Евразийский Союз Ученых (ЕСУ) # 4 (13), 2G15 | ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ
SEM indeed showed that the selective layer surface was substantially densified and took up comparatively deeper into the transport sublayer and the asymmetry of the structure could be clearly distinguished.
Fig. 4. SEM micrographs of a cross section of a membrane formed from solution of 16 mass % PAN/DMSO.
Conclusions 3.
1. The optimal concentration range for preparation of asymmetric membranes was found to be from 15 mass% to 18 mass% PAN/DMSO.
2. It was established that, as a result from the 4. intermolecular interactions between PAN and DMSO,
the best ultrafiltration properties had the membrane prepared from 16 mass% PAN/DMSO.
3. The membrane formed from the solution of 16 mass% 5. PAN/DMSO had low permeability for albumin as a
result from the densification of the surface layer.
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Tan L., Liu S., Pan D., Water effect on the gelation behavior of polyacrylonitrile/dimethyl sulfoxide solution, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, (2009), Vol.340, p. 168-173. Tan L., Pan D., Pan N., Gelation behavior of polyacrylonitrile solution in relation to aging process and gel concentration, Polymer, (2008), Vol.49, p.5676-5682.
Du W., Chen H., Xu H., Pan D., Pan N., Viscoelastic behavior of polyacrylonitrile/dimethyl sulfoxide concentrated solution with water, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, (2009), Vol.47, p.1437-1442.
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Mukusheva Makhabbat Serikovna
Master degree student, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana
The 2020 educational system will work in regulatory-legal field of informatization of education defines all regulations and standards of computerization and connectedness; organization of open distance learning; development, testing and replication of digital educational resources and creation of the Kazakh component of the Internet environment; technical and pedagogical support of infrastructure and software of the educational process [1, p.10].
At the present stage of development of educational space one of ways of activating learning activities of students is the use of information technology. Inculcation in the educational process of electronic information and educational resources, such as electronic textbooks and manuals, will contribute of the development of independent, search, research activities of students increase their educational and professional interest.
Consider the requirements that must take into consideration when creating electronic educational editions [2, p. 25].
The process of creating educational electronic editions should provide the production of educational electronic editions that meet the system of psycho-pedagogical, technical and technological, aesthetic and ergonomic requirements.
Educational electronic publications must meet the standard didactic requirements of the traditional educational publications, such as textbooks, and teaching aids.
The requirement for scientific of learning using educational electronic editions means sufficient depth, accuracy and scientific integrity of the training material content, provides educational electronic edition with the latest scientific achievements Learning process with the help of educational electronic editions should be built in accordance with modern scientific knowledge methods: experiment, comparison, observation, abstraction, generalization, concretization, analogy, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, simulation method, including mathematics, as well as the method of system analysis.
The requirement of availability, implemented by means of educational electronic editions, is the need to determine the degree of complexity and depth theoretical study of educational material according to age and individual needs of students. Unacceptable congestion and excessive complexity of educational material where acquisition of this material becomes beyond student's strength.
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The requirement to ensure problem-based of learning is due to the very essence and nature of learning and cognitive activity. Intellectual activity increases when a student is faced with the problem of educational situation requiring resolution. The feasibility of the didactic requirements through educational electronic editions may be much higher than with traditional textbooks and manuals.
The requirement for providing visuality of learning is the need to integrate sensory perception of the objects of study, their models or models and their personal observation by students.
The requirement for provision of consciousness of training, self-reliance and revitalization of the student involves ensuring of means educational electronic editions of independent actions of students in the elicitation of educational information with a clear understanding of the ultimate goals and objectives of the training activities. To increase the activity of learning educational electronic editions should generate a variety of learning situations, to formulate a variety of issues, provides students with a choice of a particular trajectory of learning, the ability to control the course of events.
The requirement for systematic and consistent of the training using educational electronic editions means providing sequential assimilation of a certain system of knowledge in the learning domain by students.
The requirement for the strength of assimilation of learning using educational electronic editions: for durable learning the most important are a deep understanding of the material, its dispersed memorization [3, p.128].
In addition to traditional didactic requirements as to educational electronic editions and traditional publications of educational purposes, to educational electronic editions imposed specific didactic requirements, caused the use of the advantages of modern information and communication technologies in the establishment and operation of educational electronic editions.
The requirement for adaptability implies flexibility of educational electronic edition to the individual opportunities of student. It means an adaptation, adapting the learning process to the level of knowledge and skills and psychological characteristics of the student.
The requirement for interactiveness of training means that the learning process should take place with student interaction with educational electronic editions. Means of educational electronic editions should provide an interactive dialogue and suggestive feedback. An important part of the organization of the dialogue is the reaction of the educational electronic edition to a user action. Suggestive feedback controls and corrects student actions, gives recommendations for further work, implements constantly access to help and clarify information. When monitoring with error diagnostics based on the results of educational work suggestive feedback provides
analysis of the done work with recommendations to improve the level of knowledge.
The requirement for the realization of possibilities of computer visualization of learning information, i.e. technical capabilities of computers, multimedia projectors, means of virtual reality, imposes educational electronic editions. The requirement suggests the analysis of the capabilities of modern information display means (technical capabilities of display products - computers, multimedia projectors, means of virtual reality and possibilities of modern software) compared to the quality of representation of educational information for educational electronic editions [4, p.55].
The requirement for the development of intellectual potential of the student while working with educational electronic editions suggests the formation of thinking styles (algorithmic, visual-figurative, theoretical), the ability to make optimal decisions or divergent solutions in difficult situations, abilities of information processing (through the use of data processing systems, information search engines, databases, and so on.).
The requirement for the systematic and structural and functional connectivity presentation of training material in educational electronic editions.
The requirement of completeness (integrity) and the continuity of didactic training cycle in educational electronic editions means that educational electronic edition should provide the ability to perform all parts of the didactic cycle within a single session with the information and communication technology [5, p. 70].
In conclusion, considered requirements of educational electronic editions and the use of modern information technologies allows to create computer learning tools providing the necessary conditions and the quality of education.
1. Republic of Kazakhstan Education Development State Program (2011 - 2020).
2. The strategy of informatization of education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2020. http://www.fh7775o9.bget.ru/index.php/31 -strategiya-razvitiya-informatizatsii
3. Bespalko V.P. Education and training with computers. - Moscow: Publishing. Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2002. - 352 p.
4. Timkin S.L. An introductory course in information-educational environment of open education. Tutorial -Omsk: OmSU, 2005. - 136 p.
5. Ahmad, R., Piccoli, G., Ives, B. (1996). "Effectiveness of virtual learning environments in basic skills business education: a field study in progress. Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Information Systems". Helsinki.
Мясищев Дмитрий Геннадьевич
Докт. техн. наук, профессор, Северный (Арктический) федеральный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова, профессор кафедры транспортно-технологических машин, оборудования и логистики, г. Архангельск
Целью данной работы является попытка подойти к шасси с позиции биомеханической концепции. При этом задаче обоснования оптимальной схемы маневрирования биомеханическим прототипом выбрано земноводное пре-шарнирно-сочлененного транспортно -технологического смыкающееся - змея (далее уж). Данный выбор обоснован