RENEWABLE ENERGY POWERED CAMPUS PROPOSAL FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF LATVIA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Энергетика и рациональное природопользование»

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Аннотация научной статьи по энергетике и рациональному природопользованию, автор научной работы — Dimants Justs, Dimanta I., Sloka B., Kleperis J.

Sustainable development requires managing all available resources in most practical way. That includes material recycling, economical redistribution of resources and adjusted energy demand and consumption. Popularity of renewable energy is growing from year to year. There are multitudinous successfully projects and more often companies and different societies start to implement renewable energy projects to manage efficient financial resource spending as well as reduce the impact of energy suppliers. Hundreds of good practice are examined and developed world wide, including operation of university campus, public transport, operation of villages, etc. Paper examines the readiness of acceptance of renewable energy resources and in this case -hydrogen as energy carrier to supply heat and electricity to Natural Science Centre of Campus of University of Latvia. The main conclusions are connected with acceptance/rejection of hydrogen technologies to be included in combined heat and power supply system. Methods used for analysis: scientific publications research, evaluation of practical knowledge transfer and marketing tool application in evaluation the results of questionnaire. For data processing and analysis indicators of central tendency or location and variability, the crosstabulations are used.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 07.08.12. Ред. рег. № 1392 The article has entered in publishing office 07.08.12. Ed. reg. No. 1392

УДК 620.92; 316.654


12 13 3

Ю. Димантс , И. Диманта , Б. Слока , Я. Клеперис , Я. Клеперис-мл.

1 Факультет экономики и менеджмента при Латвийском университете Латвия, Рига, LV-1063, бульв. Аспазияс, д. 5 Тел.: (+371) 29244966; e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] 2Факультет биологии, Латвийский университет Латвия, Рига, LV-1010, бульв. Кронвальда, д. 4 Тел.: (+371) 29776085, e-mail: [email protected]; 3Институт физики твердого тела при Латвийском университете Латвия, Рига, LV-1063, ул. Кенгарага, д. 8 Тел.: (+371) 26436513, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Заключение совета рецензентов: 20.08.12 Заключение совета экспертов: 25.08.12 Принято к публикации: 30.08.12

Повышение цен на нефть и проблемы с поставкой энергии из невозобновляемых источников привели к развитию и использованию возобновляемых ресурсов и водородной энергетики, и их популярность только растет. Уже сейчас существует множество успешных проектов, и все больше компаний и сообществ реализуют проекты, чтобы оптимизировать расходы на энергию и снизить зависимость от поставщиков. Проанализированы сотни примеров успешного практического применения со всего мира в таких отраслях, как университетские городки, общественный транспорт, деревни и т. д. В статье рассмотрена готовность общества принять данную концепцию и конкретно водород как носитель энергии для обеспечения Центра естественных наук университетского городка Латвийского университета. Основные заключения касаются (не)приятия водородных технологий для комбинированных систем. Для анализа используются исследования публикаций, оценка практических знаний и использование маркетинговых технологий для оценки результатов опросов. Для работы с результатами и анализа индикаторов основных тенденций или вариативности используются комбинационные таблицы.

Ключевые слова: опрос общественного мнения, возобновляемые источники энергии.


J. Dimants1,1. Dimanta2, B. Sloka1, J. Kleperis3, J. Kleperis Jr3

'Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia 5 Aspazijas bulv., Riga, LV-1050, Latvia Tel.: (+371) 28855966, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]; 2Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia 4 Kronvalda bulv., Riga, LV-1010, Latvia Tel.: (+371) 29776085, e-mail: [email protected]; 3Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia 8 Kengaraga str., Riga, Latvia, LV-1063 Tel.: (+371) 26436513, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Referred: 20.08.12 Expertise: 25.08.12 Accepted: 30.08.12

Sustainable development requires managing all available resources in most practical way. That includes material recycling, economical redistribution of resources and adjusted energy demand and consumption. Popularity of renewable energy is growing from year to year. There are multitudinous successfully projects and more often companies and different societies start to implement renewable energy projects to manage efficient financial resource spending as well as reduce the impact of energy suppliers. Hundreds of good practice are examined and developed world wide, including operation of university campus, public transport, operation of villages, etc. Paper examines the readiness of acceptance of renewable energy resources and in this case -hydrogen as energy carrier to supply heat and electricity to Natural Science Centre of Campus of University of Latvia.

