RESOURCES FOR DEVELOPMENTOF THE RAČA MUNICIPALITY AS A RURAL TOURISM DESTINATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
Rača Municipality / rural tourism / rural tourism destinations / Europe / Serbia / Opština Rača / ruralni turizam / destinacija ruralnog turizma / Evropa / Srbija

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Snežana Milićević, Milena Podovac, Miroslav Čavlin

The attractiveness of rural areas is the basis for development of tourist offer of rural tourism destination. Bearing in mind that the villages are ecologically and environmentally preserved integrities, it is a sustainable form of tourism, which contributes to the development of rural economy. Villages that foster traditional values are of attractive tourist destinations. Staying of tourists in the villages enables active involvement of other economic activities in the creation of the integrated tourism product. Tourism of the Rača Municipality, despite the existence of attractive resources, is not adequately developed. Tourist offer is of amodest scale and based on the sites of cultural and historical heritage and events. The development of tourism in this municipality requires institutional support of local government, investments and cooperation of holders of the tourism offer. In this paper, the emphasis is on the analysis of the current situation of tourism development in the municipality of Rača, with emphasis on resources for the development of rural tourism. Based on examples of good practice rural tourism destinations in Europe and Serbia, the contribution of labor is reflected in providing guidelines for the future development of rural tourism in Rača.

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Atraktivnost ruralnog prostora je polazna osnova za kreiranje turističke ponude destinacija ruralnog turizma. Imajući u vidu da su sela ekološki i ambijentalno očuvane celine, reč je o održivom obliku turizma, koji doprinosi razvoju ruralne ekonomije. Sela u kojima se neguju tradicionalne vrednosti, predstavljaju aktraktivne turističke destinacije. Boravak turista na selima omogućava aktivno uključivanje drugih privrednih delatnosti u kreiranje integrisanog turističkog proizvoda. Turizam opštine Rača, i pored postojanja atraktivnih resursa, nije na adekvatan način razvijen. Turistička ponuda je skromnih razmera i zasnovana na lokalitetima kulturno-istorijskog nasleđa i manifestacijama. Razvoj turizma ove opštine zahteva institucionalnu podršku lokalne samouprave, investiciona ulaganja i saradnju nosilaca turističke ponude. U ovom radu, akcenat je na analizi postojećeg stanja razvoja turizma u opštini Rača, sa akcentom na resurse za razvoj ruralnog turizma. Na osnovu primera dobre prakse – destinacija ruralnog turizma u Evropi i Srbiji, doprinos rada se ogleda u davanju smernica za budući razvoj ruralnog turizma opštine Rača.


Review article Economics of Agriculture 3/2015

UDC: 338.48-44(1-22)(497.11)Raca


Snezana Milicevic1, Milena Podovac2, Miroslav Cavlin3


The attractiveness of rural areas is the basis for development of tourist offer of rural tourism destination. Bearing in mind that the villages are ecologically and environmentally preserved integrities, it is a sustainable form of tourism, which contributes to the development of rural economy. Villages that foster traditional values are of attractive tourist destinations. Staying of tourists in the villages enables active involvement of other economic activities in the creation of the integrated tourism product. Tourism of the Raca Municipality, despite the existence of attractive resources, is not adequately developed. Tourist offer is of amodest scale and based on the sites of cultural and historical heritage and events. The development of tourism in this municipality requires institutional support of local government, investments and cooperation of holders of the tourism offe .

In this paper, the emphasis is on the analysis of the current situation of tourism development in the municipality of Raca, with emphasis on resources for the development of rural tourism. Based on examples of good practice - rural tourism destinations in Europe and Serbia, the contribution of labor is reflected in providing guidelines for the future development of rural tourism in Raca.

Keywords: Raca Municipality, rural tourism, rural tourism destinations, Europe, Serbia.

