development of the Research Institute of Urban Studies and Global Education, Moscow City University. The methodology is based on a combination of R. Inglehart’s theoretical concept of the transition to post-materialistic value orientations and the questionnaire of psychologist Sh. Schwartz. The questionnaire includes three sections that allow to determine the hierarchy of the respondent’s values, to clarify his understanding of abstract categories that determine value orientations, to specify the position in the value matrix developed within the framework of the methodology. The questionnaire was tested with the participation of 120 students from various schools in Moscow. It was found that the value orientations of the students correspond to the profile “Individualism and Self-Expression”. The developed methodology has shown its effectiveness in establishing a hierarchy of value orientations of respondents, but its accuracy in determining the value profile and dominant motivation requires additional verification on a larger sample.

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В статье отражены результаты апробации авторской диагностической методики по изучению просоциальных ценностей учащихся 10–11-х классов, разработанной лабораторией оценки профессиональных компетенций и развития взрослых НИИ урбанистики и глобального образования Московского городского педагогического университета. Методика основана на сочетании теоретической концепции Р. Инглхарта о переходе к постматериалистическим ценностным ориентациям и опросника психолога Ш. Шварца. Опросник включает три раздела, которые позволяют определить иерархию ценностей респондента, уточнить его понимание абстрактных категорий, определяющих ценностные ориентации, указать позицию в разработанной в рамках методики матрице ценностей. В апробации опросника приняли участие 120 учащихся из разных школ Москвы. Было выявлено, что ценностные ориентации учащихся соответствуют профилю «Индивидуализм и самовыражение». Разработанная методика показала свою эффективность в установлении иерархии ценностных ориентаций респондентов, однако ее точность в определении ценностного профиля и доминирующей мотивации требует дополнительной проверки на большей выборке.


Research article

UDC 37.012.4

DOI: 10.24412/2076-9121-2024-4-22-39


Anastasia K. Belolutskaya1"^, Anna V. Golovina1 b, Ivan A. Grinko1 c, Tatyana V. Shcherbakova1 d, Natalya G. Zhabina1 Grigory G. Gurin1 f, Irina S. Krishtofik' g

1 Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia

a [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8184-7411 b [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0310-1128 c [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1594-0244 d [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4556-5550 e [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0905-7524 f [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4070-4905 g [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5636-8347

Abstract. The article reflects the results of testing the author's diagnostic methodology for studying prosocial values of 10-11 grade students, developed by the Laboratory for Assessment of Professional Competences and Adult Development of the Research Institute of Urban Studies and Global Education, Moscow City University. The methodology is based on a combination of R. Inglehart's theoretical concept of the transition to post-materialistic value orientations and the questionnaire of psychologist Sh. Schwartz. The questionnaire includes three sections that allow to determine the hierarchy of the respondent's values, to clarify his understanding of abstract categories that determine value orientations, to specify the position in the value matrix developed within the framework of the methodology. The questionnaire was tested with the participation of 120 students from various schools in Moscow. It was found that the value orientations of the students correspond to the profile "Individualism and Self-Expression". The developed methodology has shown its effectiveness in establishing a hierarchy of value orientations of respondents, but its accuracy in determining the value profile and dominant motivation requires additional verification on a larger sample.

Keywords: value orientations, value research, adolescents, teenagers, educational work, questionnaire

1 Статья публикуется в авторской редакции. Перевод на английский язык выполнен А. В. Головиной.

