УДК 664
DOI 10.24412/2311-6447-2022-3-200-213
Исследование и разработка технологии казахстанских национальных напитков на основе козьего молока
Research and development of technology of kazakh national
drinks based on goat milk
M.K. Alimardanova, Almaty Technological University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
A.A. Shunekeyeva
Shokan Ualikhanov Kokshetau University, Kazakhstan, Kokshetau, alma-shunekeevafajmail.ru
Аннотация. Статья содержит исследования использования растительного сырья при производстве кисломолочных напитков. Представлен анализ национальных казахстанских кисломолочных напитков, а также основных направлений развития молочной промышленности. В статье рассматриваются аспекты разработки в республике новых технологий для кисломолочных напитков на основе козьего молока, которые зависят от многих факторов. В результате выделены необходимые задачи и мероприятия, направленные на создание кисломолочных напитков с использованием местного дикорастущего сырья. Определены витаминно-минеральный состав кисломолочных напитков и показатели безопасности. Уточнена пищевая и энергетическая ценность кисломолочных напитков на основе козьего молока с использованием бнфидобактерий, которая составляет 81,08 Ккал для кисломолочного напитка «Эрке» и 64,71 Ккал для кисломолочного напитка «Каприза». Критериями оценки сенсорного анализа качества образцов кисломолочного напитка на основе козьего молока были такие органолепти-ческие показатели, как цвет, внешний вид н текстура, вкус и запах. Согласно этим результатам сенсорного анализа оценка кисломолочного напитка «Эрке» составила 4,8 балла, кисломолочного напитка «Каприза» - 4,9 балла, тогда как оценка айрана - 4,7 балла. Практическим применением результатов исследования является возможность использования данных, полученных при производстве кисломолочных напитков из козьего молока.
Abstract. The article contains a study of the use of raw vegetable materials in producing fermented milk drinks. The analysis of national Kazakh fermented milk drinks, as well as the main directions of development of the dairy industry, is presented. This article discusses aspects of developing new technologies for fermented milk drinks based on goat's milk in the republic, which depend on many factors. As a result, the necessary tasks and measures aimed at creating fermented milk drinks using local wild-growing raw materials are highlighted. The vitamin and mineral composition of fermented milk drinks and safely indicators have been determined. The nutritional and energy value of sour-milk drinks based on goat's milk using bifidobacteria was specified, which is 81.08 Kcal for the sour-milk drink "Erke" and 64.71 Kcal for the sour-milk drink "Caprisa". The assessing criteria for the sensory analysis of the quality of samples of a fermented milk drink based on goat's milk were such organoleptic indicators as color, appearance and texture, taste, and smell. According to this sensory analysis results, the assessment of the fermented milk drink "Erke" was 4.8 points, the fermented milk drink "Caprisa" was - 4.9 points, while the evaluation of ayran was - 4.7 points. The practical application of the results of the study is the possibility of using the data obtained in the production of fermented milk drinks from goat's milk.
Ключевые слова-. Козье молоко, кумаршик, амарант, ягоды, кисломолочные продукты
Keywords: Goat milk, kumarshik, amaranth, berries, fermented milk products
In Kazakhstan, Kazakh national drinks hold airan, koumiss, shubat, shalap, ko-zhe, irkit, and tan [1, 2]. Starter cultures are lactic acid bacteria (pure cultures or a mixture of pure cultures) that make it possible to obtain fermented milk products through lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation. In the production of fermented milk products, various types and strains of microorganisms are used to obtain stable characteristics to adverse effects [3,4].
© Alimardanova M.K., Shunekeyeva A.A., 2022
Sour-milk drinks prevent and improve digestion and normalize metabolism [5,6]. One of the most studied groups of bacteria of the average human intestinal microflora are representatives of the genus Bifidobacterium [7,8].
Bifidobacteria are gram-positive non-spore-forming rods that retain their viability throughout the digestive tract, including at pH 3.5 [7].
The results of numerous studies conducted using a strain of Bifidobacterium ani-malis subsp. lactis demonstrated its safety [8].
Bifidobacteria are the dominant representatives of beneficial microflora; unlike lactic acid bacteria, they form a clot in milk after a more extended time [8].
The range of fermented milk drinks is primarily determined by the type of raw milk used, the species composition of the beneficial microflora that is part of the starter cultures, and the technology.