JEL: L83,O13, R00,Q13

1 Snezana Milicevic, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjacka Banja, Vojvodanska Street nn., 36210 Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, Phone: + 381 36 515 00 24, E-mail: [email protected]

2 Milena Podovac, M.Sc., Assistant, University of Kragujevac Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjacka Banja, Vojvodanska Street nn., 36210 Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, Phone: + 381 36 515 00 24, E-mail: [email protected]

3 Miroslav Cavlin, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University Business Academy in Novi Sad, FIMEK, Cvecarska Street no. 2, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia, Phone: +381 21 400 484, E-mail: [email protected]


Rural areas represent a high potential for tourism development. They are characterized by natural areas, which have their own characteristics: natural landscapes, anthropological achievements, building styles in architecture, customs, traditions and languages (Hrabovski Tomic, 2008). The growing interest of tourists to stay in rural areas is directly related to their need to make contact with nature and learn about the culture and tradition of the city, in which they stay. Rural tourism includes a wide range of activities, services and additional facilities that provide hosts on family farms and ranches in order to attract tourists to their area aimed to create additional income, respecting the principles of sustainable development and conservation of natural resources (Muhi, 2013). According to the definition, rural tourism is an important factor in the recovery and development of rural areas. Raca has a wealth of resources, which are the basis for social, economic and socio-cultural prosperity. However, despite the potential, tourism in this municipality is not developed. Municipality of Raca includes 17 rural settlements, which are characterized by natural and human resources, adequate for the development of rural tourism. An attractive natural environment, combined with cultural and historical sites, manifestations and activities in the countryside, can greatly contribute to the overall economy of the Raca municipality.

Method of research and sources of data

Several scientific research methods were used in order to perform scientific and expert analysis and reach corresponding conclusions and guidelines deriving from this paper. Analytic and synthetic method was based on the available literature from the area or rural tourism, rural tourism destinations and tourist destinations management. Official documents of the Municipality of Raca, as well as websites: Tourism Organization of Raca Municipality, National Tourism Organization of Serbia, Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, European Federation of Rural Tourism, European Parliament, Directorate-General for Internal Polices, European Commision, Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry, together with those of selected rural destinations in Europe and Serbia, were used for collecting and selecting relevant data. Case Study method (Holloko in Hungary, Bregenzerwald in Austria, Kosjeric in Serbia) enabled us, through the experience of good practice examples, to reach certain conclusions and guidelines. Statistical analysis method was applied for processing available data from the statistical system of our country, as well as of other relevant international organizations. Conclusions were made based on inductive and deductive method.

Rural tourism - concept and definition

The initial beginnings of rural tourism development are associated with the distant past when the privileged social classes spent their leisure time in rural areas (Vukovic, Arsic, Cvijanovic, 2010). Tourist activity in rural areas is significantly increased in 70-ies of XX century in developed countries. It played a key role in the development of rural areas, which have been weakened in economic and social terms (Perales, 2002). According to Cawley

and Gillmor (2008), rural areas in many countries have gone through a process of restructuring the economy since the early 90s of XX century as part of the transition from Fordist to post-Fordist production methods, where tourism has been recognized as an alternative to solve the problems such as declining of revenues, market failure, social problems, etc.

In the literature are represented the different interpretations of the concept of rural tourism and its manifest forms, which is determined by the characteristics of the rural area and the availability of resources for the development of rural tourism. According to Middleton (1982), rural way of life is recognized by a large part of the population as a synonym for a good life, which is based on clean air, natural rhythms and organic communities, who lives in the neighborhood. The author points out that every man deep down nurtures such a vision of their homeland or rural vision. Fleischer and Pizam (1997) emphasize the economic aspect of the development of rural tourism and define it as a vacation, during which the tourists most of their free time use for dealing with recreational activities at the farm, ranch, country home or its surroundings. For the host it is a commercial activity, which opens the doors to their homes and property to guests in order to enjoy in recreational activities in a predominantly rural area and to charge a certain price. Dernoi (1983) discusses the concept of tourism on farms, who believes that it is the appropriate type of holiday for families with children and not so high income. The difficulties that exist in defining the concept of rural tourism is pointed by Lane (1994), who believes that not all forms of tourism in rural areas are strictly rural. The author believes that rural tourism is a broader concept of tourism on farms and include: special interests in mind staying in nature and eco-tourism, hiking, climbing, horseback riding, adventure, sport and health tourism, hunting and fishing, educational travel, art and cultural tourism, and in some areas and ethnic tourism. A wide range of activities, which consists of rural tourism product indicate that this form of tourism has no precisely defined target group of tourists. Todorovic and Stetic (2009) suggest that the definition of rural tourism based on the experience starts from the fact that tourists come into contact with the rural and natural areas, with rural events or goods of rural heritage. On the other hand, Kusen (2007) considers the concept of tourism on family farms, which he believes that the segment of rural tourism, which allows farmers to expand their activities and thus increase the value of their products. The authors represent different views when it comes to activities that make rural tourism product. However, they agree that rural tourism is an important generator of income for rural households and long-term successful development of this form of tourism must be based on the principles of sustainability.