© ВеЫйвкауа А. К., Оо1оута А. V., Огтко I. А., 8ЬсЬегЬакоуаТ. V., 2ЬаЫпаК. в., С!шш в. в., КйэМоАк I. 8., 2024

Исследовательская статья

УДК 37.012.4

DOI: 10.24412/2076-9121-2024-4-22-39


Анастасия Кирилловна Белолуцкая1 а И, Анна Владимировна Головина1 ъ, Иван Александрович Гринько1 с, Татьяна Владимировна Щербакова1 d, Наталия ГеннадьевнаЖабина1 е, Григорий Геннадьевич Гурин1 f, Ирина Сергеевна Криштофик1 g

1 Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia

a [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8184-7411 b [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0310-1128 c [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1594-0244 d [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4556-5550 e [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0905-7524 f [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4070-4905 g [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5636-8347

Аннотация. В статье отражены результаты апробации авторской диагностической методики по изучению просоциальных ценностей учащихся 10-11-х классов, разработанной лабораторией оценки профессиональных компетенций и развития взрослых НИИ урбанистики и глобального образования Московского городского педагогического университета. Методика основана на сочетании теоретической концепции Р. Инглхарта о переходе к постматериалистическим ценностным ориентациям и опросника психолога Ш. Шварца. Опросник включает три раздела, которые позволяют определить иерархию ценностей респондента, уточнить его понимание абстрактных категорий, определяющих ценностные ориентации, указать позицию в разработанной в рамках методики матрице ценностей. В апробации опросника приняли участие 120 учащихся из разных школ Москвы. Было выявлено, что ценностные ориентации учащихся соответствуют профилю «Индивидуализм и самовыражение». Разработанная методика показала свою эффективность в установлении иерархии ценностных ориентаций респондентов, однако ее точность в определении ценностного профиля и доминирующей мотивации требует дополнительной проверки на большей выборке.

Ключевые слова: ценностные ориентации, исследование ценностей, подростки, юноши, воспитательная работа, анкетирование

For citation: Belolutskaya, А. К., Golovina, А. V., Grinko, I. A., Shcherbakova, T. V., Zhabi-na, N. G., Gurin, G. G., & Krishtofik, I. S. (2024). Results of testing the author's diagnostic methodology for studying the value orientations of 10-11 grade students. MCU Journal of Pedagogy and Psychology, 18(A), 22-39. https://doi.org/10.24412/2076-9121-2024-4-22-39

Для цитирования: Белолуцкая, А. К., Головина, А. В., Гринько, И. А., Щербакова, Т. В., Жабина, Н. Г., Турин, Г. Г., и Криштофик, И. С. (2024). Ценностные ориентации обучающихся 10-11-х классов: результаты апробации авторской методики диагностики. Вестник МГПУ. Серия «Педагогика и психология», 18(4), 22-39. https://doi.org/10.24412/2076-9121-2024-4-22-39


In November 2022, the President of the Russian Federation signed Decree No. 809 "On approval of the Fundamentals of State Policy for the preservation and strengthening of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values" (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation..., 2022), which, among other things, states that the state policy "for the preservation and strengthening of traditional values is implemented in the field of education and upbringing, work with youth, culture, science, <...>". The adoption of this document emphasizes not only the importance of a set of value orientations, called "traditional values", but also a great attention to educational work in educational institutions, which can contribute to the maintenance of these attitudes among the growing generation.

"Values" can be understood as goals and means of achieving them, which play the role of fundamental norms (Zybova, 2019). They are formed during a person's growing up and depend both on the conditions of upbringing (Musina-Maznova, & Sorokina, 2019) and on individual characteristics of the individual (Vecchione et al., 2017). In addition, it should be emphasized that values are organized in a hierarchical structure and can change over time depending on the experience a person receives (Karandashev, 2004). In worldpsychology, several approaches to the study of value orientations have been formulated and are being developed, among which the most famous are the theories of values by M. Rokich and Sh. Schwartz. The first one proceeded from the idea that the number of value orientations is limited, and they can be divided into two types: terminal (values-goals) and instrumental (values-means, ways to achieve the desired) (Sagiv, & Schwartz, 2022). In the second approach, the key idea was the concept othat values are based on a certain motivation associated with the satisfaction of basic universal human needs (Stolovich, 2004). The psychologist managed to identify 10 basic motivational types and arrange them in the form of a circle, where the opposite values are conflicting and competing in nature (Stolovich, 2004).