Currently, the industry produces starter cultures based on pure cultures (they consist of one strain of lactic acid bacteria); multi-strain (mixed) starter cultures (which include a mixture of several strains); natural starter cultures (they are mixtures of indeterminate composition) [9].
Methods for introducing starter cultures depend on their type: they are directly introduced into the mixture, require activation, and are prepared directly. The most commonly used probiotics are Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, bifidobacteria, propionic acid, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei [9].
Recently, scientists have developed the use of local plant raw materials in the technology of fermented milk products, which allows the use of local sources of vitamins, macro-, microelements, and dietary fiber.
In the production of fermented milk drinks, special attention is paid to the use of dietary fiber, the lack of which in the diet leads to a violation of the regulation of some organs and body systems functioning. Unrefined cereals, vegetables, fruits, berries, and nuts can play as dietary fiber deficiency fillers. The combination of insoluble nutritional fiber with fermented milk stimulates the gastrointestinal tract's overall functioning [10].
Several areas have been identified that make up the main raw material groups of yogurt fillers: fruit and berry, vegetable raw materials, and beekeeping products [10].
According to literary sources, the fruits of chokeberry (chokeberry) and various processed products are effective in the treatment of hypertension, lower blood cholesterol levels, the pectin substances of its fruits neutralize toxins, bind and remove radioactive strontium and cobalt from the body [11,12].
Aronia fruits contain sugars (up to 10 %), malic and other organic acids (up to 1.3 %), pectins (up to 0.75 %), and tannins (up to 0.6 %). The fruits of black chokeberry have a pleasant sour-sweet, slightly tart taste. It is recommended to take blackcurrant or wild rose together with chokeberry. Vitamin C, which is rich in the fruits of these plants, promotes better absorption of vitamin P [11,12].
The chokeberry fruits (blackthorn) were characterized by a high content of anthocy-anins and phenolic acids, as well as low content of vitamin C (11.27 mg). The fruits had a high total range of phenolic compounds (2294.57 mg per 100 mg). These results showed that blackthorn fruits are promising sources of natural antioxidants and other biologically active compounds for the food or pharmaceutical industry [15].
Amaranth is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, the amount of which is more significant than in many cultivated plants. It is possible to obtain an excellent oil with a number of useful properties from amaranth seeds. Amaranth contains up to 10 % squa-lene, a highly unsaturated hydrocarbon [13].
Amaranth seeds have attracted attention because they contain a higher amount of protein with a well-balanced amino acid composition, as well as minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals compared to staple grains such as wheat and rice [16]. Amaranth grains could be roasted, crushed, extruded, or ground into flour. The optimal nutritional
composition of the seeds made them attractive for use as a source of nutritional supplements.
The composition of amaranth fat includes a whole complex of acids - fatty oleic, linoleic, and linolenic, and the lipid fraction - up to 11% of the special hydrocarbon squalene. In accordance with the results of medical research, squalene is recognized as the most important component that plays the role of a regulator of lipid and steroid metabolism in the human body and also has pronounced antioxidant properties [13].
Kumarshik - "Kyrgyz millet" (lat. Agriophyllum squarrosum) is a genus of annual herbaceous plants of the family belonging to the Corispermeae tribe as part of the Che-nopodioideae subfamily of the Chenopodiaceae Amaranth (Amaranthaceae). The seeds contain 16-17 % protein, 6-10 % fat, and 60 % carbohydrates (mainly starch). It grows in the sandy desert and steppe zones of Central and Central Asia, Kazakhstan. Agriophyllum contains live species, and four of them, including A. squarrosum, are found in Kazakhstan [13].
The nutritional properties of kumarshik are a combination of a relatively high content of proteins (23.2 % of dry weight) and lipids (9.7 % of diy weight) along with carbohydrates (up to 45 % of dry weight). Proteins include a complete set of essential amino acids necessary for human nutrition. The nutritional properties resemble legumes such as soy or chickpeas but with fewer calories. Thus, kumarshik is a potential oilseed crop with a high nutritional value [13].
Modern trends in improving the nutrition structure of the population are focused on developing products of complex raw material composition balanced in terms of nutritional and biological value. It involves products enriched with essential nutrients, which is achieved due to the multicomponent nature of their composition [13].