Uniformity and monotony of everyday life in urban areas have caused the need of people to a specific time spend in a peaceful and healthy environment. Thanks to the natural, ecological and environmental characteristics, the different rural areas are very interesting and promising area for the development of this specific tourist vision (Vukovic, Cecic, Cvijanovic, 2007). Some of the reasons why rural areas are gaining in importance as an attractive destination as changes in global consumption patterns, tastes and attitudes, long-time employed people, new trends in travel which opened up new opportunities for producers in rural areas through the increasingly popular eco/rural tourism, such as, for example, production of food, wine and so on (Strbac, Hamovic, 2011). If we consider the

fact that each village has its attractions as environmental values, traditions, culture, events, gastronomy, leisure, etc., it is possible to develop a range of products that meet the needs of tourists, who want their holidays to spend in contact with nature.

Analysis of the situation of Raca Municipality tourism

Municipality of Raca is one of the seven municipalities of Sumadija region. Through its territory leads the main road to Markovac-Raca-Natalinci-Topola-Arandelovac-Lazarevac, which connects the highway Belgrade-Nis in the east with the Ibar highway to the west (Sustainable Development Strategy of the Municipality of Raca, 2009). In addition to the favorable geographical position, Raca has a wealth of resources, which are not properly valorized and utilized. The remainder of this paper will analyze the current state of development of tourism in the municipality of Raca, with special emphasis on the potential for development of rural tourism.

The natural resources

Municipality of Raca is located in the eastern part of Sumadija. Due to the specific terrain configuration, it has the characteristics of moderate continental climate. Winters are relatively cold, slightly warmer autumn than spring and moderately warm summers. These temperature differences allow the cultivation of all major field crops and vegetables, as well as a large number of fruit crops (Spatial Plan of the Municipality of Raca, 2012).

Characteristics of relief (plain makes 45,8% and 54,2% mountain relief of the municipal territory) are very favorable for agricultural production, particularly from the perspective of organic production, which can take a special place when it comes to the development of rural tourism. In the central part of the municipality stands a hill Golubac with the peak Visak, composed of crystalline slates, height of 396 m. This is also the highest point in the municipality. Slightly lower peaks have the hills as: Bukovac (362 m), Sugreb (340 m) in the village of Borima, Vinogradi (332 m) in the Lower Jarusica and Kosuca (326 m) in Vojinovac. The lowest point is located in the northeast, the border part of the municipality, at an altitude of 112 m (Sustainable Development Strategy of the Municipality of Raca, 2009).

Forest land occupies only 15% of the total territory of the municipality, which is extremely unfavorable. Forest vegetation is diverse and are represented by: oak, beech, linden, fir and others. Forest cover is degraded with wood mass, which is of poor quality. In the municipality there is a hunting ground "Bukovac" hunting area 21,571 ha, which is managed by Hunting Association „Gradiste". The wildlife is represented by roe, rabbit, pheasant, quail, partridge, while predators jackal and fox. The most attractive wildlife in the hunting ground is roe deer (Tourism Development Strategy of the Municipality of Raca 2014-2019).

The Raca Municipality has developed hydrographic network. The most important rivers are the Raca and Jasenica. Raca River is the main waterway, and its middle and upper

part of the flow is belonging to the municipality of Raca. It is one of the longer river in Sumadija. Jasenica is the largest and richest river with water in Sumadija and flows north west part of the territory of the municipality of Raca. A significant but untapped potential is a source of mineral water in the village of Mirasevac. The water from the springs is known for its healing properties, particularly for the treatment of rheumatic diseases, sight and asthma. According to tests carried out in France in the 70s of XX century, this water base on the amount of manganese was third in the world and first in Europe (Sustainable Development Strategy of the Municipality Raca, 2009).

Raca Municipality has natural resources, which are protected by the Institute for Nature Protection of the Republic of Serbia (Spatial Plan of the Municipality Raca, 2012):

• Memorial - Natural Monument „Gradiste", which is located in the village of Visevac and occupies an area of about 40 ha. This protected area is dominated by trees of linden, elm and individual copies of sessile oaks.