These and other models formed the basis for specific methods of research and analysis of values, some of which were successfully applied in Russia. Thus, the results of a study conducted by O. G. Zubova, Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University, show that the most significant values for the adult population of the Russian Federation are such values as "health" and "longevity" (87.5 %), "confidence in future well-being" (85.8 %), "a sense of freedom in the country" (84.1 %)," family "(83.7 %)," stability "(81.5 %)," achieving material prosperity " (68.3 %) (Zybova, 2019).

And according to the results of a longitudinal study by M. K. Gorshkov and F. E. Sherega (Gorshkov, & Sheregi, 2020), the population of Russia supports the restoration of national statehood, but with regret notes the economic difficulties that have continued in the country over the past decade.

According to the survey results, the values of school-age children generally correspond more closely to national trends (Vorontsova, & Yermolaev, 2016; Dukhani-na, 2020), but one cannot be absolutely sure about this. Children and adolescents belonging to the so-called "Generation Z" have a set of characteristics that can have a significant impact on their personality and behavior. Scientists note such features of' generation Z" as:

1. Clip-like thinking and fragmented consciousness (Chernikova, & Ptashko, Roslyakova, 2019; Vorontsova, & Yermolaev, 2016; Dukhanina, 2020). Yaniitsky etal., 2019.

2. Global thinking, openness to new experiences (McCrindle, & Fell, 2019; Kulakova, 2018).

3. High social mobility (Yaniitsky et al., 2019; Vorontsova, & Yermolaev, 2016);

4. Post-materialistic orientation: focus on universal values, self-improvement, and not material prosperity (Gorshkov, & Sheregi, 2020).

This suggests that the value orientations of children and adolescents may differ from those of the older generation. To establish this, methods that have been successfully tested in the adult sample could be used, but the most popular questionnaires for the study of value orientations (m. Rokich and Sh. Shvartsa) are intended for respondents over 18 years of age. This can be explained by the fact that up to a certain age, it can be difficult for children to understand the meaning of abstract concepts such as" kindness","humanism"and "hedonism". In addition, their life experience is quite limited, which makes it difficult to confidently judge moral choices compared to adults, who usually already have experience in working, romantic, and long-term friendships. As a result, researchers need to develop new methods for assessing value orientations for schoolchildren and adapt them for students of all age groups. At the same time, the analysis and research of value orientations of school-age children becomes critical in the context of organizing educational work in educational organizations: without understanding what attitudes are peculiar to children of a particular age, it can be difficult to build a consistent strategy for their development and consolidation. This is even more important in the context of the above-mentioned Decree of the President of the Russian Federation and the national vector for maintaining "traditional values". In this regard, we can state the need to develop a modern mechanism for studying and fixing the value orientations of children and adolescents, which could later be used, among other things, for the development of educational programs.

To achieve this goal in 2023-2024. The Professional Competence Assessment Laboratory developed and tested a methodology for studying the value orientations of students in grades 10-11.

Research methods

The methodology is based on Sh's value questionnaire. Schwartz and R. Ingle-hart's digram of values.

The first was designed to identify the motivational personality type and included two parts: the first, aimed at measuring normative values by providing an opportunity to assess the subjective significance of a particular value on a scale from — 1 to 7, and the second, which allows you to establish values at the level of behavior by correlating yourself with the respondent described type of person, which corresponds to a particular value in its actions. Despite the fact that the questionnaire Sh. Schwartz method is widely used in psychology, it has a number of limitations. So, it was only partially tested on children aged 14-18 years, and also does not allow to establish differences in the respondents ' understanding of abstract value concepts that are proposed for ranking. Also, the questionnaire remains insufficiently sensitive to the local context, because it was not developed for the Russian audience (Sagiv, & Schwartz, 2022). As a result of the Sh method. The following were borrowed from Schwartz:

- Multi-stage nature of the questionnaire.

- Structure of the first part of the questionnaire and the type of scale used.

- Focus on measuring not only terminal values, but also instrumental values.

