UDC 332; DOI 10.18551/rjoas.2023-01.04
Fathara Richa Nahdalaily*, Muftiadi Anang, Arifianti Ria
Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Padjadjaran, Indonesia *E-mail: [email protected]
There are various strategies in building a competitive advantage to be sustainable continuously. One strategy that can be used as a basis for competitive advantage is Resource-Based View (RBV). The purpose of this research is to find out and identify existing research development maps on resource-based views and sustainability. Research is conducted using a systematic review to identify, evaluate, and interpret all existing and relevant literature related to the research question or domain of interest. The research was conducted by searching the Scopus journal database, then processing and analyzing it using the VOSViewer application program to find bibliometric maps of research developments. This systematic completion study search method starts with 7,657 articles. After applying the exclusion criteria, 261 selected articles relevant to the research topic resource-based view in achieving sustainability from 1995-2021 were identified and mapped. The analysis of the research data produces a map of the research areas, which are presented in three perspectives: distribution and trends over time, trends in country expansion, and a visualization of the bibliometric map of the development of research topics. The results of the research show that the number of publications increases every year, which shows the interest and attention in this field continues to increase.
Resource-based view, sustainability, competitive advantage, VOSViewer, systematic mapping, bibliometric mapping, research gaps.
In recent years, sustainability has received increasing attention from various researchers compared to previous years (Hermelingmeier & Wirth, 2021). Sustainability has become a major challenge faced by companies in facing an increasingly dynamic and uncertain environment (Martin et al., 2016). This challenge should be responded to by the organization as an opportunity to find new ways to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors (Rahadian, 2017; Rosyda et al., 2021). The discovery of this competitive advantage is closely related to the company's ability to change its resource arrangements through certain strategic adjustments (Sunder & Ganesh, 2021). The search for competitive advantage has also become a priority for companies operating in complex environments to create value for the long term sustainability of the company (Lopez et al., 2007). Overall, recent trends and initiatives have made sustainability a strategic topic for many companies. This is driven by various companies that have recognized that sustainability can be a major determinant of business success (Lichtenthaler, 2021).
Company sustainability can be achieved if the company is able to identify the factors that influence the company's competitive advantage (Newbert, 2007; Daniela, 2014; Efendi, 2021) and optimize them into a strategy to survive the competition (Marr, 2012). Competitive advantage can be said to be the resources, features and capabilities possessed by the organization, which are difficult to duplicate and imitate by competitors so as to provide a better position in competition (Kimani & Juma, 2015). Among the influential conceptual frameworks for explaining firm performance for competitive advantage is a market-based view or a resource-based view (Marr, 2012). The market-based view argues that a company's competitive advantage is created through a value proposition by focusing on meeting the needs of external parties (stakeholders) of the company. Meanwhile, a firm's
resource-based view argues that a firm's strategy, choices, and responses are influenced by internal strategic capabilities, which in turn provide the basis for a firm's competitive advantage (Barney & Clark, 2007).
The resource-based view which focuses on achieving competitive advantage by relying on the internal environment to be sustainable (Barney & Hesterly, 2015; Assensoh, 2019) has also emerged and is considered a new perspective in strategic management. Resource-based view has also received considerable attention from business management researchers over time (Sukaatmadja et al., 2021).
Applying the resource-based view perspective to a company can help design value creation and sort out its strategic capacity so that it is not easily duplicated by competitors that encourage corporate sustainability (Savino & Batbaatar, 2015; Mitra et al., 2018). This resource-based view perspective aims to determine how much effectiveness and efficiency of resources in a company is to be able to compete and ultimately encourage company sustainability (Kleinschmidt et al., 2007).
To get an existing research perspective, researchers conducted a systematic mapping study, this study was included in the literature review (Collie, et al., 2019). Systematic mapping studies have received a lot of attention because they are able to identify, evaluate and interpret research that is relevant to a particular topic either a research question or an interesting phenomenon (Kitchenham, 2004). The purpose of this systematic mapping study is to form a background for further research and gain deeper insights (Tahir et al., 2021) regarding the study of resource-based views in achieving sustainability.
