i semantics [the study of meanings], бтш розгорнуте тлумачення запропоновано у словнику Oxford: semantics [the branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning. The two main branches are logical semantics and lexical semantics] та meaning через вщсилку до дieслова mean [have smth as its signification in the same language or its equivalent in another language, e.g. the name means 'painted rock' in Cherokee].
1. Козлова Л.А. Отражение этнокультурных особенностей менталитета в синтаксических категориях агентивности/неагентивности (на материале английского и русского языков). // Человек. Язык. Культура: сборник научных статей, посвященных 60-летнему юбилею проф. В.И.Карасика: в 2-х частях. - Киев: Издат.дом Д.Бураго, 2013. -Изд-е 2-е испр. - Часть 1. С. 532538.
2. Кубрякова Е.С. Особенности речевой деятельности и проблемы внутреннего лексикона Человеческий фактор в языке. Язык и картина мира. - М.: Наука, 1991. С.141-172.
3. Кубрякова Е. С. Язык и знание: На пути получения знаний о языке: Части речи с когнитивной точки зрения. Роль языка в познании мира Рос. Академия наук. Ин-т языкознания. - М.: Языки славянской культуры, 2004. 560 с.
4. Попова З. Д., Стернин И. А. Когнитивная лингвистика. - М.: АСТ: Восток-Запад, 2007. 314 с.
5. Теркулов В.И. Части речи и тождество номинатемы. Человек. Язык. Культура: сборник научных статей, посвященных 60-летнему юбилею проф. В.И.Карасика: в 2-х частях. - Киев: Издат.дом Д.Бураго, 2013. -Изд-е 2-е испр. - Часть 1. С.25-31.
6. Швачко С.А. Диахроническая память слов.// Человек. Язык. Культура: сборник научных статей, посвященных 60-летнему юбилею проф. В.И.Карасика: в 2-х частях. - Киев: Издат.дом Д.Бураго, 2013. -Изд-е 2-е испр. - Часть 1. С.166-173.
7. Biber D. et al. Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English Forword by K. Quirk. - Lnd.: Pearson Education Ltd, 1999. 1204 p.
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MaTepi&tt дослвдження
10. Online Cambridge dictionary. URL: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/
11. Online Webster dictionary. URL: https://www.merriam-webster.com/
12. Online Macmillan dictionary URL: http://www.macmillandictionary.com/
13. Online Oxford dictionary URL: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/
14. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright 2017 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. URL: https://ahdictionary. com/word/search.html
Dr. Ibragimov Yuldash Matkarimovich
Teacher of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute city Nukus, Karakalpakstan
Abstract. The term of the Turkic languages of the southern Aral region reflect the common Turkic system of kinship terms. Relationships in the field of kinship terms within individual Turkic languages of the specified region have not yet been the subject of special research. A comparatively historical study of kinship terminology of kinship terminology of the Uzbek, Karakalpak, Kazak and Turkmen languages that have been in intensive contact with each other for a longtime and involving all known dialect variant is of interest not only for linguist but also for historians and ethnographers.
Analysis of dialectal kinship terms leads to the following conclusion the terms of kinship in the period of their origin meant related gender and age marriage groups, relative terms of kinship compared with vocative are more stable, with a relatively historical and etymological study of the terms of the terms of the terms of kinship is of great importance, taking into account the lexical material of all dialectal variants of the range.
Keywords: dialect, features, mutual influence, conformity. Central-Asian, Volga-Ural kinship terms of Turkic languages, accounting of lexical materials.
The terminology of kinship of the Turkic languages of the Republic of Karakalpakstan basically reflects the common Turkic system of terms of kinship. Nevertheless, there are quite significant differences between the individual languages of the region and between the dialects of the inner separate languages in the field of kinship terminology. Dialectical features and inter-dialectal relationships of kinship terms within individual languages of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
have been developed to one degree or another (Begjanov, 1971, 77-81; Beketov 1992: 110-111; Dospanov 1980: 34-35; Ibragimov 1986: 94-112). But relationships and interconnections have not yet been the subject of special research. A comparative historical study of the terminology of kinship between the Uzbek, Karakalpak, Kazakh and Turkmen languages, which have been continuously and intensively contacting each other with all known dialectal variants, is of interest not
only to linguists, but also to historians and ethnographers. The study of the mutual influence of dialectal terms of kinship has shown their great interpenetration both between dialects and between languages.