The value matrix of the developed tool is based on the theoretical propositions

of the political scientist and sociologist R. Inglehart, who created the concept of post-materialism-a feature of the development of modern society, which implies a gradual intergenerational transition from the values of security and material stability to the values of civil freedom and active political position (Inglehart, 2020). The scientist was sure that the reason for this was economic and political changes, which can be measured in the framework of his project "World Study of Value Orientations"2. Based on his results, R. Inglehart developed a map of cultural values, the axes of which were such binary oppositions as "Traditionalism — Secularism" and "Survival Values — Values of self-expression". This model was used as a basis for developing our own matrix of value orientations: the horizontal axis of R. Inglehart was borrowed without changes, while thevertical scale was changed to take into account the theory of post-materialism, i. e., including the transition from traditionalist collectivist values to individualistic and post-material ones. As a result, it began to include two areas: "individualism" and "collectivism". The final view of the matrix can be seen in Figure 1.

Based on the matrix, the third part of the survey was created — cases that were based on well-known literary works adapted to modern realities. Each of the case responses included values that correspond to a particular vector of the respondent's value orientation. Consequently, the answers to the cases made it possible to place the respondent inside the matrix in one of the four areasshown in Figure 2.

2 World Value Survey, https://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/wvs.jsp

Fig. 1. Matrix of value orientations used in the study Рис. 1. Матрица ценностных орнентацнй, использованная в исследовании

Fig. 2. Priority value orientations depending on the position in the matrix Рис. 2. Приоритетные ценностные ориентации в зависимости от положения в матрице

When developing the questionnaire, the variable and contradictory nature of value orientations in adolescence and childhood was also taken into account. Thus, the value orientations that guide a teenager in one case, due to age characteristics, may not correspond to the values that they will show in a similar situation, but colored by a different

context. In this case, the situational nature of value motivation can be justified by the desire for individualistic benefits or the need, on the contrary, for greater conformity. In order to capture the situationality and stability of values, two cases contained so-called "complications". When solving the first variation of such a case, the participant was faced with a description of only a limited set of circumstances, but when they repeated the case, they learned details that could significantly affect their moral choice. If the participant made a choice in favor of the same value determinant in both such cases, their values were recognized as super-situational, which is shown in Figure 3.

Fig. 3. Scale of situativeness and suprasituativeness of value orientations Рис. 3. Шкала ситуативности и надснтуативностн ценностных ориентаций

Thus, the developed questionnaire included three substantive sections and a part with general information about the respondent, which together can be summarized as follows (see Table 1).

Table 1 / Таблица 1

Structure of the survey Структура анкетирования

Section Function Contents

1 1. Collect basic information about respondents. 3 questions with general infor-

2. Specify the age of students participating mation about the participant,

in the survey allowing you to maintain their anonymity

2 1. Establish a hierarchy of the respondent's 15 questions for scaling

terminal value orientations. on a scale from «-1» to «3»

2. Identify the motivational vector of the parti- for 15 value orientations

cipant's value orientations.

3. Establish the structure of the respondent's

terminal values

3 1. Determine the respondents' understanding of 4 detailed questions,

of abstract value orientations. with the need to explain

2. Determine the variability of this understan- in detail the meaning of 4 ambi-

ding within the sample guous value orientations

4 1. Establish the dominant instrumental value of 6 cases, two of which

orientations of the respondent. contain additional clarifica-

2. Fix the degree of flexibility and situative- tion about the change

ness of value orientations. in the circumstances

3. Clarify the position of the respondent of the moral choice

in the matrix of value orientations

An example of cases to solve, with an explanation of which value profile corresponds to a particular answer according to the compiled matrix, can be seen below: «Imagine that you are a simple peasant, Denis Grigoriev. You have been detained by the police for unscrewing a nut from the rails of the local railway. At the police station, you are asked a question:

"— Denis Grigoriev! Come closer and answer my questions. On the seventh of July of this year, the railway watchman Ivan Semenov Akinfov caught you unscrewing a nut that fastens the rails to the sleepers. Here it is, this nut!.. He detained you with this nut. Is that how it happened?


