UDK 81-13
Makhmudova N. R.
Ferghana State University Uzbekistan, Ferghana city RELEVANCE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY IN THE
Annotation: The article deals with the relevance of foreign language proficiency as one of the conditions for successful adaptation in the social space, and considers English as the most popular today. The authors talk about the reasons for learning foreign languages and the advantages that it gives in everyday and professional spheres.
Keywords: foreign language, means of communication, education, career building, professional activity.
At the same time, there is an increasing role played by foreign languages in influencing the minds and activities of people. It should also be borne in mind that knowledge of languages can play an important role and provide some advantages in personal and professional communication. As a result of world globalization and integration there has been a rapid increase in intercultural contacts in all spheres of our life: a large variety of situations of intercultural communication, such as school and University exchanges, training of scientists, international conferences, joint ventures, travel, exhibition, etc. Therefore, foreign language is one of the conditions of successful adaptation in the social space.
Knowledge of a foreign language is an integral part of the education of successful people. This item is now almost always can be found in the questionnaires of personnel departments of state and commercial organizations. Those who, in addition to the native language, knows at least one more, make a more favorable impression on employers. Personal and professional development of modern man cannot do without knowledge of foreign languages. The ability to communicate with representatives of different cultures contributes to the development of horizons and allows you to climb the career ladder, make useful acquaintances. Today, employers welcome knowledge of foreign languages.
The most popular at the moment is English. English is the language of international communication. It is the language of navigation, aviation, literature, education, modern music, international sports, tourism, programming. 75% of the world's correspondence is conducted in English, 60% of radio stations broadcast in English, more than half of the world's periodicals are published in English, 80% of the information is stored in this language. English is now the most widely spoken language in the world: more than 400 million people speak English. it is a native language, but the number of people who speak it as a foreign language is three times higher. However, in addition to English, some companies require knowledge of a second foreign language, such as German or French. Rating the most popular languages helps to determine which language is the most common in addition to
"MnpoBaH HayKa" №9(30) 2019 science-j.com
English. German is the second most popular language after English, as Germany today is one of the most economically stable countries. However, making a choice in favor of a particular language, a person must analyze whether it is really he needs. Today, many highly qualified specialists are required not only to have knowledge and experience in their professional activities, but also to speak a foreign language. For example, without knowledge of English it is difficult to be realized in the field of marketing and public relations. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of knowing a foreign language.
Most modern means of communication and communication are focused on people who are more or less fluent in the language. For example, in everyday life we often encounter English - Internet, music, annotations to foreign goods, the description of which in Russian is often stingy and does not always meet the requirements of the consumer, etc., now the influence of information technology in the working environment is very great, where knowledge of foreign languages helps to build a full and competent work. Since the twentieth century, the role of the English language has increased, as one of the indicators of success and education of a person, which directly entails its more intensive and deep teaching in most educational institutions of our country, in secondary and higher schools.
Students who speak English at a high level, in building their careers, are more likely to be able to implement the latest quality standards in the field of their professional activities. It is important not only to know English, but also to understand it, to be able to use the skills acquired in the process of studying it. Now the standards of modern education are aimed at preparing an educated, thinking and creatively developed person who is able to adapt to the modern socio-economic environment. "It is necessary to purposefully use the means and capabilities of a foreign language in the professional training of a specialist in order to form his communicative competence as a necessary component of the global strategy of personal and professional formation and development of the individual".
Many students spend more and more time studying not only English, but at least one or two foreign languages. You can find a combination of English, Spanish, German and Chinese. Also, knowledge of a foreign language can help to get education abroad. Such education can be both additional to the existing one and basic, directly related to the future professional activity. It is noted that students who are fluent in foreign languages are more actively involved in scientific work, are accepted into various student organizations, are trusted to represent the Institute at international conferences and allowed to participate in grants, which further allows them to receive financial support in the education system (which in the future may also affect their professional activities), which raises not only their authority, but also the authority of the University they represent.
Students with language skills have the opportunity of internships for programs that will help to acquire not only valuable experience, but also give the opportunity to become familiar with the foreign business, to learn about the latest developments and trends of interest to the sector, to improve the language and to expand knowledge about the culture of the country. Employers are interested in having as
"MnpoBaH HayKa" №9(30) 2019 science-j.com
their employees specialists who speak the language, regardless of the intensity of its use. Exception-rare professionals with extensive experience, but here the ideal is still a candidate who knows the language. The degree of language proficiency is an indicator of the level of education of a person and his prospects for the company. And the higher the position, the more serious the requirements for knowledge of the language.
Top management speaks English "by default", because it is an element of prestige, image. English - the working language of Pro-Western companies, it is all internal documentation, correspondence, meetings. In international companies, knowledge of a foreign language is a mandatory requirement for all specialists. Knowledge of English is one of the conditions of employment in companies operating in foreign markets or having foreign partners (and there are more and more of them in Russia). Moreover, such a requirement is put not only to candidates for" top " positions, but also to middle-level employees. In 30% of job advertisements, employers require candidates to speak basic, spoken or fluent English, depending on the position. Verification of this knowledge, as a rule, occurs already at the stage of consideration of the resume and the first interview. As for Russian organizations, many of them cooperate with foreign partners and also want their employees to know English. But it is worth noting that a limited number of Russian companies have positions that require a combination of professional education and active use of a foreign language. Language learning can be successful only when it is related to the business in which the person is engaged.
Analyzing various professional situations, the language learner masters a whole complex of words and expressions, which are combined into a group, so that each subsequent new expression is a natural consequence of the previous one. This allows a person to concentrate more deeply and fully on those aspects of the English language that reflect the specifics of his professional activity, so the learning process can be relatively simple, easy and specific.
1 .Sorokina N. I. communicative competence in professional training / / Agrarian education and science. - 2016. - No. 2. - P. 62.
2.10 most popular foreign languages in the world. URL: http: //www.openl anguage.ru
"Мировая наука" №9(30) 2019