The main conclusions are connected with acceptance/rejection of hydrogen technologies to be included in combined heat and power supply system. Methods used for analysis: scientific publications research, evaluation of practical knowledge transfer and marketing tool application in evaluation the results of questionnaire. For data processing and analysis indicators of central tendency or location and variability, the crosstabulations are used.

Keywords: poll, renewable energy sources.

Justs Dimants

Finished his master thesis in University of Latvia in 2008. Continues to study in University of Latvia as doctoral student. Currently writing his PhD thesis in economics on the topic Marketing Problems and Opportunities for Hydrogen Energy Development in Latvia. The main workplace is University of Latvia Unstitute of Solid State Physics as Engineer. Research covers hydrogen social studies and marketing. During last five years research has been sufficiently well, as results are more than 15 participations in local and international scientific conferences as well as 10 publications. The most significant topics are hydrogen energy implementation problems, renewable energy resources and technologies, public education and introduction issues.

Selected Publications: Dimants, J.Kleperis, B.Sloka, I.Klepere, The Development and Implementation of Hydrogen Technologies: Are They Going Fast Enough? 4th World Hydrogen Technology Convention, Conf. Proc., University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (UK) 2011, p.404-408.

J.Dimants, B.Sloka, J.Kleperis, I.Klepere Renewable Hydrogen Market Development: Forecasts and Opportunities for Latvia. Paper No 319GOV, International Conference on Hydrogen Production ICH2P-11, June 19-22, 2011, Center of Research and Technology SECC, Thessaloniki, Greece, p.1-6 J.Kleperis, I.Dimanta, I.Dirnena, A.Gruduls, E.Skripsts, J.Jasko, J.Dimants, B.Sloka Possible scenarios for obtaining and usage of the biohydrogen.. The Fifth International Scientific Conference Rural Development 2011 in Global Changes 24 - 25th November, 2011, Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Akademija, Kaunas district, Lithuania, Proceeding I, Vol. 5, Book 1, pages 347- 353


Growth in population, affluence and associated consumption over the past century, coupled with increasing trends of urbanisation and electrification (among other factors), have led to an increase in the global demand for materials [1]. The faculties of natural sciences at Universities worldwide need to teach renewable energy technologies and sustainable green architecture, therefore implementing innovative building technologies (double facade made of green plants and green roofs to reduce temperature fluctuations in direct sunlight; wind generators of vertical flow and solar PV and thermal collectors to cover part from consumed electricity and heat, etc.) are best solution for education and sustainable living. Integrated energy system dependent on heat and power system can be used to access the market potential of technologies [2]. Today, energy and environmental politics have become increasingly prominent due to global climate change, the foreseeable limits to cheap liquid fossil fuel production and its continued subsidization. Creating a synergy between government bodies and private enterprises, new technologies and market mechanisms have become the dominant approaches for solving today's challenges [3]. Many environmental issues have been caused by or relate to the production, transformation and use of energy, for example, acid rain, stratospheric ozone depletion and global climate change. Recently, a variety of potential solutions to the current environmental problems associated with the harmful pollutant emissions has evolved. Hydrogen energy systems appear to be the one of the most effective solutions and can play a significant role in providing better environment and sustainability [4]. Fuel cells an enabling technology has high efficiencies and potentially sustainability, lower negative externalities than current energy systems, which has made them attractive future option in micro, stationary and automotive applications [5]. Within the context of hydrogen economy, the lack of infrastructure