The kinship terms of the Uzbek, Karakalpak, Kazakh and Turkmen languages are constantly interacting. In the dialects of the Uzbek language of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the concept of mother is referred to by these words: "ana anau,a6a, a6au, shs, 3H3u". In the Gurlen-Beruni subgroup and in the inner transitional subgroup of dialects, the term apa is mainly used, and in the dialect of the Khojeli-Kipchak "ana,anau,a6a,a6au" is used in parallel, and in the Turtkul-Ellikkalin and externally transitional subgroup of dialects "shs, sHsff".
The term ana gradually expanding its range, from the Gurlen-Berunian dialect penetrated into the Turtkul-Ellikkali and externally transitional subgroups of dialects, while, as often happens in such cases, it changed its meaning. In some dialects of the flowing Kipchak type of the Uzbek language of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, apa is mainly used in the meanings of an elder aunt, an older sister and as a form when politely addressing women older than their parents, but not elderly. In many Turkic languages, including Uzbek dialects and Uzbek literary language, it is used in the same meaning (UzRD, 305).
But the area of distribution of the term "ana", spree than "9H9 and a6a". This is also evidenced by the fact that of the Turkic-speaking peoples of Central Asia and Karakalpakstan, "aHa" and "a6a" are represented only in a narrow-dialect form in the Uzbek language of the Republic of Karakalpakstan "9H9H, a6an" are a vocabulary of "aHa" and "a6a", dating back to the more ancient form of a. It has correspondences in the Central Asian, Middle Asian and Volga-Ural Turkic languages. Karakalpak "ana" mother, sister, appeal to the husband's sister and to all older women (KKRD, 46), Kazakh-ana, Turkm^^e, Uyghur-ana older sister, Chuvash- anan, aMa mother, Bashkir. aca, 9hh9, in the dialects of the Tatar language there are four main phonetic variants of the term: aHa, 9hh, 9H9H hh9h hh9 (h), Altai- jze, shore. jsa, blown away. aza prototurkic mother ana, ana is the eldest relative, in modern Turkic languages it is reflected as an "ana" older sister, mother. And the ancient Turk "ana"- achy by the term of kinship, used in relation to elders by age (Malov, 1951,359); "ana"-older sister, ah-older woman (DLTI, 35); old uzbek -"ana". As L.A. Pokrovskaya notes, in the monuments of ancient Turkic writing this term is found in three phonetic variants: aci, aci, ani, the older relative is very broad (Pokrovskaya, 1961.28).
This common meaning in the future in connection with the development and emergence of new forms of family-kinship, in the Turkic languages, the term apa has become so diverse both in terms of its external form and in terms of content (within the concept of an older relative) that sometimes words hard to put in one nest.
Now the dialectic term "ana, anan" mother in ancient Turkic was widespread. The main meaning of this term in old Turkic is an older relative. In the
context of a large patriarchal family, the term "anaff' denoted all the older relatives in the family — older sisters, mother, aunts, etc. Only the grandmother, the oldest woman in the family, was called энэ энэ йэнэ, йенэй, йенэ, йэнэй. After the death of the grandmother, the term эпэ mother was called the mother. Traces of such a peculiar use of the term "ana, aпaй and йэнэ, йенэй, йенэ, йэнэй" are preserved in the dialects of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
The genonym "a6a" mother and the vocal form of "a6aff' have parallels in some Turkic languages: Altai-aba grandfather, chigatay-aba ancestor, Kyrgyz-aba father, in the Tabriz dialect of the Azerbaijan language aba mother, in the Cuban dialect of the Azerbaijan language aba father (Zerinzade). It is also found in the ancient Turkic languages (other Turkic. Aba). In the Turkic languages, two forms are used as independent lexical units: voiced-aba and deaf-apa. E.V.Sevortyan connects the etymology of this foundation with the verb ab to be elderly (EDTL, 1974, v.1.16).