• The site "Alija", the space - memorial complex forest, intended for recreational, tourist and excursion activities.

The proposal is to protect the old trees of oak and limits of the areas of the Mirasevac, Borci, Malo Krcmare, Saranovo and Raca, as well as a spa complex in Mirasevac with mineral water springs.

Cultural and historical resources

The municipality has a wealth of cultural and historical heritage. In addition to testify about the history and tradition, represent the potential for creating an integrated tourist offer. However, all facilities need reconstruction. The most significant cultural and historical sites in the municipality are (Tourism Development Strategy of the Municipality Raca 2014-2019):

• The log cabin church in Raca - was declared a cultural monument of great importance;

• The log cabin chapel in Sepci;

• „Turkish dormitory" in Raca - was declared a cultural monument of great importance;

• The house of duke Pavle Cukic in Veliko Krcmare;

• The home of Karadorde in Raca - although declared a cultural monument, its current purpose is accomodation of refugees;

• Ethno-complex in Visevac - "Petrovi dvori" and memorial of Karadorde;

• Memorial on the hill of Gradiste in Visevac;

• Museum of cooperatives and ethography in Sipic, etc.

Surely we must mention the many events that make up an essential element of tourism in Raca. They can be classified as traditional cultural - historical, entertainment and fairs manifestations. Manifestations in Raca have a dual role: to preserve the culture

and tradition from oblivion and with its programs attract large numbers of visitors. The most important cultural events are: "The days of Karadorde", "Revisited church under the inscription", "Under the walnut tree" and "Goose Feather". The event of "Karadorde's Days" is traditionally held (from 26 July to 15 November) in Visevac, the birthplace of Borde Petrovic Karadorde, leader of the First Serbian Uprising. In honor of Karadorde is organized a ceremony of artistic, cultural and literary creativity, as well as competitions in football and clay pigeon shooting. Tourist Organization of Serbia is the manifestation included in the "Calendar of tourist events of Serbia" (www.srbija. travel/kalendar-dogadjaja/jul/).

The event "Revisited church under the inscription" is organized in the village Sepci at the log cabin church. The main event is a great national assembly with an accompanying cultural and artistic program. The event "under the walnut tree" is an event with the longest tradition of maintenance since 1998. It is organized on the religious feast of the Transfiguration under centuries-old walnut tree in the village of Vucic. Cultivating rural traditions, this event includes: singing original songs, folk dances, exhibitions, book promotions, poetry and prose, concerts of folk and classical music. The event "Goose Feather" is a traditional cultural event, which takes place in the small village of Malo Krcmare, the Feast of Nativity of the Virgin. It is dedicated to important people from this village (Tourism Development Strategy of the Raca Municipality 2014-2019). In addition to the traditional cultural and historical events, there are organized and many others. One of the most popular events is the "Fair of Flowers", which brings together 30 exhibitors-manufacturers of flowers from Raca and regions. Then organize a rich program dedicated to flowers and honey: conferences, lectures, a selection of the most beautiful courtyards and others. During 2014, there were about 500 visitors (http://tor. rs/sr/category/novosti/).

The offer of accommodation capacities

The municipality has a very modest accommodation offer: hotel "Sumadija" and the Hunting Lodge in Raca. Hotel "Sumadija" has 29 rooms (54 beds). Is privately owned and is not categorized. The main problem is that the accommodation facilities are not currently in operation, but the facility offers only the services of the restaurant. In addition to the restaurant, the building has no additional facilities. Hunting Lodge in Raca provides housing, food and drinks. There are only 8 rooms (18 beds). It is intended for the local people, visitors and hunters, which offers a cage capacity for accommodation of hunting dogs. It's not categorized, and is owned by the Hunting Association „Gradiste" from Raca (Tourism Development Strategy of the Municipality of Raca 2014-2019).

The involvement of the local population through the renting of private accommodation to tourists is insufficient. It would certainly have a positive impact, especially on higher employment, income and a better life of the local self-government in rural areas. That would bean additional income for the local government (of residence and other fees), which would be used to improve the quality of tourism offer in rural areas.

Tourism circulation of the Raca Municipality

All these short comings are reflected in the tourist circulation, which is best illustrated by the following figure, showing the number of tourists in the municipality of Raca in the last 10 years.

