УДК 378
Xu Yang, MA, Associate Professor, School of Foreign Languages, Shenyang Ligong University (Liaoning, China), E-mail: [email protected]
RESEARCH ON COLLEGE ENGLISH EXTRACURRICULAR LEARNING MODEL BASED ON RAIN CLASSROOM PLATFORM. The rapid development of Internet plus Education models brings not only the innovation of educational philosophy and renewal of teaching model, but also the infinite possibilities to students' autonomous learning. Based on the Rain Classroom platform, this study integrates teachers' teaching and students' learning organically, and constructs a differentiation-oriented personalized English learning model, which properly serves the teaching objectives of College English courses. With the scientific data-driven evaluation system, this platform accelerates the effective combination of teachers' leading role and students' main role, establishing a communication bridge between extracurricular learning and classroom teaching. The intelligent teaching platform promotes the students' diversified and personalized learning and teachers' differentiated teaching, and meanwhile lays a foundation for an efficient foreign language teaching.
Key words: Rain Classroom platform, differentiation-oriented, leading role, main role.
Name of Funding: Industry-university Cooperative Education Project of Chinese Ministry of Education in 2021; Name of Project: Research on the Effect of Group Cooperation on College Students' Improvement of English Reading and Writing in Online Classes; No.202101396001
Сюй Ян, доц., Шэньянский политехнический университет, г. Шэньян, E-mail: [email protected]
Стремительное развитие платформы «Интернет плюс образование» не только приводит к обновлению педагогических подходов и моделей обучения, но и предоставляет неограниченные возможности для самостоятельного обучения студентов. Основываясь на платформе Rain Classroom, данное исследование намерено выстроить индивидуальную модель изучения английского языка, основанную на дифференциации посредством органичной интеграции преподавания и обучения. С помощью системы научного оценивания, основанной на данных, создается модель дистанционного обучения иностранному языку, которая составляет необходимые дополнения к аудиторному обучению. Мы должны придерживаться подхода эффективного взаимодействия преподавателей и студентов и устанавливать звено между урочными и внеурочными занятиями. Новые идеи и методы обучения, основанные на интеллектуальной обучающей платформе, позволили обеспечить индивидуальное обучение, заложив основу для эффективного обучения иностранным языкам.
Ключевые слова: платформа Rain Classroom, дифференцированный подход, ведущая роль, главная роль.
Статья издана в рамках фонда «Проект финансирования научных исследований Министерства образования КНР в 2021 году» по теме «Исследование влияния группового сотрудничества на улучшение навыков чтения и письма на английском языке у студентов на онлайн-занятиях» №202101396001
Rain Classroom Platform
Rain Classroom platform, promoted by Tsinghua University, was officially opened free of charge on April 1, 2016, and the statistics show that in the following year, more than 750000 teachers and students used the platform to carry out teaching activities, with more than 60000 registered classes and more than 5000 teaching institutions and relevant units. About 10000 schools around the world are using Rain Classrooms, with universities and higher vocational colleges accounting for more than 83%. [1] In February 5, 2020, in order to control and prevent COVID-19, Chinese Ministry of Education issued The Guidance on Organizing and Managing the Online Teaching in Ordinary Colleges and Universities, requesting the implementation and protection of online teaching during the epidemic prevention and control, which has accelerated the popularization of Rain Classroom platform in the teaching procedure of colleges and universities. This new intelligent teaching tool integrates the latest information technology into the scene of teaching and learning, provides teaching data quantification and panoramic visualization, endows every stages before, during and after class with a new experience, releasing the energy of teaching and learning to the greatest extent.
Introduction to the Research
1. Significance
In the College English Teaching Guide by Chinese Ministry of Education, colleges and universities are encouraged to make full use of information technology and network resources to build and promote micro-lecture, MOOC and flipped classroom, to expand teaching contents and create a diversified teaching environment. The Rain Classroom platform not only has fast in-class testing and innovative teacher-student interaction, but also has flexible pre-class learning module, perfect after-class assignments and panoramic data-driven evaluation.[2] With the technological advantages of this platform, this study will build an online learning environment integrating resources, technology and supervision, providing technical support and resource space for students to give full play to their main roles in language learning.
2. Purpose and Task
This research chooses the intelligent teaching tool--Rain Classroom platform launched by Tsinghua University as an auxiliary means of classroom language teaching, aiming to improve students' interest and ability in autonomous learning.
