RESEARCH ISSUES OF OPTOELECTRONIC NONLINEAR CIRCUITS IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Karimov Rakhmatillo, Xushvaqtov Dilmurod

This article discusses the use of discrete control systems in all areas of the economy, carried out on the basis of contactless optoelectronic circuits. The analysis of the properties and characteristics of optoelectronic semiconductor devices and the creation on their basis of a non-contact static single-phase AC switch.

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№ 10 (103)_ЛД ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ_октябрь. 2022 г.


DOI -10.32743/UniTech.2022.103.10.14414


Rakhmatillo Karimov

Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences (PhD), assistant professor, Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov,

Republic Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected]

Dilmurod Xushvaqtov


Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov,

Republic Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: xushvaktov91 @inbox. ru



Каримов Рахматилло Чориевич

д-р филос. и тех. наук (PhD), доц., Ташкентский государственный технический университет

имени Ислама Каримова, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Хушвактов Дилмурод Шухратович


Ташкентский государственный технический университет

имени Ислама Каримова, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент


This article discusses the use of discrete control systems in all areas of the economy, carried out on the basis of contactless optoelectronic circuits. The analysis of the properties and characteristics of optoelectronic semiconductor devices and the creation on their basis of a non-contact static single-phase AC switch.


В данной статье рассматривается вопросы использования дискретных систем управления во всех областях народного хозяйства, осуществляющихся на базе бесконтактных оптоэлектронных цепей. Проводиться анализ свойств и особенностей оптоэлектронных полупроводниковых приборов и создания на их базе бесконтактного статического однофазного выключателя переменного тока.

Keywords: optocoupler, optoelectronic integrated circuit, galvanic isolation, contactless optoelectronic flail.

Ключевые слова: оптопара, оптоэлектронная интегральная микросхема, гальванический развязка, бесконтактное оптоэлектронное цеп.

The development of optocoupler technology has confidently entered the stage of mass industrial production. Optocouplers are increasingly being used in electronic equipment due to their undeniable advantages associated with the fact that the use of optocouplers allows electrical decoupling of the power circuit and control circuits without the use of additional means. An optocoupler is an optoelectronic semiconductor device containing a source and

receiver of optical radiation, which are optically and structurally interconnected. For an optocoupler, both the input and output parameter is an electrical signal. A feature of optocouplers is the absence of galvanic coupling between input and output signals. The emitter of an opto-coupler can be a light emitting or infrared diode, an electric light bulb, or a semiconductor laser. As an optocoupler receiver, photoelectric devices are used: photoresistors,

Библиографическое описание: Karimov R.C., Xushvaqtov D.S. RESEARCH ISSUES OF OPTOELECTRONIC NONLINEAR CIRCUITS IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 10(103). URL: https://7universum. com/ru/tech/archive/item/14414

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photodiodes, phototransistors, photothyristors. Optocou-plers allow you to solve the same problems as individual pairs of emitter - photodetector, however, in practice, they are usually more convenient, since they have already optimally matched the characteristics of the emitter and photodetector and their relative position [1, 20-21].

Only optocouplers are widely used, which have a direct optical connection from the emitter to the photo-detector and, as a rule, all types of electrical connection between these elements are excluded.

Optocoupler technology is divided into two groups of devices [2-6, 20-21]:

• optocoupler, (elementary optocoupler) consisting of an emitting and photo receiving element;

• an optoelectronic integrated circuit consisting of one or more optocouplers and one or more matching or amplifying devices electrically connected to them.

By design, optocouplers are usually no different from semiconductor devices and integrated circuits. Optocouplers and optoelectronic microcircuits are devices with electrical input and output signals, characterized in that inside them the connection between input and output is carried out using light signals [4-5, 7-9].

Consider the main distinguishing features of opto-couplers:

• the possibility of providing an ideal electrical (galvanic) isolation between the input and output;

• low value of control currents, providing a reduction in power consumption by the control system;

• the possibility of transmitting via an optocoupler circuit, both a pulse signal and a constant component, and others.

The capabilities of the optocoupler as an element of galvanic isolation are characterized by the maximum voltage and decoupling resistance Uden, Rden, as well as the through capacitance Cden. As already noted, optocou-plers are mainly used as elements of galvanic isolation: for connecting equipment blocks between which there is a significant potential difference, that is, between the power unit and their control system. Another major area of application for optocouplers is the optical, non-contact control of high-current and high-voltage circuits [25, 8-11].

According to the general classification of electronic products, optocouplers belong to the class of semiconductor devices, and optocoupler microcircuits belong to the class of hybrid integrated circuits. Optocouplers are divided into diode, thyristor and transistor, and optocoupler microcircuits are based on one of the listed optocouplers. The family of output current-voltage characteristics of thyristor optocouplers are similar to the current-voltage characteristics of conventional thyristors. The family parameter is the input current through the emitting diode. At a certain value of the input current, the characteristic is "rectified", which corresponds to the on state of the photothyristor. The turn-on time of the optocoupler depends on the input current. When thyristor optocouplers operate in a pulsed mode, with an increase in the amplitude of the control pulse, it is possible to achieve a significant reduction in the turn-on time, but at the same time, an increase in the turn-off time by 20 ... 30% is observed [1-4, 12-13].

It is most expedient to use thyristor optocouplers for galvanic isolation of control logic circuits from highvoltage circuits of high-power loads, for shapers of powerful pulses for controlling high-current thyristors, including symmetrical ones that switch the load in an alternating current network, for secondary power supply protection devices [1-4, 14].

Complex automation of production processes requires the introduction of modern discrete control systems in all areas of the national economy, accompanied by the improvement of electrical and electronic devices that provide high reliability, speed, ease of maintenance and ability to work in polluted environments. All this can be done on the basis of non-contact optoelectronic circuits.

Consider the principle of building an AC switch based on a thyristor optocoupler, thyristor and semiconductor diodes. The use of optocouplers in the control circuit of power thyristors allows you to adjust their operation mode [3-5, 15].

In Fig. 1. shows a diagram of a non-contact static single-phase AC switch. The switch contains one thyristor VT, which is included in the diagonal of the VD1-VD4 bridge from the side of the rectified current. The bridge is connected to the AC voltage source in series with the load Road [4-5, 16-18].

Figure 1. Scheme of a non-contact single-phase switch

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To turn on the load in the network, it is necessary to apply a positive DC pulse to the control electrode of the power thyristor. In this case, the thyristor will be in a conducting state during the entire period of the alternating voltage and both half-waves of the alternating current flow through the load. One half-wave of current passes through the circuit Rload, VD1, VT, VD3, the second half-wave through the circuit VD2, VT, VD4, Rload. When the control signal is removed, the thyristor is locked and the load is disconnected from the network. To control the state of the power thyristor, a thyristor optocoupler VU is used, and the diode circuit of the optocoupler is connected through a limiting resistor to the capacitor

plates, which is connected to the network through a semiconductor diode. The voltage on the capacitance in such a circuit remains constant for the entire period of the input voltage [4-5, 19-24].

When the toggle switch is open, the thyristor control circuit is contactlessly disconnected and the load is disconnected from the network. The function of a toggle switch is usually performed by an electrical, electromechanical or mechanical device. In the first case, it can be a low-power key electronic device with a sensor that is triggered by voltage, light, temperature, pressure, etc. Thus, switching of significant power in the load is carried out by a low-power signal.


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