The effectiveness of using vegetable fillers is high, as they supplement and enrich the raw milk with the missing nutrients in addition to the main ones: protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Vegetable raw materials are rich in vitamins; without them, normal metabolism in the body and in general, any person's life is impossible. Minerals are essential for human nutrition; they are necessary for the construction of all tissues and organs of our body. Organic acids play a significant role; they improve the taste of food and promote digestion, creating a favorable environment for the action of digestive juices. Various aromatic pectin substances give food products an attractive appearance, texture, taste, and smell. This increases the digestibility of food by the body [13, 14].
One of the ways to solve the issue of improving the quality of food products and expanding the raw material base for the processing industry is by using local raw materials that can be used for fresh and processed food. This approach could significantly improve the qualitative composition of food, enrich the human diet with the missing food and biologically active substances, and give the products a beautiful appearance, pronounced taste, and aroma [13,14].
According to the research and literature data, the selected plant components are a valuable source of both vitamins and minerals and serve as an additional source of savings on the main raw material of sour-milk drinks - goat's milk.
The introduction of modern methods of processing food raw materials - ozonation into the production process will significantly improve the microbiological safety of finished fermented milk drinks from goat milk and affect the organoleptic properties of finished drinks due to the deodorizing effect and prolong the shelf life.
The use of bifidobacteria, furthermore, will allow for the production of products with probiotics and antioxidant properties and improve the beneficial effect on the body.
This study aims to analyze the use of various plant sources to provide an uninterrupted and safe food supply to the population.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:
- to describe local wild-growing raw materials: shadberry, chokeberry, black currant, kumarshik, amaranth;
- to study the composition and properties of fermented milk drinks with plant components;
- to substantiate the positive effect of cereals and berries on the human body by studying its mineral and vitamin composition;
- to conclude the possibility of its use in fermented milk drinks.
The research object was goat milk, vegetable fillers: a mixture of berries (shadberry, blackcurrant, chokeberiy), kumarshik and amaranth flour, bacterial starter cultures, and samples of ready-made fermented milk drinks from goat milk.
In the methodology of studying this problem, modern methods for determining the quality of raw materials and dairy products were used. The results were evaluated according to the regulatory and technical documentation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the CIS countries.
The research materials of the work are:
- goat milk;
- bacterial starter cultures:
1 - thermophilic lactic acid bacilli (Lactococcuslactis subsp. lactis, Lactococ-cuslactis subsp. cremoris, Lactococcus lactis subsp. diacetilactis),
2 - bifidobacteria Bifidobacterium lactis containing: Breve BIO, Bifidobacterium adolescentis B 14, Bifidobacterium adolescentis B 37;
- fermented milk drinks based on goat's milk;
- vegetable fillers: a mixture of berries (blackcurrant, chokeberiy, shadberry), kumarshik, and amaranth flour.
The analysis of goat milk and fermented milk drinks was carried out using the following methods:
- TR TS 033/2013 Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the Safety of Milk and Dairy Products";
- ST RK 2117-2015 National Kazakh dairy products. Kinds. General specifications
- COST 31702-2013 Interstate standard. Airan. Specifications;
- determination of the mass fraction of protein according to GOST 25179-2014;
- determination of fat according to GOST 5867-90;
- determination of moisture and dry matter according to GOST 3626-73.
Sampling for microbiological analysis was carried out according to GOST 9225-84
"Milk and daiiy products. Methods of microbiological analysis". The amount of yeast and mold fungi, lactic acid microorganisms, QMAFAnM, and pathogenic microorganisms, in goat milk, was determined according to the requirements according to standard methods.
In ready-made sour-milk drinks, the number of microorganisms is determined by the cup method of quantitative accounting of microorganisms.
Content of toxic elements:
- lead - according to ST RK GOST R 51301-2005;
- arsenic - according to GOST31628-2012[30];
- cadmium - according to ST RK GOST R 51301-2005;
- mercury - according to GOST 26927;
- Determination of aflatoxin Ml - according to GOST 30711.
- Determination of the content of antibiotics - by the methods of ST RK 15052006.
- Determination of radionuclides (cesium-137, strontium-90) - according to GOST 32161, GOST 32163.
Determination of the mass fraction of amino acids in fermented milk drinks from goat's milk was carried out according to the method M-04-38-2009, which is designed to determine the mass fraction of amino acids.