However, the semantics of the foundation, ranging from Azerb. aba child and to aba mother in the dialects under study, suggests here the existence of the original name component of the ap-with a hypothetical meaning genus. It is possible that this root is represented in the Oguz term aba clan, family settlement. See also mong. the genus Abur, the Turkic term Aba can be elevated to the Abag form and suggest its connection with the Mongol-Turk form of Abag. It is possible that both bases contain in their composition a single root component ap: ab.
So, in some dialects "иэнэй, йэнэй" the grandmother on the father's side, the eldest sister-in-law, remained in the meanings. In the process of forming in dialects the Gurlen-Beryunian, Khojeli-Kipchak, Aral Uzbeks and the internal transitional subgroup of Uzbek dialects of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the term "иэнэ, иэнэй, йэнэ, йэнэй" ancestress, the oldest woman in the family, has the meaning mother (vocative term), and in Turtkul-Ellikkala and an external transitional subgroup of dialects of the Uzbek language of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, this meaning was assigned to the term "энэ, энэй" mother, older relative. Already in ancient Turkic terms "энэ. энэй" began to be used in the meanings of mother, mother. Due to the fact that the apa in the Uzbek dialects of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and in neighboring Karakalpak, Kazakh languages are more often used in the meaning of mother than in meaning older sister, the complex term "qiz apa, ajapa, ayapa" was formed to denote the latter concept, which can be qualified as one of appearances of differentiation of genonyms.
To determine the specific ways of development of the term in various Turkic languages, the facts of contacting the studied languages should be taken into account. So, for example, it can be assumed that in the Karakalpak, Kazakh languages, "иене" has changed under the influence of "ипэ, эпэ", who beat in the Uzbek dialects of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, since the Karakalpaks, Kazakhs live in the territory of the South Aral region, adjacent to the Uzbeks.
We also note that the term "энэ, иэнэ, йэнэ" is used in relation to animals in the meaning of a female, while others related to "энэ" by the term of kinship (ana, etc.) occur in this meaning. Cf. in the dialects of the Khojeli-Kipchak and Aral Uzbeks, "энэ кой" dairy sheep. In the same meaning, this word also exists in the dialects of the Turkmen, Kazakh, and Karakalpak languages: "ене кой" milk sheep (KKRD). The detailed use of this word, apparently, is a specific feature of the Aral and Khojel-Kipchak subgroups of Uzbek dialects. In this connection, we point out the assumption expressed in the literature that it is possible to distinguish "инак, энек''-cow, which is characteristic of the Uzbek dialects of the Bukhara and Samarkand regions and a number of Turkic languages of "инэ" element: инэй, энэ with the primary meaning of the mother (Shcherbak, 1961.97) .
In Uzbek dialects of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the maternal grandmother is denoted by the term mother. The word mother is also recorded in other Uzbek dialects, which have seven meanings for this word (DUzD, 350-351). In the Uzbek dialects of the Republic of Kazakhstan, four meanings are recorded for the word mother: mother, great-grandfather, sister-in-law, uncle's wife on the mother's side, grandmother, old woman, great-grandmother in the Uzbek literary language. In UzRD, the word mother is noted in the meanings of a nurse and with a litter of obl. grandmother (UzRD, 1959,266). Wed kcal mother grandmother (KKRD, 445), Turkm. ma: ma maternal grandmother (TurkmRD); Mongolian mother, child (MRD, 1957,238), Uyghur.mom, grandmother, grandmother's elder sister (Pokrovskaya, 1961,22). Apparently, the aforementioned tokens are associated with the ancient Turkic mother, a woman who remains with her bride on their wedding night (OTD 335).
