Научная статья на тему 'Reproductive health of adolescent girls with endocrine disorders'

Reproductive health of adolescent girls with endocrine disorders Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Reproductive health of adolescent girls with endocrine disorders»


Материалы конференции /Proceedings of the Conference/

In the rat, CD4+ T cells can be divided into Thl-like CD45RC+CD4+ T cells, which express IL-2 and IFN-y and play an important role in cell-mediated immune responses, and Th2-like CD45RC-CD4+ T cells, which express IL-4 and IL-10 and play an important part in humoral immune responses. It has been suggested that the immune balance between Th1- and Th2-type cells plays an important role in the maintenance of peripheral tolerance. The dominance of Th1 cells over Th2 cells is associated with the development of autoimmune type 1 diabetes, whereas the dominance of Th2 cells over Th1 cells is associated with the prevention of type 1 diabetes. It was previously found that KRV infection in DR-BB rats increased the expression of Thl-type cytokines in the splenocytes and pancreatic infiltrates. Therefore, it is possible that the proportions of Th1 and Th2 cells are altered during KRV infection in DR-BB rats (Todd J.A., Walker N.M., 2007).

Conclusions. Different experimental models of diabetes give an opportunity to find the new approaches for this disease treatment as well as to prevent complications connected with it.

YAK 616.83-085.21

Skihar V., Silva C., Chojnacki A., Döring A., Stallcup W.B., Weiss S., Yong V.W. Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada



The formation of oligodendrocytes (oligodendrogene-sis) and myelin is regulated by several neurotrophic factors. Strategies to increase the level of these trophic molecules may facilitate repair in demyelinating conditions, such as multiple sclerosis (MS). Because leukocytes are a source of neurotrophic factors, and as glatiramer acetate (GA) generates T helper 2 (Th2) lymphocytes that are not known to be harmful, we tested the hypothesis that GA regulates oli-godendrogenesis and myelin formation. First, we generated GA-reactive Th2 cells and determined that they produced transcripts for neurotrophic factors, including insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). The conditioned medium from GA-reactive T cells elevated IGF-1 protein and promoted the formation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) from embryonic brain-derived forebrain cells in culture. We next subjected mice to lysolecithin-induced demyelin-ation of the spinal cord. At 7 days after the insult, the number of OPCs in the demyelinated dorsal column was higher than that in uninjured controls, and was further increased by the daily s.c. injection with GA. Increased OPC generation by GA was associated temporally with the elevation of IGF-1 and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the spinal cord. Finally, the resultant remyelination at 28 days was higher in mice treated with GA during the first 7

days of injury compared with vehicle controls. These results indicate that GA promotes oligodendrogenesis and remyelination through mechanisms that involve the elevation of growth factors conducive for repair.

УДК 616.43/.45-055.25+618.17 Tsysar Yu.V., Andriiets' O.A.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology with the Course of Infantile and Adolescent Gynecology Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi


Pubertal uterine bleedings are a topical problem of modern adolescent gynecology. As a rule, in case of disturbances of the menstrual cycle in girls in the form of pubertal menorrhagias the hormonal background changes, the synthesis and secretion of the gonadotropic hormones is disturbed, the secretion of estradiol and progesterone changes. Thyroid hormones exert an immediate effect on the organs of the reproductive system, inhibiting the follicle-stimulating function and enhancing the luteinizing function of the hypophysis and in its turn, the sensitivity of the ovaries to the gonadotropic hormones and the endometrium to estrogens increases.

Aim and object of the research. We have studied the concentration of the sex and thyroid hormones of the serum in the blood of teen-age girls, suffering from pubertal menorrhagias against a background of the thyroid gland pathology.

Material and methods of the research. We have examined 70 adolescent girls with pubertal menorrhagias who were treated at the gynecological unit of Municipal Clinical Maternity Hospital № 1 (MCMH № 1) of Chernivtsy City and subdivided into two groups: group I (basic) — 30 teenage girls with the diagnosis of pubertal menorrhagias with underlying concomitant pathology of the thyroid gland, group II (of comparison) — 40 teen-age girls with the diagnosis of pubertal menorrhagias, 27 apparently healthy teen-age girls (the control group).

All the subjects underwent a multimodality hormonal examination with an evaluation of the concentration of hormones in the blood serum by means of the immune enzyme analysis (IEA) method, using the immunoenzymatic microplate semiautomatic analyzer — Expert Plus Asus, (Biochrom Ltd, England) and anassay kit VECTOR Best (Russia). Statistical data processing was carried out by means of a package of computer programs Statistica 6,0. Just this very investigation of sex hormones as estradiol (E2), progesterone (P), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and thyroid hormones — thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3) and thyrotropin—releasing hormone (TRH) was assumed as the basis for the purpose of studying their concentration in the blood serum in teen-age girls with pubertal menorrhagias with concomitant pathology of the thyroid gland.

№ 6(54) • 2013



Материалы конференции /Proceedings of the Conference/

Results of the research and their discussion. A study of the indices of the hormonal profile of teen-age girls have shown that the concentration of estradiol elevated 1,14 times, FSG-1,32 times, T3 — two times, T4 — 1,17 times, TRH — 1,26 times upon admission for an inpatient examination, the level of progesterone essentially decreases by 27,08 % and LH 1,11 times.

Analyzing the concentration of the hormones of the thyroid gland (T3, T4, TRH, an essential decline of their concentration is marked in the blood serum as compared with the control group (< 0,05). The above — mentioned changes in their turn, result in a relative hyperestrogenia that is a pathogenetic mechanism for the development of metrorrhagias in the adolescent girls of group II.