The determination of vitamins and minerals in goat milk and fermented milk drinks from goat milk was carried out:
- sampling and methods for determining vitamins A, C, D, B(l), B(2), and PP according to GOST 7047-55;
- measurement of the mass fraction of vitamin A (retinol) according to GOST 30627.1;
- measurement of the mass fraction of vitamin E (tocopherol);
- determination of iron according to GOST 26928-86;
- determination of zinc according to GOST 26934;
- determination of copper according to GOST 26931;
- determination of iodine content according to GOST 31505-2012;
- determination of calcium and magnesium ions according to GOST 23268.5;
- determination of manganese content by photometric methods according to GOST 4974;
- determination of the mass concentration of selenium according to GOST 19413;
- determination of the mass fraction of total phosphorus according to GOST 31584 -2012.
To determine the most effective ways to obtain a fermented milk drink from goat's milk, a series of experiments were carried out in laboratory conditions at the university department, then in production at the dairy plant Zerenda Breeding Farm LLP. As a result of the experiments, analytical studies of samples were carried out in an accredited testing laboratory of the Research Institute of Food Safety based on ATU, a branch of the Republican State Enterprise on the REM "National Center of Expertise" of the Committee for Health Protection of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Ak-mola Region, in the department of the Siberian Scientific Research Institute of Cheese-making of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution of the Federal Altai Scientific Center agrobiotechnologies.
The value of microbiological indicators of raw materials and ayran from goat's milk complies with the established norm according to TR TS 033/2013 "On the safety of milk and dairy products." Ayran was made according to the classic recipe. First, homogeniza-tion at t=55-75 °C, pasteurization at t= (85+1) °C, for 20 minutes, fermentation process in a milk container lasts 10-12 hours (acidity 90-120 °T), then comes the maturation process, curd cooling to t = (20+5) °C, storage at a warehouse at a temperature of (4±2) ° C.
Physical and chemical parameters of ayran from goat milk and prototypes with fruit and berry filler (Caprisa) and an ozonized mixture of kumarshik and amaranth flour (Erke) are presented in Tables 1-2.
Table 1
Physical and chemical parameters of ayran from goat milk and prototypes with fruit and berry filler
Indicators Ayran from goat milk (control Sour-milk drink made from goat's milk with fruit and berry filling (5 %) Sour-milk drink made from goat's milk with fruit and berry filling (10%) Sour-milk drink made from goat's milk with fruit and berry filling (15%) Sour-milk drink made from goat's milk with fruit and berry filling (20 %)
mass fraction of fat, % 0,41 1,01 2,51 3,62 3,81
mass fraction of protein,% 3,12 3,22 3,21 3,15 3,21
mass fraction of carbohydrates, % 3,11 5,8 5,8 5,32 5,38
mass fraction of solids, % 7,06 8,64 8,64 8,64 8,64
When creating multicomponent dairy products, one should consider the microbiological contamination of plant raw materials. Based on this, the purpose of the research was to study the safety of a fermented milk drink with and without the introduction of fruit components. The value of microbiological indicators of goat's milk complies with the established norm according to TR TS 033/2013 "On the safety of milk and dairy products"^]. Therefore, the samples were analyzed according to microbiological indicators: 1- the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms and 2-bacteria of the Escherichia coli group [48].
Table 2
Physical and chemical parameters of ayran from goat milk and prototypes of a milk-cereal drink with an ozonized mixture of flour from kumarshik and amaranth
Indicators, % Ayran from goat milk (control) Milk-cereal drink made from goat milk (5 %) Milk and cereal drink made from goat milk (10 %) Milk-cereal drink made from goat's milk (15%) Milk and cereal drink made from goat milk (20 %)
mass fraction of fat 0,4 1,0 2,5 3,5 4,79
mass fraction of protein 3,1 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2
mass fraction of carbohydrates 3,1 5,8 5,8 5,72 4,44
mass fraction of diy substances 7,06 8,64 8,64 8,64 8,64
Ozone is actively used as an antimicrobial agent for food processing, storage, and processing. Many authors show the effectiveness of its application (Gongalves, 2016; Trombete et al., 2016).
Based on the results of the studies presented in Tables 3-4, it could be concluded that adding ozonized fruit, berry, and cereal components to ozonized goat milk do not worsen the bacterial contamination of finished products.