The research takes the College English course as an example, the non-English majors students as the research object. The participating professors rely on the textbook New Edition of Comprehensive College-Advanced English Course to construct and practice the extracurricular learning model of College English. Taking the natural classes as the research units, the related professors establish corresponding pilot classes on the Rain Classroom platform, and with each unit a cycle, based on the teaching content, researchers reasonably allocate the unit learning time, set the teaching environment such as pre-class preparation, after-class consolidation and teaching evaluation, and design the courseware and test related to the teaching content.
3. Innovation
Distinguished from the recently wide-spread hybrid language teaching model, which manages to compromise the online and offline teachings, this research plans to establish two independent online and offline segments. One is the teacher-leading classroom teaching, which is irreplaceable, since the face-to-face communication between teacher and students is critical in the teaching process. The other is the online students' autonomous learning segment, which is set up on the Rain Classroom platform and based on the curriculum planning. The two independent segments are complementary to each other, while their organic combination will deepen the process of students' language acquisition progressively.
Extracurricular Training Modules
1. Pre-class intensive training module with cross-cultural communication as the core
The modern information technology and an abundance of online resources are increasingly integrated into College English teaching at an extremely rapid rate and play an important role in it. In the current globalization, international talents are in great demand, so the universities and colleges dedicate to cultivating students to have broad international vision and strong sense of innovation; to be familiar with the international knowledge and practices of their majors; to acquire strong cross-cultural communicating skills; to independently carry out international activities; to be capable to use and process information; and definitely have high political and ideological quality and healthy psychological quality, and be able to withstand the impact of multiculturalism. One of the contents and objectives of the new English curriculum formulated by Chinese Ministry of Education is to improve the sensitivity and identifying ability of the cultural differences and cultivate preliminary cross-cultural communicating ability. The foreign language learning relying solely on College English textbooks, without direct or indirect language, social and cultural contact, will not be able to improve students' language cognitive ability and speculative ability. College Students' second language acquisition should not only be based on the study of language symbols and grammatical rules, but also focus on the cultivation of cultural awareness and cross-cultural communicative competence, in order to learn its cultural connotation.
The main function of the pre-class intensive training module is to arouse students' interest and enthusiasm in English learning by understanding the western civilization and cultures. And meanwhile, a good pre-class preparation is essential to the smooth classroom learning. There will be several parts in this training module: education and universities, literature and arts, religion and Christians, traditional festivals, vocation and tourism, medical systems and medicare, history and civilization, sports and races, etc., which will be expanded and contracted from unit to unit by professors.
At this stage, professors burden themselves with a large quantity of screening work of the limitless online resources. They post assignments related to the unit theme on the Rain Classroom platform beforehand, while the students are supposed
to complete the online assignments independently and submit them timely in order to make good preparation for the following classroom learning. The selected listening and speaking materials in the pre-class intensive training module are usually from high-quality platforms by English native speakers, and students should collect necessary background information by watching videos or listening to audio materials posted on Rain Classroom platform by professors, or make rational use of other online resources to learn the history, economy, politics and culture of English speaking countries in the natural contexts. And the final submissions made by students in the training module are all visible to the professors on the platform for their further evaluation. This module focuses on cultivating students' cross-cultural ability and English thinking ability, learning the customs differences between Eastern and Western life in ethics, religious beliefs, values and world outlook, and thus avoiding understanding deviation in text expression, which are all greatly helpful to second language acquisition.
2. After-class differentiation-oriented consolidated training module
The traditional English classroom teaching can not fully take students' individual aptitudes into account to meet their different learning requirements. Even in a class with similar level students, professors in no way give a lecture with an educational equity from the perspectives of teaching objectives, teaching content and teaching evaluation. Therefore, the after-class differentiation-oriented consolidated training module comes into being, as an indispensable auxiliary part of traditional classroom teaching, which aims to functionally strengthen in-class teaching content by the graded training practices, in order to cultivate students in accordance with their aptitude.
In the initial stage of establishing the training module, the multilevel training objectives, the scientificity and practicality of the graded exercises, and the authenticity and reliability of later evaluation need to be carefully designed, which are critical to the achievement of the original intention of education fairness.[3] During the early implementation of this training module, professors take the College English curriculum requirements and syllabus as the starting point, design personalized after-class practices and properly divide them into at least three grades for students of different levels on the Rain Classroom platform, which provides students with a virtual foreign language learning space, lowering the degree of anxiety in the classroom and improving their language learning efficiency.
The differentiated training designed by professors follow the basic principles of language test, ensure the validity and reliability of the questions, and ensure that the results reflect students' real English level.[4] With those well-designed consolidated training, students' personal differences and needs are taken seriously, and their language ability and literacy in the learning process are measured comprehensively. Students have a more scientific and objective understanding of their own language learning ability, while professors could give students guidance and teaching based on the training results.