Your answer determines how the investigator will treat you. If you were Denis Grigoriev in this situation, you would:

1. Confess what you did. It is pointless to fight the state system: the investigator will find out what you did anyway, or they will convict me even without a confession.

2. You will lie, because if you confess and they put you in prison for it, you will let your whole family down, who will be left without a breadwinner. Moreover, then the investigator will find out that other peasants can also steal nuts.

3. You will confess to what you did, but you will try to explain why you did it and why you needed this nut.

4. You will confess, but you will say how inhumane it would be to detain you for such a petty offense. The investigator should show you kindness and mercy.

Table 2 / Таблица 2 Correspondence of responses to the value profiles of the matrix Соответствие ответов ценностным профилям матрицы

Case Study Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4

1.1 Security Kollectivism Self realization Individualism, humanism

Below you can also see a comparison of the two cases with changing conditions that allowed us to check the situativeness or super-situativeness of the value orientations demonstrated in the responses of respondents:

Case 3.1. Imagine yourself in the shoes of a person who needs to sell a large family home with a plot of land and a garden. Your family members are against the idea. They love the house very much, often spend time there, come with their loved ones and children. Over the years, the house has become a real refuge for your loved ones, the center of life of a real community. And you also have a warm attitude towards this place and you have many memories associated with it. You have recently found a buyer and met him. Soon you need to sign a contract and give up the property rights. You understand that your financial situation is very bad and you need this money, but you are torn apart by doubts. You still have some time to make a decision and make a choice about selling.

In the end, you:

1. Refuse to sell the plot of land and the house. It is an important place for your loved ones. Your community will judge you if you agree to such a deal because of mercenary interests.

2. Agree to the deal. You need to improve your financial well-being. With this money, you will be able to realize your own dreams and the condemnation of loved ones is not an obstacle to this.

3. Agree to the deal. Thanks to this money, you will feel safer and more comfortable. Your friends and loved ones do not realize how vulnerable your situation is now.

4. Refuse the deal. This house is your family value. You will be able to receive help from the state if you really need it, because you are a good citizen. But you will not abandon your family memory.

Case 3.2. Imagine yourself as a person who needs to sell a large family home with a garden and a yard. Your family members are against the idea. They love the house very much, often spend time there, and come with their loved ones and children. Over the years, the house has become a real refuge for your loved ones, the center of life of a real community. And you also have a warm attitude towards this place and many memories are associated with it.

You have recently found a buyer and met him. Soon you need to sign a contract and give up the property rights. You understand that your financial situation is very bad and you need this money, but you are torn apart by doubts. You know that the new buyer is a selfish and egocentric entrepreneur who wants to build a small entertainment center on the site of your land. It is obvious to you that he will cut down the garden and destroy everything that you and your loved ones have cultivated for many years. But the buyer likes this land so much that he is ready to pay a fabulous sum for it: it will definitely provide you with a comfortable life for many years to come.

In the end, you:

1. Refuse to sell the house. Your friends and family have put a lot of effort into it, not so that later they would build an entertainment center on this site. It would be heartless to devalue their and your own efforts.

2. Agree to the deal. What the buyer will do on the site of the house is his business. You need money now and you know what you can invest it in to fulfill your own desires.

3. Agree to the deal. When you are on the verge of ruin — do not think and grieve about the fate of the garden. If you do not sell the house, you will find yourself in a very vulnerable position, and your loved ones in it may not be able to help you.

4. Refuse to sell the house. You would rather try to find support in your family or seek help from the state than allow your family estate to be destroyed in this way».

120 students from different schools in Moscow took part in the testing of the questionnaire, 75.2 % — girls and 24.8 % — boys, the majority of students were in the 11th grade at the time of the study. Respondents were recruited through direct contact with schools, as well as through the Laboratory's telegram channels.

A face-to-face survey using printed questionnaires was conducted for participants of the city Olympiad "Skills of the XXI Century": finalists of the competition could fill them out voluntarily. The answers were transferred from the printed form to the electronic form to simplify the processing of the results obtained.