In searching, researchers use electronic databases to find articles that discuss resource-based views and sustainability. SMS study is the right method as a literature study approach because it is supported by 261 articles obtained from searches in the Scopus database. Mapping the topic of science through a systematic mapping study is carried out to explore the development of new knowledge in making further research plans (Munir et al., 2016). This is what underlies this research to find and analyze research focus on resource-based views and sustainability.
The research questions in this article focus on categorizing related topics, namely resource-based view and sustainability. Overall, the researcher analyzed the search results for article searches with the main questions including:
• What is the trend of publication development every year?
• How is the research method used from the article obtained?
• What is the trend of publication development in each country?
• How to visualize the bibliometric map of research topic development?
The research method in this article uses the systematic mapping study (SMS) method. The research was conducted by identifying, processing and analyzing data obtained from the Scopus database. Data processing and analysis was carried out using the VOSViewer application program to find bibliometric maps. To increase the accuracy of this research, the search and analysis process must be as accurate as possible to be able to provide information in the form of mapping related to the topic of resource-based view and sustainability.
Systematic mapping study (SMS) is the process of identifying, categorizing, and analyzing existing literature that is relevant to a particular research topic. The results of a systematic mapping will produce a structured and systematic report based on the existing literature categorization and also produce a visual summary picture that describes the mapping relationship between literature and literature categories (Petersen et al., 2008). Mapping is done to identify the extent of research on a particular topic that has been carried out, to answer the research questions posed and to generate more focused research questions.
SMS is generally used to evaluate previous research quantitatively and objectively (Arifianti, 2021). This SMS research method has many benefits (Budgen et al., 2008;
Kitchenham et al., 2009). First, SMS can identify suitable areas for SLRs in the future by focusing on smaller and more in-depth research areas and more concrete research. Second, SMS can identify gaps and groups of research articles that are most often researched based on themes that often appear by using a systematic and structured procedure. Third, SMS assists researchers in planning new research, making it easier for researchers to find research gaps and state of the art research. Overall, the main purpose of the SMS is to provide an overview of a research topic map and identify the number and types of research and the results of the mapping contained therein.
Conducting systematic mapping studies requires electronic database sources that can be used, one of which is of high quality is the Scopus database (Munir et al., 2022). Scopus is one of the largest curated abstracts and citation databases with extensive global and regional coverage of scholarly journals, conference proceedings and books, while ensuring only the highest quality data is indexed through rigorous content selection and re-evaluation by independent Content Selection and Boards. Advisory (Baas et al., 2020). Scopus indexes various elements of scientific publications, obtained from external publishers, such as publication titles, abstracts, keywords, author names and related affiliations, and references (Berkvens, 2012). The reliability of Scopus and Scopus data that has been offered free of charge to select studies by academic researchers has led to many publications using Scopus data to investigate topics such as research landscape studies, evaluation of science policies, researcher mobility, network visualization, and spatial bibliometrics (Baas et al., 2020). The process steps for carrying out a systematic mapping study using the Scopus database are described in the following sub-chapters:
The data source used in this study uses online searches through the Scopus database. Then, at the data source, a filtering process is carried out with several steps from the data source obtained. The process of searching and filtering is presented in Table 1.
Table 1 - Screening Process from Scopus Database
Number Screening Process Result
1 String keyword "resource-based view" AND "sustainability"
2 Year 1995-2021
3 Subject Area Business, Management and Accounting
4 Document Type Article
5 Publication Stage Final
6 Source Type Journal
7 Language English
The process of searching and collecting data in this study was carried out by selecting mapping data sources, using appropriate search strings, and determining inclusion and exclusion criteria to maintain the quality and accuracy of the data. In this case, to increase the accuracy of the data, the search and analysis process must be carried out as transparently as possible. Overall, the authors adopted the step search process from (Petersen et al, 2008). In systematic mapping studies, the article search step is an important step in producing research map results that are accurate and able to answer research questions (Kitchenham, 2004). Furthermore, a mapping study step was carried out to exclude articles to determine inclusion categories and exclusion categories in mapping which aims to sort articles that are relevant to the research question (Petersen et al., 2008). In full, the steps for finding articles in research are presented in Figure 1.