Table 3
Microbiological indicators of ayran from goat's milk and prototypes of fermented milk drinks from goat's milk with fruit and berry filling
Indicators Ayran from goat milk Sour-milk drink made from goat's milk with fruit and berry filling (5%) Sour-milk drink made from goat's milk with fruit and beny filling (10%) Sour-milk drink made from goat's milk with fruit and beny filling (15%) Sour-milk drink made from goat's milk with fruit and berry filling (20%)
Lactic acid microorganisms, not less 1x106 3x107 4x107 3x107 1x107
bacteria of the Escherichia coli group (coliforms) in O.lg not detected not detected not detected not detected not detected
mold, CFU/cm3 (g), no more 45 not detected not detected not detected not detected
Table 4
Microbiological parameters of ayran from goat's milk and prototypes of fermented milk drinks from goat's milk with cereal filler
Indicators Ayran from goat milk Milk-cereal drink made from goat milk (5 %) Milk and cereal drink made from goat milk (10%) Milk-cereal drink made from goat's milk (15%) Milk and cereal drink made from goat milk (20 %)
Lactic acid microorganisms, not less 3*106 5,3x107 4,8x107 3x107 4,1x107
bacteria of the Escherichia coli group (coliforms) in O.lg not detected not detected not detected not detected not detected
mold, CFU/cm3 (g), no more 40 not detected not detected not detected not detected
The mass fraction of amino acids in goat's milk and ayran from goat's milk was determined according to standard methods. The results of the study are presented in Figures 1-4.
glycine; П П7 arsinine: 0,1
methionine; 0,09
Figurel. The content of amino acids in fermented milk drink from goat milk with fruit and berry filling (10 %)
alanine; 0,08 serine: 0,
glycine; arginine; 0,07 0,05
threonine: 0,1
tyrosine; 0,09
phenylalanine; 0,1 histidine; 0,01
leucine + isoleucine; 0,18
methionine: 0,07
Figure 2. The content of amino acids in fermented milk drink from goat milk with fruit and berry filling (5 %)
alanine; 0,1 arginine;
glycine; 0,05 q 11
methionine; 0,12
Figure 3.The content of amino acids in a dairy-cereal drink made from goat's milk with vegetable filler (5 %)
arginine; 0,08
glycine; 0,04
methionine; 0,09
Figure 4. The content of amino acids in a dairy-cereal drink made from goat's milk with vegetable filler (10 96)
Table 5
The content of vitamins in experimental samples of fermented milk drinks from goat's milk, mg/100 g
Indicators Sour-milk drink made from goat's milk with fruit and berry filling (5 %) Sour-milk drink made from goat's milk with fruit and beriy filling (10%) Milk-cereal drink made from goat milk (5 %) Milk and cereal drink made from goat milk (10%)
A (retinol) 1,68 1,56 1,70 1,69
D (calciferol) 0,10 1,00 0,15 0,12
E (tocopherol) 2,10 0,21 0,16 0,13
C (ascorbic acid) 0,05 1,76 3,10 2,50
B1 (thiamine) 0,19 0,23 0,21 0,18
B2 (riboflavin) 0,14 0,17 0,14 0,16
B3 (niacin) 0,6 0,73 0,77 0,68
B 5 (pantothenic acid) 0,5 0,47 0,6 0,65
B6 (pyridoxine) 0,01 0,013 0,016 0,02
PP (nicotinic acid) 0,10 0,10 0,15 0,18
The mineral composition in fermented milk drinks from goat's milk is represented by the main components - Ca, P, Mg, K, I, and Na and minor - Mn, Zn, Fe, and Cu (Table 7).
Table 6
The content of mineral substances in experimental samples of fermented milk drinks from goat milk, mg/100 g
Indicators Sour-milk drink made from goat's milk with fruit and berry filling (5 %) ~ Sour-milk drink made from goat's milk with fruit and berry filling (10%)' Milk-cereal drink made from goat milk (5 %) Milk and cereal drink made from goat milk (10 %)
Fe (iron) 0,09 0,14 0,13 0,11
Zn (zinc) 0,20 0,27 0,25 0,22
Cu (copper) 0,05 0,02 0,06 0,06
I (iodine) 0,11 0,04 0,14 0,07
Ca (calcium) 136,0 139,0 137,0 140,0
Mg (magnesium) 12,0 12,0 14,0 16,0
K (potassium) 145 138 143 150
Mn (manganese) 0,01 0,03 0,03 0,05
Se (selenium) 0,04 0,06 0,05 0,10
P (phosphorus) 57,0 73,0 88 97,0
According to Table 6 of the content of minerals in fermented milk drinks, it could be concluded that there is a high content of potassium, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus.