remains unsolved for large scale nowadays but will be solved in next 20-50 years [6, 7]. The public education and information campaigns are very important to promote hydrogen and renewable technologies because the growing fossil fuel consumption as the population has grown has provoked the growth of the fuel prices. At the same time the reserves of non-renewable resources are running out. In this context it is very important to understand that the energy production has to be done by renewable recourse technologies. Not just because the energy production from non-renewable resources is getting more and more disadvantageous, but as well as it is very polluting. Why hydrogen technology? Hydrogen is a very simple element, but at the same time it is very powerful. With the help of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell it is possible to produce cleaner energy by reducing Greenhouse gas emissions as well as get the solution for renewable energy recourses. The United States Department of Energy (DOE) in 2001 postulated key components while transition to Hydrogen Economy is necessary [8]:

- Hydrogen is "The Freedom Fuel";

- Hydrogen provides independence and an environmental choice;

- Hydrogen solves foreign oil dependency and improves the environment:

- Hydrogen is everywhere - "it's right in our backyard";

- A hydrogen economy includes other fuels and

- Hydrogen - it works (it is an ongoing business today);

- Hydrogen is safe;

- Hydrogen is a long-term energy solution;

- Hydrogen is the "man on the moon" equivalent for this generation.

Hydrogen produced through non-fossil fuel sources by using the different forms of sustainable energy sources, such as solar, hydropower, wind, nuclear, etc. (so-called green energy based hydrogen production), is considered to be a prime fuel in meeting energy supply

International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology № 09 (113) 2012

© Scientific Technical Centre «TATA», 2012

and security, transition to hydrogen economy, environmental betterment, and social, societal, sectoral, technological, industrial, economical and governmental sustainability in a country. Thus, green energy based hydrogen system can be one of the best solutions for accelerating and ensuring global stability and sustainability. Therefore, the production of hydrogen from non-fossil fuel sources and the development and application of green energy based hydrogen energy technologies become crucial in this century for better transition to hydrogen economy [8]. Hydrogen can be used for switching from fossil resource to renewable resource consumption.

Theoretical Background

Existing research provides important insights about determinants of hydrogen support and refuelling facilities. The increase of fossil fuel consumption is frequent problem in the world, for example, the University of Birmingham operates a fleet of 110 vehicles for delivery and other duties. To solve these problem electrical and hydrogen vehicles were introduced in the university campus to decrease fossil fuel consumption and related emissions [9]. Also a commercially available lead-acid battery electric scooter was converted to a hydrogen fuel cell battery hybrid scooter. It was proved that hydrogen fuel cell battery hybrid scooter gave better energy efficiencies and speeds compared to battery and petrol powered scooter alone

[10]. Different studies have examined the application of hydrogen to public and private transportation systems, based on customers and potential user opinions. Some studies have focused on measuring levels of hydrogen application acceptance and to identify determinant factors likely to support this green technology. Across these studies, variables related to socio-demographic factors, knowledge and attitudes appear to relate to hydrogen support and acceptance reported by the public

[11]. In 2007 a clean energy research facility consisting of a 5 kWp photovoltaic system and 2.4 kWp hydrogen-fuel cell system was build to investigate these energy production technologies at Pamukkale University in Denizli, Turkey [12]. Complete thermo-economical analysis of an integrated power plant for co-production of electricity and hydrogen via pyrolysis and gasification processes fed by various coal and mixture of coal and biomass was applied to existing large steam power plant in Italy. The results showed that hydrogen cost, primarily, is affected by the total plant capital costs [13]. Social survey was carried in 2009, California, USA to learn consumer attitude on hydrogen vehicles. Hydrogen vehicles were tested and drivers questioned after testdrive. More then 90% would consider travelling 5-10 min to find hydrogen fuelling station, more than 80% left with a positive overall impression of hydrogen [14]. Different analysis shows, that hydrogen refuelling stations and their supporting decentralized refuelling infrastructure diffusion over a long-time period can be

estimated through different scenarios and government incentives can play a significant role in development process [15].