Figurel. Number of visitors in the Municipality of Raca in the period 2003-2013.

300 250 200 150 100 50



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2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Source: Municipalities and Regions in the Republic of Serbia, for the approppriate year

During 2007 was recorded 255 visitors, which is a record year for the number of visitors in the last 10 years. In 2009, 2012 and 2013, there are no recorded data on tourist circulation. Regionally, the municipality of Raca do not take part in tourist circulation of the Sumadija district. In 2013, a total of65.6103 tourists, being recorded by Sumadija district, 49% of the total tourism was realized in Kragujevac, 41% in Arandelovac, 5% in Lapovo, 3% in Topola and 2% in Knic (Municipalities and Regions in the Republic of Serbia, 2014). If you want a more active tourist involvement, Raca Municipality needs an essential new development concept. The upcoming development of tourism in this municipality, could be rural tourism.

The resource base for development of rural tourism of the Raca Municipality

Rural tourism is a significant factor in the development and revitalization of rural areas. The quality, structure and diversity of offer of rural tourism in Raca is not at the satisfactory level. The recent development of rural tourism based on the commitment of the rural population that this type of tourism comes to life and becomes an integral part of the tourist offer of the entire municipality. Tourism and agriculture are complementary economic activities, which enables the use of their resources in order to create an integrated products of rural tourism. Agricultural land occupies about 79% of the municipal territory, while agriculture is the leading economic sector according to the volume of production and employment of the local population. The terrain configuration, in the presence of other factors, enables the cultivation of various crops and livestock. On the other hand, the rural population accounts for 77,37% of

the total population. The total number of rural households was 2.219 in 2013 (Tourism Development Strategy of the Municipality Raca 2014-2019).

The emphasized data indicate the great potential that the municipality has in the creation of integrated tourism product and positioning of the Raca Municipality, as a destination of rural tourism. High-quality and diverse natural resources of the municipality (natural environment, air, forests, rivers, etc.), a rich cultural and historical heritage, as well as anthropogenic resources with traditional manifestations, customs, folklore, gastronomy, etc., can be combined in order to provide visitors a quality experience during their stay in rural areas.

The main problems, which slow down the development of rural tourism in Raca are: lack of accommodation facilities in rural villages, poor infrastructure in rural areas, lack of financial, legal and institutional support to local governments and other organizations, in-coordination of tourism organizations regarding to rural tourism, in existence of clearly defined tourist supply, insufficient interest of the local population for this type of tourism, the disorganization of rural households and the lack of their cooperation on this issue. The Municipality of Raca until 2005 disposed a number of rural households that have been involved in rural tourism, and today there is no household that is officially registered to work in this type of tourism (Tourism Development Strategy of the Municipality Raca 2014-2019).

In order to becomes touristic, a village must meet the following criteria (Bukic Dojcinovic, 2005):

• Agricultural production in the country is the main production activity; a farmer is engaged in the farm because only in such conditions a tourist can see or together with the peasant performs tasks on the farm, because the conditions and way of life in the countryside mostly interest him.

• A countryside host house and property are in accordance with the ambient unit and rural regions.

• The village lives on the rural way: in addition to agricultural activities, there are rural traditions (get-together, gatherings, meetings), feasts, and others. Culture diet, dress and housing stems from the way of life of the rural population.

• A tourists live with the host under the same roof, and through him includes himself in the life of the family and the entire village, and therefore stay in the countryside becomes a game. Tourists behave like farmers, participating in his real life as a temporary member of the household and the entire village. The village and rural households are not only tourist facade. Households are not only rooms for rent. The village is a living economic and cultural organism, and tourist his temporary member.

• The local population is neither isolated from the tourists, nor becoming a professional provider of travel services to certain working hours. It is still engaged in the farm as usual, and the tourists are treated as part of local, everyday life.

• The village has a modern tourist infrastructure (bullet in boards, tourist trails, facilities for food, entertainment, information, culture and education, sport and recreation).

• Rural tourism does not imply that tourists to be taken from one to the other famous places: museums, cultural monuments, archaeological sites and galleries, and then being accommodated in a hotel, where they are served by hotel staff. Rural tourism is a new way of behaving and tourism providers and tourists. It is based on the observation of life behind the facade, in places where real life takes place in the community where tourists staying as their temporary member. For the tourist village tourism is observation and participation in the life of the village and the tourist workers form of tourist circulation, which requires an organized encounter between the villagers and tourists so they get to know each other better, understand and respect themselves mutually.

