Respiratory system indices dynamics among cadets-cynologists at military
Institute of National Guard
Ildus G. Gibadullin', Aleksandra Yu. Anisimova',Azat F. Khuzin2* M.T. Kalashnikov State Technical University, Izhevsk Izhevsk, Russia ORCID: 0000-0001-6386-1121, [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5899-91, [email protected] 3Perm Military Institute of National Guard of the Russian Federation
Perm, Russia [email protected]*
Abstract: The article is about the questions concerning the functional state of respiratory system and the methodology of respiratory system indices dynamics change determination among the 1st-4th course cadets at a military Institute of National Guard with the help of "SpirolabIII" apparatus. We underline the necessity to study the dynamics of functional reserves and respiratory system abilities in cadets of military higher educational establishments as the condition of physical working capacity control and stimulation. Materials. We present the results of functional reserves and respiratory system capacities in cadets at military higher educational establishments. These results were received with the help of "SpirolabIII" type spirography. We examined 5 spirometric parameters of cadets at military Institute: VC (vital capacity, l); FVC (forced expiratory vital capacity, l); EVC (expiration vital capacity, l); FIV 1 (forced inhalation volume within the first second, l); MVV (maximal voluntary ventilation, l/min.). Research methods. Scientific and methodical information sources and cadets' medical cards analysis. Instrumental examination of respiratory system with the help of "SpirolabIII" device. Results. The abilities of spirography realization as an instrumental method of a functional state control of respiratory system helps to receive quick and valid information. We defined the dynamics of the indices, which characterize the activity of respiratory system among the ist-4th course cadets at cynological faculty of Perm Military Institute of National Guard of the Russian Federation. Conclusion. An original index of respiration muscles power and universal criteria of respiratory system reserve capacities in cadets of military Institute help to get objective information concerning functional state of external respiration and use this information for physical qualities development. Keywords: cadets, Spirolab III, vital capacity, forced vital capacity, maximal voluntary ventilation.
For citation: Ildus G. Gibadullin, Aleksandra Yu. Anisimova, Azat F. Khuzin*. Respiratory system indices dynamics among cadets-cynologists at military Institute of National Guard. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021; 16(2): 88-92. D0I:10.14526/2070-4798-2021-i6-2-106-ii2
Present approach to professional physical training demands physiological phenomena study. First of all the integrity of organism functioning in all its displays should be studied. For this purpose it is important to study functional indices of an organism. Such kind of complex character is achieved during dynamic changes in the system of a person's organism.
Respiratory system is a vital system. In the opinion ofthe specialists, respiratory system together with cardiovascular system form cardiorespiratory system, which characterizes physical working capacity and response reaction to physical and psychic loads, which modulate environment factors
[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9 ].
Many specialists nowadays created innovative methodologies, which form high level of respiratory system functioning. It is known that objective and valid characteristic of respiratory system functional state is possible only in terms of tests and instruments use [1,2,3].
In a historical aspect the founder of respiration study in the XX century was John Scott Haldane. In his monograph "Respiration" (1937) he wrote: "Respiration is the form of coordinated processes, which we call life". Nowadays respiration is understood as the range of processes, which provide oxygen into an organism, its use in biological organic substances oxidation and carbon dioxide extraction. One of the functions of respiratory system is an optimal gas composition support of blood and
tissues in accordance with oxidative metabolism intensity and its role in providing stability of inner organism environment. One of the components of respiratory function state analysis is the system of external respiration study. One of modern methods, used for this purpose, is spirography. It is a classical method of studying external respiration system functions. At the same time science and technique development broadened information capacities of spirography [8,10,11,12].
The aim of the present research work is studying the activity of respiratory system in the 1st-4th course cadets at cynological faculty of Perm Military Institute of National Guard of the Russian Federation.
MATERIALS AND METHODS The following research methods were used: scientific and methodical information sources and cadets' medical cards analysis. Instrumental examination of respiratory system with the help of "SpirolablII" device.