Also educational part is significant element during renewable energy technology implementation. Numerous European educative initiatives targeted at children, students and other citizens to train them with active learning [16]. Unreached energy efficiency is significant problem for all kind of buildings. The study of analyzing the energy efficiency of Los Angeles Community College City Campus was done to evaluated sustainability of the campus. It was discovered that campus could reduce its current annual energy consumption by 18.2% by improving energy efficiency. The study also concluded that the campus would need to install a 4601 kW solar PV array to meet remaining total campus energy demand [17]. It is hard to predict technology development. One of method is five forces of competition, which analyses potential market entrants, buyers - to customers, substitutes, suppliers and competitors [18]. Before technology implementation it is important to make sure that society will accept technology. Gaining technology acceptance is critical in modern organizations [19]. By targeting one of group it is possible to learn readiness and acceptance of technology. Target group for the survey of authors covers potential consumers including personal, professors, and students - academia that will work together in the new campus. It can be assumed that consumer's perception toward government policy is directly influenced from his or her own experience related to the government policy. Also personal experience affects risk perception and benefit perception, which determine whether or not a person will accept product [20]. It is significant to encourage hydrogen development through the prism of potential consumer. The change of hydrogen power paradigm is required to reach sustainable economic feasibility today, not in 50 years or next century [21]. A significant paradigm shift is now under way as major change in the government policy makers and industry leaders are looking for clean fuels and renewable energy for their own nation-states [22].

The European Commission has adopted two proposals today that will mark a step forward in the development and marketing of clean and safe hydrogen vehicles The first is the setting up of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Technology Initiative, an ambitious industry-led integrated programme of Research, technology development and demonstration activities [23]. Any attempt to understand and plan for a future transition to a hydrogen energy system must rely on some understanding of the processes of technological systems [24]. Social marketers attempt to bridge the education-policy divide by creating incentives, or rewards that encourage and reinforce behaviour change. However, these efforts face the not inconsiderable difficulty of making deferred and uncertain rewards as attractive as immediate pleasures [25]. Philosophy and a business strategy, supported by a technology platform,

business rules, processes and social characteristics, engages the customer in a collaborative conversation in order to provide mutually beneficial value in a trusted & transparent business environment [26]. It would be difficult to promote hydrogen, if distributions have had two independent systems, like petrol vs. hydrogen [27].

In authors situation hydrogen system can be integrated in existing system and gradually moves to independent energy-heat supply system. The lack of hydrogen infrastructure remains unsolved for macro level, but in micro level like University of Latvia campus integrated hydrogen power system can provide demands of infrastructure.

University Campus -Technical Design of CHHP System

Combined Hydrogen, Heat and Power (CHHP) system in University Campus (see site plan in Fig. 1) is design on base of fuel cell power plant DFC300 (FuelCell Energy, USA) [28] with power output 300 kW - AC 380V, 50 Hz. In this system:

- Electricity will be used to power the Academic Centre of Natural Sciences (ACNS) (include Biology,

Chemistry, Geography and Earth Sciences - research laboratories, lecture-rooms, professor rooms etc., 200 researchers and professors, 2000 students (for all campus - about 20 000);

- Heat will be used for ACNS heating maintenance in cold season (October - April), for hot water and for other technical purposes (kitchen, laboratories etc) through all the year;

- Proposed electricity consumption for the Academic Centre of Natural Sciences is about 800 MWh/year; heat consumption - 350 MWh/year;

Fuel consumption for this system (80% load) is 1.1 m3/min (1104 l/min or 0.79 kg natural gas/min), i.e. during the year a total of 4625 00 m3 or 365375 kg (365 tons) of methane are consumed. It is assumed that DFC300 works on a yearly basis with 80% load, it will produce:

- 2100 MWh electricity and 2012 MWh heat (water with temperature 50 oC), which is enough to power ACNS building;

- Excess electricity and power that is produced in the system will be sold or used for other University of Latvia Campus buildings that will be built subsequently.