Research using the keywords "resource-based view" AND "competitive advantage" resulted in initial findings of 7,657 articles. Scopus database findings obtained results from all 584 articles with the topic resource-based view. Furthermore, the elimination process was carried out by classifying articles, in total according to the results of elimination and classification, 263 articles were obtained. After that, a manual screening process was carried out to see how many articles were relevant to the topic being studied, the result was 261 articles. The last process carried out is to analyze 261 relevant journals; the result is that there are 261 journals that are in accordance with the research topic. So that 261 articles will
be carried out systematic mapping related to publication trends by year, country, as well as visualization of the bibliometric map of the development of research topics.
Figure 1 - Stages of a Systematic Mapping Study Using the Scopus Database
Classification schemes are experiencing increasing use by researchers in their use to select articles based on established criteria (Keele, 2007). The classification scheme also aims to identify and classify articles in detail to answer research questions (Kitchenham, 2009). In this stage there are two aspects to consider in conducting data analysis and categorizing articles (Rosyda et al., 2021; Al-Farisi et al., 2022). The first aspect is categorizing articles based on keywords. And the second aspect is based on the type of research (article). The article classification process can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2 - Classification Scheme Process (Source: Peterson et al, 2008) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
This section is the result of a systematic mapping study based on research questions. The results of the mapping of the article were obtained from data searches carried out through the 'Document search' search field, then using the key-string 'resource-based view' AND 'sustainability'. Then the researcher carried out a selection process which ultimately resulted in 261 articles to be analyzed.
In answering the RQ1 research question, researchers mapped 261 articles published from 1995 to 2022. The mapping was carried out to see the development of article publications every year in the last 30 years based on research topics. Based on the Scopus database, research developments in 1995-2022 can be seen in Figure 3 below:
Figure 3 - Trends in Publication Development by Year of Publication (Source: Data processed by researchers, 2022)
Based on Figure 3 above, it can be seen that the development of the number of articles related to the Resource-based View method in relation to sustainability, shows results that tend to continue to increase every year until now. The peak of research using the Resource-based View (RBV) method related to sustainability will occur in 2021 with a total of 45 studies or with a percentage of 17.2% (Dias et al., 2021; Foo et al., 2021; Freeman et al., 2021; Hermelingmeier & Von, 2021; Lin at al., 2021; Ordonez, 2021; Putra et al., 2021; Saqib & Zhang, 2021; Shayganmehr et al., 2021; Wu & Yang, 2021). The second most research was conducted in 2019 (Demirel & Kesidou, 2019; Ismail & Latiff, 2019; McDougall et al., 2019; Silva et al., 2019; Tseng et al., 2019) and 2020 (Ab-Wahab, 2020; Corsi & Arru, 2020; Govindan, 2020; Ma, 2020; Tran et al., 2020; Utaminingsih et al., 2020; Shahzad et al., 2020) with a total of 35 studies (13.4%) and 34 studies (13.0%) respectively. The results of this research, which continues to increase, indicate that there is an increasing interest in the world of research related to the topic of how strategic efforts are made by companies to achieve sustainability.
The distribution of publication trends based on research methods to answer RQ2 was carried out in grouping 261 articles on the topic of Resources-based View and Sustainability on a Scopus basis. The distribution of publication trends refers to the article research method; the results of the mapping are presented in Figure 5.
