RELIABILITY MAINTENANCE OF FUEL EQUIPMENT ON MARINE AND INLAND NAVIGATION VESSELS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Механика и машиностроение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по механике и машиностроению, автор научной работы — Sagin Arsenii Sergiyovich, Zablotskyi Yurii Victorovych

The article specifies requirements of Annex VI MARPOL for sulphur content in fuel. The reliability issues of internal combustion engine fuel equipment due to the use of fuel grades with low sulphur content are considered. Ways of improving the lubricating properties of fuel grades with low sulphur content are proposed.

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Section 3. Transport


Sagin Arsenii Sergiyovich, Postgraduate, National University Odessa Maritime Academy

Odessa, Ukraine E-mail: [email protected] Zablotskyi Yurii Victorovych, candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor National University Odessa Maritime Academy

Odessa, Ukraine E-mail: [email protected]


Abstract. The article specifies requirements of Annex VI MARPOL for sulphur content in fuel. The reliability issues of internal combustion engine fuel equipment due to the use of fuel grades with low sulphur content are considered. Ways of improving the lubricating properties of fuel grades with low sulphur content are proposed.

Keywords: Annex VI MARPOL, sulphur-containing fuels, fuel equipment reliability.

The importance of solving the task of ensuring means of special chemical additives. In the second environmental and energy efficiency of ship power (technical) one, there are several sophisticated meth-plants is determined by the requirements ofAnnex VI ods to reduce sulphur in fuel, e.g. based on the use MARPOL of International Maritime Organization of ultrasonic and electric fields, as well as hydrody-regulations MERS.203(62) and MERS.259(68) namic treatment. All that complicates processing of for new regulations on ship energy efficiency. These crude oil into fuel and considerably increases its prodocuments regulate permissible fuel grades and their duction and further operation costs [9-11]. These sulphur content [1; 2]. A vessel complies with envi- factors determine the urgency of the task associated ronmental requirements if it is fitted with an exhaust with increasing the wear resistance of high-pressure gas cleaning system (scrubber) [3-5] or if fuel with fuel pump parts, as well as reducing energy losses in a sulphur content not exceeding 0.5% (for special the components of diesel fuel equipment [12-14]. areas, not exceeding 0.1%) is used [6-8]. The use of low-sulphur fuel grades complicates

Heavy oil fuel remains the main energy carrier the operation of marine engines due to constant used in marine vessels. There are two basic types of fuel switching operations. Fuel grade switching is refuel sulphur reduction: chemical and technical. In quired when calling at ports and sailing in special ar-the first one the amount of sulphur is reduced by eas (Sulphur Emission Control Area - SECA). Fuels

with sulphur content not exceeding 0.1% must be used in these areas. Changing from one type of fuel (with sulphur content up to 0,5%) to another (with sulphur content up to 0,1% or sulphur-free) must be performed according to recommendations and requirements for fuel change with fuel exchange in all system components. This process may take from several hours to a day depending on the type of fuel system, fuel consumption and technical characteristics of the internal combustion engine. When leaving port and leaving special areas, the diesel engine must be changed back to fuel with high sulphur content.

All changes to different grades of fuel (due to different physical and chemical properties) are associated with a change in their operating temperature. For fuel with 0.5% sulphur content, the operating temperature is in the range 90-105 °C, and for distillate fuels (with sulphur content up to 0.1%) 30-40 °C. Frequent changes from heavy fuel to distillate fuel, the constant change of temperature modes adversely affect the engine life and durability offuel equipment, especially fuel pumps of high pressure. This leads to increased wear of fuel equipment parts, and also increases specific fuel consumption [15-17]. Consequently, low sulfur content in fuel adversely affects the performance and durability of fuel equipment, and together with frequent fuel changes significantly reduces its service life. All this prompts the search for a solution to the problems associated with a decrease in the motor life of diesel parts due to frequent fuel grade changes to grades with low sulfur content.

There are several ways of solving this problem. One of them is the use of special additives in fuels to improve the lubricating properties and technical condition of precision couples when operating at increased load and using fuels with low sulphur content [18; 19]. There is also a possibility of improving tribotechnical properties of fuels by adding vegetable oils to them [20; 21].

The principle of anti-wear additives is to form a solid film on the surface of the protected element. The film consists of products of mechanical and chemical

modifications of additive on metal surface. The way of its formation depends on the friction mode. In the liquid mode the effective adsorption (physical adsorption, chemisorption) of the additive, which improves the lubricating properties of fuel, is quite sufficient. The use of these additives, however, is associated with several complications. The first one is the surfactants themselves, specifics of their storage and further operation. The second one is expenses, the increase of which, in case of their use, makes this option financially expensive [22; 23].

Other possible options for improving tribotech-nical properties are the addition of mineral lubricants. Mostly the options offered are the addition of special oil. During each bunkering, oils are added to tanks with low-sulphur fuel in the ratio of 1:200. As a result, when such oil is added to low-sulphur fuel, its lubricating ability is improved [24-26].

One of the directions of increasing serviceability of friction units is the use of ultradispersed powders of soft metals in lubricating oils. The most widespread are powders of copper, and copper salts, which are introduced into lubricants [27-29].

Therefore, there is no single correct solution to these problems, but it is possible to use complex methods, which significantly improve performance and service life of fuel system parts.

As a result, the following conclusions can be drawn:

- Modern ecological requirements, which oblige to use low-sulphur fuel grades, frequent changes of fuel grades, necessity of maintenance of various temperature modes of fuel use, promote decrease in motor-resource of fuel equipment and lead to increase in expenses for vessels' operation;

- Several methods can be used to improve reliability of fuel equipment parts and reduce energy losses: dosing additives into fuel, use of surface-active substances, use of ultradispersed powders.

These methods are difficult to operate and their implementation in marine vessels is a lengthy process. However, with further consideration it is possible to find options that are cost effective and technically feasible.


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