Results of testing

In the first part of the survey, respondents ranked the proposed value orientations on a scale from "-1" (this value is the opposite of my values) to "3" (this value has the maximum significance for me). The distribution of responses is shown in table 3:

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Table 3 / Таблица 3 Distribution of respondents ' responses in the first part of the survey Распределение ответов респондентов в первой части анкетирования

Value -1 0 1 2 3

Life 2.5 % 0.8 % 3.3 % 24% 69.4 %

Equity 0% 0.8 % 6.6 % 44.6 % 47.9 %

Human rights and freedoms 0% 1.7% 8.3 % 38 % 52.1 %

Mutual aid 0.8 % 4.1 % 10.7 % 49.6 % 34.7 %

Dignity 0% 3.3 % 17.4 % 49.8 % 30.6 %

Strong family 0.8 % 4.1 % 15.7 % 24% 55.4 %

Humanism 1.7% 4.1 % 16.5 % 39.7 % 38 %

Mercy 1.7% 3.3 % 18.2 % 48.8 % 28.1 %

Spiritual development 0% 5.8 % 21.5 % 38.8 % 33.9%

Material wealth 5 % 5.8 % 20.7 % 40.5 % 28.1 %

Creative work 0.8 % 10.7 % 30.6 % 43 % 14.9 %

Historical memory 6.6 % 8.3 % 28.9 % 39.7 % 16.5 %

Patriotism 5.8 % 11.6% 30.6 % 33.9 % 18.2%

Collectivism 10.7 % 21.5 % 26.4 % 28.9 % 12.4 %

Citizenship 7.4 % 19.8 % 33.1 % 29.8 % 9.9 %

In the second part of the questionnaire, participants were asked to independently formulate definitions for such terms denoting value orientations as "collectivism", "human rights and freedoms", "humanism", "citizenship". As a result of the analysis of open responses, the following definitions were identified:

- Teamwork: belonging to a team, working together in groups to achieve results, and being able to work in a team with other people.

- Human rights and freedoms: focusing on the origin of such rights from the state and their protection by the state, the inalienable nature of rights, the high importance of the freedom granted to a person for self-realization;

- Humanism: respect for other people, awareness and acceptance of the value of another person, kindness to others;

- Citizenship: understanding of belonging to one's country / self-awareness as a citizen, understanding and respecting one's civil rights;

In the third part of the survey, respondents gave answers to the proposed cases. The distribution of participants' responses, depending on the selected option with a particular value motivation laid down by the compilers, is shown in table 4.

Table 4 / Таблица 4 Distribution of respondents' responses in the third part of the survey Распределение ответов респондентов в третьей части анкетирования

Case Study Number of respondents who chose an answer that reflects the value of "Security" Number of respondents who chose the answer that reflects the value of "Individualism, humanism" Number of respondents who chose the answer that reflects the value of "Collectivism" The number of respondents who chose the answer that reflects the value of "Self-realization"

1.1 18.2 % 5.8 % 8.3 % 67.8 %

1.2 19.8 % 45.5 % 10.7 % 24%

2 22.3 % 25.6 % 8.3 % 43.8 %

3.1 24% 15.7 % 35.5 % 24.8 %

3.2 20.7 % 33.1 % 33.1 % 13.2%

4 43 % 5.8 % 3.3 % 47.9 %

Also, as a result of the analysis of respondents' responses, the total share of responses reflecting a specific value profile was obtained among the responses of all respondents(see table 5).

Table 5 / Таблица 5 Distribution of respondents ' responses by value profiles Распределение ответов респондентов по ценностным профилям


Value profile Number of responses (for a total of 720 responses: 6 responses per case per respondent)

The "Safety" - "Self-expression" scale

Self-expression 251 34.9 %

Security 179 24.8 %

Individualism-Collectivism scale

Individualism 170 23.6%

Collectivism 120 16.7 %

Discussion questions

Based on the results of the analysis of the first part of the survey, it can be concluded that such values as "life", "justice" and "human rights and freedoms" have the highest subjective significance for high school students. At the same time,

10.7 % of respondents identified the value of "collectivism" and 7.4 % — "citizenship" as the opposite of their values. It should be taken into account that the value of "mutual assistance", which is close to the value of "collectivism", was at the same time rated as significant or very significant — 84.3 % of respondents.