Examples of rural tourism destinations in Europe and Serbia

Europe is in the last 20 years the world's leading provider of rural tourism. European Federation of Rural Tourism - Euro Gites (European Federation of Rural Tourism) represents 27 member states, including the Serbia. According to data of the Euro Gites, the member states have about 500.000 accommodation properties and approximately 5 - 6,5 million beds. The sector employs about 1,3 million people and generate revenue of around 100.000 million euros. The results achieved are directly connected with the variety of rural tourism Member States. The offer includes: accommodation in farms and private homes in rural areas, bed & breakfast offer and self-catering facilities, traditional rural gastronomy, thematic tourism in the countryside, active holidays and nature-based tourism, etc (http:// www.eurogites.org/documents/).

In Europe there are a number of rural tourism destinations. A common example is a model of rural tourism development of Austria. "Urlaub am Bauernhof", which means Farm Holidays is an effective and innovative organization, which is also the most important organization to support the development of rural tourism in Austria. It was founded in 1991 in order to support the farmers, who are engaged in the development of tourism on their land, agriculturally rich environment and to create attractive products. The organization has about 2,750 members, which provides: advisory services, representation at trade fairs, market research, training programs, lobbying the Government and others. Members of this organization have about 36,000 beds, and the number of guests is about 2 million per year, with earnings of around 1-1.2 billion euro (European Parliament, 2013). The existence of this organization facilitates farmers entrepreneurial ventures in the field of promotion of rural tourism.

Bregenzerwald is located in the far west of Austria near Lake Constance in the territory of 580 square kilometers with a population of 30,000 inhabitants. The primary economic activity is agriculture, where 40% of residents are employed on farms and food processing enterprises. Special emphasis is placed on rural tourism and due to these purposes there are 15,000 beds. Annually, the region records about 1,5 million tourists, with 60% of tourists staying in the summer, while 40% of tourists come in winter for winter sports. During the 90s of the twentieth century there has been a stagnation of tourism and agriculture for which is defined and implemented strategies "Nature and Life". The strategy aimed to build the image of the environment of tourism and agriculture under a common identity with the objectives to: increase the consumption of agricultural products, promote awareness of farmers on the

protection of natural and cultural resources, network manufacturers and others. One of the initiatives was the creation of a route "Paths of cheese", which created the possibility for a visit to the site, the purchase of local products to create the impression of the destination on the basis of local gastronomy. The development of routes and the provision of services for tourists were included cheese producers, hotels, restaurants, farms, tourism organizations and others. Turnover in stores has increased by 20% in the first year, which allowed an increase in price of the product, while the organization of approximately 150 manifestations associated with cheese attracted about 90.000 visitors (Towards Quality Rural Tourism, 2000). This destination is an example of how the connected tourism sector and manufacturers of cheese contribute to increasing tourist turnover and revenue on the basis of creating an authentic tourist product.

Rural tourism in Hungary began to be developed in the last century. Before World War II, in the rural areas was spent 35-45% of total rest. However, after 1945, rural tourism has disappeared, due to numerous problems, primarily the lack of an institutional framework, poor financial situation, lack of interest tourism organizations, unfavorable age structure of the local population, etc (Kulcsar, 2009). From the 80's, measures were taken to revitalize rural areas, leading to an increase in the number of foreign tourists interested in the tourist offer due to low prices, but also because of folklore, which is specific to the regions of Central and Eastern Europe (Ogarlaci, 2014). One of the most attractive villages of Hungary is Holloko, the so-called Village Museum, which is far from Budapest, about 100 km. At the World Heritage List is located since 1987 in order to preserve the unique value of folklore and applied arts. The offer combines folklore manifestations, gastronomic specialties, a tour of the village, observing and learning of weaving, decorating of ginger bread, painting of eggs and others (www.hollokotourism.hu). A special attraction of this village is the 58 protected facilities, then traditional rural architecture, crafts, traditional way of life of 17th and 18th century. Holloko annually is visited by up to 120.000 tourists. As a tourist attraction, this village contributes to economic development and employment. Holloko is an example of a destination that combines activities in rural areas and cultural facilities. However, the main problem is the unfavorable aging of the population. Therefore, municipalities tend to provide health and social services improving the status of the local population with the aim of further development (www.heritagealive.eu).