Рис. 1. План студенческого городка Латвийского университета в Риге, в Торнакалнсе, недалеко от железной дороги Fig. 1. The site plan of University of Latvia Campus in Riga, Tornakalns, close to railway

In our design project, it is planned to ensure DFC300 with bio-gas from feedstock in several stages, namely:

1) Start up stage - 100% natural gas from central city connection (CH4 content - 98%);

By operating on an ongoing basis all year, in this stage it is possible to operate DFC300 with less load and by doing that it will be possible to develop in the

Campus area the first Latvia's hydrogen fueling station (University of Latvia already has its own self-built hydrogen car (karting) with hydrogen reservoir 1.5 Nm3, but it is planned in the nearest future (year 2013) to built up a minicar with metal hydride hydrogen reservoir with capacity 2 kg hydrogen (24 Nm3)). Proposed natural gas consumption in Start up stage - 1.1 m30.8-60-8760 =

International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology № 09 (113) 2012

© Scientific Technical Centre «TATA», 2012

= 462.5 thousand m per year. Simultaneously, a site will be developed for biological waste as well as bio-gas collection system for this site.

2) Transition stage - locally produced biogas will be mixed with natural gas. It is necessary to purify the produced biogas in order to get methane and hydrogen only. It can be done with Evonik membrane hollow-fibre modules for upgrading biogas or natural gas [29]. Depending on how biogas will be produced in our biological waste site, it will be possible to gradually change over from central city natural gas connection to using our locally produced methane. Simultaneously, another method for methane production will be considered in application -production from the carbon dioxide and hydrogen. As DFC300 is releasing CO2 in atmosphere, about 236 kg from every MWh produced, it means, that every year DFC300 operating at 80% load and by producing 2100 MWh of electricity, 496 tons of CO2 are produced, which can be used further. Over the year from 496 tons of CO2 it is possible to produce 165 tons CH4 (from one mole of CO2 one CH4 is produced, molar weight of CH4 is approximately three times smaller than CO2), which results in about half of DFC300 annual consumption.

Moreover, there are planned vertical axis wind generators on the roof of ACNS with approximate capacity of 15-25 kW. With wind produced electro energy water

electrolysis will be performed and produced hydrogen will be coupled with DFC300 released CO2 to produce CH4 for our CHHP system (similar projects are already realized, for example, Solar Fuel pilot plant for Audi [30].

3) Final stage or Optimal operation period - fuel (methane) to maintain DFC300 is only from local feedstock - biogas and transformed CO2 emissions:

- Feedstock that will continuously run the CHHP plant will be municipal solid food waste (MSW), produced by University of Latvia campus city.

- According to The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development prepared State waste management plan for 2006-2012, the amount of MSW generated by one person is 0.53 kg/day (biologically degradable waste).

- In the campus about 20 000 people will be daily, but factor of 0.2 was used to take into account people that do not eat on the campus territory.

- A conversation rate for degradable waste to biogas is from 50-70%, but biogas contains approximately 55% methane.

- Based on experimental data [31], 0.12 tons of methane are produced from 1 ton of MSW. Accordingly, 0.064 kg methane will be produced daily per one person. 1024 kg CH4/day; CHHP plant DFC 3000 requires 1139 kg natural gas/day.

Рис. 2. Блок-схема обеспечения отоплением и электричеством здания ACNS в университетском городке при использовании только возобновляемых ресурсов Fig. 2. Block diagram of heat and power supply to ACNS building in University Campus using only renewable energy technologies

Full system consists from (see Fig. 2):

E - energy producing devices (DFC300 (300 kW), solar PV panels (SMA Sunny Boy 1100, Sanyo HIT 225 x5 - 3 kW), vertical ass wind power generators (AE2 P-3000, HGeneratorsTM - 5 kW), connection with grid;

H - heat producing device (DFC300);

G - bio-gas producing devices (Feedstock Delivery System and Storage (MAVITEC Green Energy), food Depackaging Line, Feedstock-to-fuel Conversion System, Anaerobic digestion plant, Gas Treatment System, Fuel Storage (CENO Membrane Technology GmbH), Biogas cleaning equipment and Biogas storage;

S - hydrogen generation and storage devices (PEM Electrolysis System LM-10000, Hydrogen Compression (HGeneratorsTM), Hydrogen Storage (Dybetek Industies), Hydrogen Dispensing/Distribution System).