In some Uzbek dialects of the Republic of Kazakhstan, paternal grandmother and maternal grandmother are designated by the same word. In the internal transitional subgroup of dialects of the Uzbek language of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for both grandmothers, there is one term - mother grandmother in general. In the Khodzheliy-Kipchak dialect subgroup, this term appears in the pronounced form of moms and denotes the wife of the father's older brother and mother's grandmother, in this dialect subgroup the word mother, speaking in combination with the word энэ. forms the new term йэнэкэ mother, which has the mean midwife, which is transmitted in other ways: йэнэкэ кэмпир. It should be noted that in the language of the Chandir tribe of the Ilyaly district, the maternal grandmother is called the word mother, the great-grandmother of the mother is 1n1. In the village of Karamazy, the maternal grandmother is called the word энэ, and the great-grandmother of the mother is descriptively -энэмин энэсии etc.
A comparative analysis of the dialectal terms of kinship of the Turkic-speaking peoples of the Republic of Kazakhstan allows us to draw some conclusions: 1) the terms of kinship at the time of their origin meant related, gender and age groups, marriage groups; 2) the reference terms of kinship, compared with the
vocational, have greater stability and relatively weakly penetrate from one language to another; 3) in a comparative historical and etymological study of the terms of kinship, the completeness of the lexical material and the consideration of all dialectal variants of the range are of great importance.
1. Babaev. S.K. On the role of the Persian language // Vestnik (Kaab.-Balk). NII. Vol. №7. -Nalchik.-1973,p.358.
2. Baeva-Maksutova N.H. Bashkir dialect of Ay river valley.-:Bashkir dialectological collection.-Ufa,1959,p.27.
3. Thesaurus of Bashkir dialects (Башкорт сойлаштеренен сузлиги (Словарь башкирских говоров), T.2.-Ufa,1970,77.
4.Begjanov.T. From issues of dialectology of Karakalpak language. Nukus: Karakalpakstan,1971,P: 77-81.
5. Beketov B. The language of Kazakhs in Karakalpakstan.-Almaty:Rauan,1992,p: 110-112.
6. Borovkov А.К. Vocabulary of Central Asian Tefsir X11-X111c.-M.:Nauka,1963,p.51.
7. Bekbulatov N.V. The historical development of kinship of the Bashkir kinship system.-Ufa,1980,p.12-23.
8. Vladimirtsov B.Ya. Comparative grammar of the Mongolian written language and the Halka dialect. Introduction and Phonetics.-L.:1929,p.250-251.
9. Dospanov U. Dialect vocabulary of Karakalpak language.- Nukus:1980,c.34-35.
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13.Katarinsky V.V. Kirgiz-Russian dictionary. -Orenburg,1897, p.17.
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16. Pokrovskaya L.A. Kinship terms in Turkic languages.- : Historical development of Turkic languages.-M. :1961.
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19. Sherbak. The main features of South Khorezm dialect in comparative lighting.-Tashkent:1961.
The list of abbreviations:
1. Old Turkic dictionary (ДТС.-Древнетюркский словарь).^. :Nauka. 1969.
2. Devonu lugatit turk (ДЛТИ.-Махмуд Кршгарий. Девони лугатит TypK).-Tashkent: Fan,1967,p:35.
3. Karakalpak - Russian dictionary (ККРС.-Каракалпакско-русский словарь) (edited by N.A.Baskakov).-M.: 1958. 892p.
4. Mongol-Russian dictionary (МонгРС-Монгольско-русский словарь) (edited by Duvsandandava). -М.: 1957.785p.
5.Turkmen-Russian dictionary (ТуркмРС.-Туркменско-русский словарь) (edited by A.A.Palmbaha). -М.: 1955. 723p.
6. Uzbek-Russian dictionary (УзРС.- Узбекско-русский словарь) (Edited by K.Borovkov).-M.:1959,290p.
7. Etymological dictionary of Turkic languages (ЭСГТЯ.- Э.В.Севортян. Этимологический словарь тюркских языков) (Общетюркские и межтюркские основы на гласные).-М.: Nauka, 1974.