Although solidly developed, especially in some parts of Vojvodina, Central and Western Serbia, rural tourism is still under developed and under-recognized tourism products of Serbia. The Kosjeric Municipality, which is rich in natural, cultural and historical wealth, but also manifestations, in which presenting the ethnographic values, traditional folk customs, costumes, folklore and cuisine, is increasingly becoming known for its rural tourism. Hospitable hosts of the villages: Mionica, Skakavci, Stojici, Subjel, Musici, Seca Reka, Radanovci i Donji Taor, two and a half decades began receiving guests in their homes (http://odmorukosjericu.rs/). The village Seca Reka, is the prize winner of 'Tourist Flower" for tourism development. It is only 7 km from Kosjeric, has about 1.100 inhabitants in 332 households. Touristic value of the village is increased by many cultural and historical monuments, most notably is the log cabin church from the 15th century. Ethnographic values

and traditional folk customs are presented at manifestations, most notably is the "Shepherds' Days", organized more than three decades (www.kosjeric.rs/turistickivodic/secareka.html). In addition to the parade of 'Traditional Serbian Singing" competition of children's folklore groups, flute festival, competitions in cooking traditional dishes, exhibitions of handicrafts, an integral part of the events are the "Shepherds' game" in which the young shepherds compete in wrestling, tow ropes and piston, throwing stones from shoulders, jumping up in the air from the place and climbing up the tree. A special attraction is the choice for the most beautiful shepherdess (Ilic, 2007a).

In the villages of Kosjeric is represented exclusively accommodation in rural households, which is offered with a full-board meals. This does not exclude the possibility of private catering in the area. Tourists who come to one of the villages of the municipality, there is a range of activities in which they can be active participants or observers. Tourists are most attracted to walk in nature and in the fresh air, since it is unreachable in the cities. For this purpose there are marked hiking trails. By the way, visitors can pick herbs and wild berries. They can join the hosts in the works in a field such as mowing, making hay or collecting plums, or participate in distilling of brandy, making juices and sweet. They can learn from the hostess how to prepare a traditional food of this region. For the children in particular is interesting the country atmosphere, because for the first time they meet with some farm animals.

Renting of rooms to tourists is done through the Tourist Organization of Kosjeric, which for their service charges a fee which partially cover the costs on the organization and accommodation of guests. This activity, for all households is a supplementary activity and supplementary income. Particularly noteworthy is the policy of the municipality whose villages are include in tourism. The taxation policy is of great importance which farmers, through tax exemption or reduction of tax rates, can stimulate the provision of services in tourism, then the policy problem solving of infrastructure equipment of the village and policy supply (Ilic, 2007b).

Guidelines for the developmentof rural tourism of the Raca Municipality

The emphasized destinations of rural tourism, could be examples of local self-government and tourism organization of Raca Municipality. The development of rural tourism of Raca in future should be based on traditional values of the region, manifestations, gastronomy, cultural, historical and natural resources. Based on the above, we can define the basic guidelines for the future development of rural tourism in the Raca Municipality:

• Organizing training programs of the rural population for involvement in tourism development;

• Improvement of rural infrastructure;

• Suggesting the departamnetal Ministries for the allocation of favorable loans or subsidies for building of authentic accommodation facilities in the ethnic style, which characterizes the Sumadija area (or the adaptation of existing);

• Develop facilities that will complement the rural tourism offer;

• Require help from the state in the form of legislation, institutional and advisory support for the development of rural tourism;

• Support the development of SMEs in rural areas (open wineries, farms of organic food, production and sales of organic products, production and sales of typical rural products: homemade brandy, cheese, cream cheese, smoked ham, honey and homemade sweet, etc., souvenir based on old traditional crafts and handicrafts). Also, it is necessary to ensure an institutional, organizational and financial support to women's entrepreneurship in the villages of Raca Municipality. The inclusion of women in the development of rural tourism should contribute to the preservation of traditional values and provide better position of women in the rural environment.

• Cluster development of rural tourism in cooperation with other rural areas in Sumadija, following the example of other clusters, eg: Cluster of rural tourism in Eastern Serbia "The magic of the East" (http://www.carolijaistoka.com/).