Based on Figure 4 above, it can be seen that the distribution of research methods from the mapping results of 261 articles in the Scopus database is dominated by quantitative research with a total of 162 studies or a percentage of 62.1% (Roxas et al., 2017; Savino & Shafiq, 2018; Quaye & Mensah, 2018; Tran et al., 2020; Foo et al., 2021; Saqib & Zhang, 2021; Shayganmehr et al., 2021; Dias et al., 2021; Ordonez, 2021). As for the qualitative research method, namely 90 studies or with the percentage is 34.5% (Goh & Loosemore, 2017; McDougall et al., 2019; Corsi & Arru, 2020; Hermelingmeier & Von, 2021), whereas the mix method is only 9 studies or a percentage of 3.4% (Grimstad & Burgess, 2014; Formentini & Taticchi, 2016; Wu & Yang, 2021). The results of this mapping are expected to be a reference for future research development using the topic Resource-based View and
Sustainability in the future. in the future. The use of further research methods can be adjusted through the locus and focus of research. Overall, the use of research methods, both qualitative, quantitative, and mixed, basically must be readjusted with reference to the phenomenon being studied.
Figure 4 - Trends in Publication Development Based on Research Methods (Source: Processed by Researchers, 2022)
Distribution of publication trends based on affiliated countries to answer RQ3 was carried out in grouping 261 articles on the topic of Resources-based View and Sustainability on a Scopus basis. The distribution of publication trends refers to affiliated countries that publish articles, the mapping results are presented in Figure 5.
United States 55
Kingdom 51
China 32
India 25
Australia 20
Malaysia 18
Canada 16
France 15
Cermany 13
Italy 12
Taiwan 10
Finland 9
Brazil 9
United Arab Emirates
Figure 5 - Trends in Publication Development Based on Affiliated Countries (Source: Processed by Researchers, 2022)
Based on Figure 5 above, it can be seen that in the last 25 years, the 15 countries above are the countries that occupy the top positions in publishing articles related to the topic of Resource-based View and Sustainability Resource-based View and Sustainability from the 48 identified author countries. The contribution of this research was dominated by the United States with 55 articles or with percentage of 13.6% (Connelly et al., 2011; Koseoglu, 2022; Schoenherr & Talluri., 2012; Freeman et al., 2021). The second largest country is the United Kingdom with a total publication of 51 articles articles or with percentage of 12.6% (Ashby, 2018; Demirel & Kesidou, 2019; Bag et al., 2021; Lin et al., 2021; Samad et al., 2021) when
followed by China with a total publication of 32 articles or with percentage 7.9% (Govindan, 2020; Ma et al., 2020; Shahzad et al., 2020; Tran et al., 2020). These countries come from various continents such as Europe (Becerra, 2008; Boyd, 2010; Ortiz & Aragon, 2015), America (Sehnem et al., 2012), Africa (Gibson et al., 2021), Australia (Grimstad & Burgess, 2014; Foo et al., 2021) and Asia (Choi, 2015; Saqib & Zhang, 2021; Wu & Yang, 2021). The distribution of other countries shows a trend that the development trend of Resource-based View and its relation to sustainability has increased research interest and has received a lot of attention from researchers around the world. However, at this time there are no international publications related to this topic originating from Indonesia. This shows that the topic area of this research is still widely open to be used as a research topic in Indonesia.
At this stage a search is carried out for relevant keywords in the Scopus database using the key-string "resource-based view" AND "sustainability". This keyword search is carried out with the aim of mapping keywords that are very relevant or have a strong link between Resource-based View and Sustainability. Then the results are analyzed using the VOSViewer application so that a visualization is obtained that shows the results of the top 15 relevant keywords. Next, the grouping of the search results is carried out.
The grouping results show the keywords that are popular or that appear the most which are described. In addition to showing the number of keyword occurrences, the results also describe the total link strength that appears to be divided into keyword clusters. In detail, the results of grouping these keywords can be seen in Table-2 as follows:
Table 2 - Keyword Clusters with Emergence and Link Strength
Cluster Keyword Occurrences Total Link Strength
Entrepreneurial Orientation 59 52
Human Capital 46 40
Innovation 130 157
1 Firm Performance 119 116
Financial Performance 46 61
Performance 89 80
SMEs 71 58
Institutional Theory 49 76
Environmental Management 52 107
2 Supply Chain Management 64 93
Sustainability 86 119
Sustainable Development 99 176
Dynamic Capabilities 85 118
3 Competitive Advantage 114 181
Competition 70 167
Source: Data Processed by Researchers (2022).