The fuel cell system as installed serves a number of purposes:

1) As the primary power source for Academic Center of Natural Sciences;

2) As an emergency power source for the ACNS building, when the grid service is not online;

3) As heat supplier to pre-heat the ACNS building in winter season and hot water supplier to technical and service needs of ACNS.

Wind power and solar PV units are connected in grid and will power electrolysis unit to generate additional hydrogen for CO2 + H2 reactor to recover carbon dioxide from DFC300 exhaust.

Empirical research results -to clarify the students' opinion

By 2023, the University of Latvia is going to create a modern learning infrastructure in Riga district Tornakalns, with five study blocks and all the necessary facilities for active student life. University as Organization should choose economically viable long term energy consumption by promoting sustainable development as well as science development. That is possible, renewable energy technologies will be integrated in the campus energy system. The faculties of natural sciences imply implementing innovative building technologies to provide with heat and electricity the ACNS building (include Biology, Chemistry, Geography and Earth Sciences) - research laboratories, lecture-rooms, professor rooms etc., 200 researchers and professors, 2000 students.

Social-economical survey via questionnaire was performed in February and March, 2012 to explore readiness of the society to use renewable technologies in the University campus. All respondents are related to University of Latvia (students, professors, researchers, and possible future students, etc.). Faculties intended to locate in Academic Centre of Natural Sciences participated in the survey. In the survey were questions on respondent's environmental knowledge, attitudes, behaviour as well as information on socio-economic characteristics of respondents. Including, questions about the project acceptance, scientific value and safety issues. The arithmetic mean for statements related to necessarily of hydrogen Power Station project reflected in Fig. 3.

Рис. 3. Средние арифметические значения для высказываний об использовании возобновляемой энергии

в Латвийском университете. Источник: опрос, проведенный авторами в феврале-марте 2012 года, n = 364. Шкала оценки 0 - 10, где 0 - не имею информации о вопросе, 1 - полностью несогласен, 10 - полностью согласен Fig. 3. Arithmetic mean values for statements reated to renewable technology implementation in University of Latvia. Source: Survey performed by authors in February and March 2012, n = 364. Evaluation scale 0-10, where 0 - do not have information about issue, 1 - fully disagree, 10 - fully agree

International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology № 09 (113) 2012

© Scientific Technical Centre «TATA», 2012

As the survey results show, most of the respondents are very positive (with surprisingly high evaluations) for renewable technology implementation in Academic Centre of Natural Sciences (arithmetic mean = 8.49, Std. Error of Mean = 0.107, Mo = 10, Me = 9.00). Also appreciated statement: Could hydrogen be used for electricity, heat production, and for energy storage in these renewable energy technologies? (Mean = 7.60, Std. Error of Mean = 0.106, Mo = 10, Me = 8.00) this answer shows good level of knowledge among respondents. Survey participants agreed that access to renewable energy technologies in the campus area during studies is an important part of student practical training - one of highest evaluations (Mean = 8.30, Std. Error of Mean = 0.099, Mo = 10, Me = 9.00). Statement about respondent knowledge level on hydrogen usability as energy resource has been evaluated above average (Mean = 6.57, Std. Error of Mean = 0.140, Mo = 10, Me = 7.00). Safety is considered as most concerning issue do to the results for statement: I am positively convinced for hydrogen energy safety. It has been evaluated in average (Mean = 6.44, Std. Error of Mean = 0.120, Mo = 5, Me =

7.00) that means hydrogen safety issues still are topic for discussion in society. By opinion of respondents, government incentives must be attracted for renewable energy technology implementation in University of Latvia Academic Centre of Natural Sciences (Mean =7.65, Std. Error of Mean = 0.122, Mo = 10, Me = 8.00).