Spirolab III (MIR, Italy) - diagnostic
spirometer with the opportunity to measure SpO2 and HR (heart rate). Color display of high resolution can simultaneously show till 8 curves. Software program WinspiroPRO and friendly interface on the basis of icons turns Spirolab III into a universal clinical spiroanalyzer, which functions on-line. Internal storage of Spirolab III spiroanalyzer helps to keep 6000 spirometric tests and till 1000 hours of plethysmogram. The integrated thermal printer helps to print reports within seconds. The peculiarity of Spirolab III spirograph is the ability to use both non-disposable and disposable turbines.
We analyzed the state of respiratory system in the ist-4th course cadets at cynological faculty of Perm Military Institute of National Guard of the Russian Federation.
Picture 1 p-resents the abilities of a diagnostic spirometer with a color display of high resolution and thermal printer. The base of this device forms Winspiro PRO program with RS232/ USB/BT connection, back-up tape.
Fig. 1. Diagnostic spirometer with a color display of high resolution and thermal printer
This device can get valid indices. They characterize functional abilities of cadets' respiration system. We measured 5 spirometric parameters of military Institute cadets:
-VC (vital capacity, l);
- FVC (forced vital capacity, l);
- EVC (expiration vital capacity, l);
- FIV 1 (forced inhalation volume within the first second, l);
- MVV (maximal voluntary ventilation, l/
For VC (vital capacity) measuring before
the test it is necessary to take several calm deep breaths, then make maximal deep inhalation, after that slowly make maximal deep exhalation into a mouthpiece. During the test there will be volume and time curves on the display [8].
For FVC (forced vital capacity) measuring it is necessary to make several deep inhalations before the test, then slowly inhale as deeply as possible. After that it is necessary to breathe out all air with maximum energy. Then without taking a mouthpiece out of mouth it is necessary to finish the test, making maximal quick inhale.[5]
For MVV (maximal voluntary ventilation) measuring it is necessary to start the test the following way: the respondents should make several maximal deep forced inhalations and exhalations. It is necessary to instruct the respondent that the ideal breathing frequency in this case is 30 respiratory movements a minute. In 12 seconds test automatically stops. After the end of the test display shows the reserved curves and on the right there are the values of parameters measuring [8].
In program system all indices preserve and they can be printed.
Table - Mean value index of respiratory system activity in the 1 Perm Military Institute of National Guard
93 cadets took part in the experiment (1st-4th course cadets of cynological faculty of Perm Military Institute of National Guard of the Russian Federation). 25 people were the 1st course students, 23 people were the 2nd course students, 21 people were the 3rd course students, 24 people were the 4th course students.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The indices of respiratory system state in the 1st-4th course cadets of cynological faculty are presented in the table.
st.^th courSe cadets at cynological faculty of
Course Respiratory system index
VC, l FVC, l FIVl, l EVC, l WVV, l/min
I 5,03±0,84 4,09±0,71 3,89±o,85 5,04±0,84 l63,72±28,20
II 4,79±0,35 3,57±0,80 3,41±0,79 4,79±o,35 164,99±26,50
III 4,8o±o,84 3,52±0,59 3,62±0,70 4,8o±o,84 163,07±35,64
IV 5,oo±o,87 3,94±1,03 3,73±0,98 5,oo±o,87 158,78±32,98
volume within the first second, l); MVV (maximal voluntary ventilation, l/min.)
The dynamics of the studied indices increase, faculty of Perm Military Institute of National Guard
which characterize the activity of respiratory of the Russian Federation, is presented by picture
system in the ist-4th course cadets of cynological 2.
Fig. 2. Dynamics of respiratory system activity indices among cadets
The mean value of respiratory system indices analysis in the 1st-4th course cadets of cynological faculty of Perm Military Institute of National Guard of the Russian Federation showed the following:
1. Vital capacity (VC), which is one of the most important indices of respiratory system state was the following: at the 1st course - 5,03±0,84 l, at the second course - 4,79±0,35l, at the third course
- 4,8o±o,84 l, at the fourth course - 5,oo±o,87 l. We see VC indices decrease at the second and the third courses. VC depends on functional state of an organism and its physical training level that is why it doesn't fully reflect the state of respiratory system. It is necessary to consider other indices for general state of respiratory system determination.