The study by the authors (Bakircioglu et al., 2018) also confirms that natural milk and kefir contain more Ca than commercial products, and the levels of elements were within the recommended dietary intake.
Table 7 shows the safety indicators of fermented milk drinks.
Table 7
The actual safety record for fermented goat milk drinks with vegetable filler
Indicators Sour-milk drink made from goat's milk with fruit and berry filling (5 %) Sour-milk drink made from goat's milk with fruit and berry filling (10%) Milk-cereal drink made from goat milk (5 %) Milk and cereal drink made from goat milk (10%)
Toxic elements: mg/kg, no more than:
Lead 0,053 0,05 0,049 0,051
Cadmium 0,011 0,01 0,01 0,01
Arsenic less than 0.04 less than 0,04 less than 0,04 less than 0,04
Mercury less than 0,0025 less than 0,0025 less than 0,0025 less than 0,0025
Pesticic es: mg/kg, no more;
Hexachlorocyclohex-ane (a,3, Y - isomers) lesst han0,005
DDT and itsmetabo-lites less than0,005
Mycotoxins: mg/kg, no more; Aflatoxin M-l not detected
Antibiotics, mg/kg: Levomycetin not detected
Radionuclic es: Kk/kg no more than:
Cesium-137 0,28+3,45 0,47 ± 3,35 0,33 ±3,30 0,40 + 3,39
Strontium-90 0,05+4,00 0,05+4,00 0,05±4,00 0,05+4,00
Milk and dairy products contain more than twenty different elements. Elements such as Cu, Zn, Mn, and Fe are an example of essential elements since they are necessary for normal metabolism, growth, and development (Khan et al., 2014). On the other hand, elements such as Pb, Cr, Hg, and Cd are highly toxic (Dervisoglu et al., 2013).
For instance, according to a study (Bakircioglu et al., 2018) on the content of toxic elements in milk and its products determined that the content was shallow and did not threaten consumers. The concentrations of elements in natural and commercial products are consistent with the composition of the original milk and the technological procedures used in the processing of the product. Many researchers (Atasever et al., 2011) have studied the prevalence of aflatoxins in fermented milk drinks. Aflatoxin M1 levels in 16 yogurt samples (20 %) and 11 ayran samples (13.6 %) exceeded the maximum allowable limit. Therefore, the authors draw attention to the importance of regular checks of dairy products for the presence of aflatoxin contamination.
According to the study, no aflatoxin Ml was found in fermented milk drinks with vegetable fillers. Thus, samples of fermented milk drinks made from goat milk with vegetable fillers comply with the safety indicators established by the Technical Regulation "On Food Safety" (Table 7). Tables 8 and 9 present data on fermented milk drinks with a mass fraction of fat of 1.0 %; 2.5 %; 3.2 %. The studied samples with fruit and berry filler had the following characteristics: structure - homogeneous, color - light purple, taste - sour milk with a pronounced flavor and aroma of the added filler .
Table 8
Organoleptic characteristics of experimental samples of fermented milk drinks from goat milk with fruit and berry filling (Capriza)
Sample Taste and smell Consistency and appearance Color Organoleptic evaluation, score
Control Clean, sourmilk homogeneous, thick, viscous white 4,4
Fermented milk drink with fruit and berry filling 3.2 % fat Pure, fermented milk, with the taste and aroma of the added filler Dense, homogeneous, with the inclusion of berry filler light purple 4,7
Fermented milk drink with fruit and berry filling 2.5 % fat Pure, fermented milk, with the taste and aroma of the added filler Dense, homogeneous, with the inclusion of berry filler light purple 4,8
Fermented milk drink with fruit and berry filling 1.0 % fat Pure, fermented milk, with the taste and aroma of the added filler Dense, homogeneous, with the inclusion of berry filler light purple 4,6
Table 9
Organoleptic characteristics of prototypes of fermented milk drinks from goat milk with cereal filler (Brke)
Sample Taste and smell Consistency and appearance Color Organoleptic evaluation, score
Control Clean, sourmilk homogeneous, thick, viscous white 4,3
Milk and cereal drink 3.2 % fat Pure, fermented milk, with the taste and aroma of the added filler Dense, homogeneous, with the inclusion of grain filler cream 4,6
Milk and cereal drink 2.5 % fat Pure, fermented milk, with the taste and aroma of the added filler Dense, homogeneous, with the inclusion of grain filler cream 4,7
Milk and cereal drink 1.0 % fat Pure, fermented milk, with the taste and aroma of the added filler Dense, homogeneous, with the inclusion of grain filler cream 4,6
In a study (Paredes et al., 2022), the addition of vegetable and fruit juices favorably affected the sensory evaluation of fermented milk drinks, increased acidity, total phenols, and organic acids. According to the organoleptic analysis results, the rating of sour-milk drinks "Erke" was 4.8 points, "Caprisa" - 4.9 points, while airan received the lowest rating - 4.7 points.