When solving cases, participants were more often guided by the values of' self-expression "than by the values" of "security". Only in cases 3.1 and 3.2 can we see the predominance of the choice in favor of "security" or an almost equal result between these values. This may indicate that respondents tend to focus primarily on the well-being of others or their own community in situations where it directly affects the people closest to them, such as parents or friends. The overall profile of respondents corresponds to the motivational orientation "Individualism and self-expression" (high importance of independent success, ambition, striving for personal success, the value of freedom, acceptance and diversity). The distribution is shown in figure 4.

Fig. 4. Distribution of respondents in the matrix according to the answers

Рис. 4. Распределение респондентов по матрице в соответствии с ответами

These results correspond to the high assessment of the importance of such values as "life", "human rights and freedoms", and "dignity", which is common among respondents.

The observed trend corresponds to the trend described by R. Inglehart in his works Inglehart argues that the general intergenerational drift of values to post-

materialistic ones, from the values of security to the values of civil freedom and self-expression (Inglehart, 1971; Inglehart, 2015). High school students are more likely to be guided in their choices by individualistic values, despite the fact that their parents and older relatives may have other guidelines. Thus, according to the results of the World Survey of Value Orientations, the population of Russia is more likely to be guided by the values of "security" than "self-expression" (Inglehart, 2020). The responses of students 10-11 in grades 10-11 demonstrate a gradual manifestation of the global trend, as well as the presence of features of the so-called "Generation Z" in Russian adolescents (manifestation of humanism and universa-lism, high independence) (Yanitsky et al., 2019).

The survey also allowed us to assume the situational or suprasituative nature of value orientations. The distribution of responses on the corresponding scale is shown in figure 5.

Situational nature Of value Relative stability of stability of value orientations

orientations value orientations

Fig. 5. Situational and stable character of respondents ' value orientations Рис. 5. Ситуативный и стабильный характер ценностных ориентаций респондентов

Almost half of the respondents (42.5 %) demonstrated relative stability of value orientations, and 34.4 % — situational values. This can be attributed to the peculiarities of forming values at the age of 16-18 years: as noted above, they may differ in inconsistency and even conflict in connection with psycho-age characteristics.

As a result of the study, several conclusions can be drawn about the proven method. The survey showed its applicability and effectiveness for studying the value orientations of high school students. First of all, it allows you to determine what hierarchy of values older teenagers have: what they consider significant for themselves, and what is different from their attitudes. At the same time, the questionnaire allows you not only to establish the views of each individual respondent, but also to highlight the generational trend. Secondly, the survey can be useful for obtaining information about the awareness of young people about the meaning of certain value-based concepts, identifying fundamental differences in the understanding of such terms as "humanism" or "human rights and freedoms". And, finally, third, the questionnaire and the matrix of value profiles created for it helps to determine what value motivation is hidden behind the participants' choices. At the same time, the model requires additional testing for students representing a different age group, for example, younger teenagers — students in grades 8-9. Similarly,

it should be applied to residents of other regions of the country, which would allow establishing the universality of its application. In order for the survey to draw broad conclusions about the nature of the generation's value orientations, it is necessary to conduct a study that includes a larger number of respondents who can be considered a representative sample for the entire country. Current conclusions about the nature of adolescents value orientations can only be considered preliminary and require further verification and clarification.


The developed model for studying the value orientations of students in grades 10-11 is based on a combination of the Sh questionnaire. Schwartz and R. Ing-lehart's theoretical model, which examines the gradual global value transition to post-materialistic attitudes. The questionnaire consists of three sections that allow you to determine the hierarchy of values of the respondent, his idea of abstract concepts that characterize values ("collectivism", "human rights and freedoms", "humanism" and "citizenship"), as well as compliance with one of the four motivational profiles in the matrix developed during the creation of the model.