• Support of local tourism organizations in the design, branding, promotion and marketing of rural tourism products. The product has to be authentic, that in the best way to present the richness of the culture, customs, traditions, traditional crafts, cuisine, folklore and music of the people who live there, as well as typical architectural heritage of the region. The product should also include recreational activities - horse riding, cycling, fishing, bird watching, tours health, etc., But also able to relax in nature, peace and quiet. Therefore, the product should be unique, to attract tourists to come and live in these villages.

• Development and support of the public-private partnerships in rural areas, with the aim of creating the possibility to connect rural households to public institutions and companies.

• The development of rural tourism will generate new jobs in villages, thus stimulating the youth, women and the unemployed to remain in rural areas and contribute to the development ofthe municipality of Raca. It will also affect the marketing of local products, as well as to raise awareness about the necessity of preserving the environment.


The original nature, cultural and historical heritage, original architecture, authentic experience oflife in the countryside (farm work, gatherings, local gastronomy), opportunities for active and passive vacation, would be the basis of an integrated rural tourism product of Raca. Based on the performed analysis of resources, it can be concluded that Raca is a potential for development of rural tourism. However, in order Raca to position itself as a destination of rural tourism, it is important to create a positive climate and increasing interest of local people and businesses to be engaged in the development of this form of tourism. Accordingly, rural tourism can be a significant factor in the development of the villages of the municipality. For the future development of rural tourism in Raca, of crucial importance as an effective legal and institutional framework, support for local government, education of personnel, quality infra and superstructure, promotion policy and others. Contemporary trends in the tourism market point to the growing demands of tourism demand when it

comes to stay in rural areas and ecologically preserved areas. Expressed are opportunities to combine activities of different forms of tourism. Therefore, it is important to consolidate natural resources, cultural and historical sites, traditional events, sports facilities, activities on rural households and other activities, which provide a complete experience for tourists.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.


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Snezana Milicevic4, Milena Podovac5, Miroslav Cavlin6


Atraktivnost ruralnog prostora je polazna osnova za kreiranje turisticke ponude destinacija ruralnog turizma. Imajuci u vidu da su sela ekoloski i ambijentalno ocuvane celine, rec je o odrzivom obliku turizma, koji doprinosi razvoju ruralne ekonomije. Sela u kojima se neguju tradicionalne vrednosti, predstavljaju aktraktivne turisticke destinacije. Boravak turista na selima omogucava aktivno ukljucivanje drugih privrednih delatnosti u kreiranje integrisanog turistickog proizvoda. Turizam opstine Raca, i poredpostojanja atraktivnih resursa, nije na adekvatan nacin razvijen. Turistickaponudaje skromnih razmera i zasnovana na lokalitetima kulturno-istorijskog nasleâa i manifestacijama. Razvoj turizma ove opstine zahteva institucionalnu podrsku lokalne samouprave, investiciona ulaganja i saradnju nosilaca turisticke ponude.

U ovom radu, akcenat je na analizi postojeceg stanja razvoja turizma u opstini Raca, sa akcentom na resurse za razvoj ruralnog turizma. Na osnovu primera dobre prakse - destinacija ruralnog turizma u Evropi i Srbiji, doprinos rada se ogleda u davanju smernica za buduci razvoj ruralnog turizma opstine Raca.

Kljucne reci: Opstina Raca, ruralni turizam, destinacija ruralnog turizma, Evropa, Srbija.

4 Docent, dr Snezana Milicevic, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Fakultet za Hotelijerstvo i Turizam u Vrnjackoj Banji, Vojvodanska bb, 36210 Vrnjacka Banja, Srbija, Telefon: + 381 36 515 00 24, e-mail: [email protected]

5 Asistent, master Milena Podovac, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Fakultet za Hotelijerstvo i Turizam u Vrnjackoj Banji, Vojvodanska bb, 36210 Vrnjacka Banja, Srbija, Telefon: + 381 36 515 00 24, e-mail: [email protected]

6 Vanredni Profesor, dr Miroslav Cavlin, Univerzitet Privredna Akademija, FIMEK, Cvecarska br. 2, 21000 Novi Sad, Srbija, Telefon: +381 21 400 484, E-mail: [email protected]

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