Based on the presented data on the content of vitamins in Table 6, it possible to maintainthat fermented milk drinks from goat milk with vegetable fillers have good therapeutic and prophylactic properties.
According to a study (Radovanovic et al., 2013), wild berry fruits contain a high polyphenols content and exhibit high antioxidant activity. In addition, wild berry fruit extracts also show intense antimicrobial activity.
During the production of fermented milk drinks from goat's milk with fruit and berry fillers, slight separation of whey from the volume of the product was noticed. The cereal filler acts as a thickener in the drink, and no syneresis phenomena were detected in the test samples.
1 The choice of probiotic starter cultures for the fermentation of goat milk is substantiated. The optimal combinations of bacterial starters for the production of fermented milk drinks with vegetable fillers have been selected:
- fermented milk drink from goat's milk No. 1: Bacterial ferment of thermophilic lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria Breve BIO, Bifidobacterium adolescentis B 14, Bifidobacterium adolescentis B 37 in a ratio of 2:1;
- fermented milk drink from goat's milk No. 2: Bacterial ferment of thermophilic lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria Bifidobacterium lactis B 12 in a ratio of 2:1.
It has been established that this combination of microorganisms makes it possible to obtain a finished product with stable organoleptic properties and preserves fermented milk drinks for up to 15 days.
2 A technology has been developed for fermented milk drinks based on goat's milk using bacterial starter cultures, consisting of acceptance and preparation of raw materials; intermediate storage, which was carried out at a temperature of 4-6°C; heat treatment of goat milk: pasteurization at a temperature of 90°C with a holding time of 20 seconds or at 85°C with a holding time of 10 minutes; milk cooling to fermentation temperature (37±2°C); bottling; fermentation for 8 hours at a temperature of 32±2°C and storage at a temperature of 0-6 °C for 15 days.
3 The nutritional and energy value of sour-milk drinks based on goat's milk using bifidobacteria was determined, which is 81.08 Kcal for the sour-milk drink "Erke" and 64.71 Kcal for the sour-milk drink "Capriza." The assessing criteria for the quality of samples of fermented milk drinks based on goat's milk were organoleptic indicators: color, appearance and texture, taste, and smell. According to the sensory analysis results, the assessment of the fermented milk drink "Erke" was 4.8 points, the fermented milk drink "Capriza" - was 4.9 points, while the evaluation of airan was - 4.7 points.
4 The developed technology for producing two samples of fermented milk drinks based on goat's milk using bifidobacteria was tested and introduced into the production of Zerenda Breeding Farm LLP (Akmola region, Kazhymukan village). At the level of the invention, a technology for 2 new types of fermented milk drinks were developed (2 patents for a utility model No. 4956 "Method for the production of a fermented milk drink analogous to ayran from goat milk," No. 4965 "Method for the production of a national milk and cereal drink") drinks from goat milk "Erke," "Capriza."
5 The addition of vegetable components to fermented milk drinks increases the content of functionally necessary food ingredients in it - dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
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11. Shunekeyeva, A. A., M. K. Alimardanova, and A. A. Majorov. "FRUIT-BERRY FILLERS IN THE PRODUCTION OF KAZAKH NATIONAL FERMENTED MILK DRINKS." SERIES CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY (February 1, 2021): 139-146. doi: 10.32014/2021.2518-1491.18.
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15. Maria Ruiz-Rodriguez, B., deAncos, B., Sánchez-Moreno, C., Fernandez-Ruiz, V., de Cortes Sanchez-Mata, M., Camara, M., &Tardio, J. (2014). Wild blackthorn (Prunusspinosa L.) and hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna Jacq.) fruits as valuable sources of antioxidants. Fruits, 69(1), 61-73. doi:10.1051/fruits/2013102