It can be concluded that in average academia and students expressed positive attitude towards hydrogen energy and demonstrated good knowledge level about hydrogen technologies and are willing to accept and support technology implementation in Academic Centre of Natural Sciences. For almost all statements most chosen evaluation was the highest - 10, characterised by mode, except for the statement "I am positively convinced for hydrogen energy safety", where the modal evaluation was 5. For this statement the full range of responses were covered (except 0, it means that all respondents had information on analysed issues and expressed their attitude. Table reflects distribution of the answers for statement: I am positively convinced for hydrogen energy safety by faculty represented.

Распределение ответов на высказывание «Я полностью уверен в безопасности водородных технологий» в зависимости от факультетов Distribution of responses by faculty represented on statement "I am positively convinced for hydrogen energy safety"

Faculty represented

Evaluations Faculty of Biology Faculty of Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences Faculty of Chemistry Riga Technical University Total

1 4 0 1 2 0 7

2 1 1 1 5 0 S

3 0 2 5 3 0 10

4 4 1 6 6 0 17

I am positively convinced 5 15 9 9 14 0 47

for hydrogen energy safety 6 12 6 8 15 0 41

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7 15 7 8 10 0 40

8 9 12 9 12 1 43

9 10 2 7 4 0 23

10 7 8 2 5 0 22

Total 77 48 56 76 1 25S

Source: Survey performed by authors in March 2012, n = 258

Evaluation scale 0-10, where 0 - do not have information about issue, 1 fully disagree, 10 fully agree

All faculties represented have acknowledged that technology safety is not a main issue. The most concerning faculty can be considered Faculty of Biology still the results shows positive results. Overall the knowledge on hydrogen safety is sufficient for all respondents and they understand that hydrogen is a safe fuel when handled properly.


Combined hydrogen, heat and power system is designed for Academic Centre of Natural Sciences (the territory of new Campus of University of Latvia), based on DFC300 power station. Fuel supply to DFC300 is planned in three stages: 1) natural gas from city pipeline;

2) locally produced biogas mixed with natural gas from city pipeline; 3) only locally produced biogas mixed with synthesized on site methane.

Fuel cell power station as installed serves as the primary power source for Academic Centre of Natural Sciences, as an emergency power source for Academic Centre of Natural Sciences when the grid service is not online, as heat supplier to pre-heat the Academic Centre of Natural Sciences in winter season and hot water supplier to technical and service needs. Wind power and solar PV units are connected in grid and is powering electrolyser to generate additional hydrogen for CO2+H2 reactor to recover carbon dioxide from DFC300 exhaust.

Hydrogen has a potential becoming a key factor in driving energy system to a sustainable trajectory. Hydrogen usage in stationary and mobile applications without damaging emissions is highly regarded. By using hydrogen energy, the end user can contribute in maintaining long-term energy stability.

Public acceptance and knowledge expression is a substantial factor in order to implement renewable energy projects. Main results of survey show that majority of the respondents are very positive about renewable technology implementation idea in the University of Latvia Academic Centre Of Natural Sciences. Nevertheless many respondents are highly concerned about safety issues of the renewable energy technology. This means that safety education must be implemented and discussed more with society. As well as students and future students strongly agree that access to renewable energy technologies in the campus area during studies is an important part of student practical training. Students, academia as well as future students does support implementation of renewable technologies to improve the quality of learning, sustainable development of the university campus and green life style.


Authors J.D., I.D. acknowledge the financial support of the European Social Fund within the project "Support for Doctoral Studies at University of Latvia". All authors are grateful for the support from the National Program in Energy and Environment, Republic of Latvia.


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