120 students of grades 10-11 in Moscow took part in testing the model. Such values as "life", "justice" and "human rights and freedoms" had the greatest subjective significance for respondents. The most frequent value profile is "Individualism and self-expression" (high importance of self-achievement, ambition, striving for personal success, the value of freedom, acceptance and diversity). These results correspond to the global trend of intergenerational drift from security values to values of civil freedom and self-expression, which was described by R. Inglehart. The majority of respondents demonstrated relative stability of value orientations, and 34.4% — situational values.

Testing of the model has shown its effectiveness for studying the hierarchy of value orientations. However, to obtain more reliable conclusions about generational features of moral attitudes, it is necessary to conduct a study involving a representative national sample of students.


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Статья поступила в редакцию: 20.05.2024; The article was submitted: 20.05.2024; одобренапослерецензирования: 19.08.2024; approvedafterreviewing: 19.08.2024; принята кпубликации: 15.09.2024. acceptedforpublication: 15.09.2024.

Информация об aemopax/Information about the authors:

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Anastasia K. Belolutskaya — PhD in Psychology, Head of the Laboratory for Assessment of Professional Competences and Adult Development, Research Institute of Urbanism and Global Education, Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia.

Анастасия Кирилловна Белолуцкая — кандидат психологических наук, руководитель лаборатории оценки профессиональных компетенций и развития взрослых,

НИИ урбанистики и глобального образования, Московский городской педагогический университет, Москва, Россия.

[email protected] И

Anna V. Golovina — junior Researcher of the Laboratory of Assessment of Professional Competences and Adult Development, Research Institute of Urbanism and Global Education, Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia.

Анна Владимировна Головина — младший научный сотрудник лаборатории оценки профессиональных компетенций и развития взрослых, НИИ урбанистики и глобального образования, Московский городской педагогический университет, Москва, Россия.

[email protected]

Ivan A. Grinko — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Assessment of Professional Competences and Adult Development, Research Institute of Urbanism and Global Education, Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia.

Иван Александрович Гринько — доктор исторических наук, старший научный сотрудник лаборатории оценки профессиональных компетенций и развития взрослых, НИИ урбанистики и глобального образования, Московский городской педагогический университет, Москва, Россия.

[email protected]

Tatyana V. Shcherbakova — Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Assessment of Professional Competences and Adult Development, Research Institute of Urbanism and Global Education, Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia.

Татьяна Владимировна Щербакова — кандидат исторических наук, старший научный сотрудник лаборатории оценки профессиональных компетенций и развития взрослых НИИ урбанистики и глобального образования, Московский городской педагогический университет, Москва, Россия.

[email protected]

Natalya G. Zhabina — junior researcher of the Laboratory of Assessment of Professional Competences and Adult Development, Research Institute of Urbanism and Global Education, Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia.

Наталья Геннадьевна Жабина — младший научный сотрудник лаборатории оценки профессиональных компетенций и развития взрослых, НИИ урбанистики и глобального образования, Московский городской педагогический университет, Москва, Россия.

[email protected]

Grigory G. Gurin —junior researcher of the laboratory of assessment of professional competences and adult development, Research Institute of Urbanism and Global Education, Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia.

Григорий Геннадьевич Гурин — младший научный сотрудник лаборатории оценки профессиональных компетенций и развития взрослых, НИИ урбанистики и глобального образования, Московский городской педагогический университет, Москва, Россия.

[email protected]

Irina S. Krishtofik — Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Assessment of Professional Competences and Adult Development, Research Institute of Urbanism and Global Education, Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia.

Ирина Сергеевна Криштофик — кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, ведущий научный сотрудник лаборатории оценки профессиональных компетенций и развития взрослых, НИИ урбанистики и глобального образования, Московский городской педагогический университет, Москва, Россия.

[email protected]

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