2. Forced vital capacity (FVC) is the difference of lungs volumes between the beginning and the end of the forced exhalation. The indices are the following: at the 1st course - 4,09±0,71 l, at the second course - 3,57±o,8o l, at the third course -3,52±0,59 l and at the 4th course -3,94±1,03 l. There was this respiratory system index decrease since the 1st till the 4th course. It is connected with the fact that cadets' physical fitness and physical qualities levels decrease.
3. Forced inhalation volume within the first second (FIV1) -air volume, exhaled within the first second of a forced exhalation, is the index of a summarized airways patency and elastic characteristics of lungs and chest. The less the index of a forced exhalation within the 1st second is, the
bigger is the volume of airways patency disorder. The initial FIV1 indices in cadets were the following: at the 1st course 3,89±o,85 l, at the 2nd course -3,41±0,79 l, at the 3rd course - 3,62±0,70 l, at the 4th course - 3,73±0,98 l. We see the indices decrease at the 2nd and the 3rd courses.
4. Expiration vital capacity (EVC) shows the volume of the air, exhaled after maximal inhalation. It includes a reserve volume of inhalation, respiratory volume and reserve volume of exhalation. In the present research work the results were the following: at the 1st course- 5,03±0,84 l, at the 2nd course- 4,79±0,35l, at the 3rd course - 4,8o±o,84 l, at the 4th course - 5,oo±o,87 l. We revealed VC indices decrease at the 2nd and the 3rd courses.
5. Maximal voluntary ventilation (WVV) characterizes functional abilities index of respiration, air volume, which goes into lungs within 1 minute in terms of a forced respiration. The higher WVV is, the bigger is potential physical working capacity of a person and the probability of high sports results. The dynamics of WVV indices among the 1st-4th course cadets is presented in a form of a diagram (picture 3).
Fig. 3. Maximal voluntary ventilation index among cadets
Maximal voluntary ventilation (WVV) among cadets was the following: at the 1st course -163,72±28,20l/min, at the 2nd course - 164,99±26,50 l/min, at the 3rd course - 163,07±35,64 l/min, at the 4th course - 158,78±32,98 l/min. It was stated that physical working capacity and volitional qualities of cadets since the1st till the 4th course become worse.
Thus, the received results of cadets' functional state prove the necessity to stimulate respiratory system by means of physical exercises realization. They are directed toward endurance
development. It was mentioned that the level of functional abilities of respiratory system in cadets from course to course decreases. This situation demands innovative approaches creation. They define and stimulate power of breathing muscles and universal evaluation criteria of reserve capacities of respiratory system. In this connection we created the methodology of cadets' respiratory system stimulation in terms of the respiratory exercises system, educational-training complexes realization, which are directed toward aerobic
abilities development.
In accordance with carried out research work we revealed that an original index of respiration muscles power and universal criteria of reserve capacities of respiratory system in cadets of military Institute help to get objective information concerning functional state of external respiration and use this information for cadets' physical qualities development and respiratory function harmonization during physical training lessons at military Institute of National Guard of the Russian Federation.
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Submitted: 13.05.2021 Author's information:
Ildus G. Gibadullin - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, M.T. Kalashnikov State Technical University, Izhevsk, 426000, Russia, Izhevsk, Studencheskaya str., House 67, e-mail: [email protected] Aleksandra Yu. Anisimova - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, M.T. Kalashnikov State Technical University, Izhevsk, 426000, Russia, Izhevsk, Studencheskaya str., House 67, e-mail: ffkis@
Azat F. Khuzin- Division Deputy Director, Perm Military Institute of National Guard of the Russian Federation, 614112, Russia, Perm, Gremyachiy Log str., House 1, Perm Military Institute of National Guard. e-mail: [email protected]