Then in the next stage, the keywords that appear in the table above are then grouped based on approaches, relationships, and appearances for further network visualization. Keyword relationships are represented by nodes, lines and similar colors. The following is a network visualization related to the RBV method which is presented in Figure 6.
Figure 6 shows the results of the network visualization of the research topic development map divided into 3 clusters, where the first cluster with a red line is related to Resource-based View (RBV) which is closely related to seven keywords or topics including entrepreneurial orientation, human capital, innovation, firm performance, financial performance, performance, and SMEs. The second cluster with a green line contains five keywords including institutional theory, environmental management, supply chain management, sustainability, and sustainable development. The third cluster with a blue line contains 3 keywords including dynamic capabilities, competitive advantage, and competition.
The first cluster describes the Resource-based View (RBV) which is closely related to entrepreneurial orientation, human capital, innovation, financial performance, firm performance, performance, and SMEs. This cluster explains that the Resource-based View approach can describe how the company's entrepreneurial orientation (a company-level
strategic orientation that describes the practice of making strategy, managerial philosophy, and corporate behavior that is entrepreneurial). It also includes how companies carry out innovations and manage human capital in measuring firm performance and financial performance. The scope of the company here broadly also includes SMEs. Overall, the keywords in this first cluster show something that is in line with the core of the Resource-based View (RBV).
Figure 6 - Visualization of Research Development Keyword Network (Source: Processed by Researchers, 2022)
The second cluster describes several keywords that focus on the linkages of Resource-based View as an effort to manage various strategic decisions making within the company. This includes those relating to managing the influence of the institutional environment (institutional theory), environmental management (environmental management), and supply chain management (supply chain management), where the overall strategic management is basically related to the company's goals to achieve sustainability and sustainable development. These keywords are in line with the facts on the ground that in designing a Resource-based View (RBV) or Market-based View (MBV) strategy, a company aims to achieve corporate sustainability.
The third cluster describes several keywords by focusing on Resource-based View which is also very closely related to dynamic capabilities (the company's ability to adjust the organization's resource base in building a company's competitive advantage in the competitive environment it faces.
Based on the results of the analysis using the VOSViewer application and the network map visualization above, this shows the link between resource-based views and sustainability, which emphasizes model development to help organizations maximize their internal resource capabilities in achieving optimal goals and being able to increase company sustainability. The network map above also shows that in this study there are still research gaps regarding the relationship between resource-based views and financial performance (Robins & Wiersema, 1995; Yu et al., 2014; Kamboj et al., 2015) and the relationship between resource-based views and human capital (Shaw et al. al., 2013) compared to other topics. This research topic can be an opportunity for researchers to build something new in further research on this topic.
Based on the results and discussion above, it can be concluded that the development trend of article publication in the last 25 years has tended to increase from 1995 to 2021,
most notably in 2021, namely 45 published articles (17,2%). Based on the research method, this topic was dominated by a quantitative approach, namely 162 studies (62.1%). Based on the development trend of article publishing countries, the country that produced the most published articles was the United States with 55 published articles (13,6%). In Southeast Asia, Malaysia is among the 15 countries that publish the most articles, with a total of 18 publications. However, in Indonesia there is still no international publication on this topic. This shows that this research trend still has many opportunities to be used as a research topic in Indonesia for future research.
The results of visual mapping through the VOSviewer application show that the research topic development map specifically shows the link between resource-based views and sustainability, which emphasizes model development to help organizations maximize their internal resource capabilities in achieving optimal goals and being able to increase company sustainability. This is an opportunity for researchers to build something new in further research and develop research around the topic of resource-based views and sustainability. It is hoped that this can broaden insights and information about optimizing resource-based views in helping to achieve company sustainability.
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