3. Weekly CET-4/6 training module
The teaching objectives of College English are to cultivate non-English major students' comprehensive English application ability, including their listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating abilities, to enhance their autonomous learning ability and to improve their cultural mastery, so that they could communicate effectively in
Библиографический список
English in their future study and work to meet the needs of China's social development and international communication.^] The most effective way to test students' comprehensive English application ability is to take the College English Test 4/6 (CET-4/6), which are large-scale standardized examinations held twice a year respectively by China's Ministry of Education. Therefore, College English teaching should not only focus on the improvement of students' cultural cognitive and language application abilities, but also tend to improve their performance in the tests.
Compared with the former two modules, this weekly training module is established deliberately for CET-4/6 and the related training parts could be done selectively. The schedule of the two former modules have to follow the classroom teaching arrangements, while the latter one is supposed to take anytime in a week.
According to the CET-4/6, the weekly training module consists of 4 parts: writing, listening comprehension, reading comprehension and translation. All the exercises would be selected from the real CET-4/6 over the years in order to measure the students' actual English ability objectively and accurately, and conversely the evaluation could further serves for the following College English Teaching. All the exercises in this module are not mandatory, and students are free to choose and carry out any part of the practices according to their own superiority and inferiority. There are short news, long conversations and passages in listening comprehension part, while word selections, paragraphs' matching and passages in reading comprehension part. With the rights of selection, students become the main body of learning, and free from teachers' or professors' domination and external interference, they achieve knowledge and skills continuously and autonomously.
This research takes Rain Classroom as an auxiliary platform to develop a College English extracurricular learning model, which consists of 3 modules: the pre-class intensive training module puts emphasis on the cultivation of students' cross-cultural communicating ability; the after-class differentiation-oriented consolidated training module aims to improve the effectiveness of language learning for students of different levels; and the weekly CET-4/6 training module is established to assist students to perform well in the examinations. This language learning model manages to arouse students' interest in western culture and language, and therefore, motivates their initiatives in the process of language learning.
In the era of big data, most universities and colleges adopt modern information technology to improve the traditional teaching mode dominated by teachers and professors, in order to realize the teaching goal of changing from teachers' teaching to students' personal and autonomous learning. The exploration of this learning model, combined with the reality of College English teaching, frees the teachers' teaching and students' learning from the restrictions of time and place to a certain extent, and provides a reference for further optimization of the traditional language acquisition method. It organically combines traditional classroom teaching and online resources, and strengthens the students' dominant position in the teaching and learning process. This extracurricular learning model develops students' learning interest, confidence and autonomy, promotes the quality of teacher-student interaction, increases students' overall satisfaction, and will definitely improve the effectiveness of College English teaching.
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2. Лай Ч. Исследование по разработке и применению гибридного обучения на основе интеллектуальной обучающей платформы «Rain Classroom». Диссертация ... кандидата филоогических наук. Чанша, 2018.
3. Лян Д. Проектирование и практика на основе гибридного режима обучения «Rain Classroom». Вестник Народного университета общественной безопасности Китая. 2017; № 1: 105 - 108.
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1. Van Shuajgo. Rain Classroom: Intellektual'nye sredstva obucheniya v kontekste mobil'nogo interneta i bol'shih dannyh. Sovremennye obrazovatel'nye tehnologii. 2017; № 5: 26 - 32.
2. Laj Ch. Issledovanie po razrabotke i primeneniyu gibridnogo obucheniya na osnove intellekiual'noj obuchayuschej platformy «Rain Classroom». Dissertaciya ... kandidata filoogicheskih nauk. Chansha, 2018.
3. Lyan D. Proektirovanie i praktika na osnove gibridnogo rezhima obucheniya «Rain Classroom». Vestnik Narodnogo universiteta obschestvennoj bezopasnosti Kitaya. 2017; № 1: 105 - 108.
4. Murry R. Evaluation of Evidence-based Practices in Online Learning: a Meta-analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies [J]. US Department of Education. 2009; № 3: 93.
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Статья поступила в редакцию 20.09.21
УДК 159
Mishchenko V.A., Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Ugra State University (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia), E-mail: [email protected] Mironov A.V., Cand. of Sciences (Psychology), senior lecturer, Ugra State University (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia), E-mail: [email protected] Belova L.A., senior teacher, Ugra State University (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]
RESULTS OF THE RESEARCH OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS AND MEANS OF DEVELOPMENT OF POLY-ROLE BEHAVIOR OF PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTS. In conditions of the modern educational situation, the role of psychological knowledge and the definition of professional role activity of students is noticeably increasing. The authors note that the phenomenon of poly-role behavior of students of the psychological direction requires theoretical validity and experimental