8. Dictionary of Uzbek dialects(YXffln. -Узбек халк шевалар лугати).-Tashkent: Fan,1971,407p.
9. Explanatory dictionary of Karakalpak language (ККТДС- Каракалпак тилинин тусиндирме свзлиги).-Nukus: Karakalpakstan, 1978.
Shcherbak H.V.
Post-graduate student Zaporizhzhia National University
Щербак Ганна Володимирiвна
Summary. The article deals with the functioning of the EVALUATION concept in medical discourse. We analyzed 917 contexts for using EVALUATION lexeme that nominates EVALUATION concept. It is found that in 25% of the examples, the EVALUATION concept is used within medical discourse, which makes it possible to define the EVALUATION as a regular concept for this type of discourse. The features of the modal framework of the EVALUATION that are peculiar to medical discourse are identified. The main components of the EVALUATION, its subject and object, are, respectively, a doctor (a group of doctors, medical institution) and a patient, namely, his/her health and well-being. The binary nature of the evaluative predicate, in medical discourse, is associated with the characteristic "healthy/ill". EVALUATION is rational and is objectively subjective. The basis of the EVALUATION is usually implicit and does not need clarification. Within medical discourse, the evaluation scale begins in the positive zone of the scale.
Анотащя. У статп проаналiзовано функцюнувания концепту ОЦ1НКА в медичному дискурсг Нами були дослщжеш 917 контекспв використання iменi концепту ОЦ1НКА - лексеми evaluation. Встановлено, що у 25% i3 приклащв використання концепту ОЦ1НКА характерне для медичного дискурсу, що дае можливiсть визначити ОЦ1НКУ як регулярний концепт для цього типу дискурсу. Визначеш особливостi, яких набувае модальна рамка ОЦ1НКИ. Головними компонентами оцшки, ïï суб'ектом та об'ектом, виступають вiдповiдно лiкар (група лiкарiв, медичний заклад) та пацiент, а саме, його здоров'я та самопочуття. Бшарнють оцiнного предиката, у медичному дискурс пов'язана з ознакою «healthy/ill». ОЦ1НКА мае рацiональний характер та е об'ективно-суб'ективною. Шдгрунтя оцiнки, зазвичай, iмплiцитне та не потребуе уточнення. Оцшна шкала, характерна для медичного дискурсу, мае початок вщлшу у позитивнш зонi.
Key words: evaluation, medical discourse, modal framework, subject of evaluation, evaluative scale
Ключовi слова: оцтка, медичний дискурс, модальна рамка, суб 'ект оцтки, оцтна шкала
Аналiз основних дослвджень i публiкацiй. У
мовознавчих розвщках ОЦ1НКА зазвичай активно дослвджуються як лiнгвiстична категорiя, причому значна увага придiляeться таким И аспектам, як лопко-семантична природа оцшки (Н. Д. Арутюнова [3]; О. М. Вольф [6]; В. М. Телiя [15]), проблема оцшних значень i засобiв 1хньо! актуалiзацii в мовi та мовленнi (Г.1. Приходько [12]), функцюнальний характер оцiнки у мовленш (в. Г. Гак [7], С. В. Дорда [8], I. I. Рахманова [13] та ш.), оцшка як частина конотативного значения та особливосп сшввщнесення оцiнностi, емотивносп та експресивностi [I. В. Арнольд [2], Й. А. Стернш [14], В. М. Телiя [15], В. I. Шаховський [16] та ш).
Постановка проблеми. ОЦIНКА е невщ'емною частиною процесу вiдображения дiйсностi. У процеа пiзнаиия навколишнього свiту ми ощнюемо факти та явища, що знаходить ввдображення в мовi. ктотним теоретичним пiдIрунтям для дослiдження концепту ОЦШКИ е визнання того факту, що змют ОЦIНКИ, як i будь-якого концепту, обумовлений особистим i суспiльним досвiдом людини, тому вш соцiально та культурно закршлений. Вiдтак, особливо актуальним у наш час е визначення специфiки функцiонуваиия оцiнки в рiзних типах дискурсу.
У лшгвютищ дискурс визначаеться як система когнггивних i комунiкативних компонента, де за