We have studied the concentration of the blood serum hormones in girls (n = 30) with pubertal menorrhagias against, a background of thyroid gland pathology. The obtained findings have demonstrated that a clear-cut tendency is formed towards a decrease of the concentration of E2 — 1,7 times and progesterone — 2,11 times (> 0,05) and an increase of the level of FSH and LH — 3,28 times and 1,5 times respectively (> 0,05). A clear-cut imbalance of the thyroid hormones manifested by a sharp elevation of the T3 level and a decrease of the T4 concentration — 1,17 times (< 0,05) and TRH — 1,02 times (> 0,05) in the blood serum has been detected. It has been astablished that an imbalance of the thyroid hormones in the girls of the 1st group influences directly on the sexual glands, elevates the sensitivity to the gonadotropic hormone of the ovaries and the endometrial to the estrogens, the latter reflecting negatively on the forming of the menstrual cycle and the development of pubertal menorrhagias later on with underlying thyroid gland pathology.

Conclusions. Thus, the above mentioned changes point out to the fact that concomitant pathology of the thyroid gland is a pathogenetic basis of the clinical manifestations of hypothyroidism and autoimmune thyroiditis, disturbs the energy metabolism due to a deficiency of the principal thyroid hormones, resulting in a decrease of the basal metabolism. Owing to metabolic changes there occur impaimentsof the functioning of the ovariomenstrual cycle in teen-age girls, contributing to the development of dysfunctional metrorrhagias.

УДК 616-07+616.441-008.64+616-056.52+616.12008.331.1+616.379-008.64

Ддушко О.М. Кафедра ендокринологÏ Вано-Франювський нацюнальний медичний унверситет


Згщно з даними МОЗ Украши, за останш 5 ро-kîb кшьшсть хворих на дисфункцш щитоподiбноï

залози (ЩЗ) зросла в 5 pa3iB. Гшотиреоз асощю-еться з пщвищенням серцево-судинно'1 захворюва-ност та смертности а також сприяе розвитку дис-лшщемп', атеросклерозу, дiастолiчноï артерiальноï гшертензп' (АГ), абдомшального ожиршня. Тому питання пошуку нових предикторiв серцево-су-динних ускладнень у пащенпв iз гшотиреозом залишаеться актуальним i в даний час. Сьогодш велика увага дослщнишв придшяеться кардюре-нальним взаеминам. Результати епщемюлопчних i популяцшних дослщжень свщчать про те, що на-впъ найбiльш раннi субклiнiчнi порушення функ-цiï нирок е незалежними факторами ризику кардь оваскулярних подiй i смерть

Мета дослщження — вивчити взаемозв'язок по-ширеностi i рiвня мiкроальбумiнурiï (МАУ) залежно вiд параметрiв артерiального тиску.

Матерiали i методи дослщження. Клшчш та функцiонально-бiохiмiчнi обстеження хворих ви-конанi на базi ендокринологiчного вiддiлення, диспансерного ендокринологiчного вщдшення Iвано-Франкiвськоï обласно'1 клiнiчноï лiкарнi. Обстежено 116 хворих (24 чоловши i 92 жшки) на первинний гшотиреоз. З числа обстежених у 52 пащенпв був шсляоперацшний гiпотиреоз, у 62 — гшотиреоз на rai автоiмунного тиреощиту (А1Т), у двох пащенпв — в результатi гшоплазГ1 ЩЗ. Вiк хворих — вщ 36 до 65 рокiв (у середньому 50,89 ± 1,70 року), тривалють захворювання ста-новила вщ одного до 12 рокiв. Вс пацiенти отри-мували замiсну терашю L-тироксином в добовiй дозi 125—175 мкг, обстежеш пацiенти мали гшотиреоз середньо'1 та тяжко'1 форми. У дослщження не включали пащенпв iз хронiчними паренхiматоз-ними та штерстищальними захворюваннями нирок. Улм хворим проводили комплексне загаль-нокл^чне обстеження, а також визначали МАУ, рiвень гормонiв ЩЗ (вТ4 i вТ3), тиреотропного гормону (ТТГ). МАУ визначали за ушфшованою кiлькiсною методикою на фотоелектроколори-метрi КФК-3 особам, як вiдповiдали критерiям включення в дослщження.

Результати дослщження. Встановлено вiрогiд-ний зв'язок мiж тривалiстю переб^у гiпотиреозу i частотою виявлення МАУ. Найчастше у цiеï когор-ти хворих траплявся низький рiвень МАУ (вщ 30 до 100 мг/д) — у 40 ошб (74,1 %); середнш (вiд 101 до 200 мг/д) — у 8 оаб (14,8 %); високий (вщ 201 до 300 мг/д) — у 6 осiб (11,1 %).

Нами дослщжено взаемозв'язок поширеностi i рiвня МАУ залежно вiд параметрiв систолiчного АТ (САТ), дiастолiчного АТ (ДАТ), пульсового АТ (ПАТ). Порiвняння наявност МАУ та рiвня ДАТ показало, що ймовiрнiсть виявлення МАУ зростае при збтьшенш ДАТ i становить 25,8 % при ДАТ менше 80; 68,8 % — при ДАТ вщ 81 до 90 i 88,9 % — при ДАТ понад 90 мм рт.ст. Крiм того, юнуе пряма вiрогiдна залежшсть мiж рiвнем ДАТ та МАУ, тобто чим вищий ДАТ, тим вищий рiвень встановлено'1 МАУ.


Международный эндокринологический журнал, ISSN 2224-0721

№ 6(54) • 2013

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